History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 936 Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919

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Reel: 936
Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919.

What the war meant to women.

[New York, League to enforce peace]. [1919]

Item identification number 7998.

Reel: 936
Sherbrooke, Robert Lowe, viscount, 1811-1892.

Speech on the Right Hon. Robert Lowe.

[London, F. Bell & co.]. [1868?]

Item identification number 8067; in the debate on the second reading of the Married women's property bill in the House of Commons, June 10th, 1868.

Reel: 936
A Strange wonder; or, A wonder in a woman, wherein is plainely expressed the true nature of most women.

[Written by I. H. Gentleman. London, Printed for I. T.]. 1642

Item identification number 8013; Especially of some eminent women in this citie. Likewise a plaine description of many mad tricks and slights lately performed by a zealous sister which was overcome with the spirit.

Reel: 936
Tasistro, Louis Fitzgerald.

Woman her character, her position and her treatment, from the earliest days down to the present time.

Baltimore, John Murphy & co. 1850

Item identification number 8053.

Reel: 936
Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595.

Discorso Della Virtv Feminile, E. Donnesca, Del Sig. Torqvato Tasso.

Venetia, Appresso Bernardo Giunti, e fratelli. 1582

Item identification number 8011.

Reel: 936
Tolman, George.

The old women.

Concord, Mass., Privately printed. 1916

Item identification number 7990; A paper read before the Concord antiquarian society.

Reel: 936
Trelawney, John, plaintiff.

Crim. Con. The trial between Lieut.

London, J. Fairburn. [1817]

Item identification number 8047; Trelawney, plaintiff and Capt. Coleman, defendant, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife, including the amorous love letters, &c. &c. Tried in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster, before Mr. Justice Holroyd, and a special jury, July 9, 1817. Taken in short-hand.

Reel: 936
Ullgren, Emanuel.

De reptu feminarium in sevica.

Upsaliae. [1791]

Item identification number 8041.

Reel: 936
United States. Children's Bureau.

Saving mothers.

[Washington, Govt. Print. Off.]. [1917]

Item identification number 7993.

Reel: 936
Woman: a fragment.

London, Printed for R. Withy. 1758

Item identification number 8037.

Reel: 936
The Woman's advocate; or, The baudy batchelor out in his calculation: being the genuine answer paragraph by paragraph, to The batchelor's estimate.

London, printed for J. Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, E. Nutt, at the Royal-Exchange, and A. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar. 1729

Item identification number 8028; Plainly proving that marriage is to a man of sense and economy, both a happier and less chargeable state, than a single life. Written for the honour of the good wives, and pretty girls of old England.

Reel: 936
The Women's petition against coffee, representing to publick consideration the grand inconveniences accruing to their sex from the excessive use of that drying, enfeebling liquor.

London, Printed. 1674

Item identification number 8019; Presented to the right honorable the keepers of the liberty of Venus by a wellwiller.

Reel: 936
[Young Women's Christian Associations. United States National Board. Bureau of Immigration and the Foreign-born].

Foreign-born women and girls.

[New York]. [1920?]

Item identification number 8001.

Reel: 936
Alten, Hedwig von, 1847-1923.

Weibliche Ehre.

Dresden, F. Tittel Nachfolger. 1892

Item identification number 8114; Vortrag gehalten im Allgemeinen deutschen Frauenverein zu Dresden von H. von Alten.

Reel: 937
American Ramabai Association.

Ramabai association, extracts from the final report of the executive committee, April 16, 1898.

[n.p.]. [1898?]

Item identification number 8121.

Reel: 937
Awdry, William.

Woman's place: a sermon preached at St. Michael's School, Bognor.

London, J. Parker & co. [1874]

Item identification number 8096; 1874.

Reel: 937
Benson, Thomas Duckworth, 1857.

Woman, the communist.

London, The Independent Labour Party. [19--?]

Item identification number 8125.

Reel: 937
Berry, John Cutting, 1847-1936.

Training school for nurses.

