History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 958 Matrimonio civil discusion general del proyecto. Montevideo. 1885 Item identification number 9763. Reel: 958

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Reel: 958
Matrimonio civil discusion general del proyecto.

Montevideo. 1885

Item identification number 9763.

Reel: 958
Neil, John B.

Special message of John B. Neil, gov. of Idaho.

[Boise?]. [1881?]

Item identification number 9761.

Reel: 958
The New morality.

London. [1886?]

Item identification number 9767.

Reel: 958
Observations on the debate in the House of Lords on the 25th February 1851, upon the motion of the Earl of St. Germans for the second reading of a bill to make lawful marriages within certain of the prohibited degrees of affinity.

London, W. G. Benning. 1854

Item identification number 9738; by Her Majesty's Serjeant at Law.

Reel: 958
Phillimore, John George, 1808-1865.

Divorce court, its evil and the remedy.

London. 1859

Item identification number 9746.

Reel: 958
Proctor, William, M.A.

Marriage of a deceased wife's sister, and all marriages within the degrees specified in "The Table of Kindred and Affinity," shewn to be forbidden in Scripture.

Alnwick. 1858

Item identification number 9744.

Reel: 958
Reeve, Charles Howell.

"Arousing the public".

[n.p.]. 1889?

Item identification number 9774.1.

Reel: 958
Report of the commissioners appointed to enquire into the state and operation of the law of marriage.

London. 1849

Item identification number 9727.

Reel: 958
Schroeder, Leopold von, 1851-1920.

Die Esten als Bewahrer altindagermanischer Hochzeitsbräuche.

Dorpat. 1886

Item identification number 9768.

Reel: 958
Sleigh, W. Campbell.

A letter to the Lord Bishop of Exeter, in reference to his speech in the House of Lords, against the second reading of Earl St. German's bill for legalizing marriage with a deceased wife's sister.

London, Ward & Co. 1851

Item identification number 9735.

Reel: 958
St. German, Edward Granville Eliot, 3rd earl of, 1798-1879.

Marriages bill.

London, James Madden. 1851

Item identification number 9737; Speeches of the Earl of St. Germans and Viscount Gage, in the house of Lords, Tuesday, February 25, 1851.

Reel: 958
Supplement to reasons assigned by an elder of the Free Church for declining to sign a petition to Parliament against a bill for legalising marriage with the sister of a deceased wife.

London, Hamilton, Adams & Co. 1854

Item identification number 9739.

Reel: 958
The Tribune on Andrews.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9745; November 8, 1858.

Reel: 958
W, B.A.

The woman's question and the man's answer; or, Reflections on the social consequences of legalizing marriage with a deceased wife's sister.

London, Saudners, Otley & Co. 1859

Item identification number 9747.

Reel: 958
Wharncliffe, James Archibald Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, 1st baron, 1776-1845.

Law of marriage; the substance of a speech delivered in the House of Commons on February 22, 1849.

London, J. Hatchard & Son. 1849

Item identification number 9729.

Reel: 958
Wilder, H.A.

A review of Dr. Colenso's remarks on polygamy, as found existing in converts from heathensim.

Durban. 1856

Item identification number 9742.

Reel: 958
The Women of England and R. Wortley's marriages bill.

London, Seeleys. 1850

Item identification number 9732; An address to the peers of the realm, by a woman of England.

Reel: 958
Wood, William Page.

A vindication of the law prohibiting marriage to a deceased wife's sister.

Edinburgh. [1861]

Item identification number 9748; I. On social principles: II. On scripture principles: In two letters addressed to the Dean of Westminister.

Reel: 958
Argentine Republic. Laws, statutes, etc.

Ley de matrimonio.

Buenos Aires. 1899

Item identification number 9789; Decreto nombrando visitadores. Instrucciones y formularios de actas.

Reel: 959
Australia, Governor-General.

Australia. Despatch.

London, Darling & son, ltd. 1905

Item identification number 9810; on the subject of marriage with a deceased wife's sister, and the reply thereto.

Reel: 959
Bossi, Luigi Maria, 1859-1919.

