Reel: 633
Bergemann, Paul, 1862.
Die werdende Frau in der neuen Dichtung.
Leipzig, H. Haacke. 1898
Item identification number 3836.
Reel: 505
Bergerat, Emile, 1845-1923.
L'amour en république.
Paris, E. Dentu. 1889
Item identification number 3112.
Reel: 425
Bergert, Fritz, 1888.
Die von den Trobadors genannten oder gefeierten Damen.
Halle a.S., M. Niemeyer. 1913
Item identification number 6331.
Reel: 792
Bergh, Willem van den, 1850-1890.
De strijd tegen de prostitutie in Nederland.
's Gravenhage, Firma S. van Velzen jr. 1878
Item identification number 2535.
Reel: 366
Berio, Beatrice.
Relazione sull'emigrazione delle donne e dei fanciulli italiani nella Francia meridionale.
Roma, Tip. Italia. 1912
Item identification number 6332.
Reel: 792
[Berliner, Emile], 1851-1929.
New York, Kaufman, Pub. Co. 1902
Item identification number 5055; by Jerome Du Barry [pseud.].
Reel: 634
Bermúdez, José Manuel, 1764-1830.
Sermon panegirico de la admirable virgen Santa Rosa de Santa Maria.
Lima, Impr. de los Huérfanos. 1782
Item identification number 67; Predicado en la solemnidad de una profesion religiosa que se celebró en su monasterio de esta ciudad el dia XXX. de agosto de M. DCC. LXXXI. por el D.D. Joseph Manuel Bermudez.
Reel: 13
Bermúdez, José Manuel, 1764-1830.
Vida de la gloriosa virgen dominicana Santa Rosa de Sta. Maria, natural de Lima y patrona principal de las Américas.
Lima, Imprenta de las huérfanos. 1827
Item identification number 823.
Reel: 126
Bernard, William Bayle, 1807-1875.
Woman's faith: a drama, in three eras.
London, John Miller. 1835
Item identification number 981.
Reel: 154
Bernardo, Domenico di.
Il divorzio considerato nella teoria e nella practica.
Palermo, A. Natale. 1875
Item identification number 2536.
Reel: 366
Bernardt, Sarah, 1844-1923.
Memories of my life; being my personal, professional, and social recollections as woman and artist.
New York, D. Appleton and company. 1907
Item identification number 5670.
Reel: 707
Bernays, Marie, 1883.
... Die deutsche Frauenbewegung, von Dr. Marie Bernays.
Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner. 1920
Item identification number 7221.
Reel: 879
Bernays, Marie, 1883.
... Untersuchungen über den Zusammenhang von Frauenfabrikarbeit und Geburtenhäufigkeit in Deutschland.
Berlin, W. Moeser. 1916
Item identification number 7222; Von Dr. Marie Bernays.
Reel: 879
Bernhardt, Sara.
Photograph of Sara Bernhardt.
Photograph number: P65.
Reel: 963
Bernhöft, Franz, 1852-1933.
Frauenleben in der Vorzeit.
Wismar, Hinstorff. 1893
Item identification number 3837.
Reel: 505
[Bernier (Mme.) (Villers)].
Discours qui a remporté le prix à la Société des sciences et des arts du département du Lot, séante à Montauban le 30 prairial an XI, sur cette question: Quel est pour les femmes le genre d'éducation le plus propre à faire le bonheur des hommes en société?.
Paris, chez Bossange, Masson et Besson. 1804
Item identification number 623; 2 éd.
Reel: 91
Berry, John Cutting, 1847-1936.
Statement showing the urgent necessity of establishing a Christian medical school, hospital and training school for nurses in Japan.
Philadelphia. 1884
Item identification number 8259.
Reel: 939
Berry, John Cutting, 1847-1936.
Training school for nurses.
Yokohama, R. Meiklejohn & co., printers. 1886
Item identification number 8104; An address delivered before the Ky{-o}to Health Association, September 20th, 1886.
Reel: 937
Berry, Mary, 1763-1852.
The Berry papers; being the correspondence hitherto unpublished of Mary and Agnes Berry (1763-1852).
London, J. Lane; New York, J. Lane co.; Toronto, Bell & Cockburn. 1914
Item identification number 6334; by Lewis Melville with numerous illustrations.
Reel: 792
Berry, Mary, 1763-1852.
