VSM, and others, Dabolim Air Port, has applied on :ease nesday, in the· said form, place, time and purpose and still (aforamento) of a plot called "Uttar-Dhongor" belonging to it'fails:to meet, at the second time, it is aga1n convened
the Chicalim Comunidade, Survey No. 132 and 137, in an for the third time on 4th Sunday, in an ordinary form at area of 40.000 sq. metres for construction of "Joint Services the same place, time and for the same purpose.. Housing Society". The said plot is bounded on east by pro
The 20 major shareholders of the abovesaid Comunidade perty of Mr. Jose Rodrigues of Qhicalim, by west by proare also convened to meet on 4th Sunday, at 12.00 noon at perty of heir of Shri Eufemiano Alvares of Loutolim, on the same place, to give the opinion and consent to the matternorth by the properties belonging to Shri Manuel Azaredo deliberated by the said Comunidade.
and Shri Jose Rodrigues of Chicalim and Smt. Nma Alvares and heir of Eufemiano Alvares of Loutolim and south prO>Benaulim, 14th February, 1979. -The Clerk in Charge, perties belongmg to Shri Jose Rodrigues of Chicalim and P'I'abhacar G. N. Gauncar. Shri Eufemiano Alvares of Loutolim. -File No. 27/1977.-V. No. 6433/1979
12 The above Comunidade is hereby convened to meet in its Session Hall, on the third Sunday after the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette, at 11 a. m. in order to opine on the lease file No. 6/1975, whereIn Shri Francisquinho Fernandes de Agonda, has applied the land "Corquiamata or Dovornimola" in the area of 600 sq. metres, for construction of house.
3rd February, 1979. -The Clerk,
N a,ique De$sai.
V. No. 64:58
13 The extraordinary meeting of above ComUIlidade is called on 18-3-1979, at 10 a. m. in its Meeting Hall at Goltim, 'in order to diScuss and take'final decision on the matter of illegal cutting of one Jambulim tree and other forestproduct belonging to .this Comwiidade, existing in its reserved plot no. CXXIII, by one, Miss Olinda de Menezes of Goltim.
, Goltim; 9th February, 1979. -The Clerk, -Bhanudas N aik pessai.
V. No. 6481/1979
14 The above mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened for an extraordinary meeting at its Meeting Hall, at 10 a. m.; "on 25thM:arch next, in order to give its opinion on the file no. 163 of 1977, in which Jina Loximona Camble, resident of Pedem, Mapusa, has applied on lease as an appendage to his house, for the purpose of construction of garage, the uncultivated and unused plot of land named "Raincho Sorvo", situated at Pedem, Mapusa, and belonging to the above mentioned CoIriunidade, covering an area of 200 sq. mts., bounded on the east, west and south by the roads, and on the north by the "aforamento" of the applicant.
Mapusa, 14th February, 11179. -The Clerk, Visitacao Cristo
Rei Socorro Pereira. ---
V. No. 6482/1979
15 The above said Comunidade, is convened to meet at its meeting hall, in the Church of Chicalim village, at 3 p. m., on second Sunday of March coming, to give opinion on file No. 24 of 1978 in which"Xec Gaffur Lalasab Bepari, residing at Ambaji of' Margao, request a plot of land admeasuring 600 sq. metres, iri lote No. 13, on lease for construction of a house.
Chicalim, . 15th February, 1979. -The Clerk in charge,
"Sharatchandra Vitol Gauncar.
V. No. 6504/1979
16 The above mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened to meet in its Meeting Place, on 3rdSunday, after the publication of .this notice in the Official Gazette, at 11 a. m. in order to give its opinion on the file no. 51/1965, in which Dananjaia Esvonta Sirgaocar, resident at Chapora, Anjuna has applied on lease fOr construction of residential house, the uncultivated and unused plot of land named "Deuladj", talMo no. 194,'lote no. 469, situated at Chinvar of Anjuna, and belonging to this Comunidade, covering an ,area of 500 sq. metres. It is bounded on the east by talhiiono. 193, granted on lease to Batista Pereira, on the west by talhiio no. 195 granted' on lease to Tatu Custa Pedne:g.car, on the ,north by the reserved road and on the south by the road that leads to vagator.
Anjuna, 2nd February, 1979. -:-The Secretary, Vitoba' Sinai Priolcar.
V. -No. 6541/1979
17 The above Comunidade is hereby convened to meet -in its Session Hall on the third Sunday at 11 a. m., after the publication' of this notice in the Official Gazette in order to decide on the matter of granting on permanent 'lease the plot of land '!Delemvortimola", in the area of 600 sq.. metres, each applied by Smt. Apolonia de Sousa alias Apolonia Monteiro, and Chandrakant Bhicu Naik in the lease files nos. 53/1977 and 78/1972, respectively, for construction of house.
-Chaudi, 1st February, 1979. -The Clerk in charge, Xamba Xiva Naique Dessai.
V. No. 6543/1979
Private Advertisements
18 I, Babu Rog Xete s/o.' Babli Babu Rog Xete and Smt. Savitri Xete, aged 34 years, 'rio. Rumdawada, Jetty, Mormugao, Indian -national, do hereby solenmly affirm on oath and state as under:
That my name is registered in the Birth record as Babu Rog Xete s/o. Babli Babu Rog Xete and Smt. Savitri Xete. -~
That in the records of my employment my name is written as Babu Babli Shetker.
I say that the name Babu Rog Xete and Babu BabliShetker are my. 9wn names and they are of one and the same person.
That -this affidavit is required to produce to my employers to make correction in my name:
That the above particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and, belief.
Vasco da Gruna, 13-2-1~79. Sd/
tdentified by me: Deponent
Sd/-_ Sd/-
Ramakant R. Kudapker Executive Magistrate
M. M. Councillor Mormugao Taluka
Ward No. 11 Vasco-da-Gama 13-2-79
V. No. 6459/1979
19 Eugenia Edv:iges Xavier Dias widow of Assis Francisco Gregorio de Souza, rio Pahaji, announces for all tegal purposes that _she wishes to collect from the coffer of Comunidade of Renovadim, an amount less than 500/-rupees toward the Shares dividends for the years 1969 to 1975.
V. No. 6431/1979
20 Smt...Laxami Uttam Prabhu Dessai from Cotombi Wishes to collect from the Treasury of Comunidade of Cotombi, the sum of R.s. 118-76 dividend of the year 1977-78 and 1978-1979 belonging to her late husband Shri Uttam Venktesh Prabhu Dessai who was from the same place and invites claim within the legal period.
V. No. 6545/1979
21 Shri Deu Narayan Prabhu Desai from Cotombi, wishes to collect from the Treasury of Comunidade of Cotombi the sum ofRs. 92~38 of dividend of the year 1972 to 1978 belonging to his late father Narayan Prabhu Dessai who was from the same place and irivites claims withiri the legal period.
V. No. 6546/1979
GOVT. PRINTING PRESS -GOA (lmp:t:,ensa Naciimal -Goa) PRICE -Rs. 1-20 1>8.
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