Hatfield marine science center station bibliography

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Kasornchandra, Jiraporn*; Lannan, Catherine N.; Rohovec, J.S. and Fryer, J.L. J. L. Fryer, eds. 1991. Characterization of a rhabdovirus isolated from the snakehead fish (Ophicephalus striatus). Held July 29-31, 1991. Corvallis, Oregon. OSU Press. IV A. 175-182.

Kavanaugh, Maria T.*. Phytoplankton shading of marine benthic macrophytes: implications for intertidal community structure. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University (Zoology). 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/1357

Kawaguchi, S. and Peterson, William T. . Krill biology and ecology [editorial]. Deep-Sea Research Part II -Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2010. v.57 (7-8):494-495. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.10.001.

Kean-Howie, J. C. ; Castell, J. D. ; Ackman, R.G.; O'Dor, R. K. and Langdon, Christopher J. New techniques for the study of molluscan nutrition. Bulletin (Aquaculture Association of Canada). 1994. (94-2)

Keister, J. E. ; Cowles, T.J.; Peterson, William T. and Morgan, Cheryl A. Do upwelling filaments result in predictable biological distributions in coastal upwelling ecosystems? Progress in Oceanography. 2009. v.83 (1-4):303-313. 10.1016/j.pocean.2009.07.042.

Keister, J.E.; Di Lorenzo, E.; Morgan, Cheryl A.; Combes, V. and Peterson, William T. Zooplankton species composition is linked to ocean transport in the northern California Current. Global Change Biology. 2011. v.17 (7):2498–2511. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02383.x.

Keister, Julie E.*; Houde, E.D. and Breitburg, D.L. Effects of bottom-layer hypoxia on abundances and depth distributions of organisms in Patuxent River, Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2000. v.205:45-59.

Keister, Julie E.*; Johnson, T. B.; Morgan, Cheryl A. and Peterson, William T. Biological indicators of the timing and direction of warm-water advection during the 1997/1998 El Niño off the central Oregon coast, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2005. v.295:43-48. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/26294

Keister, Julie E.* and Peterson, William T. Zonal and seasonal variations in zooplankton community structure off the Central Oregon Coast, 1998-2000. Progress in Oceanography. 2003. v.57 (3-4):341-361.

Keister, J.E.; Peterson, William T. and Pierce, S.D. Zooplankton distribution and cross-shelf transfer of carbon in an area of complex mesoscale circulation in the northern California Current. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2009 v.56 (2):212-231.

Keller, A.A.; Fruh, Erica L. ; Johnson, Melanie M.; Simon, V. and McGourty, Catherine Distribution and abundance of anthropogenic marine debris along the shelf and slope of the US West Coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2010. v.60 (5):692-700.

Keller, A.A.; Horness, B.H.; Simon, V.H.; Tuttle, Vanessa J.; Wallace, J.R.; Fruh, Erica L.; Bosley, Keith L.; Kamikawa, Daniel J. and Buchanan, John C. The 2004 U.S. West Coast bottom trawl survey of groundfish resources off Washington, Oregon, and California : estimates of distribution, abundance, and length composition. In: NOAA technical memorandum NMFS-NWFSC. 87. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science Center. Seattle, WA: 2007. 134. http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/assets/25/6656_01152008_153323_GroundfishSurvey2004TM87FinalSA.pdf

Keller, A. A.; Simon, V.; Chan, F.; Wakefield, W. Waldo ; Clarke, M. E.; Barth, J. A.; Kamikawa, Daniel and Fruh, Erica L. . Demersal fish and invertebrate biomass in relation to an offshore hypoxic zone along the US West Coast. Fisheries Oceanography. 2010. v.19 (1):76-87. 10.1111/j.1365-2419.2009.00529.x.

Keller, A.A.; Simon, V.H.; Horness, B.H.; Wallace, J.R.; Tuttle, Vanessa J.; Fruh, Erica L.; Bosley, Keith L.; Kamikawa, Daniel J. and Buchanan, John C. The 2003 U.S. West Coast bottom trawl survey of groundfish resources off Washington, Oregon, and California : estimates of distribution, abundance, and length composition. In: NOAA technical memorandum NMFS-NWFSC. 86. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science Center. Seattle, WA: 2007. 130. http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/assets/25/6719_01082008_151554_GroundfishSurvey2003TM86FinalSA.pdf

Keller, R. A.; Graham, D. W.; Farley, K. A.; Duncan, R. A. and Lupton, John E. Cretaceous-to-recent record of elevated He-3/He-4 along the hawaiian-emperor volcanic chain. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 2004. v.5:Q12L05. doi: 10.1029/2004GC000739

Kelley, D. S.; Lilley, M. D.; Lupton, John E. and Olson, E. J. Enriched H (sub 2) , CH (sub 4) , and (super 3) He concentrations in hydrothermal plumes associated with the 1996 Gorda Ridge eruptive event. Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 1998. v.45 (12):2665-2682.

