History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 595 Richter, Helene, 1861

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Reel: 595
Richter, Helene, 1861.

Mary Wollstonecraft, die Verfachterin der "Rechte der Frau.".

Wien, C. Konegen. 1897

Item identification number 4700.

Reel: 595
Riom, Adine Brobant "Mme. Eugène Riom," ed.

... Les femmes poètes bretonnes avec préface et notices, par Le Cte de Saint-Jean [pseud.] (Mme. Eugène Riom).

Nantes, Société des Bibliophiles Bretons. 1892

Item identification number 4702.

Reel: 595
Roberts, Louise Jewett (Raymond) 1819-1893.

Biographical sketches; with extracts from her journal and writings.

Philadelphia, A. J. Ferris. 1895

Item identification number 4703.

Reel: 595
Robin, Henri.

Le droit des gens mariés dans la coutume du duché de Bourgogne.

Paris, A. Rousseau. 1900

Item identification number 4705; Thèse pour le doctorat.

Reel: 595
Robinson, Cecilia.

The ministry of deaconesses.

London, Methuen & co. 1898

Item identification number 4707; with an introduction by Randall T. Davidson ... and an appendix by J. A. Robinson.

Reel: 595
Robinson, Harriet Jane (Hanson), "Mrs. W. S. Robinson," 1825-1911.

Loom and spindle; or, Life among the early mill girls.

New York; Boston, T. Y. Crowell & company. [1898]

Item identification number 4708; with a sketch of "The Lowell offering" and some of its contributors ... Introduction by the Honorable Carroll D. Wright.

Reel: 595
Robinson, Lelia Josephine, 1850-1891.

The law of husband and wife compiled for popular use.

Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, C. T. Dillingham. 1890

Item identification number 4709.

Reel: 596
Robinson, Mary (Darby) 1758-1800.

Memoirs of Mary Robinson, "Perdita".

London, Gibbings; Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co. 1895

Item identification number 4710; from the edition ed. by her daughter with introd. and notes by J. Fitzgerald Molloy.

Reel: 596
Rocholl, Carl, 1824-1903.

Das Eherecht des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs nebst dem Preussischen Ausfuhrungsgesetze vom 20.

Berlin, C. Heymann. 1900

Item identification number 4711; September 1899.

Reel: 596
Rodocanachi, Emmanuel Pierre, 1859-1934.

Une protectrice de la Réforme en Italie et en France, Renée de France, duchesse de Ferrare.

Paris, P. Ollendorff. 1896

Item identification number 4712.

Reel: 596
Roeder, Fritz, 1875.

Die Familie bei den Angelsachsen.

Halle a. S., M. Niemeyer. 1899

Item identification number 4715; Eine kultur- und litterarhistorische Studie auf Grund gleichzeitiger Quellen.

Reel: 596
Roger, Jules, 1839.

Madame de Sévigné malade; étude historique et médicale.

Paris, G. Steinheil. 1895

Item identification number 4716.

Reel: 596
Rogers, Horatio, 1836-1904.

Mary Dyer of Rhode Island, the Quaker martyr that was hanged on Boston common, June 1, 1660.

Providence, Preston and Rounds. 1896

Item identification number 4717.

Reel: 596
Root, Melvin A., comp.

The legal condition of girls and women in Michigan.

Lansing, Mich., H. D. Reprogle & co. 1894

Item identification number 4718.

Reel: 596
Rosa, Francesco de.

Il divorzio.

Tempio [Sardinia] G. Tortu. 1899

Item identification number 4718.1; Studio giuridico, sociale, religioso.

Reel: 596
Rosenthal, Julius, 1828-1905.

The widow's mite, a sketch prepared for and read before the Chicago Literary Club, May 9, 1892.

Chicago. 1892

Item identification number 4719.

Reel: 596
Rösler, Augustin, 1851-1922.

Die Frauenfrage vom Standpunkte der Natur, der Geschichte und der Offenbarung, auf Veranlassung der Leogesellschaft beantworten.

Wien, commissionsverlag un druck von Josef Roller & Compt. 1893

Item identification number 4720.

Reel: 596
Ross, William Stewart, 1844-1906.

Janet Smith: a promiscuous essay on woman.

London, Stewart & co. [1894]

Item identification number 4721.

Reel: 597
[Ross, William Stewart], 1844-1906.