La legge sul divorzio considerata dal lato ginecologico.

Genova, Frat. Cabella. [189-?]

Item identification number 9775.

Reel: 959
Cauviere, Jules.

Le divorce au point de vue catholique & social.

Paris, J. Gainche. 1897

Item identification number 9786.

Reel: 959
Conforti, Pasquale, 1839.

Il matrimonio civile e le sue consequenze sociali.

Maramola. 1900

Item identification number 9791.

Reel: 959
Cooper-Mathieson, V[enie].

Woman's emancipation.

Sydney, the author. [1904]

Item identification number 9808; Thoughts on the marriage question.

Reel: 959
Cornil, Modeste, 1830-1899.

Du contrat de mariage et des droits respectifs des époux.

Bruxelles. 1899

Item identification number 9790.

Reel: 959
Cubero y Clemente, Pio.

Catecismo popular sobre el matrimonio civil.

Madrid. 1907

Item identification number 9812.

Reel: 959
Diakoff, Avenir.

Bibliothèque des lois russes concernant les étrangers.

[Bruxelles, G. Fischlin]. [1904]

Item identification number 9809.

Reel: 959
Divorce and the church.

[n.p.]. 1900

Item identification number 9792; by a churchwoman.

Reel: 959
Düsterdiek, Hans.

Ein Beitrag zur Lehrevom Dithmarscher ehelichen Güterrecht.

Kiel, Lipsius & Tischer. 1903

Item identification number 9805.

Reel: 959
An Equal moral standard for men and women.

London, T. Fisher. 1900

Item identification number 9793.

Reel: 959
France. Assembée Nationale, Sénat.

Session de 1892.

[Paris, P. Mouillot]. [1892]

Item identification number 9781; Sénat. No. 144. Proposition de loi adoptée par le Sénat modifiée par la Chambre des députés ayant pour objet des modifications à apporter au régime de la séparation de corps.

Reel: 959
France. Assemblée Nationale, 1871. Chambre des Deputés.

Session de 1892.

[Paris, Motteroz]. [1892]

Item identification number 9780; Chambre des députés. No. 2000. Proposition de loi ayant pour objet de modifier le paragraphe 5 de l'article 238 du Code civil. (Procédure du divorce).

Reel: 959
Giobbio, Adolfo, 1868-1932.

La precedenza dell 'atto civile sul matrimonio religioso.

Monza. 1900

Item identification number 9794.

Reel: 959
Great Britain. General Register Office.

Marriage act, 1898.

London, Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office by Eyre and Spottiswoode. 1900

Item identification number 9795; Return giving ... particulars of the results of the ... act.

Reel: 959
Great Britain. Laws, statutes, etc.

An act to amend the law relating to the marriage of British subjects outside the United Kingdom.

[London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, printers]. [1890]

Item identification number 9776; August 18, 1890.

Reel: 959
Great Britain. Parliament. Standing Committee A.

Report on the Incest Bill with.

London, J. B. Nichols & son. 1908

Item identification number 9816; proceedings of the committee.

Reel: 959
Jannuzzi, Stefano.

Altre considerazioni sulla precedenza del matrimonio civile.

Napoli. 1900

Item identification number 9796.

Reel: 959
Jullien, [Philippe Émile].

Rapport fait.

[Paris, Motteroz]. [1890]

Item identification number 9778; ayant pour objet des modifications à apporter au régime de la séparation de corps.

Reel: 959
Labanca, Baldassare, 1829-1913.

Il divorzio.

Italiana. 1893

Item identification number 9785; Roma, Tip.

Reel: 959
Leone XIII ed el disegno Bonacci.

Item identification number 9783.

Reel: 959
Mastrosanti, Salvatore.

Il divorzio.

Milano, P. Agnelli. 1902

Item identification number 9802; Lettera ... ai signori deputati del parlamento italiano.

Reel: 959
Nadobnik, Martin.

Die Abnahme des durchschnittlichen heiratsalters in Deutschland.

[n.p.]. 1908

Item identification number 9815.

Reel: 959
Nesslauer, Josef, 1884.

