Click On The Open Document Icon Shown Below (It's at the top left of the screen) The following will appear
Change the folder if required
Click on the name of the file to open It will be highlighted
Click Open You Can Open More Than One Workbook At A Time
You can select and open as many files as you want in one go. To select more than one file, use either the shift key and click on the first then the last file, or the CTRL key and click on files individually. Alternatively, you can drag around the files to select a block.
Opening One Of The Last Files You Used
The File menu in Excel will display the last four files you have used. Simply click on the one you want to open
The menu Documents Option in Windows, will display the last 15 files you have used in any application. Again simply, click the name of the file you want to open it
Click on the first file and release your mouse pointer. Now hold down your SHIFT key and click on the last file in the list. All files in-between will be selected.
Files that are not next to each other in a list
Click on the first file and release your mouse pointer. Now hold down your CTRL key and click on the other file you wish to select and so on.
Copying Files Using the Open Dialog Box
In the Open Dialog box select the file(s) you wish to copy
Right-click over the file(s)
From the pull down menu choose copy
Using the Look in drop-down list choose the drive or folder you wish to copy to
Right click again and choose paste
Moving Files
In the Open Dialog box select the file(s) you wish to move
In the Open Dialog box select the file(s) you wish to copy to the floppy disk
Right-click over the file(s)
From the pull down menu choose Send to and then 3 1/2 floppy
You use the Favourites folder to store shortcuts to files and folders of interest. You can use a shortcut for quick access to the file without having to remember where the file is located.
To add a file or folder to the Favourites folder…
Select the file or folder you want a shortcut for
Click and then click Add Selected Item To Favourites.
To add a shortcut to the folder selected in the Look In box, click Add 'Look In' Folder To Favourites. To open a favourite file or folder…
Click and then double-click the shortcut or the filename or folder name.
Access the Web in the Open Dialog Box
Click on the Web Toolbar icon You will be connected to your internet browser