Article 19(2) of the Environmental Protection Act (Official Gazette 80/13, 153/13, 78/15, 12/18, 118/18)
(2) For the purpose of protecting the right to a healthy life and environment, a person (citizen or other natural legal person, their groups, associations and organisations) who proves the legitimacy of his legal interest and a person who due to the location of the project and/or due to the nature and/or impact of the project can prove in accordance with the law that his rights have been permanently violated, shall have the right to contest the procedural and substantive legality of decisions, acts or oversights of public authorities before the competent body and/or competent court, in accordance with the law.
(2) U svrhu zaštite prava na zdrav život i održiv okoliš te u svrhu zaštite okoliša i pojedinih sastavnica okoliša i zaštite od štetnog utjecaja opterećenja, osoba koja učini vjerojatnim svoj pravni interes i osoba koja zbog lokacije zahvata i/ili zbog prirode i/ili utjecaja zahvata može, u skladu sa zakonom, dokazati da joj je trajno narušeno pravo, ima pravo osporavati postupovnu i materijalnu zakonitost odluka, čina i propusta tijela javne vlasti putem nadležnog tijela i/ili nadležnog suda, u skladu sa zakonom.