Woman: her glory, her shame, and her God.

London, W. Stewart & co. [1894?]

Item identification number 4722; by Saladin [pseud.].

Reel: 597
Rossiter, Mary (Henry) 1863.

My mother's life, the evolution of a recluse; being the personal history of a life made beautiful through motherhood; the story of a woman who was transformed by her love for her children.

Chicago, New York [etc.] Fleming H. Revell co. [1900]

Item identification number 4723; to a speaker and evangelist known and loved by thousands ... Written and edited by her daughter Mary Henry Rossiter. Introduction by Bishop John H. Vincent.

Reel: 597
Rowbotham, John Frederick, 1859-1925.

The troubadours and courts of love.

London, S. Sonnenschein & co; New York, Macmillan & co. 1895

Item identification number 4724.

Reel: 597
Rullkoeter, William.

... The legal protection of woman among the ancient Germans.

Chicago, The University of Chicago press. 1900

Item identification number 4725.

Reel: 597
Runge, Max, i.e. Heinrich Max, 1849.

Das Weib in seiner Geschlechtsindividualität.

Berlin, J. Springer. 1897

Item identification number 4726; Nach einem in Göttingen gehaltenen Vortrage ... 2. auflage.

Reel: 597
Ruskin, John, 1819-1900.

Sesame and lilies.

New York, W. L. Allison co. [189-?]

Item identification number 4727; Three lectures ... Revised and enlarged ed.

Reel: 597
Sabini, Giovanni, conte, 1873.

Il divorzio nei rapporti di diritto internazionale privato.

Roma, Tipografia Elzeviriana. 1897

Item identification number 4729.

Reel: 597
Sabino, Ignez.

Mulheres illustres do Brazil.

Rio de Janeiro, etc., H. Garnier. [1899]

Item identification number 4730; Prefacio do Arthur Orlando.

Reel: 597
Saint-Elme, Elzelina Tolstoy van Aylde-Jonghe, known as Ida, 1775-1845.

Memoires d'une contemporaine; ou, Souvenirs d'une femme sur les principaux personnages de la république, du consulat, de l'empire.

Paris, E. Flammarion. [1895]

Item identification number 4731; Nouvelle éd. ... préface par Napoléon Ney.

Reel: 598
Saintine, Joseph Xavier Boniface, known as, 1798-1865.


Boston, Ginn & co. 1899

Item identification number 4733; Translated and edited by Abby L. Alger.

Reel: 598
Salaman, Malcolm Charles, 1855.

Woman -- through a man's eyeglass.

New York, Lovell, Coryell & co. 1892

Item identification number 4734; with illustrations by Dudley Hardy.

Reel: 598
Salisbury, Mary E., comp.

A backward glance, 1867-1898.

Pittsfield, Mass., MIss Salisbury's School. [1898?]

Item identification number 4735.

Reel: 598
Salmon, Lucy Maynard, 1853-1927.

Domestic service.

New York, The Macmillan co.; London & New York, Macmillan & co., ltd. 1897

Item identification number 4736.

Reel: 598
Saltus, Edgar Evertson, 1855-1921, comp.

The lovers of the world.

New York, P. F. Collier. [189-?]

Item identification number 4737; A chronicle of the sensational dramas, enchanting romances, tragical histories, pathetic trials, fierce passions and pure hearts of all who have lived and loved, from the earliest times to the present day ... compiled from the best authorities.

Reel: 598
Sanborn, Katherine Abbott, 1839-1917.

My favorite lectures of long ago, for friends who remember.

Boston [The Case, Lockwood & Brainard co., Hartford, Conn., printers]. 1898

Item identification number 4738.

Reel: 599
Sanborn, Katherine Abbott, 1839-1917.

A truthful woman in southern California.

New York, D. Appleton & co. 1894

Item identification number 4739.

Reel: 599
Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth (Munson) 1838-1912.

The art of being agreeable.

New York, The Christian herald. [c1897]

Item identification number 4740.

Reel: 599
Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth (Munson) 1838-1912.

Winsome womanhood; familiar talks on life and conduct.

New York, Chicago [etc.] F. H. Revell co. [c1900]

Item identification number 4741.

Reel: 599
Sanjana, Darab Dastur Peshotan, 1857.

The position of Zoroastrian women in remote antiquity, as illustrated in the Avesta, the sacred books of the Parsees.

