Hatfield marine science center station bibliography

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Murray, Thomas F.; Mpitsos, George J.; Siebenaller, Joseph F. and Barker, David L. Stereoselective L-[3H]Quinuclidinyl benzilate-binding sites in nervous tissue of Aplysia californica: evidence for muscarinic receptors. Journal of Neuroscience. 1985. v.15 (12):3184-3188.

Murray, Thomas F.; Revuelta, A.V. and Cheney, D.L. Modulation of cholinergic dynamics in the rat brain by levonantradol and 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. In: I. Hanin, eds. Dynamics of neurotransmitter function. New York, New York: Raven Press. 1984. p.81-89.

Murray, Thomas F. and Siebenaller, Joseph F. Comparison of the binding of properties of A1 adenosine receptors in brain membranes of two congeneric marine fishes living at different depths. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 1987. v.157:267-277.

Murray, Thomas F.; Sylvester, D.; Schultz, C.S. and Szot, Patricia. Purinergic modulation of the siezure threshold for pentyenetetrazol in the rat. Neuropharmacology. 1985. v.24 (8):761-766.

Musick, J.A.; Harbin, M.M.; Berkeley, Steven A.; Burgess, G.H.; Eklund, A.M.; Findley, L.; Gilmore, R.G.; Golden, James T.*; Ha, D.S.; Huntsman, G.R.; McGovern, J.C.; Parker, Steven J. ; Poss, S.G.; Sala, E.; Schmidt, T.W.; Sedberry, G.R.; Weeks, Harold J. and Wright, S.G. Marine, estuarine, and diadromous fish stocks at risk of extinction in North America (exclusive of salmonids). Fisheries. 2000. v.25 (11):6-30. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/25681

Myers, Katherine W. W.*. An investigation of the utilization of four study areas in Yaquina Bay, Oregon, by hatchery and wild juvenile salmonids. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Fisheries and Wildlife). 1980. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/7364

Myers, M. S. ; Johnson, L. L. ; Olson, O. P. ; Stehr, C. M. ; Horness, B. H. ; Collier, T. K. and McCain, Bruce B. Toxicopathic hepatic lesions as biomarkers of chemical contaminant exposure and effects in marine bottomfish species from the Northeast and Pacific Coasts, USA. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 1999. v.37 (1-2):92-113.

Napp, J. M.; Baier, C.T.; Brodeur, Richard D.; Coyle, K.O.; Shiga, N. and Mier, K. Interannual and decadal variability in zooplankton communities of the southeast Bering Sea shelf. Deep Sea Research part II:Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2002. v.49 (26):5991-6008.

Narum, S. R.; Banks, Michael A.; Beacham, T. D.; Bellinger, M. Renee; Campbell, M. R.; Dekoning, J.; Elz, A.; Guthrie, C. M.; Kozfkay, C.; Miller, K. M.; Moran, P.; Phillips, R.; Seeb, L. W.; Smith, C. T.; Warheit, K.; Young, S. F. and Garza, J. C. Differentiating salmon populations at broad and fine geographical scales with microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms. Molecular Ecology. 2008 v.17 (15):3464-3477. 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2008.03851.x.

Nasby-Lucas, Nicole M.*; Embley, Robert W.; Hixon, M.A.; Merle, Susan G.; Tissot, B. N. and Wright, D. J. Integration of submersible transect data and high-resolution multibeam sonar imagery for a habitat-based groundfish assessment of Heceta Bank, Oregon. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 2002. v.100 (4):739-751.

Naughton, M.B.; Pitkin, David S.; Lowe, Roy W.; So, Khemarith J. and Strong, C.S. Catalog of Oregon seabird colonies. Biological technical publication. 2007. (BTP-R1009-2007):479.

Navarrete, Sergio A.*. Effects of interactions between predators, variable predation regimes, and species body size on rocky intertidal communities : comparative and experimental approaches. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Zoology). 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/14234

Nebeker, A.V.; Onjukka, S.T.; Stevens, D.G. and Chapman, Gary A. Effect of low dissolved oxygen on aquatic life stages of the caddisfly Clistoronia magnifica (Limnephilidae). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1996. v.31 (4):453-458.

