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Center of Alcohol Studies

Rutgers University

607 Allison Road

Piscataway, NJ 08854-8001

(732) 445-3579



Degree Department Date Institution
Ph.D. Sociology 1976 Rutgers University
M. Phil. Sociology 1975 Rutgers University
B.A. Sociology 1971 Douglass College cum laude and with Honors in Sociology


3/16 –6/16 Scientific Advisor, NJ SBIRT Training Institute

1/16 - Present Director, Life Course Research Laboratory, Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University
7/11 - Present Distinguished Professor of Sociology (with tenure), Center of Alcohol Studies/Sociology Department,

Rutgers University.

6/10 – 6/14 Research Director, Rutgers Center for Behavioral Health Services & Criminal Justice Research.
6/08 – 6/14 Deputy Director, Rutgers Center for Behavioral Health Services & Criminal Justice Research.
3/06- 9/09 Director, Resource Core, Rutgers Transdisciplinary Prevention Research Center.
7/94 – 6/11 Professor of Sociology (with tenure), Center of Alcohol Studies/Sociology Department, Rutgers University.
3/99 - 6/99 Visiting Professor, Psychology Department, University of Washington
7/88 - 6/94 Associate Professor of Sociology (with tenure), Center of Alcohol Studies/Sociology Department, Rutgers University.
7/82 - 6/88 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Center of Alcohol Studies/Sociology Department, Rutgers University (joint appointment 1983).
1/77 - 12/83 Assistant Professor (quarter-time), Department of Sociology, Rutgers University.
7/77 - 6/82 Assistant Research Specialist, Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University.
10/75 - 6/77 Research Associate, Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University.


Rural Young Adults’ Drug Use Trajectories and Transition to Adulthood in Times of Increasing Tolerance Toward Marijuana. National Institute on Drug Abuse (Consultant). 7/1/18-6/30/23.

Estimating Comparative Effectiveness of Alcohol Interventions for Young Adults. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (Co-investigator). 5/1/17- 4/30/22. $2,458,000.
Motivational and Contextual Influences on Patterns of Simultaneous Alcohol and Marijuana Use: A Daily Assessment Study. National Institute on Drug Abuse (Multiple Principal Investigator). 8/15/16-4/30/19. $2,001,700.
The ABCD-USA Consortium: Research Project. National Institute on Drug Abuse (Consultant). 9/30/15-5/31/20.
Improving Brief Alcohol Interventions with a Behavioral Economic Supplement (CRAN Supplement to Develop/evaluate Behavioral Economic Intervention for Marijuana Use). National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (Consultant). 5/01/14-4/30/16
SBIRT (Pain Management) for Veterans Filing Compensation Claims. National Institute on Drug Use (Consultant). 12/01/13-11/30/16.
Diverging Marijuana Use Trajectories in Black & White Men: Antecedents & Outcomes. National Institute on Drug Use (co-Principal Investigator and Principal Investigator on the Rutgers subcontract). 04/01/13-03/31/18, $700,000.
Intimate Partner Violence in Newly Married Couples: The Role of Illicit Drug Use. National Institute on Drug Use (Consultant). 08/01/11-07/31/13.

Understanding High-Risk Drinking Among Non-College Youth. The Children, Youth, and Family Consortium within the Social Science Research Institute at Penn State award to Michael Cleveland (Consultant). 2/25/11 - 2/25/13.

Support for the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (Co-investigator). 04/2011-03/2016, $319,000.

Adapting a Secondary Prevention Program for Nonstudent Emerging Adult Drinkers. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism K01 award to Cathy Lao-Barroco (Consultant). 07/10 – 06/16.

Innovative Analyses of Alcohol Intervention Trials for College Students. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

(Co-Principal Investigator). 04/21/10-04/20/16. $2,138,000.

Alcohol Use Trajectories and Prevention: A U.S.-Sweden Comparison. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (Consultant). 2/10-1/15.