Kellner, Laurel A. *. A toolbox for sustaining working waterfronts; assessing applications in Newport, Oregon. Master's Research Paper. Corvallis: Oregon State University. (Marine Resource Management ). 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/12506

Kelly, Elizabeth G. and Forsman, E. D. Recent records of hybridization between Barred Owls (Strix varia) and Northern Spotted Owls (S. occidentalis caurina). Auk. 2004. v.121 (3):806-810.

Kemp, Paul F.*. Dispersion of the sandy-beach amphipod Eohaustorius brevicuspis Bosworth. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Oceanography). 1979.

Kemp, Paul F.*. Life history, production, and food resources of the deposit-feeding polychaete Euzonus mucronata (Treadwell) on an Oregon coastal sand beach. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Oceanography). 1985.

Kemp, Paul F.*; Cole, Faith A. and Swartz, Richard C. Life history and productivity of the phoxocephalid amphipod, Rhepoxynius abronius. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 1983. v.5 (3):449-464.

Kemp, Paul F. and Swartz, Richard C. Acute toxicity of interstitial and particle-bound cadmium to a marine infaunal amphipod. Marine Environmental Research. 1988. v.26:135-153.

Kemp, Paul F.*; Swartz, Richard C. and Lamberson, Janet O. Response of the phoxocephalid amphipod, Rhepoxynius abronius, to a small oil spill in Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Estuaries. 1986. v.9 (4B):340-347.

Kendall, A.W.; Jennings, C.D; Beasley, Thomas M.*; Carpenter, R. and Somayajulu, B.L.K. Discovery of a cluster of unhatched fish eggs (probably of a zoarcid in the genus Bothrocara) buried 10-12 centimeters deep in continental slope sediments off Washington State, U.S.A. Marine Biology. 1983. v.75 (2/3):193-199.

Kent, M.L.; Watral, Virginia G.; Dawe, S.C.; Reno, Paul W.; Heidel, J.R. and Jones, S.R.M. Ichthyophonus and Mycobacterium-like bacterial infections in commercially important rockfish, Sebastes spp., in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Fish Diseases. 2001. v.24 (7):427-431.

Kentula, M. E. and DeWitt, Theodore H. Abundance of seagrass, Zostera marina L., and macroalgae in relation to the salinity-temperature gradient in Yaquina Bay, Oregon, USA. Estuaries. 2003. v.26 (4B):1130-1141.

Kim, G.Y.; Park, Jae W. and Yoon, Won B. Rheology and texture properties of surimi gels. Surimi and Surimi Seafood. 2005. (142):491-582.

Kim, J.; Schnee, R. and Park, Jae W. . Chemical and functional properties of various blends of phosphates. Journal of food quality. 2009. v.32 (4):504-521.

Kim, J.M.; Liu, C.H.; Eun, J.B.; Park, Jae W.; Oshimi, R.; Hayashi, K.; Ott, B.; Aramaki, T.; Sekine, M.; Horikita, Y.; Fujimoto, K.; Aikawa, T.; Welch, L. and Long, R. Surimi from fillet frames of channel catfish. Journal of Food Science. 1996. v.61 (2):428-431.

Kim, J.S. and Park, Jae W. Characterization of acid-soluble collagen from Pacific whiting surimi processing by-products. Journal of Food Science. 2004. v.69 (8):C367-42.

Kim, Jin Soo and Park, Jae W. Partially purified collagen from refiner discharge of Pacific whiting surimi processing. Journal of Food Science. 2005. v.70 (8):C511-C518.

Kim, Jin Soo and Park, Jae W. Mince from seafood processing by-product and surimi as food ingredients. Maximising the Value of Marine By-Products. 2007.196-228.

