History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 960 Wheeler, George Domvile, 1815

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Reel: 960
Wheeler, George Domvile, 1815.

Marriage with a deceased wife's sister not contrary to God's law.

London, William Edward Painter. [1849?]

Item identification number 9847; A letter addressed by permission to The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Worcester in reply to the Rev. E. S. Foulkes' three letters.

Reel: 960
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

A challenge to the contemporary church.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9940.

Reel: 961
American Bureau of Moral Education.

... A statement of purpose.

Chicago, American Bureau of Moral Education. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9941.

Reel: 961
American Social Hygiene Association.

The American social hygiene association, 1914-1916.

New York City. 1916

Item identification number 9926.

Reel: 961
Association for Moral and Social Hygiene. London.

A doomed iniquity: an authoritative condemnation of state regulation of vice from France, Germany and Belgium.

London, Federation for the abolition of the state regulation of vice. 1896

Item identification number 9876; with preface by Josephine E. Butler.

Reel: 961
Ballard, L. Anna.

Danger to our girls.

Chicago, Woman's temperance publication assoication. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9942.

Reel: 961
Bohn, Pastor.

Bordelle und Mädchenhandel.

Berlin. 1913

Item identification number 9914; Vortrag gehalten auf der 5. National-Konferenz zur Bekämpfung des Mädchenhandels zu Düsseldorf am 27. September, 1907.

Reel: 961
Boston. Home for Friendless and Fallen Women.

Historical sketch of the Home for friendless and fallen women, formerly Portland St. Mission.

[Boston, The Mudge Press]. [1904]

Item identification number 9890.

Reel: 961
Bott, Ernesto J.J.

... Las condiciones de la lucha contra la trata de blancas en Buenos Aires.

Buenos Aires, "Oceana,". 1916

Item identification number 9927.

Reel: 961
Bowen, Louise Haddock (de Koven) "Mrs. J.T. Bowen," 1859.

The road to destruction made easy in Chicago.

[Chicago, Hale-Crossley printing co.]. 1916

Item identification number 9928; Issued by the Juvenile Protective Association of Chicago.

Reel: 961
Bowen, Louise Haddock (de Koven) "Mrs. J.T. Bowen," 1859.

The straight girl on the crooked path.

Chicago, The Hildmann Ptg. co. [1916]

Item identification number 9929; a true story issued by the Juvenile Protective Association of Chicago, June, 1916.

Reel: 961
Bureau of Social Hygiene. New York.

Commercialized prostitution in New York City, November 1, 1915; a comparison between 1912 and 1915.

New York. [1915?]

Item identification number 9924.

Reel: 961
Bushnell, Katherine C.

Plain words to plain people.

[n.p.]. [1918?]

Item identification number 9937.

Reel: 961
Bushnell, Katherine C.

Take warning!.

[n.p.]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9897.

Reel: 961
[Butler, Josephine Elizabeth (Grey)], 1828-1906.

Truth before everything.

[London, Pewtress & Co.]. 1897

Item identification number 9879.

Reel: 961
Chicago. City Council.

Control of vice conditions in European cities.

Chicago [Barnard & Miller]. 1914

Item identification number 9918; Observations of Alderman Willis O. Nance and Alderman Ellis Geiger, embodied in a report to Hon. Carter H. Harrison, mayor.

Reel: 961
Chicago. Committee of Nine.

Testimony and addresses on segregation and commercialized vice, presented before the City Council's Committee of Nine.

Chicago [and] New York, American Vigilance Association. 1912

Item identification number 9905.

Reel: 961
Committee of One-hundred for the Suppression of Commercialized Vice in St. Louis.

Brief in support of citizens' memorial to the Board of police commissioners of St. Louis, Missouri, on the illegality and inexpediency of segregating commercialized vice in St. Louis.

[St. Louis]. 1914

Item identification number 9919; Prepared by The Committee of one-hundred for the suppression of commercialized vice in St. Louis.

Reel: 961
Cuba. Seccion de la Higiene Especial.

Reglamento para el régimen de la prostitucion en la ciudad de la Habana, 1899.