Advanced Center for Mental Health Services and Criminal Justice Research. National Institute on Mental Health (Deputy Director and Director of Research). 9/1/09-8/31/14. $7,950,000.
Indicated Marijuana Prevention for Frequently Using College Students. National Institute on Drug Abuse (Consultant). 7/1/09-6/30/11.
The Rutgers Alliance for Sustainable Risk Reduction. New Jersey Department of Recovery Services Grant (Co-investigator). 7/1/09-6/30/11. $535,000.
Persistence and Desistance in Heavy Drinking and Violence. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (Principal Investigator). 6/1/09-5/31/13. $720,000.
Recovery Support and Environmental Management Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Substance Abuse on College Campuses in New Jersey. New Jersey Department of Recovery Services Grant (Co-Investigator). 11/1/08-10/31/09. $242,000.
The Role of Alcohol and Drugs in Persistence and Desistance of Violent and Nonviolent Offending. The Center for Mental Health Services and Criminal Justice Research (through a National Institute on Mental Health Developing Center Grant). (Principal Investigator at Rutgers University). 6/08-6/09. $60,000 subcontract to the University of Pittsburgh.
Longitudinal Relations Between Internalizing Disorders and Substance Use Problems. National Institute on Drug Abuse K01 Award to Naomi Marmorstein (Primary Mentor). 6/07-5/12.
A Personal Feedback Intervention for Incoming College Students. Bringing Theory to Practice Initiative, Association of American Colleges and Universities (with funds from the Charles Engelhard Foundation) (Co-Principal Investigator). 10/06-9/07. $10,000.
Intergenerational Transmission of Risk for Drug Use. National Institute on Drug Abuse (Consultant). 9/06-8/11.
Development of Drug Abuse in Girls. National Institute on Drug Abuse (Consultant). 4/01/06-12/31/11, $1,726,000.
Raising Healthy Child: AIDS/HIV Supplement. National Institute on Drug Abuse (Consultant). 9/04-9/06.
Mental Health and Criminal Justice Post-doctoral Training. National Institute of Mental Health and National Institute on

Drug Abuse grant (Mentor). 7/1/04 – 6/30/09. $800,000.

Chronic Stress of Child Abuse and Neglect and Drugs. National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant. (Co-Principal Investigator and Principal Investigator on the Rutgers Subcontract). 6/04-5/07, $386,000.
Rutgers Advanced Clinical Research Training Program. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Training Grant (Contributing faculty). 9/99-8/04. $875,000 (Core faculty). 9/29/04 - 8/31/09. $2,000,000.
Developing Brief Interventions for Drug Abuse Prevention for College Students. Component of a NIDA Prevention Center Research Grant. National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant (Principal Investigator on component). 9/03-9/08. $1,200,000.
New Developments in Longitudinal and Heterogeneous Data Analysis with Application to Social and Behavioral Sciences. National Science Foundation (Consultant) 4/03-3/06. $66,000.
Mental Health Effects on Young Men’s Violence. National Institute on Mental Health (Consultant) 3/03- 2/06. $540,000.
Understanding Racial Differences in Developmental Trajectories of Cigarette Smoking. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Principal Investigator). 3/1/02-2/29/04. $150,550.
Mental Health Services and Systems Research Training. National Institute on Mental Health (Contributing Faculty). 07/01-

06/09.  $3,251,000.

Childhood Victimization and Later Revictimization. National Institute on Mental Health (Consultant). 2/1/00-1/31/06.
Effects of the First Drinking Experience on Longitudinal Drinking Trajectories. Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation Grant (Co-Investigator). 7/00 - 7/02. $24,000.
Development of Drug Abuse in Girls. National Institute on Drug Abuse (Co-Investigator in collaboration with faculty from the University of Pittsburgh). 2/00-1/05. $1,355,000.
Child Abuse, Risk and Protective Factors, Drug Abuse. National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant (Consultant). 1/00-6/02.
Drug Use and Serious Violent Offending. University of Pittsburgh Subcontract (Principal Investigator). 4/98-3/99. $15,000.
Psychosocial Risk Factors for Regular Tobacco Use. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant (Principal Investigator). 10/97-12/99. $85,000.
Familial Transmission of Alcohol and Related Problems. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Grant (Co-investigator). 10/97-9/99. $226,000.
Trajectories of Drug Use: Predictors and Adult Outcomes. National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant (Co-principal Investigator). 9/97-8/01. $1,260,000.
Child Abuse and Alcohol Abuse. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Grant (Consultant). 9/97-12/01.
Development and Consequences of Alcohol Use and Abuse. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Grant. (Consultant). 5/97-4/02.
The Development and Risk of Juvenile Drug Abuse. National Institute on Drug Abuse (Co-Investigator in collaboration with faculty from the University of Pittsburgh). 4/97-3/02, $2,551,000.
Longitudinal Research Training. Rutgers University Undergraduate Research Internship Grant (Principal Investigator). 9/96-6/97, $960.
Mental Health Services and Systems Research Training. National Institute on Mental Health (Contributing Faculty). 07/96-