Die Simulationsehe.

Nürnberg, U.E. Sebald. 1909

Item identification number 9817.

Reel: 959
Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928.

Les cérémonies nuptiales chez les morlaques de la dalmatie.

Paris, V. Lecoffre. 1902

Item identification number 9803.

Reel: 959
Paraguay. Laws, statutes, etc.

Ley de matrimonio civil.

Asuncion, Talleres Nacionales de H. Kraus. 1898

Item identification number 9787.

Reel: 959
[Parks, Leighton], 1852-1938.

Christian marriage.

[New York?]. [1905]

Item identification number 9811.

Reel: 959
Previti, Luigi, 1822-1892.

Del Divorzio sua origine e suoi effetti.

Roma. 1891

Item identification number 9779.

Reel: 959
Rath, Julius.

Der zivilrechtliche Schutz der Ehre.

Borna-Leipzig, Robert Noske. 1909

Item identification number 9818.

Reel: 959
Robert, Léon.

La notion des acquêtes en droit privé Suisse de lege lata.

Neuchatel, Paul Attinger. 1898

Item identification number 9788.

Reel: 959
Rocco di Torrepadula, Carlo Maria.

La quistione del divorzio ed il ministro Conforti con.

Napoli, G. Cozzolino & co. 1903

Item identification number 9806; note intorno alla vita di Raffaele Conforti.

Reel: 959
Rodriguez Garcia, Jose Antonio, 1864-1934.

De los requisitos previos para contraer matrimonio.

Habana. 1892

Item identification number 9782.

Reel: 959
Roehrig, Siegfried.

Die Schulden der in Fahrnissgemeinschaft lebenden Ehegatten.

Greifswald, Julius Abel. 1901

Item identification number 9799.

Reel: 959
Sauer, Ludwig.

Ist das Verlöbnis ein Vertrag im Sinne des 1. Buchs des BGB, und welche praktische Bedeutung hat die Entscheidung dieser Frage?.

Borna-Leipzig, Robert Noske. 1907

Item identification number 9813.

Reel: 959
Schmidt, Fritz.

Vergleichung der Ehemänlichen Verwaltung und Nutzniessung.

Brenzlau, A. Mied. 1901

Item identification number 9800.

Reel: 959
Sheldon, Lurana W.

Whom god hath joined together, and The curse upon progress.

Boston. [1900?]

Item identification number 9797.

Reel: 959
Siegel, Rudolf.

Die Schlüsselgewalt der Ehefrau nach bisherigem deutschen Recht und dem Recht des bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs für das deutsche Reich.

Greifswald, Julius Abel. 1900

Item identification number 9798.

Reel: 959
Woodhull, Zula Maud.

The proposal; a dialogue.

Cheltenham, Norman, Sawyer & co. 1907

Item identification number 9814.

Reel: 959
The Advantages and disadvantages of the marriage-state, as enter'd into with religious or irreligious persons; represented under the similitude of a dream.

London. 1760

Item identification number 9846; 5th ed.

Reel: 960
Affaire Hortense Cornez.

Bruxelles, C. Sacré-Duquesne. 1868

Item identification number 9857; Tribunal correctionnel de Paris, vacations. Présidence de M. Lancelin.

Reel: 960
American Female Guardian Society and Home for the Friendless. New York.

An appeal, to the wives, mothers and daughters of our land, in the city and the country, earnestly and affectionately presented, by the ladies of the New York Female moral reform society.

New York, H. R. Piercy. 1836

Item identification number 9854.

Reel: 960
American Female Guardian Society and Home for the Friendless. New York.

The constitution and circular of the New-York Female moral reform society; with the addresses delivered at its organization.

New York, J. N. Bolles. 1834

Item identification number 9853.

Reel: 960
Arnhem, Netherlands.

Reglement op ze zoogenaamde publieke huizen en publieke vrouwen binnen de stad Arnhem.

[Te Arnhem, A. Van Goor, Provincialen Drukker]. [1829]

Item identification number 9850.

Reel: 960
Binney, Thomas, 1798-1874.

