History of Women Author Index Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

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History of Women

Author Index

Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142.

Letters of Abelard and Heloise.

London, Printed for J. Watts. 1743

Item identification number 1; To which is prefix'd a particular account of their lives, amours, and misfortunes: extracted chiefly from Monsieur Bayle. Translated from the French by the late John Hughes, esq. 7th ed.

Reel: 1
Abbot, Gorham Dummer, 1807-1874.

The family at home; or, Familiar illustrations of the various domestic duties.

Boston, Carter, Hendee & Co. 1834

Item identification number 956.

Reel: 151
Abbot, Willis John, 1863-1934.

Women of history; the lives of women who in all ages, all lands and in all womanly occupations have won fame and put their imprint on the world's history.

Philadelphia, J. C. Winston co. [c1913]

Item identification number 6269.

Reel: 786
Abbott, Edith, 1876-1957.

Are women a force for good government?.

[Baltimore]. [1915]

Item identification number 7982; An analysis of the returns in the recent municipal election in Chicago.

Reel: 935
Abbott, Edith, 1876-1957.

... Democracy and social progress in England.

Chicago, University of Chicago Press. [1918]

Item identification number 8209.

Reel: 939
Abbott, Edith, 1876-1957.

Employment of women in industries; 12th census statistics.

Chicago. 1905

Item identification number 8580; with S. B. Breckinridge.

Reel: 943
Abbott, Edith, 1876-1957.

The wage-earning woman and the state, a reply to Miss Minnie Bronson.

Boston, Boston equal suffrage association for good government. [191-]

Item identification number 5603; by Sophonisba P. Breckinridge.

Reel: 700
Abbott, Edith, 1876-1957.

Women in industry, a study in American economic history.

New York, D. Appleton. 1918

Item identification number 7182; with an introductory note by Sophonisba P. Breckinridge.

Reel: 875
Abbott, Edward, 1841-1908.

Mrs. James Greenleaf.

Cambridge, The Powell press. 1903

Item identification number 4988; A commemorative discourse, by her pastor.

Reel: 625
Abbott, Elizabeth Cushing.

Photograph of Elizabeth Cushing Abbott.

Photograph number: P2.

Reel: 963
Abbott, Eloise (Miles) 1821.

Personal sketches and recollections: in a series of familiar letters to a friend.

Boston, A. Tompkins. 1861

Item identification number 2081; And miscellaneous essays.

Reel: 306
Abbott, Ethel B.

A diary of a tour through Canada and the United States.

London. 1882

Item identification number 3071.1.

Reel: 420
Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879.

History of Margaret of Anjou, queen of Henry VI. of England.

New York, Harper & brothers. [1861]

Item identification number 2082.

Reel: 307
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, 1805-1877.

The history of Hortense, daughter of Josephine, Queen of Holland, mother of Napoleon III.

New York, Harper & Bros. [1898]

Item identification number 3776.1.

Reel: 498
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, 1805-1877.

History of Josephine.

New York, Harper & brothers. [1851]

Item identification number 1570.

Reel: 236
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, 1805-1877.

History of Madame Roland, with engravings.

New York, Harper & Brothers. [1850]

Item identification number 1571.

Reel: 236
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, 1805-1877.

The mother at home; or, The principles of maternal duty familiarly illustrated.

New York, American Tract Society. [1833]

Item identification number 957.

Reel: 152
Abbott, Lyman (Mrs.).

Mrs. Lyman Abbott on woman suffrage.

[N.Y.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9349; Address before the Anti-Woman Suffrage Society of Albany, New York.

Reel: 952
Abbott, Lyman (Rev.) 1835-1922.

Why women do not wish the suffrage.

[New York]. [1904?]

Item identification number 9286.

Reel: 951
Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922.

The home builder.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin co. 1908

Item identification number 5604.

Reel: 700
Abbott, Maude.

Photograph of Maude Abbott.

Photograph number: P1.