06/01.  $1,588,000.

Longitudinal Research Training. Rutgers University Undergraduate Research Internship Grant (Principal Investigator). 9/95-6/96, $1500.
Vulnerability to the Consequences of Drug Abuse in Adulthood. National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant (Co-principal Investigator). 9/95-8/97, $494,000.
Longitudinal Research Training. Rutgers University Undergraduate Research Internship Grant (Principal Investigator). 9/94-6/95, $1000.
Effects of Moderate Levels of Alcohol Use on Health Outcomes. Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation Grant (Principal Investigator). 1/94 - 6/96, $55,800.
Predoctoral Fellow Funding. Health and Human Development Project. Smithers Prevention Fund Grant (Co-investigator). 9/92 - 8/94, $43,000.
Effects of Moderate Levels of Alcohol Use on Physical and Mental Health. Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation Grant (Principal Investigator). 8/92 - 8/93, $19,000.
Center for Research in the Organization and Financing of Care for the Seriously Mentally Ill. National Institute on Mental Health Grant. (Investigator) 7/92-6/93, $430,000. (Collaborator). 7/93-6/03.
Vulnerability to the Consequences of Drug Use in Adulthood. National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant (Co-principal Investigator). 9/91-8/95, $1,216,000.
Marijuana Use and Consequences: A Developmental Study. National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant (Co-investigator). 8/86 - 7/91, $736,000.
Alcohol Use and Consequences: A Developmental Study. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Grant (Co-investigator). 7/86 - 6/91. $790,000.
Early to Mid-Adult Marijuana Use: A Longitudinal Study. National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant (Co-principal Investigator). 7/85 - 6/88, $699,000.
Alcohol Use and Consequences: A Developmental Study. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Grant (Co-project Director). 4/83 - 3/86, $840,000.
Marijuana Use and Consequences: A Developmental Study. National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant (Co-project Director). 7/83 - 6/86, $840,000.
International Congress on Drugs and Alcohol. Rutgers University Travel Grant (Recipient). 9/81, $375.
The Etiology of Alcoholism: A Longitudinal Study. Alcohol Research Center Grant, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (Associate Project Director). 7/78 - 11/83, $2,352,000 (plus $66,000 supplement from National Institute of Justice).
Computerized Data Analysis System. New Jersey Department of Health, Division of Narcotic and Drug Abuse Control Grant (Project Director). 7/77 - 6/78, $39,000.
Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research and Demonstration Project. New Jersey Department of Health, Division of Narcotic and Drug Abuse Control Grant (Associate Project Director). 10/75 - 1/78, $332,000.
White, H.R. and Rabiner, D.L. (Eds.). 2012. College Student Drinking and Drug Use. New York: Guilford Press.
Loeber, R., Farrington, D., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., and White, H.R. 2008. Violence and Serious Theft: Developmental Course and Origins from Childhood to Adulthood. New York: Routledge Press.
Pittman, D.J. and White, H.R. (Eds.). 1991. Society, Culture and Drinking Patterns Reexamined. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies.
Gomberg, E.L., White, H.R. and Carpenter, J.A. (Eds.). 1982. Alcohol, Science and Society Revisited. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press and Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies.
Edited Journals:
Journal of Drug Issues - Special Issue: Still at Risk for Drug Abuse: Transitions, Risks, and Opportunities for Prevention of Drug Abuse during Emerging Adulthood (2005) (with S. Martin)
Journal of Drug Issues - Special Issue: Empirical Validity of Theories of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (1996)
Journal Articles:
Guttmannova, K., Skinner, M., Oesterle, S., White, H.R., Catalano, R.F., and Hawkins, D.J. In press. The Interplay between Marijuana-Specific Risk Factors and Regular Marijuana Use over the Course of Adolescence. Prevention Science.
Guttmannova, K., Kosterman, R., White, H.R., Bailey, J.A., Lee, J.O., Epstein, M., Jones, T.M., and Hawkins, J.D. In press. The Association between Regular Marijuana Use and Adult Mental Health Outcomes. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
White, H.R., Conway, F., Buckman, J., and Loeber, R. In press. The Association of Alcohol and Drugs to Developmental Pathways of Covert and Overt Externalizing Behaviors among Young Men. Journal of Developmental and Life-course Criminology 4:137-147.
White, H.R., Anderson, K.G., and Beardslee, J. 2018. Stress, Coping, and Use of Alcohol and Marijuana in Young Adulthood. Cannabis 1: 1-13.