Extracts of the journal and correspondence of Miss Berry, from the year 1783 to 1852.
London, Longmans, Green and co. 1865
Item identification number 2110; ed. by Lady Theresa Lewis.
Reel: 311
Bersano, Bartolommeo, 1668-1707.
... Tractatus de viduis earumque privilegiis et juribus activis et passivis, tum etiam de viduis secundo nubentibus & poenis ellarum.
Lugduni, Sumptibus Cramer & Perachon. 1699
Item identification number 68.
Reel: 13
Bertaut, Jules, 1877.
... La jeune fille dans la littérature française.
Paris, L. Michaud. [1910]
Item identification number 5671.
Reel: 707
Bertillon, Jacques, 1851-1919.
Etude démographique du divorce et de la séparation de corps dans les différents pays de l'Europe.
Paris, G. Masson. 1883
Item identification number 3113.
Reel: 425
Bertin, Georges, 1849.
Madame de Lamballe.
New York, G.A.S. Wieners. 1901
Item identification number 5056; translated into English by Arabella Ward; with portrait, an introduction and historical notes by the translator.
Reel: 634
Bertolini, Serafino.
La rosa peruana; ouero, Vita di Santa Rosa, nativa della citta' di Lima nel regno del Perù, del terz' Ordine di S. Domenico.
In Pado Padoua, Per Pietro Maria Frambotto. 1671
Item identification number 69; Canonizata dalla Santità di N.S. Clemente X, adi 12, Aprile MDCLXXI ... terza impressione.
Reel: 13
Berwick, Isabella.
Photograph of Isabella Berwick.
Photograph number: P66.
Reel: 963
Besant, Annie (Wood) 1847-1933.
Annie Besant; an autobiography.
London [and] Leipsic, T. Fisher Unwin. 1908
Item identification number 5671.1; Third impression with a new preface.
Reel: 708
Besant, Annie (Wood) 1847-1933.
The changing world and lectures to theosophical students.
Chicago, Ill., The Theosophical Book Concern; London, The Theosophical Publishing Society. 1910
Item identification number 5672; Fifteen lectures delivered in London during May, June, and July, 1909.
Reel: 708
Besant, Annie (Wood) 1847-1933.
Evolution of life and form.
London, Theosophical Publishing Society. 1909
Item identification number 5673; Four lectures delivered at the twenty-third anniversary meeting of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, Madras, 1898. 3d ed.
Reel: 708
Besant, Annie (Wood) 1847-1933.
Initiation, the perfecting of man.
London, The Theosophical Publishing Society. 1912
Item identification number 6335.
Reel: 792
Besant, Annie (Wood) 1847-1933.
The law of population; its consequences and its bearing upon human conduct and morals.
London, Freethought Pub. co. 1889
Item identification number 3114.
Reel: 425
Besant, Annie (Wood) 1847-1933.
The legalisation of female slavery in England.
[London, Printed by Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh]. [1885]
Item identification number 8097.
Reel: 937
Besant, Annie (Wood) 1847-1933.
Marriage as it was, as it is, and as it should be.
New York, A. K. Butts. [1879]
Item identification number 2539; with a sketch of the life of Mrs. Besant. Ed. by Asa K. Butts.
Reel: 366
Beschwitz-Dresden, Freiin Olga von.
Begleitschrift zu der Petition des Bundes Deutscher Frauenvereine an den Reichstag betreffend das Familienrecht den neuen bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs für das Deutsche Reich.
Frankenberg (Sachaen), L. Reisel. 1899
Item identification number 8122; Im Aufrage des Vorstandes des Bundes Deutscher Frauenvereine verfasst von Freiin Olga von Beschwitz-Dresden, Schriftführerin der Rechts Kommission des Bundes.
Reel: 937
Besia, Tancredi.
Del contratto di matrimonio: commento al titolo V - libro III del codice civile.
Portici, Premiato Stabilimento Tipografico Vesuviano. 1894
Item identification number 3839.
Reel: 505
Betham, Mary Matilda, 1776-1852.
A biographical dictionary of celebrated women of every age and country.
London, B. Crosby & co. 1804
Item identification number 624.
Reel: 91
Bethune, George Washington, 1805-1862.
The British female poets: with biographical and critical notices.
Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston. 1848
Item identification number 1265.
Reel: 191
Bethune, George Washington, 1805-1862.