Kim, Shin-Hee**. Identification of bacteria crucial to histamine formation and monitoring their occurrence and histamine accumulation in scombroid fish. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Food Science and Technology). 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/25939

Kim, Shin-Hee**; An, Haejung and Price, R. J. Histamine formation and bacterial spoilage of albacore harvested off the U.S. northwest coast. Journal of Food Science. 1999. v.64 (2):340-343.

Kim, Shin-Hee**; An, Haejung; Wei, C.I.; Visessanguan, Wonnop**; Benjakul, Sootawat*; Morrissey, Michael T.; Su, Yi-Cheng. and Pitta, T.P. Molecular detectionof a histamine former, Morganella morganii, in albacore, mackerel, sardine, and a processing plant. Journal of Food Science. 2003. v.68 (2):453-457.

Kim, Shin-Hee**; Ben-Gigirey, B.; Barros-Valazquez, J.; Price, R. J. and An, Haejung. Histamine and biogenic amine production by Morganella morganii isolated from temperature-abused albacore. Journal of Food Protection. 2000. v.63 (2):244-251.

Kim, Shin-Hee**; Field, K.A.; Morrissey, Michael T.; Price, R. J.; Wei, C.I. and An, Haejung. Source and identification of histamine-producing bacteria from fresh and temperature-abused albacore. Journal of Food Protection. 2001. v.64 (7):1035-1044.

Kim, Shin-Hee**; Price, R.J.; Morrissey, Michael T.; Field, K.G.; Wei, C.I. and An, Haejung. Occurrence of histamine-forming bacteria in albacore and histamine accumulation in muscle at ambient temperature. Journal of Food Science. 2002. v.67 (4):1515-1521.

Kim, Shin-Hee**; Price, R. J.; Morrissey, Michael T.; Field, K.G.; Wei, C.I. and An, Haejung. Histamine production by Morganella morganii in mackerel, albacore, mahi-mahi, and salmon at various storage temperatures. Journal of Food Science. 2002. v.67 (4):1522-1528.

Kim, Young Sin**; Park, Jae W. and Choi, Y. J. New approaches for the effective recovery of fish proteins and their physicochemical characteristics. Fisheries Science. 2003. v.69 (6):1231-1239.

Kim, Young Sin**; Yongsawatdigul, Jirawat**; Park, Jae W. and Thawornshinsombut, Supawan**. Characteristics of sarcoplasmic proteins and their interaction with myofibrillar proteins. Journal of Food Biochemistry. 2005. v.29 (5):517-532.

Kim, Young W.**. Physicochemical characteristics of fish myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins treated at various pH conditions. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Food Science and Technology). 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/27189

King, C.A.; Langdon, Christopher J. and Counts, C.L. III. Spawning and early development of Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia:Corbiculidae) in laboratory culture. American Malacological Bulletin. 1986. v.4 (1):81-88.

King, S. E. ; Hannah, Robert W.; Parker, Steven J.; Matteson, Keith M. and Berkeley, Steven A. Protecting rockfish through gear design: development of a selective flatfish trawl for the U.S. west coast bottom trawl fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2004. v.61 (3):487-496.

Kjeldsen, Chris K.*. Effects of variations in salinity and temperature on some estuarine macro-algae. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Botany). 1967.

Klesk, Keith*; Yongsawatdigul, Jirawat**; Park, Jae W.; Viratchakul, S. and Virulhakul, P. Gel forming ability of tropical tilapia surimi as compared with Alaska Pollock and Pacific Whiting Surimi. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 2000. v.9 (3):91-104.

Klinck, Holger ; Kindermann, L. and Mellinger, David K. Screening large data sets and real-time data streams for bioacoustic signals[abstract]. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2009. v.125 (4):2587-2587.

Klinck, Holger and Mellinger, David K. The energy ratio mapping algorithm: a tool to improve the energy-based detection of odontocete echolocation clicks. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2011. v.129 (4):1807-1812. doi: 10.1121/1.3531924. http://link.aip.org/link/doi/10.1121/1.3531924

Klinck, Holger; Mellinger, David K; Klinck, Karolin; Hager, Julia; Kindermann, L. and Boebel, O. Long-range underwater vocalizations of the crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophaga). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2010. v.128 (1):474-479. doi:10.1121/1.3442362.

Koike, Bruce G.*. Epidermal tumors on juvenile English sole (Parophrys vetulus) from Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Fisheries). 1988.

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