History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 887 Davis, Edith (Smith), comp

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Reel: 887
Davis, Edith (Smith), comp.

A compendium of temperance truth largely contributed by the Counselors of the department of scientific temperance investigation and of scientific temperance instruction of the world's and national woman's christian temperance union.

[Evanston, Ill.] National Woman's Christian Temperance Union. [1916?]

Item identification number 7320.

Reel: 887
De Kay, John Wesley, 1874-1938.

Women and the new social state.

[Basle, Printed by C. A. Junger]. [1918?]

Item identification number 7321.

Reel: 887
Deschanel, Émile Auguste Étienne Martin, 1819-1904.

... Las cortesanas griegas; traducción de Alfonso de Sola, introducción de E. Gómez Carrillo; obra inédita en castellano.

Madrid, Editorial-América. 1920

Item identification number 7322.

Reel: 887
Deutsch, Regine, 1860.

Die politische Tat der Frau; aus der Nationalversammlung.

Gotha, F. A. Perthes A.-G. 1920

Item identification number 7323.

Reel: 887
Devine, Edward Thomas, 1867-1948.

Positions in social work; a study of the number, salaries, experience and qualifications of professional workers in unofficial social agencies in New York city.

New York city, The New York school of philanthropy. 1916

Item identification number 7324; based upon an investigation made by Florence Woolston for the New York school of philanthropy and the intercollegiate bureau of occupations, by Mary Van Kleeck, committee on investigation.

Reel: 887
Devlin, Sister Mary Ruth, 1868.

The pedagogical value of willingness for disinterested service as developed in the training school of the state teacher and in the religious novitiate and the religious life.

Washington, D.C. [National capital press]. 1917

Item identification number 7325.

Reel: 888
Dewar, Katharine Cochran, 1885.

The girl.

London, G. Bell & sons, ltd. 1920

Item identification number 7326; with a chapter on "Welfare Work" by Gladys H. Dick.

Reel: 888
Dicenta y Benedicto, Joaquin, 1863-1917.

Mujeres; estudios de mujer.

Madrid, suc. de Hernando. 1917

Item identification number 7327.

Reel: 888
Dickinson, Marguerite Stockman.

Vocational guidance for girls.

Chiago, New York, Rand, McNally & co. [c1919]

Item identification number 7328.

Reel: 888
Diers, Marie, 1867.

Die deutsche Frauenfrage in ihrem Zusammenhang mit Geschichte, Volkswirtschaft und Politik, von Marie Diers.

Potsdam, Stiftungsverlag. [1920?]

Item identification number 7329.

Reel: 888
Dietschy, Charlotte.

Die "Dame d'intrigue" in der französischen original-komödie des XVI und XVII jahrhunderts, von Charlotte Dietschy.

Halle a. S.,M. Niemeyer. 1916

Item identification number 7330.

Reel: 888
Doléris, Jacques Amédée, 1852.

Hygiene et morale sociales.

Paris, Masson et cie. 1918

Item identification number 7331; Néo-Malthusianisme, maternité et féminisme, éducation sexuelle, par le Dr. J. A. Doléris ... et Jean Bouscatel.

Reel: 888
Donadoni, Eugenio, 1870-1924.

Gaspara Stampa; vita e opere.

Messina, Giuseppe Principato. [1919]

Item identification number 7332.

Reel: 888
Donovan, Frances R.

The woman who waits.

Boston, R. G. Badger. [1920]

Item identification number 7333.

Reel: 888
Dorr, Rheta Louise (Childe) 1872.

Inside the Russian revolution.

New York, The MacMillan co. 1917

Item identification number 7334.

Reel: 888
Doty, Madeleine Zabriskie, 1879.

Behind the battle line, around the world in 1918.

New York, Macmillan. 1918

Item identification number 7335.

Reel: 888
Altiar, El.

Journal d'une Française en Amérique (Septembre 1916-Juin 1917).

Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1917

Item identification number 7343; par E. Altiar [pseud.].

Reel: 889
Doty, Madeleine Zabriskie, 1879.

Short rations, experiences of an American woman in Germany.

New York, A. L. Burt Co. [1917]

Item identification number 7336.