Bombay, Education society's steam press. 1892

Item identification number 4742; Being a lecture delivered at Bombay on the 18th of April 1892, by Darab Dastur Peshotan Sanjuna, B.A.

Reel: 599

The songs of Sappho.

Washington, D.C., Published for Georgetown university, Stormont & Jackson. 1891

Item identification number 4743; by James S. Easby-Smith.

Reel: 599
Saul, Elly.

Jahrbuch für die deutsche Frauenwelt.

Stuttgart, Greiner & Pfeiffer. 1899

Item identification number 4745; Herausgegeben von Elly Saul und Hildegard Obrist-Genicke.

Reel: 599
Saunders, Jessie Jane (Cassidy) 1861, comp.

The legal status of women.

New York, The National-American Woman Suffrage Association. 1897

Item identification number 4746.

Reel: 599
Saur, Prudence B.

Maternity: a book for every wife and mother.

Chicago, Philadelphia, Stockton, Cal., L. P. Miller. 1891

Item identification number 4748; Revised and enlarged.

Reel: 599
Saybders-Lee, Sara L., 1837.

In memoriam.

Boston, Printed for private circulation by Lee and Shepard. [1890]

Item identification number 4747; Mrs. Erminnie A. Smith, Marcellus, N. Y., April 26, 1837, Jersey City, N.J., June 9, 1886.

Reel: 599
Savi-Lopez, Maria.

La donna italiana del trecento.

Napoli. 1891

Item identification number 4749.

Reel: 600
Schaible, Karl Heinrich, 1824-1899.

Die Frau im Altertum, ein kulturgeschichtliches Bild.

Karlsruhe, G. Braun. 1898

Item identification number 4750; Zwei populäre Vorträge gehalten im deutschen verein für kunst und Wissenschaft in London.

Reel: 600
Schaible, Karl Heinrich, 1824-1899.

Die höhere Frauenbildung in Grossbritannien.

Karlsruhe, G. Brun. 1894

Item identification number 4751.

Reel: 600
Scheffler, Karl, 1869-1951.

Die Frau und die Kunst.

Berlin, J. Bard. [19-?]

Item identification number 4752; Eine Studie.

Reel: 600
Schenk, Samuel Leopold, 1840-1902.

Schenk's theory; the determination of sex.

Chicago, Akron, O. [etc.] The Werner company. 1898

Item identification number 4753; Authorized translation.

Reel: 600
Scholz, Friedrich, 1831-1907.

Prostitution und Frauenbewegung.

Leipzig, E. H. Mayer. 1897

Item identification number 4756.

Reel: 600
Schönfeldt, Gustav.

Beiträge zur Geschichte des pauperismus und der Prostitution in Hamburg.

Weimar, E. Felber. 1897

Item identification number 4758.

Reel: 600
Schooling, John Holt, 1859.

A woman's chance of marriage [a practical guide to matrimony].

London, C. Arthur Pearson limited. 1898

Item identification number 4757.

Reel: 600
Schubert, Johannes, 1866.

Frauengestalten aus der Zeit der deutschen Romantik.

Hamburg, A. G. (vormals J. F. Richter). 1898

Item identification number 4759.

Reel: 600
Schultz, Alwin, 1838-1909.

Alltagsleben einer deutschen Frau zu Anfang des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts von Dr. Alwin Schultz.

Leipzig, S. Hirzel. 1890

Item identification number 4760; Mit 33 Abbildungen.

Reel: 600
Scott, Benjamin, 1814-1892.

A state iniquity: its rise, extension and overthrow.

London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd. 1890

Item identification number 4762; A concise history of the system of state-regulated and licensed vice.

Reel: 600
Scott, Jean Thomson.

... The condition of female labour in Ontario.

Toronto, Printed by Warwick & sons. 1892

Item identification number 4763.

Reel: 601
Sechi, Orazio.

Separazione o divorzio?.

Torino-Roma, L. Roux e C. 1892

Item identification number 4765; Studi storico-giuridici.

Reel: 601
Seeley, Leanard Benton, 1831-1893.

Mrs. Thrale, afterwards Mrs. Piozzi; a sketch of her life and passages from her diaries, letters and other writings.

London, Seeley and co., ltd. 1891

Item identification number 4768; Ed. by L. B. Seeley.

Reel: 601
Serafini, Pasquale.