White, H.R., Beardslee, J., and Pardini, D. 2016. Early Predictors of Maturing Out of Marijuana Use among Young Men. Addictive Behaviors, 65: 56-62.

Wilsnack, S.C., Sher, K.J., Fromme, K., Leonard, K.E., Nagy L.E., and White, H.R. 2016. Not All Industry-affiliated Groups are Created Equal: Some Conditions Under Which Science and Industry May Coexist Ethically and for the Public Good. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77:541-543.
White, H.R., Anderson, K.G., Ray, A.E., and Mun, E.-Y. 2016. Do Drinking Motives Distinguish Extreme Drinking College Students from Their Peers? Addictive Behaviors 60: 213-218.
Clarke, N., Kim, S.-Y., Ray, A.E., White, H.R., Jiao, Y. and Mun, E.-Y. 2016. The Association Between Protective Behavioral Strategies and Alcohol-related Problems: An Examination of Race and Gender Differences among College Drinkers. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 15:25-45.
Rocque, M., Posick, C., and White, H.R. 2016. Growing up is Hard to Do: Empirical Evaluation of Maturation and Desistance. Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 1: 350-384.
White, H.R., Bechtold, J., Loeber, R., and Pardini, D. 2015. Long-term Effects of Marijuana Use Among Men: Socioeconomic, Relationship, and Life Satisfaction Outcomes in the Mid-30’s. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 156:62-69.
Pardini, D., Bechtold, J., Loeber, R., and White, H.R. 2015. Developmental Trajectories of Marijuana Use in Black and White Men: Examining Linkages with Criminal Offending and Psychopathic Features into the Mid-30s. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 52(6): 797-828.
Bechtold, J., Simpson, T., White, H.R., Loeber, R., and Pardini, D. 2015. Chronic Adolescent Marijuana Use as a Risk Factor for Physical and Mental Health Problems in Young Adult Men. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 29:522-563. Highlighted article American Psychological Association.
White, H.R., Buckman, J., Pardini, D., and Loeber, R. 2015. The Association of Alcohol and Drug Use to Persistence of Violent Offending in Young Adulthood. Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 1:289-303.
Pardini, D., White, H.R., Xiong, S., Bechtold, J., Chung, T., Loeber, R., and Hipwell, A. 2015. Unfazed or Dazed and Confused: Does Early Adolescent Marijuana Use Cause Sustained Impairments in Attention and Academic Functioning?  Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 43:1203-1217.
White, H.R., Jiao, Y., Ray, A.E., Huh, D., Atkins, D.C., Larimer, M.E., Fromme, K., Corbin, W.R., Baer, J.S., LaBrie, J.W., and Mun, E-Y. 2015. Are There Secondary Effects on Marijuana Use from Brief Alcohol Interventions for College Students? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 76: 367-377.
Huh, D., Mun, E.-Y., Larimer, M. E., White, H.R., Ray, A.E., Rhew, I. C., Kim, S.-Y., Jiao, Y., and Atkins, D.C. 2015. Brief Motivational Interventions for College Student Drinking May Not Be as Powerful as We Think: An Individual Participant-Level Data Meta-Analysis. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 39: 919–931.
