Hatfield marine science center station bibliography

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Hanna, Susan S. Managing the human and ecological interface: marine resources as example and laboratory. Ecosystems. 2001. v.4 (8):736-741.

Hanna, Susan S. 2001. Setting the fishery management stage: evolution of West Coast groundfish management [electronic resource]. In: R. S. Johnston and A. L. Shriver, ed. Microbehavior and Macroresults:Proceedings of the Tenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade. Held July 10-14, 2000. Corvallis, Oregon. International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade. Corvallis, Oregon. p.p. 4. http://oregonstate.edu/dept/iifet/2000/papers/hanna.pdf

Hanna, Susan S. 2001. Tradition and globalization: common property in theory and practice: the example of biodiversity protection in fisheries. In: ed. Tradition and Globalisation: Critical Issues for the Accommodation of CPRs in the Pacific Region, the Inaugural Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP), Brisbane, Australia, September 2-4, 2001. Held 2001. Brisbane, Australia. http://hdl.handle.net/10535/1237

Hanna, Susan S. More than meets the eye: the transaction costs of litigation. Ocean and Coastal Law Journal. 2001. v.7 (1):13-19.

Hanna, Susan S. Property rights and biodiversity. In: S. A. Levin, eds. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 2001. p.891-899.

Hanna, Susan S. 2002. The economics of fishery management: behavioral incentives and management costs. In: ed. Managing Marine Fisheries in the United States: Proceedings of the Pew Oceans Commission Workshop on Marine Fishery Management. Held July 18-21, 2001. Seattle, Washington. Pew Oceans Commission. Arlington, Virginia. p.40-44.

Hanna, Susan S. Transition in the American fishing commons: management problems and institutional design challenges. In: N. Dolsak and E. Ostrom, eds. The Commons in the New Millennium: Challenges and Adaptation. Cambridge, Massachusettes: MIT Press. (Politics, science, and the environment)2003. p.61-76. http://tinyurl.com/3sxbdqd

Hanna, Susan S. 2003. Improving effectiveness of the regional fishery management councils. In: ed. Workshop on Improving Regional Ocean Governance in the United States. Held December 9, 2002. Hotel Washington, Washington D.C. University of Delaware. Newark, Delaware. p.97-105.

Hanna, Susan S. The economics of co-management. In: D. C. Wilson; J. R. Nielsen and P. Degnbol, eds. The Fisheries Co-management Experience: Accomplishments, Challenges and Prospects. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic. (Fish and Fisheries Series)26. 2003. p.51-60.

Hanna, Susan S. The future of fisheries co-management. In: D. C. Wilson; J. R. Nielsen and D. P., eds. The Fisheries Co-management Experience: Accomplishments, Challenges and Prospects. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic. (Fish and Fisheries)26. 2003. p.309-319.

Hanna, Susan S. 2003. Institutional evolution in coastal zones: historical paths and contemporary redirection. In: ed. Proceedings of the conference on rights and duties in the coastal zone: a multidisciplinary scientific conference on sustainable coastal zone management. Stockholm, Sweden. June 12–14, 2003. Held June 12-14, 2003. Stockholm, Sweden. p.1-19.

Hanna, Susan S. 2004. Educating U.S. fishery managers and policy makers: the problem of incentives [electronic resource]. In: ed. Fisheries in the Global Economy: Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade. Held August 19-22, 2002. Wellington, New Zealand. International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET ). Corvallis, Oregon.

Hanna, Susan S. 2004. The economics of protected areas in marine fisheries management: an overview of the issues. In: J. B. Shipley, ed. Aquated Protected Areas as Fisheries Management Tools: Proceedings of the American Fisheries Society / Sea Grant Symposium Aquatic Protected Areas as Fisheries Management Tools. Held 11-12 August, 2003. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD. p.259-265.

Hanna, Susan S. Economic social science and ecosystem-based management. Ecosystem Social Science Workshop: Final Report. 2006.38-41. http://www.wpcouncil.org/documents/FinalWPRFMCSocialScienceEcosystemReport.pdf

Hanna, Susan S. Implementing effective regional ocean governance: perspectives from economics. Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2006. v.15:101-112.

