History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 921 Salomon, Alice, 1872

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Reel: 921
Salomon, Alice, 1872.

... Die deutsche Frau und ihre Aufgaben im neuen Volksstaat, von Dr. Alice Alomon.

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1919

Item identification number 7724.

Reel: 921
[Sanborn, Edwin Webster], 1857.

Kate Sanborn, July 11, 1839 - July 9, 1917.

Boston, McGrath-Sherrill press. 1918

Item identification number 7725.

Reel: 921
Sanchez Rojas, José, 1885.

Las mujeres de Cervantes, por José Sanchez Rojas.

Barcelona, Montaner y Simon. 1916

Item identification number 7726; Edición ilustrada.

Reel: 921
Schain, Josephine, 1886.

Women and the franchise.

Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co. 1918

Item identification number 7727.

Reel: 921
Scheffen-Doering, Luise, 1887.

Das politische Wahlrecht und die christlichen Frauen.

Berlin, Furche-Verlag. 1919

Item identification number 7728; Wie war es - und wie ist es heute? Wie rüsten wir uns für das Heute? Wie erfüllen wir unsere Wahlplicht? Wie erfassen wir unsere besonderen Aufgaben imöffentlichen Leben? Von Luise Scheffen-Döring.

Reel: 921
Schmidt, Rudolf, 1891.

Die Frau in der deutschen Literatur des 16.

Strassburg, M. DuMont Schauberg. 1917

Item identification number 7730; Jahrhunderts.

Reel: 921

Secretaryships for women.

London, G. Newnes, ltd. 1918

Item identification number 7737.

Reel: 922
Schöfer, Sophie.

... Die wirtschaftliche Lage der bayerischen Volksschullehrerinnen.

München, C. Gerber. 1918

Item identification number 7731.

Reel: 922
Schofield, Alfred Taylor, 1846.

The mind of a woman.

London, Methuen & co., ltd. [1919]

Item identification number 7732.

Reel: 922
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 1788-1860.

... Metaphysik der Geschlechtsliebe.

[Dachau, Einhorn-Verlag]. [1919]

Item identification number 7733; Über die Weiber.

Reel: 922
Scott, Walter, 1846.

A primer of democracy; or, An exposition of suffrage and its outlook.

Boston, Fort Hill press. 1916

Item identification number 7736.

Reel: 922
Setelikova, Lola, 1895.

E morto.

Vinohrady, Vydal Ludvík Brada{uc}. 1920

Item identification number 7738; pan{ue}ti lasky Stefánikovy. Kral.

Reel: 922
Seymour, Charles, 1885.

How the world votes; the story of democratic development in elections.

Springfield, Mass., C. A. Nichols co. 1918

Item identification number 7739; and Donald Paige Frary.

Reel: 922
Shelton, William Henry, 1840.

The Jumel mansion.

Boston & New York, Houghton, Mifflin co. 1916

Item identification number 7740; being a hull history of the house on Harlem Heights built by Roger Morris before the Revolution; with illustrations.

Reel: 922
Shortall, Katherine.

A "Y" girl in France; letters of Katherine Shortall.

Boston, R. G. Badget. [c1919]

Item identification number 7741.

Reel: 922
Shuler, Marjorie.

For rent -- one pedestal.

New York, National woman suffrage publishing co. 1917

Item identification number 7742.

Reel: 922
Smith, Annie S. (Swan) "Mrs. Burnett Smith," 1859.

As others see her; an Englishwoman's impressions of the American woman in war time.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin co. 1919

Item identification number 7743.

Reel: 922
Smith College. Northampton, Mass.

The inauguration of William Allan Neilson.

Northampton, Mass. [The Rumford press, Concord, N.H.]. 1918

Item identification number 7748; as president of Smith college, the thirteenth of June, MCMXVIII.

Reel: 923
[Smith, Byron Caldwell], 1849-1877.

The professor's love-life.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1919

Item identification number 7744; Letters of Ronsby Maldclewith [pseud.].