Reel: 963
Abbott, Maude Elizabeth Seymour, 1869-1940.

Women in medicine.

Toronto, Morang & co. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8609.

Reel: 944
Abell, L.G. (Mrs.).

The mother's book of daily duties.

New York, R. T. Young, publisher. 1853

Item identification number 1573.

Reel: 236
Abell, L.G. (Mrs.).

Woman in her various relations: containing practical rules for American females.

New York, R. T. Young. 1853

Item identification number 1574.

Reel: 236
Abell, L.G. (Mrs.) comp.

Gems by the way-side: an offering of purity and truth.

New York, R.T. Young. 1853 [c1860]

Item identification number 1572.

Reel: 236
Abensour, Léon, 1889.

Le féminisme sous le règne de Louis-Philippe et en 1848.

Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1913

Item identification number 6270; Préface de M. Jules Bois. 2 éd.

Reel: 786
Abensour, Léon, 1889.

... Les vailllantes; héroines, martyres et remplaçantes, Avec une préface de Louis Barthou.

Paris, Chapelot. 1917

Item identification number 7183.

Reel: 875
Aberconway, Laura Elizabeth (Pochin) McLaren, baroness.

The prime minister and women's suffrage.

London, John Sewell, "The Grosvenor Press". [1913]

Item identification number 9520; A criticism of Mr. Asquith's speech in the debate of May 6th, 1913, on Mr. Dickinson's Bill to confer the Parliamentary Franchise upon women.

Reel: 954
Aberconway, Laura Elizabeth (Pochin) McLaren, baroness.

The women's charter of rights and liberties.

[London, J. Sewell]. 1909

Item identification number 5604.1; Preliminary draft.

Reel: 700
Aberdeen and Temair, Ishbel Marie. (Marjoribanks) Gordon, marchioness of, 1857, ed.

Our Lady of the sunshine and her international visitors.

London, Constable & co., ltd. 1909

Item identification number 5605; a series of impressions written by representatives of the various delegations attending the quinquennial meeting of the International council of women in Canada, June 1909.

Reel: 700
About, Edmond François Valentin, 1828-1885.


Paris, L. Hackette. 1863

Item identification number 2083; 2d. ed.

Reel: 307
Abrantes, Laure Saint-Martin (Permon) Junot, duchesse d', 1784-1838.

Les Femmes Célèbres de tous les pays.

Paris, Chez l'Editeur. 1839

Item identification number 958; Leur caractère. Nouvelle édition.

Reel: 152
Abrantes, Laure Saint-Martin (Permon) Junot, duchesse d', 1784-1838.

Mémoires de la duchesse d'Abrantès.

Paris, De Lagrave. 1893

Item identification number 3777; La révolution, le directoire, le consulat [par M. Chambon].

Reel: 498
Abric, Julien.

Influence de la séparation de biens sur la capacité de la femme mariée.

Montpellier, G. Firmin, Montane et Sicardi. 1903

Item identification number 4989.

Reel: 625
Les Abyssiniennes et les femmes du Soudan oriental d'après les relations de Bruce, Browne, Caillaud, Gobat, Dr Cuny, Lejean, Baker, etc.

Turin, Jean Gay. 1876

Item identification number 2482.

Reel: 360
An Account of the convincement and call to the ministry of Margaret Lucas.

Stanford Printed by Daniel Laurence for Henry and John F. Hull. 1803

Item identification number 615; Late of Leek, in Staffordshire. Stanford [New York].

Reel: 90
Acker, Paul.

Portraits de femmes.

Paris, Dorbon-Ainé. 1912

Item identification number 6271.

Reel: 786
Ackermann, Jessie.

What women have done with the vote.

New York, W.B. Feakins. [c1913]

Item identification number 6273.

Reel: 787
Ackermann, Jessie A.

Australia from a woman's point of view.

London, New York [etc.] Cassell & co., ltd. 1913

Item identification number 6272; with sixty-four plates.

