History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 445 Garrison, Wendell Phillips, 1840-1907

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Reel: 445
Garrison, Wendell Phillips, 1840-1907.

William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life.

New York, The Century co. 1885-1889

Item identification number 3297; told by his children [Wendell Phillips Garrison and Francis Jackson Garrison].

Reel: 445-446
[Gaya, Louis de].

Matrimonial ceremonies displayed: where are exhibited the various customs, odd pranks, whimsical tricks and surprising practices of near one hundred different kingdoms and people in the world, now used in the celebration and consumption of matrimony, collected from the papers of a rambling bachelor; with a variety of remarks by him, serious and humorous.

London, H. Serjeant. [1886]

Item identification number 3297.1; To which is added the comical adventures of Sir Harry Fitzgerald, who had seven wives.

Reel: 446
Genee, Rudolf, 1824-1914.

Klassische Frauenbilder, aus dramatischen Dichtungen von Shakespeare, Lessing, Goethe, und Schiller.

Berlin, R. Gaertners. 1884

Item identification number 3298.

Reel: 446
Genna, E.

Irresponsible philanthropists: being some chapters on the employment of gentlewomen.

London, C. Kegan Paul & co. 1881

Item identification number 3299.

Reel: 446
Gilchrist, Anne (Burrows) 1828-1885.

Anne Gilchrist: her life and writings.

New York, Scribner & Welford. 1887

Item identification number 3301; edited by Herbert Hariakenden Gilchrist; with a prefatory notice by William Michael Rossetti.

Reel: 446
Gilchrist, Anne (Burrows) 1828-1885.

Mary Lamb.

Boston, Roberts brothers. 1883

Item identification number 3302.

Reel: 446
Gilman, Mary Rebecca (Foster), "Mrs. Bradley Gilman," 1859.

Saint Theresa of Avila.

Boston, Roberts Bros. 1889

Item identification number 3303.

Reel: 446
[Gilman, Stella (Scott)], 1844.

Mothers in council.

New York, Harper & brothers. 1884

Item identification number 3304.

Reel: 446
Giralt, Pedro, 1856-1924.

... El amor y la prostitución, replica a un libro del Dr. Céspedes.

Habana, Ruiz y Hermano. 1889

Item identification number 3304.1.

Reel: 446
Girardin, Emile de, 1806-1881.

L'égale de l'homme; lettre à Alexandre Dumas fils.

Paris, Calmann Lévy. 1881

Item identification number 3305; 3 éd.

Reel: 446
Giraud, Léon, 1852.

Essai sur la condition des femmes en Europe & en Amérique.

Paris, A. Ghio. 1882

Item identification number 3306.

Reel: 447
Giraud, Léon, 1852.

La femme et la nouvelle loi sur le divorce.

Paris, A. Durand, et Pedone-Lauriel. 1885

Item identification number 3307.

Reel: 447
[Giraud, Léon], 1852.

Le roman de la femme chrétienne; étude historique avec une lettre - préface de Mlle. Hubertine Auclert.

Paris, A. Ghio. 1880

Item identification number 3308.

Reel: 447
Glasson, Ernest Désiré, 1839-1907.

Le marriage civil et le divorce dans l'antiquité et dans les principales législations modernes de l'Europe.

Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel. 1880

Item identification number 3309; 2 éd., revue et considérablement augmentée.

Reel: 447
Godefroi, Michaël Jacobus, 1819-1895.

Getuigen en redden.

's. Hertogenbosch, Van Heusdan. 1880

Item identification number 3309.1; Open brief aan H. Pierson.

Reel: 447
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832.

Goethes Briefe an Frau von Stein, hrsg. von Adolf Schöll.

Frankfurt a. M., Rütten & Loening. 1883-85

Item identification number 3310; 2. vervollständigte Aufl. bearb von Wilhelm Fielitz.

Reel: 447
Goethe, Katharine Elisabeth (Textor), 1731-1808.

Goethe's mother.

New York, Dodd, Mead & company. [1880]

Item identification number 3311; Correspondence of Catherine Elizabeth Goethe with Goethe, Lavater, Wieland, Duchess Anna Amalia of Saxe-Weimar, Friedrich von Stein, and others. Tr. from the German, with the addition of biographical sketches from notes, by Alfred S. Gibbs. with an introductory note by Clarence Cook.