Habana, M. Pulido. [1899]

Item identification number 9881.

Reel: 961
Curtis, T.P. (Mrs.).

The traffic in women.

Boston, The Woman Suffrage Party of Boston. [1912?]

Item identification number 9906.

Reel: 961
Die Aufgaben der Rechtsordnung gegenüber den Gefahren der Prostitution.

Leipzig. 1908

Item identification number 9895.

Reel: 961
The Double shame of Baltimore: her unpublished vice report and her utter indifference.

[Baltimore, Maryland] H. A. Kelly. [1916]

Item identification number 9930.

Reel: 961
Düring, Ernst Carl Eduard Camille von, 1858.

Inutilité de la surveillance sanitaire des prostituées: rapport présenté à la confèrence de Lugano le 21 septembre 1907, par le professeur Dr von Dürung.

Genève, Secrétariat général de la Fédération. 1907

Item identification number 9894.

Reel: 961
Finch, Stanley Wellington, 1872.

The white slave traffic.

Washington [Gov. Print. Off.]. 1912

Item identification number 9907; Address ... before the World's Purity Congress, Louisville, Ky., May 7, 1912.

Reel: 961
Flexner, Abraham, 1866-1959.

The regulation of prostitution in Europe.

New York, American social hygiene association. 1915

Item identification number 9925.

Reel: 961
France. Assemblée Nationale, 1871-1942. Sénat.

Session de 1894.

[Paris, P. Mouillot]. [1894]

Item identification number 9875; Sénat. No. 81. Proposition de loi sur la prostitution et les outrages aux bonnes môeurs.

Reel: 961
Friends' Association for Promotion of Social Purity. London.

A short summary of the parliamentary history of state regulated vice in the United Kingdom.

London. 1900

Item identification number 9882; with appendices. Compiled for "The Friends' association for abolishing state regulated vice".

Reel: 961
G., M.K.

Stadtische lusthäuser.

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth. 1905

Item identification number 9891.

Reel: 961
Glasgow, Maude.

... On the regulation of prostitution.

[n.p.] A. R. Elliott pub. co. 1910

Item identification number 9899; with special reference to paragraph 79 of the Page Bill.

Reel: 961
Gruber, Max.

Die Prostitution vom Standpunkte der Sozialhygiene aus betrachtet.

Wien, Commissions-Verlag von Franz Deutiche. 1900

Item identification number 9884.

Reel: 961
Hart, Hastings Hornell, 1851-1932.

The illegitimate child; a life-saving problem.

New York, Department of child helping of the Russell Sage foundation. 1912

Item identification number 9909; A paper read before the American association for study and prevention of infant mortality, Chicago, November 16-18, 1911.

Reel: 961
Hepburn, Katharine Houghton, 1878-1957.

Woman suffrage and the social evil.

New York City, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc. [1914?]

Item identification number 9920.

Reel: 961
Juvenile Protective Association of Chicago.

A study of bastardy cases, taken from the Court of Domestic Relations in Chicago; test by L. DeK. Bowen.

[Chicago]. [1914]

Item identification number 9921.

Reel: 961
Kelly, Howard Atwood, 1858-1943.

The influence of segregation upon prostitution and upon the public.

[Philadelphia] Executive committee of the Pennsylvania society for the prevention of social disease. 1912

Item identification number 9910.

Reel: 961
Kelso, Tessa L.

Clause 79; report to committee of Woman's municipal league of the city of New York, February 14, 1911.

[New York]. [1911]

Item identification number 9903.

Reel: 961
Ladame, Paul Louis, 1842-1919.

... Les maisons de tolérance au point de vue de l'hygiène.

Genève, Secrétariat général de la fédération. [1893?]

Item identification number 9874; Allocution prononcée à la Chaux-de-Fonds, dans une conférence pour hommes, le 22 mars 1877, par le dr. Ladame ... Nouvelle édition.

Reel: 961
Little Rock, Arkansas.

Report of the Little Rock Vice Commission.

[Little, Rock]. [1913]

Item identification number 9916; May 20, 1913. And the order of Mayor Chas. E. Taylor to close all resorts in Little Rock by August 25, 1913.

Reel: 961
Lundberg, Emma Octavia.

Illegitimacy in Europe as affected by the war.

[Chicago, National conference of social work]. [1917?]

Item identification number 9934.

Reel: 961
Mary Magdalen.

The sorrows of your sisters: being a series of letters on the ignoble industries of women.

London, H. Cox. 1903

Item identification number 9888; with an introduction by the Venerable Archdeacon Sinclair.

Reel: 961
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Stop ruin of girls.

[n.p.] Legislative Committee of Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs. [1905?]

Item identification number 9892.

Reel: 961
McMurtrie, Douglas Crawford, 1888-1944.

Prostitution in Japan.

[New York]. 1913

Item identification number 9917.

Reel: 961
Mertz, Paul Allen.

Mental deficiency of prostitutes; a study of delinquent women at any army port of embarkation.

Washington, D.C.?. [c1919]

Item identification number 9939; [by] Paul A. Mertz.

Reel: 961
Miller, Eli Peck.

The Bible standard of social purity.

New York, The O'Donnell printing, binding and mailing co. 1896

Item identification number 9877; A paper read before the National christian league for the promotion of social purity, January 1896.

Reel: 961
Municipalities and vice.

[New York, Reform Club, Committee on City Affairs]. 1901

Item identification number 9885.

Reel: 961
National Civic Federation. Woman's Department: New York and New Jersey Section. Committee on Immigration.

Report of the Committee on immigration, Mrs. Coffin Van Rensselaer, chairman.

[New York]. [1916?]

Item identification number 9931.

Reel: 961
National Vigilance Association.

... Useful legal information for rescue with the addresses of the societies to which to apply for help in the various cases referred to.

[London, Printed by Dorrington Bros.]. [1900?]

Item identification number 9883; Comp. by the National Vigilance Association, rev. by W. F. Craies.

Reel: 961
New York Social Hygiene Society.

Origin of this movement; its objects, aims and methods of work.

[New York, The Society]. [1906]

Item identification number 9893.

Reel: 961
Pavesi, Pietro.

Il bordello di Pavia dal XIV al XVII secolo; ed i soccorsi di S. Simone e S. Margherita.

Milano, Uerico Hoepli. 1897

Item identification number 9880.

Reel: 961
Penal Reform League.

Prostitution: its nature and cure.

London, Penal reform league. 1912

Item identification number 9911.

Reel: 961
Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Social Disease.

Report and prospectus of the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Social Disease founded 1906.

[Philadelphia]. 1911

Item identification number 9904.

Reel: 961
Rockefeller Foundation. Bureau of Social Hygiene.

Commercialized prostitution in New York city, November 1, 1917; a comparison between 1912, 1915, 1916 and 1917.

New York, Bureau of Social Hygiene. [1918?]

Item identification number 9938.

Reel: 961
Rosenak, Leopold.

Zur Bekämpfung des Mädchenhandels.

Frankfurt a.M., J. Kauffmann. 1903

Item identification number 9889; Referat, erstattet in der Rabbinerversammlung zu Frankfurt a.M., am 7. Juli 1902, von Dr. Leopold Rosenak.

Reel: 961
Spaulding, Edith Rogers, 1881.

Mental and physical factors in prostitution.

[n.p.]. [1914?]

Item identification number 9922; Read at the National Conference of Charities and Corrections held at Memphis, Tenn., May 8-15, 1914.

Reel: 961
Sturgis, Frederic Russel, 1844-1919.

Prostitution: its suppression or control.

New York, Stettiner brothers. 1901

Item identification number 9887.

Reel: 961
Survey of the conditions demoralizing to women and girls in the saloons of Chicago.

[n.p.]. [1914?]

Item identification number 9923; Authorized by the Chicago south side club.

Reel: 961
Swift, Morrison I[saac], 1856.

Prostitution; a remedy.