Reel: 889
Doty, Madeleine Zabriskie, 1879.

Society's misfits.

New York, The Century co. 1916

Item identification number 7337.

Reel: 889
Doughty, Arthur George, 1860-1936.

A daughter of New France, being a story of the life and times of Magdelaine de Verchères, 1665-1692.

Ottawa, Mortimer press. 1916

Item identification number 7338.

Reel: 889
Downward paths; an inquiry into the causes which contribute to the making of the prostitute.

London, G. Bell & sons, ltd. 1916

Item identification number 7339; with a foreword by A. Maude Royden.

Reel: 889
Drake, Barbara (Meinertzhagen).

Women in the engineering trades; a problem, a solution, and some criticisms.

Westminster, Fabian research department; London, G. Allen & Unwin ltd. 1917

Item identification number 7340; being a report based on an enquiry by a Joint committee of the Fabian research department and the Fabian women's group.

Reel: 889
Drake, Barbara (Meinertzhagen).

Women in trade unions.

[Westminster] The Labour research department; London, G. Allen and Unwin, ltd. [1920]

Item identification number 7341.

Reel: 889
Dufferin and Ava, Hariot Georgina (Hamilton) Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, marchioness of, 1843?-1936.

My Russian and Turkish journals.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1917

Item identification number 7344.

Reel: 889
Durand, Louis, 1859.

Le mariage par procuration des mobilisés; loi du 4 avril 1915.

Lyon, A. Rey. 1916

Item identification number 7345.

Reel: 889
Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham, 1836-1919.

Mid-Victorian memories.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1919

Item identification number 7346; with a personal sketch by Mrs. Sarah Grand.

Reel: 889
Ehrenberg, Richard, 1857-1921.

Die Familie in ihrer Bedeutung für das Volksleben, von Richard Ehrenberg.

Jena, G. Fischer. 1916

Item identification number 7347.

Reel: 889
Elias, Agnes M.

When women know how.

London, Nisbet & co., ltd. [1919]

Item identification number 7348.

Reel: 889
Huard, Frances (Wilson) 1885.

With those who wait.

New York, G. H. Doran. [1918]

Item identification number 7455; with drawings by Charles Huard.

Reel: 889
[Hulewicz, Helena], 1897.

... La femme polonaise; esquisse historique [par] Halka Ducraine [pseud.].

Paris, Perrin et cie. 1918

Item identification number 7456; Préface par M. Henry Bidou.

Reel: 889
Humboldt, Wilhelm, Freiherr von, 1767-1835.

... Uber den Geschlechtsunterschied.

Langensalza, Wendt & Kaluwell. 1917

Item identification number 7457; Uber die männliche und weibliche Form. Mit einer Einführung, nebst Beigaben und Anmerkungen, bearbeitet von Fritz Giese.

Reel: 889
Hutchinson, Emilie Josephine, 1877.

Women's wages, a study of the wages of industrial women and measures suggested to increase them.

New York, Columbia university, Longmans, Green & co., agents [etc.]. 1919

Item identification number 7461.

Reel: 889
[Huzard, Antoinette (de Bergevin)], 1874.

... Dans le jardin du féminisme.

Paris, Calmann-Lévy. [c1920]

Item identification number 7462.

Reel: 889
Ilgner, Hans, 1888.

De Frauengestalten Wilhelm Raabes in seinen späterern Werken.

Belrin, E. Ebering. 1916

Item identification number 7463.

Reel: 889
Emerson, Ruth.

Japan today.

New York, National Board of the Young Womens Christian Assoc. of the United States of America. 1916

Item identification number 7349.

Reel: 890
Equal Suffrage League of Wayne County.

Suffrage cook book; a collection of recipes.

Detroit. 1916

Item identification number 7350; Issued by the Equal suffrage league of Wayne county.

Reel: 890
Eubank, Earle Edward, 1887-1945.

... A study of family desertion.

Chicago, The University of Chicago Libraries. 1916

Item identification number 7351.

Reel: 890
Farnam, Ruth (Stanley) 1873.

A nation at bay, what an American woman saw and did in suffering Serbia.

Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill. [1918]

Item identification number 7352; with thirty illustrations, many of them from photographs taken by the author.