The men of Glasgow and the women of Scotland.

London, Ward & co. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9825; Reasons for differing from the Rev. Dr. Symington's view of the Levitical marriage law.

Reel: 960
Bushnell, Katherine C.

The woman condemned.

New York, Funk & Wagnalls. [1887]

Item identification number 9872.

Reel: 960
Cerruti, Carlo.

Lettera all'on. Senatore Carlo Cerruti.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9827.

Reel: 960
The Congregational Committee for the Abolition of State Regulation of Vice. London.

... Report of the speeches of S. Morley.

London, Congregational committee for the abolition of state protection and patronage of vice. [1875]

Item identification number 9863; Rev. D. G. Watt ... Rev. John Kennedy ... [and others] at the meeting held in the ... Cannon street hotel ... May 12, 1875.

Reel: 960
Darwin, Leonard, 1850-1943.

... Divorce and illegitimacy.

[London] Eugenics education society. 1918

Item identification number 9824.

Reel: 960
Denman, lord.

Reasons for legalising marriage with a deceased wife's sister.

London, Hatchard & Son. 1852

Item identification number 9838.

Reel: 960
Eadie, John, 1810-1876.

Marriage with a deceased wife's sister not contrary to the word of God.

Edinburgh, T. Grant. 1850

Item identification number 9834.

Reel: 960
Edger, Henry.

Prostitution and the International woman's league.

New Bedford, Massachusetts, Benjamin R. Tucker. 1878

Item identification number 9868.

Reel: 960
Edmondson, Joseph.

The regulationists' "flank movements" or substitutes for the English contagious disease acts.

Sheffield, Leader and sons. 1877

Item identification number 9867; A paper for the congress, at Geneva, 17th to 22nd September 1877, under the auspices of the "British, continental, and general Federation for the abolition of regulation of prostitution.".

Reel: 960
Edmondson, Joseph.

Regulationists and their policy.

Westminster, F. C. Banks [etc., etc.]. 1875

Item identification number 9864; A paper on the present position and prospects of the movement for the repeal of the Contagious diseases acts, read at the annual conference of the Northern counties league, held at Sheffield, 16th November, 1875.

Reel: 960
Engerrand, Georges.

Etude préliminaire d'un cas de croisement entre un Chinois et une Yucatèque.

[Paris]. [1910]

Item identification number 9819; Par M. Jorge Engerrand.

Reel: 960
Engerrand, Georges.

Note sur deux enfants nés d'un Chinois et d'une Mexicaine de race blanche.

Paris, F. Alcan. [1912]

Item identification number 9821.

Reel: 960
Haiti (republic). Laws, statutes, etc.

Loi sur les enfans naturels.

[Port-au-Prince, Imprimerie du Gouvernement]. [1813]

Item identification number 9849.1.

Reel: 960
Hennessey, John Pope (Sir), 1834-1891.

On the Contagious diseases ordinance in Hong Kong.

London. 1882

Item identification number 9870.

Reel: 960
Henschen, Solomon Eberhard, 1847-1930.

Om äktenskaps ingaende.

Stockholm, H. Geber. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9829.

Reel: 960
Hopkins, Ellice, 1836-1904.

The white cross army.

[London, Baines]. [18--]

Item identification number 9848.

Reel: 960
How the "social evil" is regulated in Japan.

[n.p.]. [189-?]

Item identification number 9873.

Reel: 960
Lettera di un ecclesiastico ad un pievano intorno al diritto dei sovrani sugl'impedimenti e dispense matrimoniali.

Firenze, Anton-Giuseppe Pagani. 1788

Item identification number 9830.

Reel: 960
London Society for the Protection of Young Females and Prevention of Juvenile Prostitution.


[London]. [1841]

Item identification number 9855.

Reel: 960
… Manifesto of the associations formed to secure the repeal of the Contagious disease acts, called forth by the debate in the House of commons, on the 23rd June, 1875, on Sir Harcourt Johnstone's bill for the repeal of the acts.

London, Tweedie [etc.]. [1876]

Item identification number 9866.