Reel: 923
Smith, Corinna Haven (Putnam).

Rising above the ruins of France; an account of the progress made since the armistice in the devastated regions in reestablishing industrial activities and the normal life of the people.

New York, Putnam. 1920

Item identification number 7745; by Caroline R. Hill, with 88 illus.

Reel: 923
Smith, Thomas Robert, 1880, ed.

The woman question.

New York, Boni & Liveright. [1919]

Item identification number 7746; by Ellen Key Dickinson and others; Compiled and edited by T. R. Smith.

Reel: 923
Smith, William Hawley, 1845-1922.

Children by chance or by choice, and some correlated considerations.

Boston, R. G. Badger. [c1920]

Item identification number 7747.

Reel: 923
Smyth, Ethel Mary, 1858-1944.

Impressions that remained; memoirs.

London, New York [etc., etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1920

Item identification number 7750; 3d ed.

Reel: 923
Sociedad Espanola de Amigos del Arte. Madrid.

Catálogo de la exposición de retratos de mujeres españolas por artistas españoles anteriores á 1850.

Madrid [Blass y cia.]. 1918

Item identification number 7751.

Reel: 923
Sorabji, Cornelia.

The Purdahnashin.

Calcutta, Thacker, Spink & co. 1917

Item identification number 7752; with a forword by the Countess of Minto.

Reel: 923
Spencer, Carita, 1884.

War scenes I shall never forget.

New York, Spencer. 1917

Item identification number 7753; 2d ed.

Reel: 923
Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott) 1835-1921.

A little book of friends.

Boston, Little, Brown and co. 1916

Item identification number 7754.

Reel: 923
Spont, Henry.

... La femme dans la France de demain.

Paris, Jouve & cie. 1917

Item identification number 7755.

Reel: 924
Spranger, Eduard, 1882.

... Was muss die deutsche Frau von der politischen Lage wissen?.

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1919

Item identification number 7756; 3 ed.

Reel: 924
Starrett, Helen (Ekin) 1840-1920.

The charm of fine manners, being a series of letters to a daughter.

Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott co. 1920

Item identification number 7757.

Reel: 924
Steenstrup, Johannes Christoffer Hagemann Reinhardt, 1844-1935.

Den danske kvindes historie fra Holbergs tid til vor, 1701-1917.

København, Hagerup. [1917]

Item identification number 7759.

Reel: 924
Steinmetz, Bernardus Johan Frederik, 1891.

De vrouwenbewegin en vrouwenarbeid; eene studie over de hervorming van de gezinstaak de vrouw, door Mr. B.J.F. Steinmetz.

Bussum, C.A.J. van Dishoeck. 1916

Item identification number 7760.

Reel: 924
Stephens, Kate, 1853-1938.

Life at Laurel Town in Anglo-Saxon Kansas.

Lawrence, Alumni Association of the University of Kansas. 1920

Item identification number 7761.

Reel: 924
Stevens, Bertha Morton.

Boys and girls in commercial work.

Cleveland, Survey committee of the Cleveland foundation. 1916

Item identification number 7762.

Reel: 924
Stevens, Doris, 1892.

Jailed for freedom.

New York, Boni and Liveright. [c1920]

Item identification number 7763.

Reel: 924
Stevens, Helen (Norton) 1864.

Memorial biography of Adele M. Fields, humanitarian.

New York [etc.] The Fields memorial committee. [c1918]

Item identification number 7764.

Reel: 925
Stimson, Julia Catherine, 1881.

Finding themselves, the letters of an American army chief nurse in a British hospital in France.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1918

Item identification number 7765.

Reel: 925
Stokes, Rose Pastor (Wieslander) 1879-1933.

The woman who wouldn't.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1916

Item identification number 7766.

Reel: 925
Stone, Gilbert, 1886, ed.

Women war workers; accounts contributed by representative workers of the work done by women in the more important branches of war employment.

