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Reference Books:

  • Fundamentals of Human Resource Management,4th Edition Raymond Noe., 2011.

  • Human Resource Management, 11th Edition, Garry Dessler, 2008.

MGT - 303 Management of IT 
Credit hours: 4

Pre requisite: BUS - 201 Businesses and Organizations

Course Objective:

The course deals with the study of management of IT systems, components and services with a view to provide either in-house/outsourced IT solutions to an organization. The course endeavors to familiarize students with the trend in information technology and systems, the opportunities and challenges which information systems present to organizations and a critical understanding of the management issues relating to IT.

At the conclusion of the course students should have an essential knowledge and sound appreciation of the key issues faced by a manager who is assigned to set up and support an IT infrastructure in an organization.

Topics include:

Issues in IT management. Trends in semiconductor technology, storage technology, computer systems and telecommunication systems. Managing application portfolios and application development. Acquisition alternatives. Managing customer expectations. Managing computer and data resources. Managing IT controls and security.

Text Book:

  • Management of Information Technology by FRENZEL Course Technology.. 

MGT-304: Entrepreneurship
Credit Hrs:3

Pre-requisite: Principles of Management, Principles of Marketing, Financial Management

Course Objective:

At the end of this course, students would be able to:

  • Know about Entrepreneurial opportunities and venture decisions

  • Learn to develop business plans and feasibility reports

  • Familiarize with growth strategies & global opportunities.

  • Know about management & leadership aspects for entrepreneurs.

  • Fostering teamwork for better results

Course Outline:

Entrepreneurship – Introduction, Analyzing the environment & identifying the opportunities, Family Business, Franchising & Buyouts, Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Organizational & Location Plan, Promotional Management, Service Quality &Customer Relationships, Financing, Financial Plan, Growth strategies and global opportunities, Leadership aspects for entrepreneurs

Reference Books:

  • Small Business Management, Launching & Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures, 17th Edition 2014, Justin Longenecker, Carlos Moore.

  • Entrepreneurship, 2nd Edition 2011,William Bygrave, Andrew Zacharakis.

MGT – 305 Operations Management
Credit Hours: 3

Pre-requisite: MGT - 101Principles of Management

Course objectives:

This course is designed to provide the students with an understanding of the foundations of the operations function in both manufacturing and services. It discusses how excellence in operations management can be achieved through efficient strategic designof operations in manufacturing and service industries. It includes facility layout in manufacturing and services industries, waiting lines, just-in-time systems, forecasting, aggregate planning, inventory management, and materials requirements planning (MRP). MS Excel 2010 is used to implement all formulae discussed in the course.

Course Outline:

Evolution of OM and globalization challenges. The design process, QFD, Service design process, Forecasting and its components, capacity planning and capacity decisions, cellular layouts, elements of inventory management system, safety stocks and reorder points, aggregate planning process for service and manufacturing industry, material requirement planning, lean production, JIT, implementation of lean production, lean services.

Recommended Text:

  • Operations Management, Creating Value Along the Supply Chain, Roberta S. Russell, Bernard W. Taylor III, 7TH EDITION

  • Operations management, Jay Heizer and Barry Render, 10th Edition

MGT - 401 Business Policy
Credit hours:  4

Pre-requisite: MGT - 402 Strategic Management

Course Objective:

Business Policy is a capstone course of the Business Management Program integrating knowledge from different functions of business administration. It incorporates relationship between different business subjects and helps the students to understand and work on different business situations from the point of a practicing manager. 

Successful completion of this course will help students to develop comprehensive understanding of business challenges through problem identification, strength / weakness analysis, resource allocation and eventually implementation.

Topics Include:

Strategic Management model, business ethics and strategic management, Corporate governance and its mechanism, responsibilities of top management and board of directors, importance of corporate stakeholders and stakeholder analysis, Environmental scanning and industry analysis, monitoring trends in the natural and societal environment, identifying external strategic factors, strategic groups and hyper competition, identifying strategic factors using the BCG Growth-Share Matrix and the GE Business Screen, matching managers to the corporate or business unit strategy, downsizing, international issues in staffing Evaluation and Control, evaluation and control process, Tradeoffs among behavior, output, and input controls, Activity-based costing for evaluating valued-added activities, Shareholder value measures, such as EVA and MVA, the balanced scorecard approach, Strategies Issues in Entrepreneurial Venture and Small Businesses.