Yokohama, R. Meiklejohn & co., printers. 1886

Item identification number 8104; An address delivered before the Ky{-o}to Health Association, September 20th, 1886.

Reel: 937
Besant, Annie (Wood) 1847-1933.

The legalisation of female slavery in England.

[London, Printed by Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh]. [1885]

Item identification number 8097.

Reel: 937
Beschwitz-Dresden, Freiin Olga von.

Begleitschrift zu der Petition des Bundes Deutscher Frauenvereine an den Reichstag betreffend das Familienrecht den neuen bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs für das Deutsche Reich.

Frankenberg (Sachaen), L. Reisel. 1899

Item identification number 8122; Im Aufrage des Vorstandes des Bundes Deutscher Frauenvereine verfasst von Freiin Olga von Beschwitz-Dresden, Schriftführerin der Rechts Kommission des Bundes.

Reel: 937
Black and white slaves.

London, The Examiner. 1872

Item identification number 8083.

Reel: 937
Bombay Sorosis Club. Bombay, India.

A short history of a brief life, nil desperandum.

Bombay. 1891

Item identification number 8111.

Reel: 937
Boucherett, Emilia Jessie, 1825-1905.

Legislative restrictions on women's labour.

[London?]. [1873?]

Item identification number 8085.

Reel: 937
Braun, Lily (Von Kretschman) von Gizycki, 1865-1916.

Die Stellung der Frau in der Gegenwart.

Berlin, F. Dümmler. 1895

Item identification number 8118; Von Lily von Gizycki. Vortrag gehalten in der Abteilung Berlin der deutschen Gesellschaft für ethische Kultur, in der Arbeiterbildungsschule zu Berlin und in der Leipziger Gesellschaft für ethische Kultur.

Reel: 937
Braun, Lily (von Kretschman) von Gizycki, 1865-1916.

Der internatinale Frauenkongress in London.

[Berlin?]. [190-]

Item identification number 8128.

Reel: 937
Brisson, Adolphe, 1860-1925.

Phèdre et Mme Sarah Bernhardt.

Paris, Revue illustrée. [19-?]

Item identification number 8126.

Reel: 937
Butler, Josephine Elizabeth (Grey) 1828-1906.

Legislative restrictions on the industry of women, considered from the women's point of view.

[London]. [1874?]

Item identification number 8092; [by J. E. Butler and others].

Reel: 937
Cauviere, Jules.

De la condition de la femme depuis l'antiquité jusqu'à nos jours. Conférence faite le 17 février 1890.

Marseillaise. 1891

Item identification number 8112.

Reel: 937
Coleridge, John Duke Coleridge, baron, 1820-1894.

Speech of the Right Hon. Lord Coleridge in the House of Lords on the Married women's property act (1870) Amendment bill, June 21st, 1877.

Manchester, A. Ireland & co., printers. 1877

Item identification number 8107; Printed for the Married women's property committee.

Reel: 937
Committee for Amending the Law in Points Wherein it is Injurious to Women.

Infant mortality: its causes and remedies.

Manchester, A. Ireland & Co. 1871

Item identification number 8078.

Reel: 937
Condition and character of females in pagan and Mohammedan countries.

[n.p.]. [18--]

Item identification number 8109.

Reel: 937
Confessions of witches under torture, 1617.

Edinburgh, E. & G. Goldsmid. 1886

Item identification number 8105.

Reel: 937
Deutsch, Regine, 1860.

Zur Dienstbotenfrage.

Berlin, E. Wollen; Commissionsverlag von F. Schneider & co. 1901

Item identification number 8134.

Reel: 937
Dewes, Alfred.

The injustice of the English law as it bears on the relationship of husband and wife.

London. 1868

Item identification number 8090; 2d ed.

Reel: 937
Dunca, Constantia.

Femeia in famillia.

Bucharest. 1871

Item identification number 8080.

Reel: 937
Elmy, Elizabeth C. Wolstenholme.

The criminal code in its relation to women: a paper read before the Dialectical Society, March 3rd, 1880.

Manchester, A. Ireland & co., printers. 1880

Item identification number 8099.