Reel: 787
Acland, Francis Dyke, 1874.

Adult suffrage, an address to democrats.

London, The People's Suffrage Federation. [1911]

Item identification number 9495.

Reel: 954
Acosta de Samper, Soledad, 1833-1903.

La mujer en la sociedad moderna.

Paris, Garnier. [1895]

Item identification number 3778.

Reel: 498
L'action Feminine.

Jan. 1909-Oct. 1915

Reel: 237
Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, 1st baron, 1834-1902.

Letters of Lord Acton to Mary Gladstone.

New York, The Macmillan co.; London, G. Allen. 1904

Item identification number 4990; Edited, with an introductory memoir, by Herbert Paul.

Reel: 625
Acton, William, 1813-1875.

Prostitution, considered in its moral, social and sanitary aspects, in London and other large cities and garrison towns.

London, J. Churchill. 1870

Item identification number 2483; with proposals for the control and prevention of its attendant evils. 2d ed.

Reel: 360
Les Actrices de Paris.

Paris, G. Havard. 1856

Item identification number 1574.1; Dessin par Andrieux.

Reel: 237
[Adair, Bethenia Angelina (Owens)], 1840-1926.

Dr. Owens-Adair; some of her life experiences.

[Portland, Oregon, Mann & Beach, printers]. [1906?]

Item identification number 5606.

Reel: 700
Adam, Hargrave Lee, 1867.

Police work from within, with some reflections upon women, the law and lawyers.

London, Holden and Hardington. [1913]

Item identification number 6274.

Reel: 787
Adam, Hargrave Lee, 1867.

Woman and crime.

London, T. W. Laurie. [1912]

Item identification number 6275.

Reel: 787
Adam, Juliette (Lamber) 1836-1936.

Mes illusions et nos souffrances pendant la siège de Paris.

Paris, A. Lemerre. 1906

Item identification number 5607.

Reel: 700
Adam, Juliette (Lamber) 1836-1936.

My literary life.

New York, D. Appleton & co. 1904

Item identification number 4991.

Reel: 625
Adam, Juliette (Lamber) 1836-1936.

Nos amitiés politiques avant l'abandon de la Revanche.

Paris, A. Lemerre. 1908

Item identification number 5608.

Reel: 701
Adams, Abigail (Smith) 1744-1818.

Letters of Mrs. Adams, the wife of John Adams.

Boston, Little & Brown. 1840

Item identification number 1235; with an introductory memoir by her grandson, Charles Francis Adams. 2d ed.

Reel: 187
Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915, ed.

Antinomianism in the colony of Massachusetts bay, 1636-1638.

Boston, The Prince society. 1894

Item identification number 3779; Including the Short story and other documents.

Reel: 498
Adams, Emma Hildreth.

To and fro in Southern California.

Cincinnati, W.M.B.C. press. 1887

Item identification number 3072; with sketches in Arizona and New Mexico.

Reel: 420
Adams, F.G.

The Women's vote in Kansas.

Boston, American woman suffrage association. 1888

Item identification number 8862.

Reel: 947
Adams, Female Academy.

Catalogue of the trustees, instructors and pupils of the Adams Female Academy, Derry, N.H., for the year ending October, 1843.

Andover, Printed by Allen, Morrill and Wardwell. 1843

Item identification number 8688.

Reel: 945
Adams, Franklin George, 1824-1899.

Woman suffrage in Kansas.

Topeka, Kansas, The G. W. Crane. 1888

Item identification number 3073; An account of the municipal elections in Kansas in 1887, as told ... statistical tables of the women's votes in 1887-1888.

Reel: 420
Adams, Franklin George, 1824-1899.

The women's vote in Kansas.

Boston, American Woman Suffrage Association. 1888

Item identification number 8854.

Reel: 947
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.

An abridgment of the history of New-England, for the use of young persons.

Boston, Printed for the author by Homans & West. 1805

Item identification number 616.