Text Book:

  • Strategic Management & Business Policy by Thomas L. Wheelen and J. David Hunger (Pearson) 13th Edition

MGT-402: Strategic Management
Credit Hrs: 3

Pre-requisite: Principles of Management, TQM, Operations Management, Business Stats, Project Management

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, students would be able to:

  • Understand the strategic management framework

  • Know competitive advantage and competitive analysis

  • Apply the Tools & Techniques of strategic management

  • Familiarize with game theory in strategic management

  • Initiate research in Strategic management

Course Outline:

Strategic Management Framework, Business Models in the organization Environment analysis, Organizational Analysis, Competitive advantage, Competitive strategies, Management tools for strategic analysis, Global Competition, Introduction to Game Theory, Strategic games, Strategies Implementation, Strategies Performance and Evaluation

Reference Books:

  • Strategic Management and competitive advantage, Jay Barney, 2011.

  • Contemporary Strategic Management, 6th Edition, Robert M Grant, 2009.

  • Games of Strategy, 3rd Edition, David Reily, 2009.


MTH - 101 Calculus & Analytical Geometry I

Credit hours: 3

Pre requisite: Nil

Course Objective:

The aim of this course is to use the ideas of limits, derivatives, and integrals to solve applied problems.

After completing this course, students should be well versed in the mathematical language needed for applying the concepts of calculus to numerous applications in science and software engineering. They should also be well prepared for course in calculus II, differential equations, or linear algebra.

Topics include:

Inequalities, Function, Limits, Continuity, Derivatives, The Chain Rule, Implicit Differentiation, Differentiation Rules, Application of Derivatives, Tangent and normal, Extreme values of function, Increasing and decreasing functions Rolle's Theorem and the Mean-value theorem, The shape of a graph Linearization and differentials, L' Hô Pital's Rule ,Indefinite integrals, Integral Rules Integration by Substitution, Indefinite integrals, Integration by parts, Trigonometric substitution , Definite Integrals, The tindametal theorem, Substitution in definite integrals, improper integrals.

Text Book:

  • THOMAS' CALCULUS (Eleventh Edition)

MTH - 102 Business Maths
Credit hours:  3

Pre-requisite: Nil

Course Objective:

The aim of the course is to provide a solid preparation and foundation for applying mathematical formulas to solve business-related math problems. It provides a variety of applications-based math tools and concepts for the business professionals.

After studying this course the students should be able to develop an understanding and the application of skills required for the selected mathematical concepts encountered in business situation.

Topics include:

Introduction Real Number System, Real Valued Functions and Real solutions, Basic algebraic Solutions, Number values, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Application, Equations, In Equations, Identities, Types of Equations, Graphs &Functions Application in Business, Slope, Special forms of Slope, Word Problems of Social &Life sciences, Quadratic Equations Solutions &their applications, Mathematics of Finance, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Effective Rate. Growth & Decay, Annuity (present+future),Break even Analysis, Market Equilibrium Point, Applications, Fractions, Present, Portion, Rate &Base, Applications, Banking Records, Applications in Business, Credit Cards applications, Pay role &Depreciation, Application, Proposition, Negation Operator, Truth Table, Boolean variable, Logical Equivalence table, Solutions of Boolean Expressions, The Derivative, Rate of Change Rules, Properties of Derivatives, Applications, Applications of Derivatives in Business &Economics

Text Book:

  1. (Essentials of college Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life & social sciences, (3rd edition) by Raymond A.Bornett, Merrit College.

  2. Introductory Analysis by hacussler Jr.

  3. Business mathematics by Robert j.Hughes

  4. Discrete mathematics & its applications by Kenneth H.Rosen (4th edition)

MTH - 103 Calculus & Analytical Geometry II
Credit hours:  3

Pre-requisite: Nil

Course Objective:

The purpose of this course is to use basic integral formulas and basic mathematical techniques to calculate integrals (both definite and indefinite) and infinite sequences and series.

After completing this course, students should be well versed in the mathematical language needed for applying the concepts of calculus to numerous applications in science and engineering. They should also be well prepared for courses in differential equations, or linear algebra.

Topics Include:

Complex Numbers, Implicit differentiation Linearization & Differential, Extreme values of function Mean value theorem, Concavity & curve sketching Applied Optimization Problems, L'hopitals's rule Antidarivative, Integration Definite Integral, Area between curves Length of plane curve, Curl, Gradient, Divergence, The definite integral Integration using substitution, Integration by parts, by Partial fractions Numerical Integrals, Infinite sequence & series, The Integral test Comparison test, The ratio and root test Power Series, Taylor and Maclaurin Series Application of Power Series, Fourier Series, Transform and its properties, Applications.

Text Book:

  • THOMAS' CALCULUS (11th Edition)

MTH - 104 Business Statistics
Credit hours:  3

Pre-requisite: Nil

Course Objective:

This course is designed for the basic understanding of business statistics. This subject will help in the development of analytical skills and interpretation of results using SPSS as a statistical tool.