Il lavoro della donna nell'economia della nazione.

Civitanova-Marche, Tip. editrice Marchigiana. 1900

Item identification number 4770.

Reel: 601
Seton, Grace (Gallatin) "Mrs. Ernest Thompson Seton," 1872.

A woman tenderfoot.

New York, Doubleday, Page & co. 1900

Item identification number 4772; illustrations.

Reel: 601
Shall girls propose? And other papers on love and marriage.

New York, Cassell publishing company. [1891]

Item identification number 4774; by a "speculative bachelor".

Reel: 601
Sharp, William, 1855-1905.

Fair women in painting and poetry.

London, Seeley and co., ltd.; New York, Macmillan & co. 1894

Item identification number 4776.

Reel: 601
Shattuck, Harriette (Robinson) 1850.

The woman's manual of parliamentary law, with practical illustrations especially adapted to women's organizations.

Boston, Lee and Shepard. [c1895]

Item identification number 4777; 11th ed. rev. and enl.

Reel: 601
Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919, comp.

The yellow ribbon speaker; readings and recitations.

Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, C. T. Dillingham. 1891

Item identification number 4778; comp. by Rev. Anna H. Shaw, Alice Stone Blackwell, Lucy Elmina Anthony.

Reel: 601
Sheldon, George William, 1843-1914.

Ideals of life in France; or, How the great painters portray woman in French art.

New York and London, D. Appleton and co. [c1890]

Item identification number 4779; two hundred and twenty-five copper-plates made in Paris especially for this work by Goupil & co., from oil-paintings and drawings, with essays on art in France, by George William Sheldon.

Reel: 602
Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth (Wilson) "Mrs. John Sherwood," 1830-1903.

The art of entertaining.

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1892

Item identification number 4781.

Reel: 602
Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth (Wilson) "Mrs. John Sherwood," 1830-1903.

An epistle to posterity; being rambling recollections of many years of my life.

New York & London, Harper & brothers. 1897

Item identification number 4782.

Reel: 602
Shinn, George Wolfe, 1839.

Friendly talks about marriage.

Boston, Joseph Knight company. 1897

Item identification number 4783.

Reel: 602
Shore, Margaret Emily, 1819-1839.

Journal of Emily Shore.

London, K. Paul, Trench, Trübner, & Co. ltd. 1891

Item identification number 4785.

Reel: 602
Should woman obey? A protest against improper matrimonial and prenatal conditions.

Chicago, E. Loomis and company. [1900]

Item identification number 4786; together with a special chapter by Prof. L. N. Fowler, entitled, Love, courtship, and marriage.

Reel: 603
Shrank, Josëf.

Die amtlichen Vorschriften, betreffend die Prostitution in Wien, in ihrer administrativen, sanitären und strafgerichtichen Anwendung.

Wien, J. Safar. 1899

Item identification number 4787.

Reel: 603
[Sichel, Walter Sydney], 1855-1933.

Memoirs of Emma, Lady Hamilton, with anecdotes of her friends and contemporaries.

London, W. W. Gibbings. 1891

Item identification number 4788; New edition, edited by W. H. Long.

Reel: 603
Un Siecle de modes féminines, 1794-1894.

Paris, G. Charpentier et E. Fasquelle. 1894

Item identification number 4789; Quatre cents toilettes reproduites en couleurs d'après des documents authentiques.

Reel: 603
Simon, Jules François Simon Suisse, known as Jules, 1814-1896.

La femme du vingtième siècle par Jules Simon.

Paris, Calmann Lévy. 1892

Item identification number 4790; et Gustave Simon ... 21 éd.

Reel: 603
Sims, James Marion, 1813-1883.

The story of my life.

New York, D. Appleton and co. 1894. [c1884]

Item identification number 4791; Ed. by his son, H. Marion-Sims, M.D.

Reel: 603
Skrzynska, Kazimira.

Kobieta w piesni ludowej.

Warszawa, sklad glówny w ksiegarni M. Arcta. 1891

Item identification number 4792.

Reel: 603
Slaughter, Frances Elizabeth, 1851, ed.

The sportswoman's library.

Westminster, A. Constable & co. 1898

Item identification number 4793; Ed. by Frances E. Slaughter.

Reel: 603
Smith College. Northampton, Mass.

Celebration of the quarter-centenary, October 2d and 3d, 1900.

