History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 935 Konta, Annie (Lemp) 1867

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Reel: 935
Konta, Annie (Lemp) 1867.

A plea for moderation, based upon observations of an American woman in a belligerent country.

New York, The Fatherland corp. 1915

Item identification number 7985.

Reel: 935
Ladies' Benevolent Association of Louisiana.

Dedication of the Confederate monument, at Greenwood Cementery, on Friday, April 10th, 1874.

New Orleans, J. A. Gresham. 1874

Item identification number 7919.

Reel: 935
Larcom, Lucy, 1824-1893.

The cross and the grail.

Chicago, Woman's Temperance Publishing Association. 1887

Item identification number 7934; with selections from the poets: Shakespeare, Longfellow, Whittier and Phoebe and Alice Cary. Illustrated by Dora Wheeler.

Reel: 935
Malkiel, Theresa (Serber).

Woman and freedom.

New York, The Co-operative press. [1915?]

Item identification number 7986.

Reel: 935
Malkiel, Theresa (Serber).

Woman of yesterday and to-day.

New York, Co-operative press. [1915]

Item identification number 7987; by Theresa Serber Malkiel.

Reel: 935
Maltby, Margaret Eliza, 1860.

A few points of comparison between German and American universities.

[n.p.] Association of Collegiate Alumnae. 1896

Item identification number 7945; An address given before the Association of Collegiate Alumnae ... Oct. 31, 1896.

Reel: 935
Mangasarian, Mangasar Mugurditch, 1859-1943.

Woman's place in free thought.

Chicago [Lakeside Press]. 1892

Item identification number 7939; An adress delivered at the grand opera house. Dec. 4, 1892.

Reel: 935
Marsden, Dora, 1882.


New York, National American woman suffrage association. 1912

Item identification number 7973.

Reel: 935
Martin, Victoria Claflin (Woodhull) 1838-1927.

Breaking the seals; or, The key to the hidden mystery, an oration.

New York, Woodhull & Claflin. 1875

Item identification number 7920; Albany, N. Y., August 20, 1875.

Reel: 935
Martin, Victoria Claflin (Woodhull) 1838-1927.

A speech on the great social problem of labor & capital, delivered at Cooper Institute, New York City, Monday, May 8, 1871, before the Labor reform league.

New York, Journeymen printers' co-operative association. 1871

Item identification number 7916.

Reel: 935
Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor.

Household expenses.

Boston, Wright & Potter printing co., state printers. 1900

Item identification number 7950; Prepared by the Massachusetts Bureau of statistics of labor in collaboration with Women's educational and industrial union of Boston.

Reel: 935
May, Abby Williams.

Dress, a paper read before the Association for the Advancement of Women.

Boston, Lockwood, Brooks. 1879

Item identification number 7922.

Reel: 935
McCluskey, John.

Address delivered in West Alexander, at the request of the students of the academy.

Washington, Pa., J. Bausman. 1847

Item identification number 7905.

Reel: 935
McFarland, Horace Henry, 1832-1895.

How American women are helping their sisters.

New Haven, Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor. 1873

Item identification number 7918.

Reel: 935
Mead, Edwin Doak, 1849-1937.

The old south work.

[Boston]. [1899]

Item identification number 7947.

Reel: 935
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. New York Commandery.

A national monument in the city of Washington to the memory of the loyal women of the civil war.

New York. [1912]

Item identification number 7974.

Reel: 935
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. New York Commandery.

Project for a national monument to the women of the civil war.

New York, N.Y., Military order of the loyal legion of the United States, Commandery of the state of New York. [1911]

Item identification number 7970; with speech of the Hon. James M. Beck, delivered at the banquet of the Loyal legion, New York, October 4th, 1911.

Reel: 935
Mills, Benjamin Fay, 1857-1916.

The woman of to-day.

Los Angeles, The Fellowship pub. co. [1908?]

Item identification number 7961.

Reel: 935
Mims, Edwin, 1872-1959.

... The southern woman: past and present.

Lynchburg, Va., Randolph-Macon Woman's College. [1915]

Item identification number 7988.