Memoirs of Mrs. Joanna Bethune.
New York, Harper & Brothers. 1863
Item identification number 2112; by her son, the Rev. George W. Bethune, D.D. with an appendix, containing extracts from the writings of Mrs. Bethune.
Reel: 312
[Bettens, Edward Detraz], 1848-1920.
Louise E. Bettens.
New York [Printed for Private Distribution]. 1918
Item identification number 7223.
Reel: 879
[Bettens, Edward Detraz], 1848-1920, comp.
The family of Mrs. Louise E. Bettens, born Rochat, and of Alexander Dettens.
[New York]. [1918]
Item identification number 8319.
Reel: 940
[Bettens, Edward Detraz], 1848-1920, comp.
The library of Mrs. Louise E. Bettens.
New York [Prov. print. by the Evening post job printing office, inc.]. 1919
Item identification number 7224.
Reel: 879
[Bettens, Edward Detraz], 1848-1920, comp.
Painter and patron.
New York [The Evening post job printing office, inc.]. 1918
Item identification number 7226.
Reel: 879
[Bettens, Edward Detraz], 1848-1920, comp.
Picture buying.
New York [The Evening post job printing office, inc.]. 1919
Item identification number 7227.
Reel: 879
The Better side of marriage.
Oxford, London, A. R. Mowbray & co., ltd. 1904
Item identification number 5056.1.
Reel: 634
Bettex, Frédéric, 1837-1915.
Natur und gesetz.
Bielefeld und Leipzig, Velhagen & Klasing. 1905
Item identification number 5057.
Reel: 634
Bettle, Jane (Temple) 1774-1840.
Extracts from the memorandums of Jane Bettle, with a short memoir respecting her.
Philadelphia, J. & W. Kite. 1843
Item identification number 1266.
Reel: 191
[Bevan, Joseph Gurney], 1753-1814, ed.
Memoirs of the life and travels in the service of the Gospel of Sarah Stephenson.
Philadelphia, Kimber, Conrad. 1807
Item identification number 625.
Reel: 91
Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah, 1862-1927.
A tribute to the American woman, Frances E. Willard.
[Indianapolis, Levey Bros. co., inc.]. [1905]
Item identification number 8312; In the United States Senate, February 17, 1905, on the occasion of the unveiling of the Willard Statue in the U.S. Capitol.
Reel: 940
Beveridge, William Henry Beveridge, baron, comp.
John and Irene; an anthology of thoughts on woman.
London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1912
Item identification number 6335.1.
Reel: 793
Bevilacqua, Americo.
Trattato dommatico, giuridico e morale sul matrimonio cristiano.
Roma, Desclée, Lefebvre et ci. 1900
Item identification number 3840.
Reel: 505
Beyle, Marie Henri, 1783-1842.
De l'amour, par de Stendhal (Henry Behle).
Paris, Michel Lévy frères. 1853
Item identification number 1622; Seule éd. complète augm. de préfaces et de fragments entièrement inédits.
Reel: 244
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
Tractatio de repvdiis et divortiis: in qva pleræ qve de causis matrimonialibus (quas vocant) incidentes controuersiæ ex verbe Dei deciduntur.
Genevæ, Apud Iohannem Vignon. 1610
Item identification number 71; Additur Iuris ciuilis Romanorum, & veterum his de rebus canonum examen, ad eiusdem verbi Dei, & æ quitatis norman.
Reel: 13
Bianchini, Everardo Giuseppe, 1852.
Pro divorzio.
Arezzo, F. Sinatti. 1902
Item identification number 5058; Conferenza. 2d ed.
Reel: 634
Bibliothek der Frauenfrage.
Reel: 14
[Bickersteth, Emily].
Extracts from woman's service on the Lord's day.
Philadelphia, McCalla & Stavely. 1865
Item identification number 2113; with a pref. by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Rochester, and an introductory letter by the American editor.
Reel: 312
Biddle, Ellen McGowan, 1841.
Reminiscences of a soldier's wife.
Philadelphia, Press of J. B. Lippincott co. 1907
Item identification number 5675.
Reel: 708
Bidlingmaier, Maria.
Die bäuerin in zwei gemeinden Württembergs, von Maria Bidlingmaier.
Stuttgart [etc.] W. Kohlhammer. 1918
Item identification number 7228; Mit einem vorwort von Carl Johannes Fuchs.