Hanna, Susan S. Will structural reform fix fishery management? Commission policy recommendations and the U.S. regional fishery management council system. Bulletin of Marine Science. 2006. v.78 (3):547-562.

Hanna, Susan S. Institutions for Managing Resilient Salmon (Oncorhynchus Spp.) Ecosystems: the Role of Incentives and Transaction Costs. Ecology and Society. 2008. v.13 (2):Art. 35. http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol13/iss2/art35/

Hanna, Susan S. Evolution of property rights: lessons of process and potential for Pacific Northwest recreational fisheries. In: D. R. Leal and V. Maharaj, eds. Evolving approaches to managing marine recreational fisheries. Lanham, MD: Lexington 2009. 1 p.p 3-21.

Hanna, Susan S. 2009. Sustaining salmon fisheries: the challenge of collaborative management. In: C. C. Krueger and C. Zimmerman, eds., ed. Pacific Salmon: Ecology and Management of Western Alaska's Populations. Held Feb 6-9, 2007. Anchorage, Alaska. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD. 70.p.1199-1215.

Hanna, Susan S. 2010. Managing the transition: distributional issues of fish stock rebuilding. In: A. Cox, ed. The economics of rebuilding fisheries: workshop proceedings. Held May 21-22, 2010. Newport, R.I. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Committee for Fisheries. Paris. p.Ch. 6, 141-166.

Hanna, Susan S.; Blough, H.; Allen, R.; Iudicello, S.; Matlock, G. and McCay, B. 2000. Fishing Grounds: Defining a New Era for American Fisheries Management. H.John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics, and the Environment

Island Press. Washington, D.C.

Hanna, Susan S. and Hall-Arber, M. 2000. Change and Resilience in Fishing. Oregon Sea Grant, Oregon State University. Corvallis, Oregon.

Hanna, Susan S.; Portland State University and Henry M. Jackson Foundation. 2000. Designing institutions for Columbia River salmon: identifying the key uncertainties. In: P. Koss and M. Katz, ed. What We Don't Know About Pacific Northwest Fish Runs: an Inquiry into Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Proceedings of the Portland State University Salmon Symposium. Held July 7-8, 2000

Portland, Oregon. Portland State University. Portland, Oregon. p.77-90.

Hanna, Susan S. and Smith, C.L. Attitudes of trawl vessel captains about work, resource use, and fishery management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 1993. v.13:367-375. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/25127

Hanna, Susan S.; Sylvia, Gilbert ; Harte, M. and Achterman, G. Review of Economic Literature and Recommendations for Improving Economic Data and Analysis for Managing Columbia River Spring Chinook: A Report to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW Agreement No. 005-4132S-Wild). In: Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon State University. Corvallis, Oregon, USA: 2006. http://www.dfw.state.or.us/agency/commission/minutes/06/jan/E_7_CR%20Salmon%20Econ%20Draft%20Report%20%20Final.pdf

Hanna, Susan S.; Sylvia, Gilbert; Thompson, E.; Young, R. and Economic Subcommittee-Scientific and Statistical Committee of PFMC Overcapitalization in the West Coast Groundfish Fishery: Background, Issues, and Solutions. In: Pacific Fishery Management Council. Portland, OR: 2000. 82. 185. http://www.pcouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/sscovercap0300.pdf

Hannach, G. and Sigleo, Anne C. Photoinduction of UV-absorbing compounds in six species of marine phytoplankton. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 1999. v.174:207-222.

Hannah, Robert W. Influence of environmental variation and spawning stock levels on recruitment of Ocean Shrimp (Pandalus jordani). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1993. v.50 (3):612-622.

Hannah, Robert W. Variation in geographic stock area, catchability, and natural mortality of ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani): some new evidence for a trophic interaction with Pacific hake (Merluccius productus). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1995. v.52 (5):1018-1029.

Hannah, Robert W. Evaluation of Methods Used to Estimate Geographic Stock Area for Ocean Shrimp (Pandalus jordani) from Logbook Data. In: Information reports / Fish Division, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Fish Division. Portland, OR: 1997. 17.

