The trade in recycled halons is also reported under Article 7. The records for 2006 to 2009 are presented in Table 1-4 in ODP tons, (not all 2009 figures have yet been reported to the Ozone Secretariat). As Article 5 countries were allowed to import newly produced halons, it should be expected that the amount of recycled halons traded by them would be limited. Now that halon production has ceased globally, the data reported for recycled halons will become very important in determining regional imbalances and demand. HTOC will continue to monitor these data.
The demand for new halons has been eliminated through the availability of substitute fire extinguishing agents and alternatives, and through halon recycling programs. Based on a review of the situation in a large number of the Parties, with the exception of aviation, it has been concluded that generally halons have been replaced by substitutes for all new applications where halons were traditionally used. However, the demand for recycled halons remains high for existing applications.
Table 1-3: Consumption of halons by non-producing Parties (ODP tons)