Reel: 879
Biggs, Charles Lewis.
The story of Roxana Foote.
[n.p.]. [n.d.]
Item identification number 8322; daughter of Guilford.
Reel: 940
Billard, Max, 1863.
Les femmes enceintes devant le tribunal révolutionnaire d'après des documents inédits.
Paris, Perrin. 1911
Item identification number 6336.
Reel: 793
Billardon de Sauvigny, Edmé Louis, 1736-1812.
Histoire amoureuse de Pierre Le Long, et de sa tréshonorée dame Blanche Bazu.
Londres. 1768
Item identification number 72; Nouv. éd. Précédée d'un discours sur la langue Françoise.
Reel: 14
Billia, Lorenzo Michelangelo, 1860.
Difendiamo la famiglia, saggio contro il divorzio e specialmente contro la proposta di introdurlo in Italia.
Torino, Nuovo Risorgimento [etc., etc.]. 1902
Item identification number 5060; 2d ed.
Reel: 634
Billings, Addie (Stephenson).
Photograph of Addie (Stephenson) Billings.
Photograph number: P67.
Reel: 963
Billington, Mary Frances.
The Red Cross in war; woman's part in the relief of suffering.
London, New York [etc.] Hodder & Stoughton. 1914
Item identification number 6337.
Reel: 793
Billington, Mary Frances.
Woman in India.
London, Chapman & Hall, ld. 1895
Item identification number 3842; with introduction by the Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava, C.I. Frontispiece by Reginald Cleaver: illustrations by Herbert Johnson and from original photographs.
Reel: 505
Billington-Greig, Teresa.
Commonsense on the population question.
[London, Women's printing society, ltd.]. [1914?]
Item identification number 9974; The substance of a lecture delivered to the Glasgow Clarion Scouts on December 13th, 1914.
Reel: 962
Billon, François de, 16th century.
Le fort inexpvgnable de l'honnevr dv sexe femenin, construit par Francoys de Billon secrétaire.
Paris, J. d'Allyer. 1555
Item identification number 74.
Reel: 14
Binet, Pierre L.
La femme dans le ménage.
Paris, Librairie générale de droit et de juriprudence, F. Pichon et Durand, Auzias. 1904
Item identification number 5061; Essai critique sur la nature de ses pouvoirs d'après la pratique et la législation contemporaines ... Préface de M. François Gény.
Reel: 634
Bingham, Caleb, 1757-1817.
The young lady's accidence; or, A short and easy introduction to English grammar.
Boston, Printed by I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews. 1791
Item identification number 74.1; Designed, principally, for the use of young learners, more especially those of the fair sex, though proper for either ... 5th ed., corr.
Reel: 14
Bingham, Harry, 1821-1900.
The new education of woman, an address delivered before the Grafton & Coös bar association, Plymouth, N.H., Jan. 29, 1897.
Concord, New Hampshire, The Rumford press. 1898
Item identification number 3843.
Reel: 505
Bingham, Helen E.
An Irish saint; the life story of Ann Preston ("Holy Ann").
Toronto, W. Briggs. 1907
Item identification number 5676; with introduction by Rev. JOhn Potts.
Reel: 708
Bingham, Millicent (Todd) 1880.
Mary E. Stearns.
Cambridge [Mass.] Printed at the Riverside press. 1909
Item identification number 5677; , by Millicent Todd, one of her pupils.
Reel: 708
Bingham, Peregrine, 1788-1864.
The law of infancy and coverture.
Exeter, G. Lamson. 1824
Item identification number 825; 1st American from the last London ed., improved by notes and references to American decisions. by a member of the New Hampshire bar.
Reel: 127
Bingham, Theodore Alfred, 1858.
The girl that disappears; the real facts about the white slave traffic.
Boston, R. G. Badger. 1911
Item identification number 6338.
Reel: 793
Binkes, Rudolphus.
De auctoritate, juribus et obligationibus cognatorum collateralium e jure Neerlando collato cum jure Francico.
Lugduni Batavorum, J. W. van Leeuwen. 1838
Item identification number 982.
Reel: 154
Binney, Thomas, 1798-1874.
The men of Glasgow and the women of Scotland.
London, Ward & co. [n.d.]
Item identification number 9825; Reasons for differing from the Rev. Dr. Symington's view of the Levitical marriage law.