Reel: 890
Farrar, Geraldine, 1882.

Geraldine Farrar, the story of an American singer.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin co. 1916

Item identification number 7353.

Reel: 890
Fawcett, Millicent (Garrett) "Mrs. Henry Fawcett," 1847-1929.

The women's victory -- and after: personal reminiscences, 1911-1918.

London, Sidgwick & Jackson, ltd. [1920]

Item identification number 7354.

Reel: 890
Federation of Woman's Boards of Foreign Missions of North America.

Report of deputation [to China and Japan].

West Medford, Mass?. [1920]

Item identification number 7355; and of the conference held at Shanghai, China, January 28, 1920.

Reel: 890
Fell, Sarah, d. 1714.

The household account book of Sarah Fell of Swarthmoor Hall.

Cambridge, The University press. 1920

Item identification number 7356; edited by Norman Penney, F.S.A.

Reel: 890
Felton, Rebecca (Latimer) 1835-1930.

Country life in Georgia in the days of my youth; also, addresses before Georgia legislature woman's clubs, women's organizations and other noted occasions [sic].

Atlanta, Ga., Index Printing co. c1919

Item identification number 7357.

Reel: 890
Féraud, Marguerite Augustin.

... La femme devant les urnes; préface de Georges Goyau.

Paris, Perrin et cie. 1919

Item identification number 7358.

Reel: 890
Great Britain. War Cabinet. Committee on Women in Industry.

Women in industry.

London, H. M. Stationery off. [printed by Darling and son, ltd.]. 1919

Item identification number 7413; Report of the War cabinet Committee on women in industry ... [and Appendices: summaries of evidence, &c.].

Reel: 890
Fernald, Mabel Ruth.

A study of women delinquents in New York state.

New York, Century. 1920

Item identification number 7360; by Mary Holmes Stevens Hayes [and] Almena Dawley, with statistical chapter by Beardsley Rumi [and] preface by Katharine Bement Davis.

Reel: 891
Fiaux, Louis, 1847.

... E. Gaucher, professeur de clinique "Speciale" à la faculté de Paris et la protection de la femme avec un portrait du Pr. E. Gaucher, hors texte.

Paris, F. Alcan. 1919

Item identification number 7361.

Reel: 891
Fischer, Georg, 1836-1921.

Franziska Ellmenreich.

Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung. 1919

Item identification number 7362.

Reel: 891
Fish, Ada Z.

American Red Cross text-book on home dietetics.

Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son. [c1917]

Item identification number 7363; with 7 illus.

Reel: 891
Fitzgerlad, Alice Louise Florence, 1874-1962.

The Edith Cavell nurse from Massachusetts; a record of one year's personal service with the British expeditionary force in France, Boulogne--the Somme, 1916-1917, with an account of the imprisonment, trial, and death of Edith Cavell.

Boston, W. A. Butterfield. [c1917]

Item identification number 7365.

Reel: 891
[Foote, Katharine], 1881.

88 bis and V.I.H. Letters from two hospitals.

Boston, The Atlantic monthly press. 1919

Item identification number 7366; by an American V.A.D.

Reel: 891
Fowler, Nathaniel Clark, 1858-1918.

The principle of suffrage.

New York, Sully and Kleinteich. 1916

Item identification number 7367; by Nathanial [!] C. Fowler, jr.

Reel: 891
Fox, Emma Augusta (Stowell) 1847.

Parliamentary usage for women's clubs.

Garden City [and] New York, Doubleday, Page & co. 1919

Item identification number 7368; A manual of parliamentary law and practice, designed for the use of societies, literary, social, musical, philanthropic, and fraternal ... 2d ed., rev. and enl.

Reel: 891
Fragment Society, Boston.

Souvenir year book, one hundredth anniversary of the Fragment Society (Sewing Circle), instituted Oct. 1812, incorporated Dec. 1816-1916.

Boston, A. T. Bliss. 1916

Item identification number 7369.

Reel: 891
France. Conseil supérieur du travail.

... Allaitement maternel au magasin et à l'atelier.

Paris, Imprimerie nationale. 1916

Item identification number 7370; Rapport de M. Abel Craissac, au nom de la Commission permanente. Procès-verbaux, enquête et documents.