Reel: 960
Marriage and divorce.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9831.

Reel: 960
[McDowall, John Robert], 1801-1836.

Magdalen facts.

New York, Printed for the author. 1832

Item identification number 9852; No. 1., January.

Reel: 960
A Messieurs les membres de la chambre des deputés.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9835.

Reel: 960
Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873.

The evidence of John Stuart Mill, taken before the Royal commission of 1870, on the administration and operation of the contagious diseases acts of 1866 and 1869.

[London]. [1871?]

Item identification number 9860; Reprinted verbatim from the Blue book.

Reel: 960
Montgomery, John.

Marriage with a deceased wife's sister or niece, considered in reference to the law of God and the interests of society.

Edinburgh, Johnstone & Hunter. 1850

Item identification number 9836.

Reel: 960
Newman, Francis William, 1805-1897.

The corruption, now called neo-Malthusianism.

London, The Moral Reform Union. 1889

Item identification number 9856; written by request for the Moral Reform Union …; with notes by Dr. E. Blockwell.

Reel: 960
Oakley, G[eorge] R[obert].

Why we oppose divorce: an address, delivered to a gathering of bible classes at Rochdale.

London, Society for promoting Christian knowledge. 1913

Item identification number 9822.

Reel: 960
Octavio, Rodrigo, 1866.

Le mariage au Brésil [célébration, annulation et divorce au point de vue du droit international privé].

Bruxelles, F. Van Buggenhoudt. 1910

Item identification number 9820.

Reel: 960
Pascaud, Henri, 1835.

Mémoire sur le Remplacement de la communauté légale par un autre régime matrimonial de droit commun.

Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. 1901

Item identification number 9837.

Reel: 960
Rainy, Robert, 1826-1906.

The Contagious diseases acts, 1866-69; their character and necessary tendency.

Edinburgh, Scottish national association for the repeal of the Contagious diseases acts. [187-?]

Item identification number 9858; by The Rev. Principal Rainy.

Reel: 960
Remarks on the report of the executive committee of the New York Magdalen society.

New York, Printed for the author. 1831

Item identification number 9851.

Reel: 960
Rules for the regulation of practice in divorce.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9840.

Reel: 960
Shaen, William, 1821-1887.

Suggestions on the limits of legitimate legislation on the subject of prostitution.

Westminster, British committee for the abolition of state regulation of vice in India and throughout the British dominions. [1878]

Item identification number 9869.

Reel: 960
Singh, Bawa Chhajju.

Brahmacharya versus child marriage being a lecture.

Lahore. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9841.

Reel: 960
Society for the suppression of vice: consisting of members of the established church.

[London]. [1803]

Item identification number 9849.

Reel: 960
Society of Hope for Young Women and Children. London.

The greatest moral hypocrísy of the day.

[London]. [1873]

Item identification number 9862.

Reel: 960
Sowden, Mary.

Wedded life: as it is, and as it should be.

[London, G. Standring, printer]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9842.

Reel: 960
St. Louis. Health Department.

Prostitution in its relation to the public health.

[n.p.]. [1873]

Item identification number 9861.

Reel: 960
Stöcker, Helene, 1869.

Bund für Mutterschutz.

Berlin, Pan-Verlag. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9843.

Reel: 960
The Unlawfulness of polygamy evinced; or, Observations occasioned by the erroneous interpretations of the passages of the New Testament respecting the laws of marriage.

London, G. Kearsley. 1780

Item identification number 9844.

Reel: 960
Vallenilla Lanz, Laureano.

... El artícalo 104.

Caracas, Tipografia americana. 1915

Item identification number 9823.

Reel: 960
La Vie dans le marriage.

[Toulouse, A. Chauvin]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9845.

Reel: 960
Wesleyan Society for Securing the Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts. London.

... Verbatim report of the speeches of Revs. W. M. Punshon.

London, Wesleyan society for securing the repeal of the Contagious diseases acts. 1875

Item identification number 9865; George Osborn ... F. J. Jobson ... [and others] at the meeting held in ... the Cannon street hotel, on Friday, March 5th, 1875.

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