Nebeker, A.V.; Onjukka, S.T.; Stevens, D.G.; Chapman, Gary A. and Dominguez, S.E. Effects of low dissolved oxygen on survival, growth and reproduction of Daphnia, Hyalella and Gammarus. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1992. v.11 (3):373-379.

Nebeker, A.V.; Steinchfielld, A.; Savonen, C. and Chapman, Gary A. Effects of copper, nickle, and zinc on three species of Oregon fresh water snails. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1986. v.5 (9):807-811.

Nedimovic, M.R.; Bohnenstiehl, D.R.; Carbotte, S.M.; Canales, J.P. and Dziak, Robert P. Faulting and hydration of the Juan de Fuca plate system. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2009. v.284 (1-2):94-102. 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.04.013.

Nelson, S. Kim.*. Habitat use and densities of cavity-nesting birds in the Oregon Coast Range. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Wildlife Science). 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/7742

Nelson, Walter G. Conceptual framework for a review of research needs for development of national water quality criteria protective of seagrasses. In: W. G. Nelson, eds. Seagrasses and protective criteria: a review and assessment of research status. Newport, OR: Office of Research and Development National Health and Environmental Effect Research. EPA/600/R-09/050. 2009. 1 p.Chapter 1, p. 1.1 - 1.12. http://www.epa.gov/wed/pages/publications/authored/Seagrasses%20and%20Protective%20Criteria%20EPA600R-09050.pdf

Nelson, Walter G. The interaction of epiphytes with seagrasses under nutrient enrichment. In: W. G. Nelson, eds. Seagrasses and protective criteria: a review and assessment of research status. Newport, OR: Office of Research and Development National Health and Environmental Effect Research. EPA/600/R-09/050. 2009. 7 p.Chapter 7, p. 7.1 - 7.23. http://www.epa.gov/wed/pages/publications/authored/Seagrasses%20and%20Protective%20Criteria%20EPA600R-09050.pdf

Nelson, Walter G. Research gaps in relation to setting protective criteria. In: W. G. Nelson, eds. Seagrasses and protective criteria: a review and assessment of research status. Newport, OR: Office of Research and Development National Health and Environmental Effect Research. EPA/600/R-09/050. 2009. 11 p.Chapter 11, p.11.1 - 11.5. http://www.epa.gov/wed/pages/publications/authored/Seagrasses%20and%20Protective%20Criteria%20EPA600R-09050.pdf

Nelson, Walter G. . Estuarine ecosystem services. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Washinton, DC. EPA/600/F-09/006, 2009.

Nelson, Walter G.; Brock, R.; Lee, Henry II; Lamberson, Janet O. and Cole, Faith Condition of estuaries and bays of Hawaii for 2002: a statistical summary. In: Office of Research and Development, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory. Newport, OR: 2007. EPA/620-R-07/001. 157. http://www.epa.gov/wed/pages/publications/authored/EPA620R-07001ConditionOfEstuariesNelson.pdf

Nelson, Walter G. and Brown, Cheryl A. Use of probability-based sampling of water-quality indicators in supporting development of quality criteria. Ices Journal of Marine Science. 2008 v.65 (8):1421-1427. 10.1093/icesjms/fsn158.

Nelson, Walter G.; Hyland, J.L.; Lee II, Henry ; Cooksey, C.L.; Lamberson, Janet O.; Cole, Faith and Clinton, Patrick J. Ecological condition of coastal ocean waters along the U.S. western continental shelf, 2003. In: NOAA technical memorandum NOS NCCOS; 79. Newport, OR: United States EPA Office of Research and Development National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory Western Ecology Division; 2008. EPA620/R-08/001 http://aquacomm.fcla.edu/2149/1/NCCOS_TM_79.pdf

Nelson, Walter G.; Lee, Henry, II and Lamberson, Janet O. Condition of Estuaries of California for 1999: a Statistical Summary. In: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development. Washington, D.C.: 2006. http://www.epa.gov/wed/pages/publications/authored/EPA620R-05004ConditionOfEstuariesOfCANelson.pdf

Nelson, Walter G. (ed.). 2009. Seagrasses and protective criteria: a review and assessment of research status. Office of Research and Development, National Health and Environmental Effectsw Research Laboratory. Washington, DC. EPA/600/R-09/050. http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS118663

Nemerson, D.; Berkeley, Steven A. and Safina, C. Spawning site fidelity in Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus: the use of size-frequency analysis to test for the presence of migrant East Atlantic bluefin tuna on Gulf of Mexico spawning grounds. Fish Bulletin. 2000. v.98 (1):118-126.