Reel: 891
France. Ministère des affaires étrangères.

The deportation of women and girls from Lille.

New York, G. H. Doran co. [1917?]

Item identification number 7371; Translated textually from the Note addressed by the French Government to the Governments of Neutral Powers on the conduct of the German Authorities towards the population of the French Departments in the occupation of the enemy. with extracts from other documents, annexed to the note, relating to German breaches of international law during 1914, 1915, 1916.

Reel: 891
Francke, Marie.

Opportunities for women in domestic science.

[Philadelphia] Association of Collegiate alumnae. 1916

Item identification number 7373; prepared under the direction of Susan M. Kingsbury, Ph.D.

Reel: 891
François, Yvonne.

Du rôle social de la femme: des mesures destinées à améliorer la situation des travailleuses.

Paris, Jouve & Cie. 1919

Item identification number 7374.

Reel: 891
Francos Rodrígues, José, 1862.

La mujer y la politica españolas.

Madrid, Editorial Pueyo. 1920

Item identification number 7375.

Reel: 891
Frankfurter, Felix, 1882.

... Frank O. Bunting, plaintiff in error, vs. the State of Oregon, defendant in error.

Reprinted by National Consumers' League. New York City. [1916]

Item identification number 7377; Supplemental brief for defendant in error upon re-argument. Felix Frankfurter, of counsel for the state of Oregon. Assisted by Josephine Goldmark, publication secretary, National Consumers' League.

Reel: 892
Franta, Bohuslav.

Parlamentní právo zen.

[V Praze, Tisk Pra{uz}ské akciové tiskárny]. 1916

Item identification number 7378.

Reel: 892
Fraser, Helen.

Women and war work.

New York, G. A. Shaw. 1918

Item identification number 7379.

Reel: 892
Fraser, Jessie Melville.

Louisa C. McCord.

[Columbia, S.C.] University of South Carolina. 1919

Item identification number 7380.

Reel: 892
Frederick, Christine (McGaffey) 1883.

Household engineering; scientific management in the home.

Chicago, American school of home economics. 1919

Item identification number 7381; A correspondence course on the application of the principles of efficiency engineering and scientific management to the everyday tasks of housekeeping.

Reel: 892
Fries, Ellen, 1855-1900.

Svenska kvinnor.

Stockholm, Morstedt & Söner. [1920]

Item identification number 7382; 2. omarbetade uppl. Utgiven av Sigrid Björklund.

Reel: 892
Funeral services for Mary Hawes Wilmarth at Hubbard Woods, Illinois, August 30, 1919.

[Chicago]. [1919?]

Item identification number 7383.

Reel: 892
Galbraith, Anna Mary, 1859.

The family and the new democracy, a study in social hygiene.

Philadelphia and London, W. B. Saunders co. 1920

Item identification number 7384.

Reel: 892
Galbraith, Anna Mary, 1859.

The four epochs of woman's life; a study of hygiene.

Philadelphia and London, W. B. Saunders co. 1920

Item identification number 7385; with an introductory note by John H. Musser ... 3rd ed., rev. and enl.

Reel: 892
Gallaher, Ruth Augusta, 1882.

Legal and political status of women in Iowa, an historical account of the rights of women in Iowa from 1838 to 1918.

Iowa City, Ia. 1918

Item identification number 7386.

Reel: 893
García Antúnez, Luis.

Evolución del sexo femenino en la sociedad; conferencias leídas en el Ateneo científico, literario y artístico de Mahón los días 27 de octubre y 4 de noviembre de 1916, por Don Luis García Antúnez.

Mahón, M. Sintes Rotger. 1917

Item identification number 7387.

Reel: 893
Gaubert, Ernest, 1881.

Voix de femmes.

Paris, Crès. 1916

Item identification number 7388.

Reel: 893
Gaunt, Mary Eliza Bakewell, 1872.

A broken journey, wanderings from the Hoang-Ho to the island of Saghalien and the upper reaches of the Amur River.

Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott co.; London, T. Werner Laurie ltd. [1919]

Item identification number 7389.

Reel: 893
Gell, Edith Mary (Midleton) 1860.