New York, Crowell. [1917]

Item identification number 7767; with a forword by Lady Jellicoe.

Reel: 925
Stopes, Marie Charlotte Carmichael, 1880-1958.

Married love; a new contribution to the solution of sex difficulties.

London, G. P. Putnam's sons, ltd. [1919]

Item identification number 7768; with a preface by Dr. Jessie Murray and a letter from Professor E. H. Starling ... 7th ed., rev. and enl.

Reel: 925
Stopes, Marie Charlotte Carmichael, 1880-1958.

Wise parenthood; a practical sequel to "Married love".

London, G. P. Putnam's sons, ltd.; Toronto, The Musson Book co., ltd. [1919]

Item identification number 7769; A book for married people. 5th ed., rev. and enl.

Reel: 925
Storck, Karl, 1873-1920.

Die deutsche Familie; ein Führer zum neuen deutschen Leben.

Halle (Salle), R. Mühlmann. [c1916]

Item identification number 7770.

Reel: 925
Struthers, Lina (Rogers).

The school nurse, a survey of the duties and responsibilities of the nurse in the maintenance of health and physical perfection and the prevention of disease among school children.

New York, London, Putnam. 1917

Item identification number 7771; 24 illus.

Reel: 925
Stücklen, Gerta.

Untersuchung über die soziale und wirtschaftliche Lage der Studentinnen.

Göttingen, W. Fr. Kaestner. 1916

Item identification number 7772; Ergebnisse einer an der Berliner Universität im Winter 1913/14 veranstalteten Enquête.

Reel: 925
The Sturdy oak.

New York, Holt. 1917

Item identification number 7773; a composite novel of American politics by fourteen American authors: Samuel Merwin, Harry Leon Wilson, Fannie Hurst, Dorothy Canfield, Kathleen Norris [and others] Theme by Mary Austin; ed. by Elizabeth Jordan.

Reel: 925
Sturgis, Esther Mary (Ogden) "Mrs. R. Clipston Sturgis".

Random reflections of a grandmother.

Boston, Houghton Mifflin. 1917

Item identification number 7774.

Reel: 926
Taylor, Bride (Neill), 1858-1937.

Elisabet Ney, sculptor.

New York, Devin-Adair. [1916]

Item identification number 7775.

Reel: 926
Taylor, Florence I., comp.

Child labor, education and mothers' pension laws in brief.

New York, National child labor committee. 1917

Item identification number 7776.

Reel: 926
Tempel, P. van den.

De vrouw en de wet; een studie over de rechtspositie der vrouw in Nederland, door P. van den Tempel.

Bussum, P. Brand. 1919

Item identification number 7777.

Reel: 926
Tennessee Federation of Women's Clubs.

Woman's work in Tennessee.

Memphis, Jones-Briggs Company under the auspices Tennessee Federation of Women's Clubs. 1916

Item identification number 7778.

Reel: 926
Terry, Edmund R.

Votes for women, why?.

New York [Hamilton press]. 1917

Item identification number 7779.

Reel: 926
Tessier, Albert.

... De la condition de la femme au pays basque dans l'ancien droit.

La Chapelle-Montligeon (Orne). [1917]

Item identification number 7780.

Reel: 926
Thomas of Celano, fl. 1257.

Sainte Claire d'Assise, sa vie & ses miracles, racontés par Thomas de Celano et complétés par des récits tirés des Chroniques de l'Ordre des Mineurs et du Procès de Canonisation.

Paris, Perrin et cie. 1917

Item identification number 7781; Traduits, d'après un manuscrit italien du XVIe siècle avec un introduction et des notes par Madeleine Havard de la Montagne.

Reel: 926
Tileston, Mary Wilder (Foote) 1843-1934.

Amelia Peabody Tileston and her canteens for the Serbs.

Boston, The Atlantic monthly press. [c1920]

Item identification number 7782.

Reel: 926
Tileston, Mary Wilder (Foote) 1843-1934, ed.