Mun, E.-Y., de la Torre, J., Atkins, D.C., White, H.R, Ray, A.E., Kim, S.-Y., Jiao, Y., Clarke, N., Huo, Y., Larimer, M.E., Huh, D., and The Project INTEGRATE Team. 2015. Project INTEGRATE – An Integrative Data Analysis Study of Brief Alcohol Intervention Trials for College Students. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 29: 34-48.
Anderson, K.G., Sitney, M., and White, H.R. 2015. Marijuana Motivations Across Adolescence: Impacts on Use and Consequences. Substance Use and Misuse, 50:292-301.
Huo, Y., de la Torre, J., Mun, E.-Y., Kim, S.-Y., Ray, A.E., Jiao, Y., and White, H.R. 2014. A New IRT Approach for Integrative Data Analysis of Alcohol Intervention Studies. Psychometrika. Online first
Ray, A.E., Kim, S.-Y., White, H.R, Larimer, M.E., Mun, E.-Y., Clarke, N., Jiao, Y., Atkins, D.C., Huh, D., and the Project INTEGRATE Team. 2014. When Less is More and More is Less in Brief Motivational Interventions: Characteristics of Intervention Content and their Associations with Drinking Outcomes. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 28: 1026-1040.
Smith, P.H., Homish, G.G., Collins, R.L., Giovino, G.A., White, H.R., and Leonard, K.E. 2014. Couples' Marijuana Use is Inversely Related to Their Intimate Partner Violence Over the First Nine Years of Marriage.  Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 28: 734-742. Highlighted article American Psychological Association.
Gordon, R.A., Rowe, H., Pardini, D., Loeber, R., and White, H.R. 2014. Serious Delinquency and Gang Participation: Combining and Specializing in Drug Selling, Theft, and Violence. Journal of Research on Adolescence 24: 235-251.
Cleveland, M.J., Reavy, R., Mallett, K., Turrisi, R., and White, H.R. 2014. Moderating Effects of Positive Parenting and Maternal Alcohol Use on Emerging Adults’ Alcohol Use: Does Living at Home Matter? Addictive Behaviors 39:869-878.
White, H.R. and Ray, A. 2014. Differential Evaluations of Alcohol-related Consequences Among Emerging Adults. Prevention Science 15:115-124.
Cleveland, M.J., Mallett, K.A., White, H.R., Turrisi, R., and Favero, S. 2013. Patterns of Alcohol Use and Related Consequences in Non-College-Attending Emerging Adults. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 74:84-93.
Clarke, N., Mun, E.-Y., Kelly, S., White, H.R., and Lynch, K. 2013. Treatment Outcomes of a Combined Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Pharmacotherapy for a Sample of Women With and Without Substance Abuse Histories on an Acute Psychiatric Unit: Do Therapeutic Alliance and Motivation Matter? American Journal on Addictions 22:566-573.
Clarke, N., Kim, S.-Y., White, H.R., Jiao, Y. and Mun, E.-Y. 2013. Associations between Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Related Negative Consequences among Black and White College Men and Women. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 74: 521-531.
Mallet, K.A., Varvil-Weld, L., Borsari, B., Read, J.P., Neighbors, C., and White, H.R. 2013. An Update of Research Examining College Student Alcohol-Related Consequences: New Perspectives and Implications for Interventions. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research 37: 709–716.

Anderson, K.G., Briggs, K.E.L., and White, H.R. 2013. Motives to Drink or Not to Drink: Longitudinal Relations Among Personality, Motives, and Alcohol Use Across Adolescence and Early Adulthood. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research 37: 860–867.