Womanhood at the cross-roads.

London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1920

Item identification number 7390.

Reel: 893
General Electric Company. National Lamp Works. Cleveland.

Your vote and you.

Cleveland. [1920]

Item identification number 7391.

Reel: 893
Gibbons, Helen Davenport (Brown) 1882.

The red rugs of Tarsus, a woman's record of the American massacre of 1909.

New York, Century. 1917

Item identification number 7392.

Reel: 893
Gilchrist, Anne (Burrows) 1828-1885.

The letters of Anne Gilchrist and Walt Whitman.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Page & co. 1918

Item identification number 7393; Edited with an introduction by Thomas B. Harned.

Reel: 893
Girl Scouts of the United States of America.

Scouting for girls; official handbook of the Girl Scouts.

New York, The Girl Scouts, inc. [1920]

Item identification number 7394; 1st ed.

Reel: 893
Goldman, Emma, 1869-1940.

Anarchism and other essays.

New York, Mother Earth publishing association; London, A. C. Fifield. 1917

Item identification number 7395; with biographic sketch by Hippolyte Havel ... 3rd rev. ed.

Reel: 893
Gollancz, Victor, 1893-1967, ed.

The making of women, Oxford essays in feminism.

London, G. Allen & Unwin ltd.; New York, The Macmillan co. [1917]

Item identification number 7396; by A. Maude Royden, Ralph Rooper, Eleanor F. Rathbone, Elinor Burns, "The Round table".

Reel: 893
González del Valle y Ramírez, Francisco, 1881.

Los derechos de los hijos ilegitimos, por el Dr. Francisco G. del Valle.

Habana, "El Siglo XX,". 1920

Item identification number 7398.

Reel: 894
Gordon, Elizabeth Putnam, 1851-1933.

Alice Gordon Gulick, her life and work in Spain.

New York, Revell. [1917]

Item identification number 7399.

Reel: 894
Gordon, Winifred.

A woman in the Balkans.

London, New York [etc.] T. Nelson & sons, ltd. [1918]

Item identification number 7400.

Reel: 894
Gorman, Sister Mary Rosario, 1880.

The nurse in Greek life.

Boston [Foreign Languages Print]. 1917

Item identification number 7401.

Reel: 894
Goudge, Henry Leighton, 1866-1939.

The place of women in the church.

London, R. Scott; Milwaukee, Wis., The Young Churchman co. 1917

Item identification number 7402; by H. L. Goudge [and others].

Reel: 894
Goyau, Lucie Félix (Faure) 1866-1913.

L'évolution féminine.

Paris, Perrin et cie. 1917

Item identification number 7403; La femme au foyer & dans la cité.

Reel: 894
Grandgent, Charles Hall, 1862-1939.

The ladies of Dante's lyrics.

Cambridge, Harvard university press. 1917

Item identification number 7404; The McBride lecture fund, WEstern Reserve university.

Reel: 894
Grant, Robert, 1852-1940.

Law and the family.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1919

Item identification number 7405.

Reel: 894
Great Britain. Ministry of Munitions.

Notes on the employment of women on munitions of war, with an appendix on training of munition workers.

[London, H. M. Stationery off.]. [1916]

Item identification number 7408; Issued by the Ministry of munitions, February 1916.

Reel: 894
Great Britain. Ministry of Munitions. Health of Munition Workers Committee.

... Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1917

Item identification number 7409; Reprints of the memoranda of the British health of munition workers committee. April, 1917.

Reel: 894
Great Britain. Ministry of Munitions. Health of Munition Workers Committee.

... Industrial efficiency and fatigue in British munition factories.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1917

Item identification number 7410; Reprints of Interim report and memoranda of the British health of munition workers committee. July, 1917.

Reel: 894
Great Britain. Ministry of Munitions. Health of Munition Workers Committee.

... Welfare work in British munition factories.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1917

Item identification number 7411; Reprints of the memoranda of the British health of munition workers committee. April, 1917.

Reel: 894
Great Britain. War Office.

Women's war work.

London, H. M. Stationery off., printed by the Chiswick press. [1916]

Item identification number 7414; Issued by the War office, September, 1916.

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