AT the end of the course, the students will understand the uses, capabilities and limitations of various statistical procedures and correctly apply a variety of statistical tests on data for effective decisions.

Topics Include:

Introduction. Meaning of Statistics, Types of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, Types of Variables Constructing a Frequency Table, Relative Class Frequencies, Relative Class Frequencies, Graphic Presentation of Qualitative Data Distribution, Constructing Frequency Distributions, Graphic Presentation of a Frequency Distribution, Population Mean, Weighted Mean,.Median, Mode, Geometric Mean, Relative Positions of the Mean, Median, Mode, Dispersion, Measure Of Dispersion, Mean and S.D (Group Data), Describing Data Stem and Leaf Display, Other Measures of Dispersion, Skewness, Introduction: Meaning of probability, Approaches to assigning Probabilities, Rules of Counting, Rule of Addition, Rules of Multiplication Contingency Table, Discrete Probability Distribution: Characteristics of Probability Distribution, Random variables, Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation of a probability Distribution, Binomial Probability Distribution, Continuous Probability Distribution, Properties of Normal Distribution, Standard Normal Probability Distribution, Area under Normal Curve, Exercise, Correlation: Introduction, Analysis of Correlation, Coefficient of Correlation, Characteristics of the Coefficient of Correlation, Regression Analysis, Least Squares Principle, Drawing the Regression Line..

Text Book:

  1. Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics with Global Data Sets, By: Lind. Marchal. Wathen.  (Thirteen Edition)

MTH - 105 Applied Physics
Credit Hrs:  3

Pre-requisite: Nil

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to teach the concepts physics with a view to complement the software engineering. Course. The key topics discussed in this course as Electric field, electric potential, magnetic field and induction, solid state physics and electric circuits.

Topics include:

Electric charge, conductor and insulators, coulomb's law, the electric field due to point charge and electric dipole, electric field of continuous charge, distributions: line of charge, electric field of continuous charge,(Gauss's Law), function of conductors standard wired gage sizes, types of the wire conductor, connectors, printed wiring, switches, wire resistance temperature coefficient of resistance, Induction by alternating current, self inductance, mutual induction, transformer, resistance, inductance and capacitance in series of parallel. Electromagnetic induction (faraday's Law of induction & Lenz's Law), conductors, semi conductors and insulators, Electrical Circuits in series and parallel. Direct and alternating currents and voltage. Amplitude frequency, power, types of signals, Signal-to-noise ratio. Analog and digital signal. Amplification and attenuation, Decibels, resonance, signal transmission through wire and air.

Text Book:

  • Fundamental of Physics, by Halliday/ Resnick/ Walker 6th edition

  • University Physics by Sears and Zamansky 7th edition

  • Basic Electronics by Grob 8th edition

  • A text book of Electrical Technology by B.L. Theraja 23rd Edition

MTH - 201 Probability & Statistics
Credit hours:  3

Pre-requisite: Nil

Course Objective:

This course is an introduction to probability theory and mathematical statistics that emphasizes the probabilistic foundations required to understand probability models and statistical methods.

At the end of this course, the students will have a good understanding of the theory of probability, both discrete and continuous and will be able to construct the probability distribution of a random variable and use it to compute expectation and variance.

Topics include:

Introduction to Statistics: Meaning of Statistics, Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, Explanation with examples, Probability: Sample space, Event, Compliment, intersection and union of two events (set theory), probability of event, Explanation with examples, Three  Major cases of Probability, Probability of Event, Additive law: For Mutually Exclusive and not Mutually Exclusive events. Complementary events, Multiplicative law, Dependent and Independent events, Conditional Probability, Binomial Distribution, Mean and Variance of Distribution, Continuous random variable, Normal Distribution, Properties of Normal Distribution, Area under the Normal curve, Using the Normal Curve in Reverse, Moment generating function, Sampling Theory: Random Sampling, Population and Samples, Statistic, Central tendency in the Sample, Sampling Distribution of Means, Difference between Means, One-and-two sample estimation: Statistical Inference, Point estimate, point estimator, Interval estimation, single sample: estimating the mean, standard error of a point estimate, Two samples: estimating the difference between two means, One-and-Two Sample Tests of Hypothesis: Testing a Statistical hypothesis: one and two tail test, Simple Linear Regression, Fitted Regression Line ,Method of Least Squares, Correlation analysis, correlation coefficient

Text Book:

  1. Probability and Statistics For Engineer and Scientists WALPOLE.MYERS.MYERS    7th edition

  2. cal Technology by B.L. Theraja 23rd Edition

MTH - 202 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations
Credit hours: 3

Pre requisite: MTH - 103 Calculus and Analytical Geometry II

Course objective:

The course aims at understanding the systems of linear equations, their applications, and solutions. Matrices and matrix algebra are studied in detail. The course also covers fundamental concepts and techniques related with differential equations to model simple problems in engineering and computer sciences.