Boston, Liberty press. 1912

Item identification number 9912; Bills and petitions presented to the Massachusetts legislature, in the session of 1911-12 by M.I. Swift.

Reel: 961
United States. 55th Congress, 1st Session. Senate, 1897.

A bill for the prevention of bastardy in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes.

[Washington, D.C.]. 1897

Item identification number 9878.

Reel: 961
United States. Department of Justice.

White slave traffic act, approved June 25, 1910.

[Washington]. [1910]

Item identification number 9901.

Reel: 961
Virginia. Laws, statutes, etc.

Virginia laws for the suppression of vice.

Richmond, D. Bottom. 1917

Item identification number 9936; Compiled by the Virginia committee on training camp activities, Richmond ... 1917.

Reel: 961
Wieland, Frank, M.D.

College men and social evils.

[New York, F. F. Rogers]. [1912]

Item identification number 9913.

Reel: 961
Wilson, Helen Mary.

On some causes of prostitution; with special reference to economic conditions.

[London] Association for moral and social hygiene. 1916

Item identification number 9932; A paper read at the eleventh congress of the International abolitionist federation, held in Paris, June 9-12, 1913. Revised edition.

Reel: 961
Austin, Harriet N.

The American costume; or, Woman's right to good health.

Dansville, N.Y., F. W. Hurd. 1867

Item identification number 9993.

Reel: 962
Berenger, Réné, 1830-1915.

Rapport fait au nom de la Commission chargée d'examiner la proposition de loi de M. Bérenger, sur la prostitution et les outrages aux bonnes moeurs.

Paris. 1895

Item identification number 9943.

Reel: 962
Billington-Greig, Teresa.

Commonsense on the population question.

[London, Women's printing society, ltd.]. [1914?]

Item identification number 9974; The substance of a lecture delivered to the Glasgow Clarion Scouts on December 13th, 1914.

Reel: 962
Birth control.

Ditchling, Sussex, [England] S. Dominic's press. 1919

Item identification number 9987.

Reel: 962
The Birth control movement.

[n.p.] The Committee of One Hundred. 1917

Item identification number 9980.

Reel: 962
Blackwell, Elizabeth, 1821-1910.

The religion of health.

Edinburgh and Glasgow, J. Menzies & co. 1878

Item identification number 9997.

Reel: 962
Bowditch, Henry Pickering, 1840-1911.

The physique of women in Massachusetts.

[n.p.]. [1889?]

Item identification number 10000.

Reel: 962
Bradlaugh, Charles, 1833-1891.

Fruits of philosophy.

[Chicago]. [1877]

Item identification number 9962; A treatise of the population question, by Mrs. Anne Besant.

Reel: 962
Chicago Society of Social Hygiene.

For the protection of wives and children from venereal contamination.

Chicago. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9945.

Reel: 962
Dowling, Michael P., 1851-1915.

Race-suicide, birth-control.

New York, America press. [1915?]

Item identification number 9975.

Reel: 962
Drysdale, Charles Robert, 1829-1907, ed.

Clerical opinions on the population question.

London, G. Standring. 1904

Item identification number 9969.

Reel: 962
Drysdale, Charles Robert, 1829-1907, ed.

Medical opinions on the population question.

London, G. Standring. 1901

Item identification number 9968.

Reel: 962
Drysdale, Charles Vickery, 1874.

Neo-Malthusianism and eugenics.

London, W. Bell. 1912

Item identification number 9973.

Reel: 962
Fite, Warner, 1867.

Birth-control and biological ethics.

New York, National birth control league. [1916]

Item identification number 9976.

Reel: 962
Frothingham, Octavius Brooks, 1822-1895.

Elective affinity: a sermon preached.

New York, D. G. Francis. 1870

Item identification number 9951; by Rev. O. B. Frothingham, in Lyric hall; December 19, 1869. Printed by request.

Reel: 962
Gardener, Helen Hamilton (Chenoweth) 1853-1925.

Plain talk, a pamphlet on the population question and the moral responsibility of woman in maternity.

Chicago, G. E. Wilson. [19--?]

Item identification number 9967.