Caleb and Mary Wilder Foote, reminiscences and letters.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin co. 1918

Item identification number 7783; with portraits.

Reel: 926
Todd, Margaret Georgina, 1859-1918.

The life of Sophia Jex-Blake.

London, Macmillan and co., ltd. 1918

Item identification number 7785; by Margaret Todd, M.D., (Graham Travers).

Reel: 926
Torina, Martin de.

Mère sans être épouse, pour la France et pour soimême.

Paris, Chez l'auteur. 1917

Item identification number 7786; Étude psychologique et physiologique. 2 éd.

Reel: 927
Touaillon, Christine, 1878.

Der deutsche Frauenroman des 18.

Wein, [und] Leipzig, W. Braumüller. 1919

Item identification number 7787; Jahrhunderts.

Reel: 927
Toulouse, Édouard, 1865.

La question sexuelle et la femme.

Paris, Bibliothèque-Charpentier. 1918

Item identification number 7788.

Reel: 927
Tricani, Epifanio.

... Le fasi storiche della famiglia e il divorzio.

Catania, V. Giannotta. 1920

Item identification number 7789.

Reel: 927
Tryon, Lillian (Hart) 1870.

Speaking of home; being essays of a contented woman.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin co. 1916

Item identification number 7790.

Reel: 927
Turczynowicz, Laura (Blackwell) de Gozdawa.

When the Prussians came to Poland; the experiences of an American woman during the German invasion.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1916

Item identification number 7792; Illustrated.

Reel: 927
Turner, Edith E.

Among Papuan women.

Westminster, London Missionary Soc. 1920

Item identification number 7793; by Mrs. R. Lister Turner.

Reel: 927
Tuttle, Florence (Guertin) 1869.

Women and the world federation.

New York, R. M. McBride & co. 1919

Item identification number 7794.

Reel: 927
Tweedie, Ethel Brilliana (Harley) "Mrs. Alec Tweedie".

Women and soldiers.

London, John Lane; New York, John Lane company. 1918

Item identification number 7795.

Reel: 927
United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

... Regularity of employment in the women's ready-to-wear garment industries.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1916

Item identification number 7796; October, 1915.

Reel: 928
United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

... Summary of the Report on condition of woman and child wage earners in the United States.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1916

Item identification number 7797; December, 1915.

Reel: 928
United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

... Unemployment among women in department and other retail stores of Boston.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1916

Item identification number 7798; January, 1916.

Reel: 928
United States. Bureau of War Risk Insurance.

... Digest of the law relating to common law marriage in the states, territories, and dependencies of the United States.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1919

Item identification number 7799; Prepared for publication under the direction of the director of the Bureau of war risk insurance, Treasury department.

Reel: 928
United States. Children's Bureau.

... Child labor in warring countries: a brief review of foreign reports.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1917

Item identification number 7800; by Anna Rochester.

Reel: 928
United States. Children's Bureau.

Laws relating to "mothers' pensions" in the United States, Canada, Denmark, and New Zealand.

Washington, Govt. Print. Off. 1919

Item identification number 7801; Compiled by Laura A. Thompson.

Reel: 928
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Election of President, Vice-president, and Representatives in Congress.

Woman suffrage.

Washington, Govt. Print. Off. 1916

Item identification number 7802; Hearings on H. R. 379, March 27 and 28, 1916.

Reel: 928
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the District of Columbia.

Representation of the District of Columbia in Congress.

Washington, Gov. Print. Off. 1916

Item identification number 7803; Hearings before the subcommittee of the Committee on the District of Columbia, United States Senate, sixty-fourth Congress, first session of S. J. Res. 32. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States extending the right of suffrage to residents of the District of Columbia.

Reel: 928
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Woman Suffrage.

Woman suffrage.

Washington, Gov. Print. Off. 1916

Item identification number 7804; Hearings before the Committee on woman suffrage ... on S. J. Res. 1, a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States extending the right of suffrage to women, and S. J. Res. 2, a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States extending the right of suffrage to women.