Reel: 960
Biographical sketch of Louisa J. Roberts with extracts from her journal and selections from her writings.
Philadelphia, A. J. Ferris. 1895
Item identification number 3844; Prepared by request.
Reel: 505
... Biographies of good women, chiefly by contributors to 'The monthly packet'.
London, J. and C. Mozley. 1865
Item identification number 2113.1; Edited by the author of 'The heir of Redclyffe.' Second series.
Reel: 312
Biographium faemineum.
London, Printed for S. Crowder, and J. Payne [etc.]. 1766
Item identification number 75; The female worthies; or, Memoirs of the most illustrious ladies, of all ages and nations, who have been eminently distinguished for their magnanimity, learning, genius, virtue, piety, and other excellent endowments ... Containing (exclusive of foreigners) the lives of above fourscore British ladies ... Collected from history, and the most approved biographers, and brought down to the present time.
Reel: 14
Birch, Edward.
The trial of Birch v. Neale, for criminal conversation; in the Court of common pleas, June 25, 1835, before the Lord Chief Justice Tindal.
London, The auther. [1835]
Item identification number 983; From the notes of a short-hand writer; with explanatory remarks by the defendant, and extracts from the brief, as laid before counsel on 6th Feb., 1835.
Reel: 154
Bird, M. Mostyn.
Woman at work, a study of the different ways of earning a living open to women.
London, Chapman & Hall, ltd. 1911
Item identification number 6339.
Reel: 793
Birdsall, William W. (Mrs.).
Woman suffrage and the working woman.
[n.p.]. [n.d.]
Item identification number 9311.
Reel: 952
Biret, Aimé Charles Louis Modeste, 1767-1839.
Traité du contrat de mariage.
Paris, A. Bertrand. 1825
Item identification number 826.
Reel: 127
Birgitta, Saint of Sweden, d. 1373.
La dichosa peregrina; segundo apocalypse de Dios.
Lisboa, En la imprenta da Antonio Pedrozo Galram. 1714
Item identification number 76.
Reel: 14
Birgitta, Saint of Sweden, d. 1373.
[Nuremberg, Anton Koberger]. [September 21, 1500]
Item identification number 77; [with prefaces by Johannes de Turrecremata and Matthias de Suecia. Edited by Florian Waldauf von Waldenstein].
Reel: 14
Birney, Catherine N.
The Grimké sisters.
Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, C. T. Dillingham. 1885
Item identification number 3116; Sarah and Angelina Grimké.
Reel: 426
Birrell, Augustine, 1850-1933.
Life of Charlotte Bronte.
London, W. Scott. 1887
Item identification number 3117.
Reel: 426
Birth control.
Ditchling, Sussex, [England] S. Dominic's press. 1919
Item identification number 9987.
Reel: 962
The Birth control movement.
[n.p.] The Committee of One Hundred. 1917
Item identification number 9980.
Reel: 962
Feb. 1917-1926
Reel: 15
1927-Jan. 1940
Reel: 16
Bischoff, Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm, 1807-1882.
Das Studium und die Ausübung der Medicin durch Frauen.
München, Literarisch-artistische Anstalt, T. Riede. 1872
Item identification number 2540.
Reel: 367
Bishop, Harriet E., 1817-1883.
Floral home; or, First years in Minnesota.
New York, Sheldon, Blakeman and co. 1857
Item identification number 1624; Early sketches, later settlements, and further developments.
Reel: 244
Bishop, Isabella Lucy (Bird) "Mrs. J. F. Bishop," 1831-1904.
The golden Chersonese and the way thither.
New York, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1883
Item identification number 3118; with map and illustrations.
Reel: 426
Bishop, Isabella Lucy (Bird) "Mrs. J. F. Bishop," 1831-1904.
The lady's life in the Rocky Mountains.
New York, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1879-80
Item identification number 2541.
Reel: 367
Bishop, Isabella Lucy (Bird) "Mrs. J. F. Bishop," 1831-1904.
Unbeaten tracks in Japan; an account of travels on horseback in the interior.
New York, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1881
Item identification number 3119.
Reel: 426
[Bishop, Isabella Lucy (Bird)] "Mrs. J. F. Bishop," 1831-1904.
The Englishwomen in America.
London, J. Murray. 1856
Item identification number 1625.
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