Reel: 937
Fawcett, Millicent (Garrett) "Mrs. Henry Fawcett," 1847-1929.

Mr. Fitzjames Stephen on the position of women.

London, MacMillan & co. 1873

Item identification number 8086.

Reel: 937
Great Britain. Parliament.

An act for the amendment of the law regarding property of married women in Scotland, 18th July 1881.

[London, Printed by Eyre and Spottiswoode]. [1899]

Item identification number 8100.

Reel: 937
Great Britain. Parliament.

An act to amend the Married Women's Property Act (1870).

[London, Printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode]. [1881]

Item identification number 8091; 30th July 1874.

Reel: 937
Great Britain. Parliament.

An act to amend the sixteenth section of the Married Women's Property Act 1882.

London, Printed by Eyre and Spottiswoode. 1903

Item identification number 8102; 23rd June 1884.

Reel: 937
Gunning, Johannes Hermanus, 1829-1905.

Emancipatie der vrouw.

Amsterdam, W. H. Kirberger. 1873

Item identification number 8087.

Reel: 937
Hobhouse, Arthur Hobhouse (Sir) 1st baron, 1819-1904.

On the laws relating to the property of married women.

Manchester, Alexander Ireland & Co. 1870

Item identification number 8076; A paper read at the Social Science Congress, Birmingham, October, 1868.

Reel: 937
Hollister, Lillian M., 1853.

Historical sketch concerning the International council of women and the National council of women of the United States of America from organization to date, July, 1909.

[Detroit, The Richmond & Backus co., printers]. [1909?]

Item identification number 8135.

Reel: 937
Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia, 1849-1926.

Konventionelle Weiblichkeit.

[Berlin]. [1899?]

Item identification number 8123.

Reel: 937
Kinnear, John Boyd, 1828-1920.

The right of women to labour.

London, F. Bell & co. 1873

Item identification number 8088.

Reel: 937
London. Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights.

The factory (health of women) bill.

[London, F. Bell & co., printers]. [1874?]

Item identification number 8093.

Reel: 937
London. Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights.

The factory bill.

[London, F. Bell & co., printers]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8094.

Reel: 937
London. Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights.

Legislative restrictions on women's labour.

[London, F. Bell & co., printers]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8095.

Reel: 937
London. Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights, and the Amendment of the Law.

Constitution [and rules].

[Manchester]. [1871?]

Item identification number 8081.

Reel: 937
London. Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights, and the Amendment of the Law.

Report of the Committee for amending the law wherein it is injurious to women.

Manchester, A. Ireland & co. 1871

Item identification number 8082; Presented at the annual meeting of the association ... held in Liverpool, Nov. 14th, 1871.

Reel: 937
The Lords and the married women's property bill.

Manchester, A. Ireland & co., printers. 1870

Item identification number 8077; Four articles from "The Times", "Economist", "Spectator", and "Manchester Examiner & Times".

Reel: 937
Loreau, Alfred.

Rapport sommaire fait au nom de la 14e commission d'initiative parlementaire chargée d'examiner la proposition de loi de M. Leconte (Indre).

Paris. 1892

Item identification number 8115.

Reel: 937
Maine, Henry James Sumner, 1822-1888.

The early history of the property of married women as collected from Roman and Hindu law.

Manchester. [1873?]

Item identification number 8089; A lecture at Birmingham, March 25, 1873.

Reel: 937
Memorial to the Most Honourable the Marquis of Salisbury, K.G., and the Right Honourable W. H. Smith, M.P., First Lord of the Treasury.

London, Central committee of the national society for women's suffrage. 1891

Item identification number 8113.

Reel: 937
Normanton, Helena Florence.

Magna Carta and women.

London, Women's freedom league. [1915]

Item identification number 8201.

Reel: 937
Notes on the history of the Yoshiwara of Yeda.

[Yokohoma, the "Japan Gazette" Office]. [1895]

Item identification number 8119.

Reel: 937
Opinions of the press on the property of married women.