Reel: 928
United States. Council of National Defense. Advisory Commission. Committee on Labor. Committee on Women in Industry.

... Women workers in the Philadelphia naval aircraft factory.

[n.p.]. 1918

Item identification number 7804.1.

Reel: 928
United States. Council of National Defense. Committee on Women's Defense Work.

... The Woman's committee.

Washington, Govt. Print. Off. 1920

Item identification number 7805; United States Council of national defense. An interpretative report. April 21, 1917, to February 27, 1919, by Emily Newell Blain.

Reel: 928
United States. Council of National Defense. Committee on Women's Defense Work. Louisiana Division.

Conditions of women's labor in Louisiana; New Orleans and Louisiana industrial survey; report by Women in industry committee, Council of national defense, New Orleans division and Louisiana state division.

New Orleans [Tulane press]. 1919

Item identification number 7806.

Reel: 928
United States. Employment Service.

... Training opportunities for Connecticut women.

Pub. by Woman's division Connecticut state council of defense [Hartford?]. [1918]

Item identification number 7807.

Reel: 928
United States. Railroad Administration.

... Number of women employed and character of their employment for dates of January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1, 1918.

Washington, D.C., Government printing office. 1919

Item identification number 7808; eastern, southern, and western territories by roads. Prepared by division of labor, women's service section, Washington, D.C.

Reel: 928
United States. War Labor Policies Board.

... Report on international labor standards.

[n.p.]. [1919?]

Item identification number 7809.

Reel: 928
United States. Women's Bureau.

... Home work in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1920

Item identification number 7810; December, 1919.

Reel: 929
United States. Women's Bureau.

... Hours and conditions of work for women in industry in Virginia.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1920

Item identification number 7811; March, 1920.

Reel: 929
United States. Women's Bureau.

Labor laws for women in industry in Indiana.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1919

Item identification number 7812; Report of a survey by the Woman in industry service, United States Department of labor, as submitted to the governor of Indiana. December 31, 1918.

Reel: 929
United States. Women's Bureau.

... The new position of women in American industry.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1920

Item identification number 7813.

Reel: 929
United States. Women's Bureau.

... Preliminary report of a survey of wages, hours, and conditions of work of the women in industry in Atlanta, Georgia.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1920

Item identification number 7814; November, 1920.

Reel: 929
United States. Women's Bureau.

... Wages of candy makers in Philadelphia in 1919.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1919

Item identification number 7815; Ed. by the Bureau of labor statistics, Royal Meeker, commissioner. June 28, 1919.

Reel: 929
United States. Women's Bureau.

... Women in the government service.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1920

Item identification number 7816; by Bertha M. Nienburg.

Reel: 929
Usborne, H.M., ed (Mrs.).

Women's work in war time; a handbook of employments.

London, T. W. Laurie, ltd. [1917]

Item identification number 7817; with a preface by Lord Northcliffe.

Reel: 929
Vassar College. Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

The fiftieth anniversary of the opening of Vassar college, October 10 to 13, 1915; a record.

Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Vassar college. 1916

Item identification number 7818.

Reel: 929
Veillard, Maurice.

La prostitution; étude critique de droit comparé.

Nyon, E. Cherix. 1918

Item identification number 7819; par Maurice Veillard.

Reel: 929
Velasco, Carlos de.

A las mujeres Cubanas.

La Habana, Sociedad Editorial Cuba Contemporánea. 1919

Item identification number 7820.

Reel: 929
Verone, Maria.

La femme et la loi.

Paris, Larousse. [c1920]

Item identification number 7821; Préface de Mme. Jules Siegfried.

Reel: 929
Vilaplana Jové, José.

Legislacón eclesiástica, civil, militar, penal y procesal sobre esponsales, matrimonio, legitimaciones y divorcio, por José Vilaplana Jové.

Villanueva y Geltrú. [1916]

Item identification number 7822.

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