White, H.R., Fite, P., Pardini, D., Mun, E.-Y., and Loeber, R. 2013. Moderators of the Dynamic Link between Alcohol and Aggressive Behavior among Adolescent Males. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 41: 211-222.
Lee, C. and White, H.R. 2012. The Effects of Childhood Maltreatment on Violent Injuries and Premature Death During Young Adulthood Among Urban High-Risk Men. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 166(9):814-820.
Fleming, C.B., White, H.R., Haggerty, K.P., Abbott, R.D., and Catalano, R.F. 2012. Educational Paths and Substance Use in Early Adulthood. Journal of Drug Issues 42:104-126.
Cronley, C., White, H.R., Mun, E.Y., Lee, C., Finlay, A., and Loeber, R. 2012. Exploring the Interaction Effect of Neighborhood Racial Composition and Individual Race on Substance Use among Male Adolescents. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 11: 52-74.
Lee, C., Cronley, C., White, H.R., Mun, E.-Y., Stouthamer-Loeber, M. and Loeber, R. 2012. Racial Differences in the Consequences of Childhood Maltreatment for Adolescent and Young Adult Depression, Heavy Drinking, and Violence. Journal of Adolescent Health 50: 443-449.
White, H.R., Mun, E.Y., Lee, C., and Loeber, R. 2012. Developmental Patterns of Alcohol Use in Relation to Persistence and Desistance of Serious Violent Offending among African American and Caucasian Young Men. Criminology 50:391-426.
Finlay, A.K., White, H.R., Mun, E.-Y., Cronley, C., and Lee, C. 2012. Racial Differences in Trajectories of Heavy Drinking and Regular Marijuana Use from Ages 13 through 24 Among African-American and White Males. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 121: 118-123.
Bailey, J.A., Haggerty, K.P., White, H.R., and Catalano, R.F. 2011. Associations between Changing Developmental Contexts and Risky Sexual Behavior in Emerging Adulthood. Archives of Sexual Behavior 40:951–960.
Buckman, J.F., Yusko, D.D., Farris, S.G., White, H.R., and Pandina, R.J. 2011. Risk for Marijuana Use in Male and Female College Student Athletes and Non-athletes. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 72:586-591. A highlighted article.

White, H.R., Larimer, M., Sher, K., and Witkiewitz, K. 2011. In Memoriam: G. Alan Marlatt, 1941-2011. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 72:357-360.

White, H. R., Marmorstein, N. R., Crews, F. T., Bates, M. E., Mun, E. Y., and Loeber, R. 2011. Associations between Heavy

Drinking and Changes in Impulsive Behavior among Adolescent Males. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research 35:295-

303. A highlighted article.
Catalano, R.F., White, H.R., Fleming, C.B., and Haggerty, K.P. 2011. Is Nonmedical Prescription Opiate Use a Unique Form of

Illicit Drug Use? Addictive Behaviors 36:79-86.

Lee, C., Mun, E. Y., White, H. R., and Simon, P. 2010. Substance Use Trajectories of Black and White Young Men from Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood: A Two-Part Growth Curve Analysis. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 9:301-319.
Fleming, C.B., White, H.R., Oesterle, S., Haggerty, K.P., and Catalano, R. 2010. Romantic Relationship Status Changes and

Substance Use among 18- to 20-Year Olds. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 71:847-856.

Buckman, J., White, H.R., and Bates, M.E. 2010. Psychophysiological Reactivity to Emotional Picture Cues Two Years

after College Students Were Mandated for Alcohol Interventions. Addictive Behavior 35:786-790.

White, H.R., Shi, J., Hirschfield, P., Mun, E.Y., and Loeber, R. 2010. Effects of Institutional Confinement for Delinquency on Levels of Depression and Anxiety among Male Adolescents. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 8:295-313.
Marmorstein, N.R., White, H.R., Chung, T., Hipwell, A., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., and Loeber, R. 2010. Associations Between First Use of Substances and Change in Internalizing Symptoms Among Girls: Differences by Symptom Trajectory and Substance Use Type. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 39:545-558.
Loeber, R., Stepp, S.D., Chung, T., Hipwell, A.E., and White, H.R. 2010. Time-varying Associations between Conduct

Problems and Alcohol Use in Adolescent Girls: The Moderating Role of Race. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 71: 544-553.