Reel: 935
Moore, George Henry, 1823-1892.

Bibliographical notes on witchcraft in Massachusetts.

Worcester, Printed for the author. 1888

Item identification number 7936; Read before the American antiquarian society, April 25th, 1888.

Reel: 935
Newton, Harry Lee, 1872.

Women ways; a monologue.

Chicago, T.S. Denison & co. 1905

Item identification number 7956.

Reel: 935
Parmelee, Maurice Farr, 1882.

The economic basis of feminism.

[Philadelphia, American Academy of Political and Social Science]. [1914]

Item identification number 7979.

Reel: 935
Ramsay, George, 1800-1871.

The philosophy and poetry of love.

New-York, New-York Publishing Co. 1848

Item identification number 7907.

Reel: 935
Redfield, J.S.

The girl of the period and the fashionable woman of the period.

New York, J. S. Redfield. 1869

Item identification number 7915.

Reel: 935
Richardson, Joseph, 1778-1871.

A sermon on the duty and dignity of woman, delivered April 22, 1832.

Hingham, J. Farmer, printer. 1833

Item identification number 7899.

Reel: 935
The Right and wrong of feminism, a sermon, Central Congregational Church, Providence Rhode Island.

[n.p.]. 1914

Item identification number 7980.

Reel: 935
She hath done what she could; or, The duty and responsibility of woman.

Raleigh, Weston R. Galles. 1847

Item identification number 7906; A sermon, preached in the chapel of St. Mary's school, by the Rector.

Reel: 935
Simms [J.].

The past, present and future of woman.

San Francisco. 1889

Item identification number 7937.

Reel: 935
Smith, S.C. (Mrs.).

What is love?.

[San Francisco] R. C. Shaw. [1883]

Item identification number 7930; by Chief-Justice Hale; Through the medium-ship of Mrs. Dr. S. C. Smith, Salem, Oregon, May 20, 1883.

Reel: 935
The Spirit of the century, the revolt of the women.

[n.p.]. [1914?]

Item identification number 7981.

Reel: 935
Stanton, Elizabeth (Cady) 1815-1902.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton on socialism.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 7951.

Reel: 935
Stanton, Elizabeth (Cady) 1815-1902.

The pleasures of age.

[n.p.]. [19--]

Item identification number 7948.

Reel: 935
Stanton, Elizabeth (Cady) 1815-1902.

Solitude of self.

[n.p.]. [1910)]

Item identification number 7967; An address delivered before the United States Congressional Committee on the Judiciary, Monday, January 18, 1892. Edited by Harriet Stanton Blatch.

Reel: 935
Stearns, Jonathan French, 1808-1889.

Female influence and the true christian mode of its exercise.

Newburyport, J. G. Tilton. 1837

Item identification number 7902; A discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian Church in Newburyport, July 30, 1837.

Reel: 935
Stearns, Lutie Eugene.

Books of interest and consolation to spinsters.

[n.p.]. 1904

Item identification number 7955.

Reel: 935
[Stephens, Kate], 1853-1938.

Women and woman.

[n.p.]. 1906

Item identification number 7957.

Reel: 935
Stiger, Josef Leopold.

Die amerikanischen frauen.

Zürich, In commission beim Verlagsmagazin. 1877

Item identification number 7923; Abwehr gegen einen angriff in der Augsburger "Allgemeinen zeitung." Von Josef Leopold Stiger.

Reel: 935
Strong, Nathan, 1748-1816.

"The character of a virtuous and good woman; a discourse delivered by the desire and in the presence of the Female Beneficent Society, in Hartford, Oct. 4th, A.D. 1809.".

Hartford, Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1809

Item identification number 7895.

Reel: 935
To the patriotic women of New Haven and vicinity; an appeal for the sick and wounded in the army.

[n.p.]. [1861?]

Item identification number 7912.

Reel: 935
Tufts, James Hayden, 1862.

The family; addresses.

New York, Charity Organization Dept., Russell Sage Foundation. 1915

Item identification number 7989; and Samuel McChord Crothers ... delivered before the section on the family and the community at the National Conference of Charities and Correction, Baltimore, May 15, 1915.