Newell, Carrie L.* and Cowles, T. J. Unusual gray whale Eschrichtius robustus feeding in the summer of 2005 off the central Oregon Coast. Geophysical Research Letters. 2006. v.33 (22):L22S11, doi: 10.1029/2006GL027189.

Newell, R.I.E. and Langdon, Christopher J. Digestion and absorption of refractory carbon from the plant Spartina alterniflora by the oyster Crassostrea virginica. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 1986. v.34:105-115.

Nichols, J.W. and Weber, Lavern J. Adaptation of vertebrate myoglobins to temperature. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 1987. v.185 (2):240.

Nichols, J.W. and Weber, Lavern J. Oxidation of cardiac myoglobin in vivo by sodium nitrite or hydroxylamine. Archives of Toxicology. 1989. v.63:484-488.

Nichols, J.W. and Weber, Lavern J. Comparative oxygen affinity of fish and mammalian myoglobins. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemcial, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology. 1989. v.159:205-209.

Nichols, J.W. and Weber, Lavern J. Lack of myoglobin function in the isolated perfused buffalo sculpin, Enophrys bison, heart. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 1990. v.68:825-829.

Nickel, Xianbin F.**. Characterization of Pacific whiting proteinase P-II and partial cloning of cathepsins L and K cDNA from rainbow trout liver. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Food Science and Technology). 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/27093

Nickels, Abby L.*. An exploration of visitors' conservation attitudes, expectations, and motivations at three informal education institutions in Newport, Oregon. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Marine Resource Management). 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/9100

Nickelson, T.E. and W., Lawson Peter. Population viability of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, in Oregon coastal basins: application of a habitat-based life cycle model. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1998. v.55 (11):2382-2392.

Nielsen, Mark E.*. Utilization of natural and supplemental biofuels for harvesting energy from marine sediments. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Oceanography). 2008. Http://hdl.handle.net/1957/10150

Nielsen, Mark E.*; Fisk, M.R.; Istok, J.D. and Pedersen, K. Microbial nitrate respiration of lactate at in situ conditions in ground water from a granitic aquifer situated 450 m underground. Geobiology. 2006. v.4 (1):43-52.

Nielsen, Mark E.; Reimers, Clare E. and Stecher, Hilmar A., III. Enhanced power from chambered benthic microbial fuel cells. Environmental Science & Technology. 2007. v.41 (22):7895-7900.

Nielsen, Mark E.*; Reimers, Clare E.; White, H. K.; Sharma, S. and Girguis, P. R. Sustainable energy from deep ocean cold seeps. Energy & Environmental Science. 2008 v.1 (5):584-593. 10.1039/b811899j. http://www.rsc.org/ej/EE/2008/b811899j.pdf

Nienaber, J.; Thomton, J.; Horning, Markus; Polasek, L. and Mellish, J. Surface temperature patterns in seals and sea lions: a validation of temporal and spatial consistency. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2010. v.35 (8):435-440. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2010.09.005

Nieukirk, Sharon L.*. Satellite monitored dive characteristics of the northern right whale, Eubalaena glacialis. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Wildlife Science). 1992.

Nieukirk, Sharon L.; Lagerquist, Barbara A.; Folkens, P. and Mate, Bruce R. Marine Mammals on the Beach: When and How to Respond in the Pacific Northwest and Southern Alaska. In: ORESU-H. Oregon State University,

Sea Grant Program. Corvalis, OR: 2000.

Nieukirk, Sharon L.; Mellinger, David K. ; Moore, S. E.; Klinck, Karolin ; Heimlich, Sara L. and Klinck, Holger Seismic airgun sounds recorded in the North Atlantic [abstract]. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2009. v.125 (4):2518-2518. http://scitation.aip.org/getabs/servlet/GetabsServlet?prog=normal&id=JASMAN000125000004002518000005&idtype=cvips&gifs=yes

Nieukirk, Sharon L.; Stafford, K. M.; Mellinger, David K.; Dziak, Robert P. and Fox, Christopher G./. Low-frequency whale and seismic airgun sounds recorded in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2004. v.115 (4):1832-1843.

Noitup, P.; Garnjanagoonchorn, W. and
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