Reel: 962
Goldman, Emma, 1869-1940.

Marriage and love.

New York, Mother Earth Pub. Association. 1916

Item identification number 9959; 2d ed.

Reel: 962
Hunker, A., pseud.

Four epistles on free-love and murder.

Troy, New York, A. W. Scribner & co. 1870

Item identification number 9952.

Reel: 962
James, C.L.

The law of marriage; an exposition of its uselessness and injustice.

St. Louis, Times printing house. 1871

Item identification number 9953; [2d ed.].

Reel: 962
[James, C.L.].

The future relation of the sexes.

[St. Louis, Missouri]. [1872]

Item identification number 9954.

Reel: 962
Knopf, Sigard Adolphus, 1857-1940.


[New York]. 1916

Item identification number 9977; Address delivered by invitation at the forty-fourth annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Cincinnati, October 27, 1916.

Reel: 962
Knopf, Sigard Adolphus, 1857-1940.

Preventive medicine and birth control.

[New York]. [1917]

Item identification number 9981; Read by invitation before the Society of Medical Jurisprudence, New York, March 12, 1917.

Reel: 962
Knopf, Sigard Adolphus, 1857-1940.

... The rights of the wife and mother.

[New York?]. [1917]

Item identification number 9982.

Reel: 962
Krijthe, H.C.J.

Open brief aan Dr. Hajo U. Meijboom, naar aanleiding van de verspreide circulaire: National congres tegen de prostitutie.

[Koevorden]. [1888]

Item identification number 9946.

Reel: 962
The Maltusian handbook.

London, W. H. Reynolds. 1911

Item identification number 9972; Designed to induce married people to limit their families within their means. 5th ed.

Reel: 962
Martin, Victoria Claflin (Woodhull) 1838-1927.

The elixir of life; or, Why do we die?.

New York, Woodhull & Claflin. 1873

Item identification number 9955; An oration delivered before the tenth annual convention of the American association of spiritualists, at Grow's opera house, Chicago, Ill., September 18, 1873.

Reel: 962
McGee, Anita (Newcomb) 1864-1940.

The nurse corps of the army.

Carlisle, Penn., The Association of Military Surgeons. 1902

Item identification number 1000.

Reel: 962
Meigs, Charles Delucana, 1792-1869.

Lecture on some of the distinctive characteristics of the female.

Published by the class. Philadelphia, T. K. and P. G. Collins. 1847

Item identification number 9991; Delivered before the class of the Jefferson Medical College, January 5, 1847.

Reel: 962
Moncharville, M.

Rapport presenté au Comité français de participation au Congrès.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9947.

Reel: 962
New York (City). Woman's Hospital Association.

First report of the Woman's hospital association, presented by the executive committee at the anniversary meeting, February 9th, 1856.

New York, Printed by D. Fanshaw. 1856

Item identification number 9992.

Reel: 962
Noyes, John Humphrey, 1811-1886.

Male continence.

Oneida, N.Y., Office of the American Socialist. [1872]

Item identification number 9963.

Reel: 962
Pearce, Martha K.

Some legal aspects of the question.

Chicago, Woman's temperance publication association. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9948.

Reel: 962
Philadelphia. Woman's Hospital.

Eighth annual report of the Board of managers of the Woman's hospital of Philadelphia.

Philadelphia, Stuckey & Thompson, printers. 1869

Item identification number 9995.

Reel: 962
Reynolds, John P.

The limiting of childbearing among the married.

Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan. 1890

Item identification number 9966; The president's annual address.

Reel: 962
Robin, Paul.

Libre amour, libre maternité, par Paul Robin.

Paris, Librairie de Régénération. 1906

Item identification number 9957; 3 édition.

Reel: 962
Rutgers, Johannes, 1850-1937.

... Moyens d'éviter les grandes familles.

Paris, Librairie de Régénération. 1906

Item identification number 9970; Brochure publiée par la Ligue Neo-Malthusienne. (Société sanctionnée comme personne civile par décret royal du 30 janvier 1895, No. 24). 8 éd.

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