Reel: 90
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.

An alphabetical compendium of the various sects which have appeared in the world from the beginning of the Christian æ ra to the present day.

Boston, Printed by B. Edes & sons. 1784

Item identification number 3; with an appendix, containing a brief account of the different schemes of religion now embraced among mankind. The whole collected from the best authors, ancient and modern.

Reel: 1
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.

Letters on the gospels.

Cambridge [Mass.], Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf. 1824

Item identification number 811.

Reel: 124
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.

A memoir of Miss Hannah Adams.

Boston, Gray and Bowen. 1832

Item identification number 959; with additional notices by a friend.

Reel: 152
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.

A narrative of the controversy between the Rev. Jedidiah Morse, D.D. and the author.

Boston: Sold by Cummings and Hilliard, Bradford and Read, and Isaiah Thomas, jun., John Eliot, printer. 1814

Item identification number 724.

Reel: 110
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.

Photograph of Hannah Adams.

Photograph number: P3.

Reel: 963
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.

A summary history of New-England, from the first settlement at Plymouth, to the acceptance of the federal Constitution.

Dedham [Mass.] Printed for the author, by H. Mann & J. H. Adams. 1799

Item identification number 4; Comprehending a general sketch of the American war.

Reel: 1
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.

The truth and excellence of the Christian religion exhibited in two parts.

Boston, Printed by David Carlisle for John West. 1804

Item identification number 617; Part I containing sketches of the lives of eminent laymen, who have written in defence of the Christian religion. Part II containing extracts from their writings.

Reel: 90
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.

A view of religions.

Boston, Printed by and for Manning & Loring. 1801

Item identification number 618; 3d ed., with large additions.

Reel: 90
Adams, Henry Gardiner, 1811 or 12-1881, ed.

Cyclopaedia of female biography.

London, G. Routledge and sons. 1869

Item identification number 2084; consisting of sketches of all women who have been distinguished by great talents, strength of character, piety, benevolence, or moral virtue of any kind.

Reel: 307
Adams, Herbert Baxter, 1850-1901.

... Work among workingwomen in Baltimore; a social study.

[Baltimore, J. Murphy & co., printers]. [1889]

Item identification number 8559.

Reel: 943
Adams, John, pres., U.S., 1735-1826.

Familiar letters of John Adams and his wife, Abigail Adams, during the Revolution.

New York, Hurd & Houghton; Cambridge, The Riverside Press. 1876

Item identification number 2484; with a memoir of Mrs. Adams by Charles Francis Adams.

Reel: 360
[Adams, John], 1750-1814.


London, Printed for G. Kearsley. 1790

Item identification number 5; Sketches of the history, genius, disposition accomplishments, employments, customs and importance of the fair sex, in all parts of the world. Interspersed with many singular and entertaining anecdotes. by a friend to the sex.

Reel: 1
Adams, Josef, 1879.

Ueber die Unentgeltlichkeit der Eheverträge.

Bonn, E. Eisele. 1910

Item identification number 5608.1.

Reel: 701
Adams, Mabel E.

The teachers' branch of the Boston equal suffrage association for good government.

[Boston?]. [1918?]

Item identification number 9186.

Reel: 950
Adams, Mabel E.

Why teachers should be suffragists.

[Boston]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9187.

Reel: 950
Adams, Mary Dean.

Wages and the ballot.

New York, New York state association opposed to woman suffrage. 1909

Item identification number 9295; 2d ed.

Reel: 951
Adams, Maude.

Photograph of Maude Adams.

Photograph number: P4.

Reel: 963
Adams, Oscar Fay.

The presumption of sex, and other papers.

Boston, Lee and Shepard. 1892

Item identification number 3780.

Reel: 498
Adams, Thomas Sewall, 1873-1933.

Labor problems.

New York, Macmillan co.; London, Macmillan & co., ltd. 1905

Item identification number 4993; A textbook, by Helen L. Sumner.

Reel: 625
Adams, William Henry Davenport, 1828-1891.

Celebrated Englishwomen of the Victorian Era.

London, F. V. White & co. 1884

Item identification number 3074.

Reel: 420
Adams, William Henry Davenport, 1828-1891.

Celebrated women travellers of the nineteenth century.

New York, E. P. Dutton. 1903

Item identification number 4994.

Reel: 625
Adams, William Henry Davenport, 1828-1891.

Child-life and girlhood of remarkable women.

New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1895

Item identification number 3780.1; A series of chapters from female biography.

Reel: 499
Adams, William Henry Davenport, 1828-1891.

Famous beauties and historic women.

London, C. J. Skeet. 1865

Item identification number 2085; A gallery of croquis biographiques.

Reel: 307
Adams, William Henry Davenport, 1828-1891.

Stories of the lives of noble women.

London, T. Nelson. 1880

Item identification number 3075.

Reel: 421
Adams, William Henry Davenport, 1828-1891.

Woman's work and worth in girlhood, maidenhood, and wifehood.

London, J. Hogg. 1880

Item identification number 3076; with hints on self culture and chapters on the higher education and employment of women.

Reel: 421
Adams, William Henry Davenport, 1828-1891.

Women of fashion and representative women in letters and society.

London, Tinsley brothers. 1878

Item identification number 2485; A series of biographical and critical studies.

Reel: 360
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

A challenge to the contemporary church.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9940.

Reel: 961
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

A function of the social settlement.

Philadelphia, American academy of political and social science. 1899

Item identification number 8460.

Reel: 942
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

The modern city and the municipal franchise for women.

Warren, Ohio. 1906

Item identification number 9188.

Reel: 950
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

A new conscience and an ancient evil.

New York, Macmillan co. 1912

Item identification number 6276.

Reel: 787
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

Newer ideals of peace.

New York, Macmillan. 1907

Item identification number 5609.

Reel: 701
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

Photograph of Jane Addams.

Photograph numbers: P5 - P7.

Reel: 963
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

The subjective value of a social settlement.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8457.

Reel: 942
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

Twenty years at Hull-house, with autobiographical notes.

New York, Macmillan co. 1910

Item identification number 5610; with illus. by Norah Hamilton.

Reel: 701
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

Why women should vote.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [1912]

Item identification number 9043.

Reel: 949
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

Women and public house keeping.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9000.

Reel: 948
Addison, Daniel Dulany, 1863.

An address in memory of Lucy Larcom.

Boston. [1893]

Item identification number 3781.

Reel: 499
Addition, Lucia H. Faxon.

Twenty eventful years of the Oregon Woman's Christian temperance union, 1880-1900.

Portland, Or., Gotshall printing company. 1904

Item identification number 4996; Statistical, historical and biographical. Portraits of prominent pioneer workers.

Reel: 626
Address to the Judiciary committees of the senate and assembly of the state of New York, February 22, 1899.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9277; Presented by the Association opposed to the extension of the suffrage to women. The address was prepared by a sub-committee.

Reel: 951
An Address to the ladies, shewing how hazardous matrimony is found to enter upon at this time.

London, Printed by T. and J. W. Pasham. 1767

Item identification number 5.1; by a young batchelor.

Reel: 1
An Address to the voters of Kansas.

Lawrence, Kansas. 1867

Item identification number 8795; [Signed by S. C. Pomeroy, E. G. Ross, R. J. Crawford, and others.].

Reel: 946
Aderer, Adolphe, 1855-1923.

... Les femmes dans les comédies de Molière.

Saint-Cloud, Madame Veuve Belin. 1865

Item identification number 2086; Deux conférences.

Reel: 307
Adhemar, Marie Blanche Angeline (Verdet) vicomtesse d'.

La femme catholique et la démocratie française.

Paris, Perrin et Cie. 1900

Item identification number 3782.

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