Hannah, Robert W. Spatial changes in trawl fishing effort in response to foot rope diameter restrictions in the U.S. West Coast bottom trawl fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 2003. v.23 (2):693-702. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/23161

Hannah, Robert W. Use of a pre-recruit abundance index to improve forecasts of ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) recruitment from environmental models. In: J. N. Heine, eds. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports (CalCOFI). La Jolla, CA: Californai Department of Fish and Game; University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service. v.51. 2010. p.119-127. http://calcofi.org/publications/calcofireports/v51/Vol51_Hannah_pg119-127.pdf

Hannah, Robert W. and Blume, Matthew T.O. Maturity of female quillback (Sebastes maliger) and china rockfish (S. nebulosus) from Oregon waters based on histological evaluation of ovaries. In: Information Reports: Fish Division. no. 2011-01. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Resources Program. Salem, OR: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; 2011. 32. http://www.dfw.state.or.us/MRP/publications/docs/Quillback%20china%20RF%20maturity.pdf

Hannah, Robert W.; Blume, Matthew T.O. ; Thompson, Josie and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Length and age at maturity of female yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes rubberimus) and cabezon (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus) from Oregon waters based on histological evaluation of maturity. In: Information reports / Fish Division, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife,. Corvallis: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; 2009. No. 2009-04 https://nrimp.dfw.state.or.us/CRL/Reports/Info/INFO200904%20(2).pdf

Hannah, Robert W.; Buell, Troy V.; Blume, Matthew T.O. and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Reducing bycatch in Oregon's recreational groundfish fishery: experimental results with angling gear configured to increase bait height above bottom. In: Information reports / Fish Division, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Corvallis: 2008. http://www.dfw.state.or.us/mrp/publications/INFOrpt200803_long_leader.pdf

Hannah, Robert W.; Gove, N. and Parker, Steven J. Effectiveness of selective flatfish trawls in the 2005 U.S. west coast groundfish trawl fishery. In: Information reports (Oregon. Fish Division). 2007-05. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Resources Program. Newport, OR: 2007. 17.

Hannah, Robert W. and Jones, Stephen A. Fishery-induced changes in the population structure of pink shrimp Pandalus jordani. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 1991. v.89:41-51.

Hannah, Robert W. and Jones, Stephen A. Bycatch reduction in an ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) trawl from a simple modification to the trawl footrope. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science. 2001. v.27:227-234.

Hannah, Robert W. and Jones, Stephen A. Measuring the height of the fishing line and its effect on shrimp catch and bycatch in an ocean shrimp. Fisheries Research. 2003. v.60 (2-3):427-438.

Hannah, Robert W. and Jones, Stephen A.5 A Survey of Shrimp Abundance, Sex Composition, Bycatch and Trawl Gear Perfomance on the Northern Oregon Shrimp Grounds--Fall 2004. In: Information Report. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Newport, OR: 2005.

Hannah, Robert W. and Jones, Stephen A. Effectiveness of bycatch reduction devices (BRDs) in the ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) trawl fishery. Fisheries Research. 2007. v.85 (1-2):217-225. http://0-www.sciencedirect.com.oasis.oregonstate.edu/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6T6N-4N5CX4W-1-1&_cdi=5035&_user=576687&_orig=browse&_coverDate=06%2F30%2F2007&_sk=999149998&view=c&wchp=dGLzVzz-zSkWz&md5=07881f9b3e6eba15c37d5017d22ac9d2&ie=/sdarticle.pdf

Hannah, Robert W.; Jones, Stephen A. and Hoover, Vicki J.* Evaluation of Fish Excluder Technology to Reduce Finfish Bycatch in the Ocean Shrimp Trawl Industry. In: Information reports / Fish Division, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Fish Division, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Portland, OR: 1996. 46.

Hannah, Robert W.; Jones, Stephen A. and Krutzikowsky, Vicki Hoover* Total Catch, Fishing Effort and Age and Sex Composition of the Catch, by Area for the Ocean Shrimp (Pandalus jordani) Trawl Fishery, 1980-95. In: Pink Shrimp Data Series Report. Oregon Deptartment of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Region. Newport, OR: 1997.

Hannah, Robert W.; Jones, Stephen A. and Long, Michele R. Fecundity of the ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1995. v.52 (10):2098-2107.

