XXI century in Uzbekistan started as a
century of culture, economy,
scientific and technical innovations. Innovation factor is one of the peculiarities of
modern educational system. Starting from the first years of independence, legal
bases of preparing youth as harmonious persons were elaborated. On May 8,
2013 Cabinet of
Ministers issued Resolution "On approving state educational
standard on foreign languages of continuous educational system".
compliance with the Implementation of complex of activitis on enhancement and
development of new teaching methods in higher educational establishments, a
number of researches have been carried out.
The actuality of the theme of the course project paper. One of the most
Important spheres of teaching English is listening.
In recent years language
researchers and practitioners have shifted their focus from developing listening
skill to create effective listening techniques to achieve the learners objectives.
This new area of focus, known as teaching listening in A1 level, leads language
teachers to seek task-oriented activities that engage their students in creative
language use.
“The time has come to create in Uzbekistan a new system of
teaching foreign languages, which will become a solid foundation for the future.
Since we set ourselves the goal of building a competitive state, from now on,
graduates of schools, lyceums, colleges and universities must be fluent in at
least two foreign languages. This strict requirement should become the main
criterion for the work of the head of each education institution”
Mirziyoyev said.In the process of learning English as a foreign language, Improve
listening skill by using educational technologies is considered as one of the most
essential thing.
Listening is the ability to identify and understand what others are
saying. This involves understanding a speaker's accent or pronunciation, his
grammar and his vocabulary, and grasping his meaning.
There are two main roles
O'zbekiston Respublicat qonun hujjatlari to'plami, 2013y, 20-son, 251-modda.
Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoyev raisligida 2022-yil 6-may kuni chet tillarini o‘qitish tizimini
takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari yuzasidan videoselektor yig‘ilishidan.
for listening in language teaching. The first role: it is important for students to
develop the listening skill in order to understand spoken English, whether on TV,
radio or in speaking to people. The second role: listening can provide further
sources of input and can help the students remember the words, phrases,
grammar that they are learning. By working
on listening tasks, students can
become closely involved with the language and, in doing so, develop their general
language proficiency.