Chung, T., White, H.R., Hipwell, A.E., Stepp, S.D., and Loeber, R. 2010. A Parallel Process Model of the Development of Positive Smoking Expectancies and Smoking Behavior During Early Adolescence in Caucasian and African American Girls. Addictive Behaviors 35:647-650.
Fleming, C.B, White, H.R., and Catalano, R.F. 2010. Romantic Relationships and Substance Use in Early Adulthood: An Examination of the Influence of Relationship Type, Partner Substance Use and Relationship Quality. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 51:153-167. Featured paper American Sociological Association website.
Marmorstein, N., White, H.R., Loeber, R., and Stouthamer-Loeber, M. 2010. Anxiety as a Predictor of Age at First Use of Substances and Progression to Substance Use Problems Among Boys. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 38:211-234.
White, H.R., Fleming, C. B., Catalano, R. F. and Bailey, J. 2009. Prospective Associations Among Alcohol Use-Related Sexual Enhancement Expectancies, Sex after Alcohol Use, and Casual Sex. Psychology of Addictive Behavior 23(4):702–707.
Buckman, J.F., Yusko, D.A., White, H.R., and Pandina, R.J. 2009. Risk Profile of Male College Athletes Who Use Banned Performance Enhancing Substances. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 70:919-923. Featured paper.
Mun, E.Y., White, H.R. and Morgan, T.J. 2009. Individual and Situational Factors that Influence the Efficacy of Personal Feedback Substance Use Interventions for College Students. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 77(1):88–102.
Mun, E.Y., von Eye, A., and White, H.R. 2009. A SEM Approach for the Evaluation of Intervention Effects Using Pre-Post-Post Designs. Structural Equation Modeling 16:315-337.
White, H.R., Bray, B.C., Fleming, C.B. and Catalano, R.F. 2009. Transitions Into and Out of Light and Intermittent Smoking From Adolescence Into Emerging Adulthood. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 11(2):211-219.
White, H.R., Fleming, C.B., Kim, M.J., Catalano, R.F., and McMorris, B. 2008. Identifying Two Potential Mechanisms for Changes in Alcohol Use among College-attending and Non-attending Emerging Adults. Developmental Psychology 44(6):1625-1639.
Yusko, D.A., Buckman, J., White, H.R., and Pandina, R.J. 2008. Alcohol, Tobacco, Illicit Drugs, and Performance Enhancers: A Comparison of Use by College Student Athletes and Nonathletes. Journal of American College Health 57:281-289.
Yusko, D.A., Buckman, J.F., White, H.R., and Pandina, R.J. 2008. Risk for Excessive Alcohol Use and Drinking-Related Problems in College Student Athletes. Addictive Behaviors 33:1546-1556
Chung, T., Hipwell, A., Loeber, R., White, H.R. and Stouthamer-Loeber, M. 2008. Ethnic Differences in Positive Alcohol Expectancies During Childhood: The Pittsburgh Girls Study. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 32(6):966-974.
White, H.R. and Widom, C.S. 2008. Three Potential Mediators of the Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect on Adulthood Substance Use among Women. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 69:337-347.
Morgan, T.J., White, H.R., and Mun, E.Y. 2008. Changes in Drinking Before a Mandated Brief Intervention with College Students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 69:286-290.
White, H.R., Mun, E.Y., and Morgan, T.J. 2008. Do Brief Personalized Feedback Interventions Work for Mandated Students or Is It Just Getting Caught That Works? Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 22:107-116.
White, H.R., Widom, C.S., and Chen, P-H. 2007. Congruence Between Adolescents' Self-reports and Their Adult Retrospective Reports Regarding Parental Discipline Practices During Adolescence. Psychological Reports 101:1079-1094.
White, H.R., Mun, E.Y., Pugh, L.P., and Morgan, T.J. 2007. Long-term Effects of Brief Substance Use Interventions for Mandated College Students: Sleeper Effects of an In-person Personal Feedback Intervention. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research 31(8):1380-1391. A Highlighted article.
Burke, J., Loeber, R., White, H.R., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., and Pardini, D. 2007. Inattention as a Key Predictor of Tobacco Use in Adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 116(2):249-259.
Barker, E.D., Séguin, J.R., White, H.R., Bates, M.E., Lacourse, E., Carbonneau, R., and Tremblay, R.E. 2007. Developmental Trajectories of Male Physical Violence and Theft: Relation to Neurocognitive Performance. Archives of General Psychiatry 64:592-599.
Widom, C.S., White, H.R., Czaja, S., and Marmorstein, N. 2007.

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