Hannah, Robert W.; Jones, Steve A. and Matteson, eith. M. Observations of fish and shrimp behavior in ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) trawls. In: Information Report. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Resources Program. Salem, OR: 2003.

Hannah, Robert W. ; Jones, Stephen A.; Miller, William and Knight, J. S. Effects of trawling for ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) on macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity at four sites near Nehalem Bank, Oregon. Fishery Bulletin. 2010. v.108 (1):30-38.

Hannah, Robert W. and Matteson, Keith M. Behavior of nine species of Pacific rockfish after hook-and-line capture, recompression, and release. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 2007. v.136 (1):24-33. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/23164

Hannah, Robert W. and Parker, Steven J. Use of An Exempted Fishing Permit to Test a Discard Reduction Strategy for the Deepwater Complex Trawl Fishery. In: Information Reports/ Fish Division, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, marine Resources Program. Newport, OR: 2004. 18. http://www.dfw.state.or.us/MRP/publications/2004-03.pdf

Hannah, Robert W. and Parker, Steven J. Age-modulated variation in reporductive development of female Pacific ocean perch (Sebaster alutus) in waters off Oregon. Biology, assessment, and management of North Pacific rockfishes :23rd Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium : proceedings of the symposium Biology, Assessment, and Management of North Pacific Rockfishes, September 13-15, 2005, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. 2005


Hannah, Robert W.; Parker, Steven J. and Buell, Troy V. Evaluation of a selective flatfish trawl and diel variation in rockfish catchability as bycatch reduction tools in the deepwater complex fishery off the US West coast. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 2005. v.25 (2):581-593. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/23148

Hannah, Robert W.; Parker, Steven J. and Fruh, Erica L. Length and age at maturity of female petrale sole (Eopsetta jordani) determined from samples collected prior to spawning aggregation. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 2002. v.100 (4):711-719.

Hannah, Robert W.; Parker, Steven J. and Matteson, Keith M. Escaping the surface: the effect of capture depth on submergence success of surface-released Pacific rockfish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 2008. v.28 (3):694-700. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/23158

Hannah, Robert W. ; Rankin, Polly S. ; Penny, A. N. and Parker, Steven J. . Physical model of the development of external signs of barotrauma in Pacific rockfish. Aquatic Biology. 2008 v.3 (3):291-296. 10.3354/ab00088. http://www.int-res.com/articles/ab2008/3/b003p291.pdf

Hannah, Robert W. and Richmond, N.T. Weight change of pink shrimp Pandalus jordani, after commercial harvest and handling. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 1993. v.91 (4):804-807.

Hansen, Andrew J. and diCastri, F. Ecotones: what and why? Biology International. 1988. v.Special Issue #17:9-46.

Hansen, Andrew J.; diCastri, F. and Risser, P.G. Ecotones in a changing environment: the theory and management of landscape boundaries. Biology International. 1988. v.Special Issue #17:137-161.

Hansen, Andrew J.; Peterson, J.A. and Horvath, Eric G. Responses of vertebrates to stand and edge type in managed forests of the Oregon Coast Range. Northwest Environmental Journal. 1990. v.6:418-419.

Hansen, Andrew J.; Spies, T.A.; Swansen, F.J. and Ohmann, J.L. Conserving biodiversity in managed forests. Bioscience. 1991. v.41 (6):382-392.

Hansen, Andrew J.; Urban, D.L.; Garman, S.L.; Noon, B.R. and McComb, W.C. Responses of wildlife habitats to forest management and climate change: a modeling approach. Northwest Environmental Journal. 1990. v.6:419-420.

Hansen, Gayle I. Josephine Tilden (1869-1957). In: D. Garbary and M. J. Wynne, eds. Prominent Phycologists of the 20th Century. Hantsport, Nova Scotia: Lancelot Press Ltd. 1996. p.184-193.

Hansen, Gayle I. T. Kaye, eds. 1997. A revised checklist and preliminary assessment of the macrobenthic marine algae and seagrasses of Oregon. Held 1995. LaSells Stewart Center, Oregon State University. Native Plant Society of Oregon. p. 23. http://www.algaebase.org/pdf/AC100CF00c4ea228D8IOw3C6B134/oregon_algae_1_1997.pdf

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