Reel: 935
United States. 56th Congress, 1st Session. House.

A bill to establish a pantheon for illustrious women.

[n.p.]. 1900

Item identification number 7952.

Reel: 935
West Virginia. Governor.

Mother's day proclamation.

[n.p.]. 1910

Item identification number 7969.

Reel: 935
Willis, Olympia (Brown) 1835.

Crime and the remedy; an address delivered before the Parliament of Religions at the Hall of Columbus, Art Institute, Chicago.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 7931; September 22, 1893.

Reel: 935
The Woman's place.

[Richmond? Va.]. [1892?]

Item identification number 7940; Her position in the Christian world. The problem considered under four grand heads--woman outstripped by man, even in domestic handiwork.

Reel: 935
Women's Patriotic Association for Diminishing the Use of Imported Luxuries. New York.

Women's patriotic association for diminishing the use of imported luxuries, no. 694 Broadway, New York.

New York, Sanford, Harroun & co., printers. 1864

Item identification number 7913; Organized May 16th, 1864.

Reel: 935
Alkan, Alphonse, 1809-1889.

Les femmes compositrices d'imprimerie sous la Révolution Française en 1794, par un ancien typographe.

Paris, Dentu, Libraire, Palais-Royal. 1862

Item identification number 8058.

Reel: 936
Andorf, Johannes Christophorus.

De jure mulierum quibus expressa hypotheca a marito constituta est.

Erfordiæ. [1737]

Item identification number 8030.

Reel: 936
Baudouin, Félix Marie, 1801.

Les femmes dans Molière.

Rouen, E. Cagniard. 1865

Item identification number 8061.

Reel: 936
Beck, Fridericus Gottlob.

De muliere contra senatus consultum vellejanum & auth. si qua mulier, obligata.

Erfordiæ. [1730]

Item identification number 8029.

Reel: 936
[Bodichon, Barbara Leigh (Smith)], 1827-1891.

A brief summary, in plain language, of the most important laws concerning women; together with a few observations thereon.

London, J. Chapman. 1854

Item identification number 8054.

Reel: 936
Bowles, John, 1751-1819.

Remarks on modern female manners, as distinguished by indifference to character, and indecency of dress; extracted chiefly from "Reflections political and moral at the conclusion of the war.

London, F. and C. Rivington. 1802

Item identification number 8044; by John Bowles ...".

Reel: 936
Braut, Arminius.

Euripides mulierum osor num recte dicatur.

Mariae insulae, Typis, Harichii. 1862

Item identification number 8057; Altera pars. Euripides de matrimonio quid senserit.

Reel: 936
Bright, Jacob, 1821-1899.

Speeches of Mr. Jacob Bright, M.P.

Manchester, A. Ireland & Co. 1868

Item identification number 8064; in the debate on the second reading of "The bill to amend the law with respect to the property of married women." In the House of Commons, June 10th, 1868.

Reel: 936
Brisser, Joannes Godofredus.

De restricta per jus Saxonicum mulierum in res suas potestate.

Erfordiae. [1721]

Item identification number 8027.

Reel: 936
Chazet, André René Polydore Alissan de, 1775-1844.

La ligue des femmes, ou le roman de la rose, comédie anecdotique, en un acte, en prose.

Paris, Madame Masson. 1807

Item identification number 8046; Mêlée de vaudevilles; par ... Chazet et Ourry.

Reel: 936
Chesson, Frederick William, 1833 or 4-1888.

The treatment of women in Italy.

London, Gilbert & Rivington. 1815

Item identification number 8046.1.

Reel: 936
[Chudleigh, Mary (Lee)] lady, 1656-1710.

The female preacher.

London, H. Hills. [1699?]

Item identification number 8023; Being an answer to the late rude and scandalous wedding-sermon, preach'd by Mr. John Sprint, May the 11th, at Sherburn, in Dorsetshire: wherein that Levite is expos'd as he deserves. by a lady of quality.

Reel: 936
The Condition of women in France.

London, Strahan & co. 1868

Item identification number 8063.