Manchester, A. Ireland & co., printers. 1877

Item identification number 8098; Reprinted for the Married women's property committee.

Reel: 937
O'Reilly, Leonora.


Chicago, The National Women's Trade Union League. [1915?]

Item identification number 8202; International Congress of Women.

Reel: 937
Le Palais de la femme a l'exposition de 1900.

[n.p.]. [1900?]

Item identification number 8130.

Reel: 937
Patrick, Mary Mills, 1850-1940.

Social and legal conditions among Mohammedan women.

[n.p.]. [19--?]

Item identification number 8127.

Reel: 937
Pfeiffer, Emily Jane (Davis) 1827-1890.

Woman's claim.

[London, Ballantyne, Hanson & co., printers]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8101.

Reel: 937
Ramabai Sarasvati, pundita, 1858-1922.

... High-caste Hindu widows.

Boston, Rand Avery co. c1887

Item identification number 8108; Address by the Pundita Ramabai ... Woman in new Japan. Report from the Rev. C. S. Eby ... Prohibition in Canada. Report from J. Macdonald Oxley ... July 15, 1887.

Reel: 937
[Shaw, George Bernard], 1856.

... Women as councilors.

[London, The Fabian society]. [1900]

Item identification number 8131; March, 1900.

Reel: 937

De vrouw in de maatschappij.

Gent, J. Foucaert. 1888

Item identification number 8110.

Reel: 937
Stocquart, Emile, 1853-1910.

La personnalité juridique de la femme mariée en Angleterre.

Bruxelles, L.-G. Laurent. 1900

Item identification number 8132.

Reel: 937
Swedish Ladies' Committee.

Reports from the Swedish ladies' committee to the World's Columbian exposition at Chicago, 1893.

Stockholm, Printed by Central-tryckeriet. 1893

Item identification number 8116.

Reel: 937
West End Exchange for Self-supporting Women.

[Circular soliciting patronage and price list].

[New York, Schwebke & Knew]. [190-?]

Item identification number 8129.

Reel: 937
Wilson, D.

Higher Education For Woman.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8075.

Reel: 937
The Woman question: papers reprinted from "The Examiner.".

London, R. H. Lapham. 1872

Item identification number 8084.

Reel: 937
Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Ohio.

Over the sea.

Cleveland, Williams publishing and electric co. 1895

Item identification number 8120; The world's Women's Christian temperance union convention, held at London, Eng., June, 1895. Papers of the delegates read at the State convention at Lima, Ohio, October, 1895.

Reel: 937
Women's Trade Union Association.

How women work; being extracts from evidence given before Group C of the Labour Commission in regard to women working in the rope making and other trades in London.

[London, Rait, Henderson & co., ltd.]. [1900?]

Item identification number 8133.

Reel: 937
Woodhull, Victoria Claflin, 1838-1927.

A speech of the principles of social freedom, delivered in Steinway Hall, Monday, November 20, 1871 and Music Hall, Boston, Wednesday, January 3, 1872.

London, Blackfriars Printers. 1894

Item identification number 8117.

Reel: 937
Yarros, Victor S.

Die Frauenfrage; einen Diskussion zwischen Victor Yarros und Sarah E. Holmes.

Berlin, B. Zack. 1899

Item identification number 8124; Aus dem Englischen von George Schumm.

Reel: 937
Adler, Nettie.

Separate courts of justice for children.

London, Women's industrial council. 1908

Item identification number 8159; Probation & probation officers.

Reel: 938
Auch ein Wort zur Frauenfrage.

Stuttgart, C. Belser. 1912

Item identification number 8178; (Aus weiblicher Feder.).

Reel: 938
Blagg, Helen M.

Women and prisons.

London, The Fabian Society. 1912

Item identification number 8179; by Helen Blagg and Charlotte Wilson.

Reel: 938
Blease, Walter Lyon, 1884.

Concerning the status of political prisoners.

[London] National Political Reform League. [1912?]

Item identification number 8180.

Reel: 938
Braun, Lily (von Kretschman) von Gizycki, 1865-1916.