Reel: 447
Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de, 1822-1896.

La femme au XVIIIe siècle, par Edmond et Jules de Goncourt.

Paris, Librarie de Firmin-Didot et cie. 1887

Item identification number 3312.

Reel: 448
Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de, 1822-1896.

La Saint-Huberty, d'après sa correspondance et ses papiers de famille.

Paris, E. Dentu. 1882

Item identification number 3313.

Reel: 448
Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de, 1822-1896.

Sophie Arnould d'après sa correspondance et ses mémoires inédits.

Paris, G. Charpentier et cie. 1885

Item identification number 3314.

Reel: 448
Gordon, Lydia L.

From Lady Washington to Mrs. Cleveland.

Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, C. T. Dillingham. 1889

Item identification number 3316.

Reel: 448
Gordon-Cumming, Constance Frederica, 1837-1924.

A lady's cruise in a French man-or-war.

Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and sons. 1882

Item identification number 3315.

Reel: 448
Gowanlock, Theresa.

Two months in the camp of Big Bear.

Parkdale, Times office. 1885

Item identification number 3317; The life and adventures of Theresa Gowanlock and Theresa Delaney.

Reel: 448
Grafton, Charles Chapman, bp., 1830-1912.

Vocation; or, The call of the divine master to a sister's life.

New York, E. & J.B. Young & co. [c1886]

Item identification number 3318.

Reel: 448
Grand-Carteret, John, 1850-1927.

La femme en Allemagne, avec 144 illustrations dont deux eaux-fortes et trois planches en couleur.

Paris, L. Westhausser. 1887

Item identification number 3319.

Reel: 449
Granges de Surgères, Anatole, marquis de, 1850-1902.

... Les Françaises du XVIIIe siècle.

Paris, E. Dentu. 1887

Item identification number 3320; portraits gravés; avec une préface de M. le baron Roger Portalis; ouvrage orné de douze portraits d'après les originaux.

Reel: 449
Gréard, Octave, 1828-1904.

L'éducation des femmes par les femmes; études et portraits.

Paris, Librairie Hachette et cie. 1886

Item identification number 3322.

Reel: 449
Gréard, Octave, 1828-1904.

L'enseignement secondaire des filles.

Paris, Delalain frères. [1883]

Item identification number 3323; 3 éd.

Reel: 449
Grifflin, Walter T.

The homes of our country; or, The centers of moral and religious influence; the crystals of society; the nuclei of national character.

New York Union publishing house. 1882

Item identification number 3324; Comp. by Walter T. Griffin.

Reel: 449
Grogan, Mercy.

How women may earn a living.

London, Paris, New York, Cassell, Petter, Galpin & co. [1880?]

Item identification number 3325.

Reel: 450
Grzegorzewska, Sabina (Gostkowska) 1808-1872.

Pamietnik o Maryi Wesslównie, Królewiczowéj Konstantowéj Sobieskiéj, spisany ze wspomnien rodzinnych przez Sabine z Gostkowskich Grzégorzewska.

Warzawa, W Druk. Noskowskiego. 1887

Item identification number 3326.

Reel: 450
Guerrier, Louis, 1827.

Madame Guyon; sa vie, sa doctrine et son influence.

Orléans, H. Herluison. 1881

Item identification number 3327.

Reel: 450
Guilford, Linda Thayer, 1823-1911, comp.

The use of a life: memorials of Mrs. Z. P. Grant Banister.

New York, American Tract Society. [1885?]

Item identification number 3328.

Reel: 450
Gurney, Eliza Paul (Kirkbride), 1801-1881.

Memoir and correspondence of Eliza P. Gurney.

Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1884

Item identification number 3329; Edited by Richard F. Mott.

Reel: 450
Gustafson, Zadel (Barnes) 1841?-1917.

Genevieve Ward; a biographical sketch from original material derived from her family and friends.

Boston, J. R. Osgood & co. 1882

Item identification number 3330.

Reel: 450
Guyot, Yves, 1843-1928.

... La prostitution.

Paris, G. Charpentier. 1882

Item identification number 3331.

Reel: 450
Hack, Mary Pryor.

Mary Pryor.

Philadelphia, Longstreth. 1888

Item identification number 3334; ago.

Reel: 451
Hacquet, P.

De l'indecence aux hommes d'accoucher les femmes.

Bruxelles. 1881

Item identification number 3335.

Reel: 451
Hague, Parthenia Antoinette (Vardaman) 1838.

A blockaded family; life in southern Alabama during the Civil war.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin; Cambridge, Riverside Press. 1888

Item identification number 3337.

Reel: 451
Haighton, Elise A.

De vrouw in Nederland.

[Amsterdam]. [1882]

Item identification number 3338.

Reel: 451
Hall, Florence Marion (Howe) 1845-1922.

Social customs.

Boston, Estes & Lauriat. 1887

Item identification number 3340.

Reel: 451
[Hall, Florence Marion (Howe)], 1845-1922.

The correct thing in good society.

Boston, Estes and Lauriat. [c1888]

Item identification number 3339; by the author of "social customs".

Reel: 451
Hallowell, Anna (Davis) 1838, ed.

James and Lucretia Mott. Life and letters.

Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and co.; Cambridge, Riverside Press. 1884

Item identification number 3341; Ed. by their granddaughter, Anna Davis Hallowell. with portraits.

Reel: 451
[Hamer, Sarah Sharp (Heaton)], 1839-1927.

Mrs. Somerville and Mary Carpenter.

London [etc.] Cassell and co., ltd. 1887

Item identification number 3342; by Phyllis Browne [pseud.].

Reel: 451
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert, 1834-1894.

Human intercourse.

Boston, Roberts bros. 1884

Item identification number 3343.

Reel: 451
Hanekuijk, Jacob.

Jets over bekentenis en verstek bij echtscheiding en scheiding van tafel en bed.

Amsterdam, M. J. Portielje. 1885

Item identification number 3343.1.

Reel: 451
[Hardy, Edward John], 1849-1920.

The five talents of woman; a book for girls and women.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1888

Item identification number 3344; by the author of "How to be happy though married,".

Reel: 451
[Hardy, Edward John], 1849-1920.

How to be happy though married.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1886

Item identification number 3345; Being a handbook to marriage. by a graduate in the university of matrimony.

Reel: 452
[Hardy, Edward John], 1849-1920.

Manners makyth man.

New York, Charles Scribner's sons. 1887

Item identification number 3346; by the author of "How to be happy though married".

Reel: 452
Hardy, Mary (McDowell) Duffus, lady, 1825?-1891.

Through cities and prairie lands.

London, Chapman and Hall, ltd. 1881

Item identification number 3348; Sketches of an American tour, by Lady Duffus Hardy.

Reel: 452
Hardy, Mary H.

Our home.

Toronto, Hunter, Rose & co. 1882

Item identification number 3347; Report of Mrs. Hardy's work during the year 1881, among unfortunate women.

Reel: 452
Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert, 1834-1903.

The life and letters of Frances baroness Bunsen.

N.Y., G. Routledge. 1880?

Item identification number 3349.

Reel: 452
Harrison, Constance (Cary) "Mrs. Burton Harrison," 1843-1920.

Woman's handiwork in modern homes.

[New York] C. Scribner's sons. 1881

Item identification number 3350; with numerous illustrations and five colored plates from designs by Samuel Colman, Rosina Emmet, George Gibson, and others.

Reel: 452
Hart, Heber Leonidas, 1865.

Women's suffrage and national danger: a plea for the ascendency of men.

London, Alexander & Shepheard [etc.]. [1889]

Item identification number 3351.

Reel: 452
Haussonville, Gabriel Paul Othenin de Cléron, comte d', 1843-1924.

Le salon de Madame Necker d'après des documents tirés des archives de Coppet.

Paris, Calmann-Lévy. 1885

Item identification number 3352; 2 éd.

Reel: 452-453
[Havergal, Maria Vernon Graham], 1821-1887.

Memorials of Frances Ridley Havergal.

New York, A.D.F. Randolph & co. [1880]

Item identification number 3353.

Reel: 453
Haviland, Laura (Smith) 1808-1898.

A woman's life-work: labors and experiences of Laura S. Haviland.

Chicago, C.V. Waite & co. 1887

Item identification number 3354.

Reel: 453
Hawthorne, Julian, 1846-1934.

Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife; a biography.

Cambridge [Mass.] Printed at the University press [J.R. Osgood and co.]. 1884

Item identification number 3355.

Reel: 453
Hays, Frances.

Women of the day; a biographical dictionary of notable contemporaries.

London, Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly. 1885

Item identification number 3356.

Reel: 453
Heinsius, Theodor.

Die Bestimmung der Jungfrau und Frau. Belehrungen über Anmuth und Würde des weiblichen Geschlechts und das Verhältniss der Jungfrau als Braut.

Berlin, S. Mode. [1883?]

Item identification number 3358.2; Eine belehrende Anweisung, wie sich das weibliche Geschlecht zu beglückenden Gattinnen, bildenden Müttern ihrer Kinder und weisen Vorsteherinnen des Hauswesens ausbilden und sich das eheliche und häusliche Leben angenehm machen können. Herausgegeben von Dr. Heinsius. 6 ed.

Reel: 454
Hellegers, Willem Petrus Antonie.

Het kanonieke recht en het overspel.

Venloo, Wed. H. H. Uyttenbroeck. 1882

Item identification number 3358.3.

Reel: 454
Hellwald, Friedrich Anton Heller von, 1842-1892.

Die menschliche Familie nach ihrer Entstehung und natürlichen Entwickelung.

Leipzig, E. Günther. 1889

Item identification number 3358.

Reel: 454
Herbert, Mary Elizabeth (A'Court) Herbert, baroness, 1822-1911.

Wives and mothers in the olden time; from French, Italian and Latin authors.

London, R. Bentley & son. 1885

Item identification number 3359.

Reel: 454
Hermann, Bruder, 13th cent.

Bruder Hermann's Leben der gräfin Iolande von Vianden mit einleitung und anmerkungen hrsg. von. J. Meir.

Breslau, W. Koebner. 1889

Item identification number 3360.

Reel: 454
[Herpin, Clara Adèle Luce], 1825-1914.

Memoirs of the Princess de Ligne.

London, R. Bentley & son. 1887

Item identification number 3361; ed. by Lucien Perey; tr. by Laura Ensor.

Reel: 454
Hetzel, H.

Leiden und Thaten der Frauen im Kriege.

Hamburg, Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei (vorm, J. F. Richter). 1888

Item identification number 3363; Vortrag, gehalten im Lette-Verein zu Berlin am 4. Januar 1888.

Reel: 454
Hicks, Rachel (Seaman) 1789-1878.

Memoir of Rachel Hicks late of Westbury, Long Island, a minister in the Society of Friends.

New York, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1880

Item identification number 3364; together with some letters and a memorial of Westbury monthly meeting.

Reel: 454
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911.

Common sense about women.

Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, C. T. Dillingham. 1882

Item identification number 3365.

Reel: 454
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911.

... Margaret Fuller Ossoli.

Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and co.; Cambridge, The Riverside Press. 1884

Item identification number 3366.

Reel: 455
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911.

Women and men.

New York, Harper & brothers. 1888

Item identification number 3368.

Reel: 455
Hill, Alice (Polk) 1854.

Tales of the Colorado pioneers.

Denver, Pierson & Gardner. 1884

Item identification number 3369.

Reel: 455
Hoessli, Heinrich.

Eros. Die Männerliebe der Griechen.

Münster i.d. Schweiz. [1888?]

Item identification number 3376; oder Forschungen über platonische Liebe. 2th Aufl.

Reel: 455
Holmes, Alice A., 1821.

Lost vision.

New-York, The De Vinne press. 1888

Item identification number 3371.

Reel: 455
Hooker, Isabella (Beecher) 1822-1907.

The constitutional rights of the women of the United States; an address before the International Council of Women, Washington, D.C., March 30, 1888.

[Washington, D.C.?] Fowler & Miller Co., printers. [1888?]

Item identification number 3372.

Reel: 455
Hopkins, Louisa Parsons (Stone) 1834-1895.

Breath of the field and shore.

Boston, Lee & Shepard; New York, C. T. Dillingham. 1881

Item identification number 3373.

Reel: 455
Hopkins, Sara Winnemucca, 1844?-1891.

Life among the Piutes; their wrongs and claims.

Boston, For sale by Cupples, Upham and co.; New York, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1883

Item identification number 3374; Ed. by Mrs. Horace Mann.

Reel: 455
Hoppner, John, 1758-1810.

Bygone beauties.

London, The Leadenhall press [etc.] New York, C. Scribner's sons. [1883]

Item identification number 3375; a select series of ten portraits of ladies of rank and fashion, from paintings by John Hoppner; engraved by Charles Wilkin; annotated by Andrew W. Tuer.

Reel: 455
Houssaye, Arsène, 1815-1896.

Les douze nouvelles nouvelles.

Paris, E. Dentu. [1884]

Item identification number 3377.

Reel: 455
Houssaye, Arsène, 1815-1896.

Molière, sa femmes et sa fille; par Arsène Houssaye.

Paris, Dentu. 1880

Item identification number 3378.

Reel: 456
Houstoun, Matilda Charlotte (Jesse) 1815?-1892.

A woman's memories of world-known men.

London, F. V. White & co. 1883

Item identification number 3379; 3d ed., revised and corrected.

Reel: 456
Howe, Julia (Ward) 1819-1910.

Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli).

Boston, Roberts brothers. 1883

Item identification number 3380.

Reel: 456
Howe, Julia (Ward) 1819-1910.

Modern society.

Boston, Roberts brothers. 1881

Item identification number 3381.

Reel: 456
Howitt, Mary (Botham) "Mrs. W. Howitt," 1799-1888.

Mary Howitt; an autobiography.

London, W. Isbister, ltd. 1889

Item identification number 3382; ed. by her daughter, Margaret Howitt.

Reel: 456
Hoyt, John Wesley, 1831-1912.

Address of Gov. John W. Hoyt, of Wyoming territory, upon woman suffrage in Wyoming, delivered at Association Hall, Philadelphia, April 3, 1882.

[Philadelphia? National Woman Suffrage Association]. [1882?]

Item identification number 3383.

Reel: 456
Huber, Eugen, 1819-1923.

Die historische Grundlage des ehelichen Güterrechts der Berner Handfeste.

Basel, Schultze'sche Universitätsbuchdruckerei. 1884

Item identification number 3384.

Reel: 456
Hudson, Edmund.

An American woman's life and work.

Boston, Ticknor. 1886

Item identification number 3385; A memorial of Mary Clemmer.

Reel: 456
Hudson, William Henry, 1841-1922.

Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim.

[London]. 1888

Item identification number 3387.

Reel: 457
Hughes, Elizabeth.


Los Angeles, Cal., E. Hughes. 1889

Item identification number 3387.1.

Reel: 457
Hughes, Elizabeth.

Woman's manifest destiny and divine mission.

San Francisco, Richardson Brothers. 1884

Item identification number 3388; In four parts.

Reel: 457
Humphrey, William, 1839-1910.

Christian marriage.

London, Kegan Paul, Trench & co. 1886

Item identification number 3389.

Reel: 457
Hunt, Margaret (Raine), "Mrs. A. W. Hunt," 1831-1912.

Our grandmothers' gowns.

London, Field & Tuer [etc.]. [1884]

Item identification number 3390; with twenty-four hand-coloured illustrations drawn by George R. Halkett.

Reel: 457
Hurtrel, Alice.

La femme, sa condition sociale depuis l'antiquité jusqu'à nos jours, par Mme Alice Hurtrel.

Paris, G. Hurtrel. 1887

Item identification number 3391.

Reel: 457
Huth, Alfred Henry, 1850-1910.

The marriage of near kin: considered with respect to the laws of nations, the results of experience and the teachings of biology.

London and New York, Longmans, Green and Co. 1887

Item identification number 3392; Second edition, revised.

Reel: 457
Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Léon, baron, 1834-1900.

La duchesse de Berry et la cour de Charles X.

Paris, Dentu. 1888

Item identification number 3393.

Reel: 457
In memory of our mother.

Privately printed. 1882

Item identification number 3394.

Reel: 457
International Abolitionist Federation, 3d congress. The Hague, 1883.

Troisième congrès international, La Haye, 17-22 septembre 1883.

Neuchâtel, secrètariat général de la Federation britannique, continentale et générale. 1883

Item identification number 3395; Compte rendu officiel des travaux du Congrès.

Reel: 457
Ireland, Joseph Norton, 1817-1898.

Mrs. Duff.

Boston, J. R. Osgood & co. 1882

Item identification number 3396; with illus.

Reel: 457
Italy. Direzione generale della statistica.

... Le separazioni personali di coniugi e i divorzi in Italia e in alcuni altri paesi.

Roma, E. Botta. 1882

Item identification number 3396.1.

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