Cambridge, Riverside Press. 1900

Item identification number 4799.

Reel: 604
Smith, Amanda (Berry) 1837.

An autobiography, the story of the Lord's dealings with the colored evangelist containing an account of her life work of faith, and her travels in America, England, Ireland, Scotland, India and Africa, as an independent missionary.

Chicago, Meyer. 1893

Item identification number 4794; with an introduction by Bishop Thoburn.

Reel: 604
Smith, Goldwin, 1823-1910.

Life of Jane Austin.

London, W. Scott. 1890

Item identification number 4797.

Reel: 604
Smith, H.

Practical gynaecology.

London, H. J. Glaisher. 1900

Item identification number 4795.

Reel: 604
Smith, James Walter, 1830-1917.

A handy book on the law of husband and wife.

London, Effingham Wilson. 1897

Item identification number 4796; Eleventh thousand. New and revised edition.

Reel: 604
Smith, Mary Roberts.

Almshouse women: a study of two hundred and twenty-eight women in the city and county almshouse of San Francisco.

[Palo Alto] Stanford University. 1896

Item identification number 4797.1.

Reel: 604
Smith, Sebastian Bach, 1845-1895.

The marriage process in the United States.

New York; Cincinnati; Chicago; Benziger Bros. [c1893]

Item identification number 4798.

Reel: 604
Society to Encourage Studies at Home.

[Memorial of the society] Founded in 1873 by Anna Eliot Ticknor, born June 1st, 1823 [and] died October 5th, 1896.

Cambridge [Mass.] Riverside Press. 1897

Item identification number 4801.

Reel: 604

The Antigone of Sophocles.

Boston & New York, Houghton, Mifflin; Cambridge, Riverside Press. 1899

Item identification number 4802; Trans. by George Herbert Palmer.

Reel: 605
Sorosis. New York.

Selections from the writing of the presidents of Sorosis, a souvenir of the breakfast at Sherry's, March 20, 1893, in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the club.

New York. 1893

Item identification number 4803.

Reel: 605
Sorosis. New York (City).

Report of the twenty-first anniversary of Sorosis, celebrated by a convention of clubs, held in New York city, March 1889.

New York, Styles & Cash, printers. 1890

Item identification number 4802.1.

Reel: 605
Soulier, P.M.

Life of St. Juliana Falconieri, foundress of the Mantellate or religious of the third order of servites, to which is added a short account of the lives and virtues of her daughters in religion.

London, Burns & Oates; New York, Cincinnati & Chicago, Benziger Bros. 1898

Item identification number 4804.

Reel: 605
Southwick, Sarah H.

Reminiscences of the early anti-slavery days.

[Cambridge, Mass., The Riverside Press]. 1893

Item identification number 4805.

Reel: 605
Spoelstra, C.

Teedere zaken.

Pretoria, J. H. De Bussy. [1896]

Item identification number 480511; Open brief aan Dr. F. Vredenrijk Engelenburg ... door C. Spoelstra.

Reel: 605
Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott) 1835-1921.

House and hearth.

New York, Dodd, Mead and company. 1891

Item identification number 4806.

Reel: 605
Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott) 1835-1921.

Three heroines of New England romance.

London, J. M. Dent and co. 1894

Item identification number 4807; Their true stories herein set forth by Mrs. Harriet Prescott Spofford, Miss Louise Imogen Guiney and Miss Alice Brown. with many little picturings ... by Edmund H. Garrett.

Reel: 605
Sprague, Julia A., comp.

History of the New England women's club from 1868 to 1893.

Boston, Lee & Shepard. 1894

Item identification number 4809.

Reel: 605
Staffe, Blanche Augustine Angèle (Soyer) baronne, d. 1911.

La femme dans la famille.

Paris, E. Flammarion. [1900]

Item identification number 4810.

Reel: 605
Stahr, Adolf Wilhelm Theodor, 1805-1876.

Goethe's frauengestalten.

Oldenburg & Leipzig. [1890]

Item identification number 4811.

Reel: 605
Stanley, Maude Alethea (Hon.) 1833.

Clubs for working girls.

London and New York, Macmillan and co. 1890

Item identification number 4812.

Reel: 606
Stanton, Elizabeth (Cady) 1815-1902.

Eighty years and more [1815-1897].

New York, European publishing company. 1898

Item identification number 4814; Reminiscences of Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

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