Was wir wollen.

Berlin, Verlag der Vereins für Hauswirtschafts-Genossenschaften. 1902

Item identification number 8138.

Reel: 938
Burckhardt-Schazmann, Carl Christoph.

Die Stellung der Frau im Famili-enrecht.

[Basel, Basler Druck- und Verlagsanstalt]. [1912?]

Item identification number 8181; Neues schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch. Gemeinverständliche Darstellung, von Reg.-Rat C. Chr. Burckhardt-Schazmann ... Neu hrsg. vom Verbande deutschschweizerischer Frauenvereine zur Hebung der Sittlichkeit.

Reel: 938
Central Bureau for the Employment of Women.

Women as inspectors.

London, Central Bureau for the Employment of Women. [1913?]

Item identification number 8190.

Reel: 938
[Chamizer, Mortiz] ed. & tr.

... Die frau im rabbinischen Sprichwort.

[Leipzig]. [1902]

Item identification number 8139.

Reel: 938
Chaughi, René.

La femme esclave.

Paris, Aux Bureaux des Temps Nouveaux. [1910]

Item identification number 8172.

Reel: 938
Collet, Clara Elizabeth, 1860-1948.

Women in industry.

London, Women's Printing Society, ltd. [1911]

Item identification number 8175.

Reel: 938
Cook, Tennessee Celeste (Claflin) lady, 1845-1923.

The need of revising morals and laws; a lecture.

London, Hayman, Christy & Lilly, ltd. [1910]

Item identification number 8173.

Reel: 938
Day and Ambroisine.

Argumentation ayant en vue d'eclairer tout etre sur des besoins indeniables denies a la femme depuis l' apparaition de l'homme sur la terre.

Lyon. 1903

Item identification number 8142.

Reel: 938
Earengey, W.G.

Woman under the law.

[London, Glasgow, Women's freedom league]. [1908]

Item identification number 8158.

Reel: 938
Fabian Society, London.

A summary of six papers and discussions upon the disabilities of women as workers.

[n.p.] The Fabian Women's group. 1909

Item identification number 8163; The writers of the papers, Miss Emma Brooke [and others].

Reel: 938
Fabian Society, London.

Three years' work, 1908-1911.

[London, G. Standring, printer]. [1911]

Item identification number 8160.

Reel: 938
Ford, Ford Madox, 1873-1939.

This monstrous regiment of women.

[London, Women's Freedom League]. [1912]

Item identification number 8182.

Reel: 938
Frauenstudium und Volkshygiene.

München. 1909

Item identification number 8164.

Reel: 938
Gillet, Myrtle Margaret (Mann).

Die Frauen und die Frauenverehrung in der höfischen Epik nach Gottfried von Strassburg.

[n.p.]. 1912

Item identification number 8183.

Reel: 938
Great Britain. Local Government Board.

Number of women serving on local authorities.

London, Darling & son. 1907

Item identification number 8151; Statements.

Reel: 938
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on Bills A.

Report from standing committee A on the married women's property bill.

London, Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office by J. B. Nichols & Sons. 1907

Item identification number 8152.

Reel: 938
A Group of letters from women of the warring nations.

Chicago, Woman's Peace Party. 1915

Item identification number 8198.

Reel: 938
Hallowes, Frances S.

Women and war; an appeal to the women of all nations.

London, Headley Brothers. [1914]

Item identification number 8195.

Reel: 938
Harben, Henry Devenish, 1874.

The endowment of motherhood.

London, The Fabian Society. 1910

Item identification number 8174.

Reel: 938
Hasse, Else, 1870.

Der Kulturwert der Frau einst und jetzt.

Dresden, C. Weiske. 1902

Item identification number 8140.

Reel: 938
Hatchins, B.L.

... The working life of women.

London, The Fabian Society. 1911

Item identification number 8176.

Reel: 938
Housman, Laurence, 1865-1959.

The census: news from no-man's land.

[London, Women's freedom league]. [1907]

Item identification number 8153.

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