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to solve simple first and second order differential equations, linear systems of algebraic equations and understand some applications of linear equations.

Topics include:

Set theory, Vectors and Norms, Linearly Independent and Dependent Vectors, Euclidian Vector Spaces and Subspaces, Matrices & Determinants, Linear Transformations, Inner products, Eigen-Values & Eigen vectors. Gaussian Elimination, Factorization of Matrices. Ordinary Differential Equations of the First Order, Geometrical Considerations, Isoclines, Separable Equations, Equations Reducible to Separable Form, Exact Differential Equations, Integrating Factors, Linear First-Order Differential Equations, Variation of Parameters, Ordinary Linear Differential Equations, Homogeneous Linear Equations of the Second Order, Homogeneous Second-Order Equations with Constant Coefficients, General Solution, Real Roots, Complex Roots, Double Root of the Characteristic Equation, Differential Operators, Cauchy Equation, Homogeneous Linear Equations of Arbitrary Order, Homogeneous Linear Equations of Arbitrary Order with Constant Coefficients, Non- homogeneous Linear Equations. Modeling of Electrical Circuits, Systems of Differential Equations, Series Solutions of Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Method of Separation of variables, Wave, Heat & Laplace equations and their solution.

Text Book:

  • Mathematical Techniques by Dr. Karamat  H. Dar

MTH - 301 Statistical Inference
Credit hours: 3

Pre-requisite: MTH - 104 Business Statistics

Course Objective:

This course has been designed to give a detailed overview of various Statistical techniques that are used in data analysis and important decision-making. These techniques are extremely helpful in the research-based studies like the final thesis of the program. In the initial part of the course, Descriptive Statistics of a data and its association with Inferential Statistics is explained. Later various sampling techniques and methods of drawing conclusions on the basis of sample results are discussed. Finally an important part of a Statistical software "SPSS" is covered to familiarize the students with handling of data, retrieval of Statistical results and their interpretations through the software.

Topics Include:

Descriptive & Inferential Statistics, Sampling Designs, Probability & Non-Probability sampling designs, Point & Interval estimation, Confidence Interval, Level of significance, Method of moments & Least Square, Type I & II errors, Normal variable, Standardized normal variable, Z-test, Testing of hypotheses of population mean, proportion & difference of means using Z-test, t-test & its testing of hypotheses, Chi-square test, Attributes and their association testing technique, F-test & its application, Parametric & Non-parametric tests, Multicollinearity and its remedies, Introduction to data analysis through SPSS.   

Text Book:

  • Statistics for Management   4th Edition by Richard I. Levin & David S. Rubin



The objective of the final year project for SOFTWARE ENGINEERING is to provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge and expertise gained in the first three years, towards independently developing a software project. The students are expected to go through different phases of a Software Development Life Cycle viz. Initial Proposal, Requirement Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and Deployment. The project is also intended to enable students to learn the current tools and technologies employed in the industry.

The objective of the final year project for MBC/FBC is to provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge and expertise gained in the first three years, towards independently solving a real life business, management or finance problem. The students are expected to go through different phases of a Project viz. Initial Proposal, Market Analysis, Implementation and Final Presentation. The project is also intended to enable students to learn the skills and technologies employed in the industry.

Both SE and MBC/FBC projects will be executed in groups, each group comprising three students. The duration of the project will be two semesters (30 weeks). It will be divided into two parts: Project Part I(PRJ-403) and Project Part II (PRJ-404). Only students who qualifying in Project Part – I will be allowed to proceed to Project Part – II.

Each project will have two supervisors, External and Internal.

The External supervisor will be an industry professional who will provide technical guidance in the execution of the project. Each project group will hold weekly meeting with the External supervisor. A report of the meeting will be prepared by External Supervisor (on prescribed form) and given to students in sealed envelope. The students are required to submit the meeting report to the internal supervisor in the next project progress meeting.

The Internal Supervisor will be a faculty member of the School. The Internal supervisor will monitor the progress of the project in weekly meeting and help in removal of any difficulties and issues related to the project. The Internal Supervisor will collect the Progress Report of project group’s meeting with External Supervisor. The Internal and External Supervisor will be jointly responsible for grading the project in accordance with pre-defined criteria.

IND-401 Independent Study

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