Reel: 936
Debs, Eugene Victor, 1855-1926.

Woman, comrade and equal.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8002.

Reel: 936
Democratic Party. Women's Bureau.

Women's political organization.

[n.p.]. [1919?]

Item identification number 7997; Plan recommended to the states by the Democratic national committee, February 26, 1919.

Reel: 936
Echegaray y Eizaguirre, José, 1832-1916.

Influencia del estudio de las ciencias físicas en la educacion de la mujer.

Madrid. Impr. y Estereotipia de M. Rivadeneyra. 1869

Item identification number 8068.

Reel: 936
Edenus, Conradus.

Disputatio de foeminarum in feudis successione.

[n.p.] Typis Nicolai Hampelii. 1612

Item identification number 8012.

Reel: 936
Elsing, Bernhard.

Q.D.B.V. venerandos utriuso.

Rigae. 1703

Item identification number 8024.

Reel: 936
Eversley, George John Shaw-Lefevre, baron, 1832-1928.


Manchester. 1868

Item identification number 8065; on bringing in "the Bill to amend the law with respect to the property of married women". In the House of commons, April 21st, 1868.

Reel: 936
Faithful, Emily, 1835-1895.

How shall I educate my daughter?.

London. 1863

Item identification number 8059.

Reel: 936
[Fox, Margaret (Askew) Fell], 1614-1702.

Womens speaking justified, proved and allowed of by the Scriptures.

London. Printed in the year 1666

Item identification number 8016.

Reel: 936
The Free-Born English-woman.

[London] Printed in the year. 1703

Item identification number 8025; In a letter to the publick ... by a true-born English-man.

Reel: 936
Friendly Society of Women. Warrington, England.

Rules and orders, for the government of a Friendly society of women, associated together in Warrington.

Warrington, Printed by W. Eyres. 1802

Item identification number 8045; Instituted January 2, 1901, for raising and supporting a box, or fund of money, for the purpose of relieving and assisting each other on just and proper occasions.

Reel: 936
Funeral services for Mary Hawes Wilmarth at Hubbard Woods, Illinois, August 30, 1919.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 7996.

Reel: 936
Great Britain. Parliament.

An act to provide for the security of property of married women separated from their husbands in Ireland.

[London, Printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode]. [1865]

Item identification number 8062; 19th June 1865.

Reel: 936
Gurney, Russell, 1804-1878.

The Right Hon. Russell Gurney, M.P., George Jessel, Esq., M.P., G. Shaw Lifevre, Esq., M. P., Sir Francis Golsmid, Bart, N. P., and the Solicitor-General in the debate on.

Manchester, A. Ireland & co. 1869

Item identification number 8069; The married women's property bill.

Reel: 936
Horne, George, bp. of Norwich, 1730-1792.

A picture of the female character, as it ought to appear when formed.

Manchester, Printed by G. Nicholson & co. 1795

Item identification number 8043; by George Horne.

Reel: 936
Jacobi, Christian Benjamin.

De curatore mulieris Saxonice.

Lipsiæ. [1688]

Item identification number 8022.

Reel: 936
Kantelaar, Jacobus, 1759-1821.

Redenvoering over den invloed der waare verlichting op het lot der vrouwen en het huwelyksgeluk, gehouden op de algemeene vergadering, der Maatsschapp: Tot nut van't algemeen den 13 den van oogstmaand, 1793, door Jacobus Kantelaar.

[Amsterdam]. [1793]

Item identification number 8042.

Reel: 936
Karnell, Minnie Karine Lund (Mathisen).

The American home; a pageant.

Philadelphia, The Westminster Press. 1920

Item identification number 7999.

Reel: 936
Kellor, Frances Alice, 1873-1952.

Women in the campaign.

[New York, McConnell Press, inc.]. [1917?]

Item identification number 7991.

Reel: 936
Ladies' anti-slavery associations.

[Liverpool, Printed by G. Smith]. [1827]

Item identification number 8048.

Reel: 936
A Letter to the public on an important subject.

Dublin, J. Sheppard. 1767

Item identification number 8036.

Reel: 936
List of books and articles.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8004; by women, natives or residents of New York State.

Reel: 936
Macaulay, Catherine (Sawbridge) 1731-1791.

An address to the people of England, Scotland and Ireland, on the present important crisis of affairs.

London, Dilly. 1775

Item identification number 8038.

Reel: 936
The Mens answer to The womens petition against coffee vindicating their own performances, and the vertues of their liquor, from the undeserved aspersions lately cast upon them, in their scandalous pamphlet.

London. Printed in the year 1674

Item identification number 8018.

Reel: 936
Mil sept cent quarante huit; ou, L'année merveilleuse.

Paris. 1748

Item identification number 8033; 2d ed.

Reel: 936
Mon testament.

Paris, chez tous les libraires. 1839?

Item identification number 8050; 15 août 1839. La femme forte.

Reel: 936
Moreno Nieto, José de, 1823 or 5-1882.

Influencia de la mujer en la sociedad.

Madrid, Impr. y Estereotipia de M. Rivadeneyra. 1869

Item identification number 8070.

Reel: 936
Moret y Prendergast, Segismundo, 1838-1913.

Influencia de la madre sobre la vocacion y profesion de los hijos.

Madrid, Impr. y Estereotipia de M. Rivadeneyra. 1869

Item identification number 8071.

Reel: 936
Motives under the influence of which character should be formed.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8006.

Reel: 936
Munnicks, Richard.

De intercessionibus mulierum.

[n.p.]. 1715

Item identification number 8026; Trajecti ad rhenum.

Reel: 936
Nearing, Nellie Marguerite (Seeds) 1886-1946.

... Education and fecundity.

Chautauqua, N. Y., Chautauqua print shop. 1917

Item identification number 7992.

Reel: 936
[Neville, Henry], 1620-1694.

The ladies, a second time, assembled in Parliament.

[London]. 1647

Item identification number 8014; A continuation of the Parliament of ladies. Their votes, orders, and declarations.

Reel: 936
North of England Council for Promoting the Education of Women.

Report of the second meeting of the North of England Council for Promoting the Higher Education of Women, held at Leeds, April 15 and 16, 1868.

London, Spottiswoode & co., printers. 1868

Item identification number 8066.

Reel: 936
Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-1877.


London, J. Watson. 1839

Item identification number 8051.

Reel: 936
Parole du père, à la cour d'assises.

[Paris, Carpentier-Mericourt]. [1833?]

Item identification number 8049; 8 avril 1833.

Reel: 936
Pí y Margall, Francisco, 1824-1901.

La mision de la mujer en la sociedad.

Madrid, Impr. y Estereotipia de M. Rivadeneyra. 1869

Item identification number 8072.

Reel: 936
Rada y Delgado, Juan de Dios de la, 1827-1901.

La education de la mujer por la historia de otras mujeres.

Madrid, Impr. y Estereotipia de M. Rivadeneyra. 1869

Item identification number 8073.

Reel: 936
Report of the committee on the family, made to the National Council of Congregational Churches, October 8, 1907 and reprinted by permission.

Boston, Mass., The Fort Hill Press. 1907

Item identification number 8007.

Reel: 936
Rodriguez, Gabriel.

Influencia de las ciencias económicas y sociales en la educacion de la mujer.

Madrid, Impr. y Esterotipia de M. Rivadeneyra. 1869

Item identification number 8074.

Reel: 936

... Some Saskatchewan legislation affecting women and children.

Regina, J. W. Reid. 1920

Item identification number 8000; Issued under the authority of the president of Council. April, 1920.

Reel: 936
Schuchmann, Johann Gunther.

De fevdo foemineo proprio.

Lipsiae, Ex Officina Langenhemiana. 1745

Item identification number 8031; Praeside Dr. Io. Gottlieb Siegel ... Pvblico eruditorum examini svbmittit avctor et respondens Io. Gvntherus Schvchmann.

Reel: 936
Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919.


[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 7995; at a meeting of the women's section, Maryland Council of Defense, Academy of Music, Baltimore, Jan. 4, 1918.

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