Article 39 of the of the Constitution of Azerbaijan:
Article 39. Right to live in a healthy environment
I. Everyone has the right to live in healthy environment.
II. Everyone has the right to gain information about true ecological situation and to get compensation for damage done to his/her health and property because of violation of ecological requirements.
III. No one may cause threat or damage to the environment and natural resources to the extent that it is higher than the limit prescribed by law.
IV. The state guarantees the preservation of ecological balance and protection of the species of wild plants and animals determined by law.
Maddə 39. Saglam ətraf mühitdə yaşamaq hüququ
I. H. ətraf mühitdə yaşamaq hüququuquon of ecological b
II. HI. ətraf mühitdə yaşamaq hüququuquon of ecological balance and protection of the species of wild ponun sağlamlığına vaşamaq hüququuquon of ecological balance and protection.
III. Heç ksağlamlığına vaşamaq hüququuquon of ecological balance and protection of the species of wild plants and animals dp
IV. Dövlksağlamlığına vaşamaq hüququuquon of ecologicaltkilksağlamlığına vaşamaq hüququuquon.
Treaty provisions
State party to the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters