The Regional Network of Civil Organizations for Migration (RNCOM) calls on the member countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM)
The Regional Network of Civil Organizations for Migrations calls on the Presidents of the Region and Members of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) for the consideration of the situation of vulnerability lived by Haitians.
The impact of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti has affected the south of the country and the poorest regions, it caused the death of more than 650 people; it affected 1.4 million inhabitants; 61.537 people required accommodation; the 60% of the crops were destroyed together with precarious housing.
Taking into consideration that in 2016 12 million Haitians have crossed the region, and that approximately 3.500 are still stranded in Costa Rica and that 2.500 in Panama, many of whose initiated their trip after the 2010 earthquake and entered the continent via Brazil. Their mobility takes place under vulnerable conditions, without proper documentation, facing “border’s closure”, being victims of the illicit trafficking networks.
We consider that one of the possible effects of Hurricane Matthew could be the increase of new migratory flows of this population towards the United States of America, using the route through Mesoamerica.
Taking into consideration that the tragedy lived by Haitians has the magnitude of a “Humanitarian Crisis” we approve of the necessity of working for a “IMMEDIATE RELIEF FOR HAITIANS”.
We ask the member countries of the RCM for:
Demand jointly with the United Nations the accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals 2, 6 and 15.
For the IOM to count and verify with mobile units the number of Haitians and Africans in the borders of all the RCM member countries.
For the World Health Organization to fully support the sanitary prevention of these populations, especially regarding alimentation, milk for infants, the quality of water and the prevention of cholera.
To attend short-term and medium- term environmental and productive damages.
To endorse before the United States the proposal elaborated by Alianza América regarding the Immediate Migratory Relief for Haitians including:
The widening of Humanitarian Permits for Family Reasons for Haitians (HFRP)
The extension of the Temporary Protection Status
For the Member Countries of the RCM to assume:
Support to Haiti in its fight against poverty, the establishment of management and disaster prevention programs.
The coordination with the Government of Haiti of identification processes in order to allow the organization of migratory flows.
The organization of Humanitarian Permits for Transit, reception and delivery in each border, in order to give them the opportunity to enter the preferred country and reunite with their family, or continue the trip.
The cessation of border devolutions.
Humanitarian support to Haitian population while they cross national territories.
Not to criminalize migration.
The promotion of solidarity of our populations with Haiti.
Canada: Canadian Council for Refugees; Costa Rica: Red Nacional de Organizaciones Civiles para las Migraciones (REDNAM) / CIDEHUM; El Salvador: Grupo de Monitoreo Independiente de El Salvador (GMIES), SOLETERRE Strategie di Pace ONLUS, Asociación Salvadoreña de Educación Financiera (ASEFIN), Instituto Salvadoreño del Migrante (INSAMI), Fundación Cristosal, Asociación Aldeas Infantiles SOS (ALDEAS SOS), Red Nacional de Emprendedores Retornados (RENACERES); Estados Unidos: Alianza Américas; Guatemala: Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Sociales y Desarrollo (INCEDES), Misioneros de San Carlos Scalabrinianos, Pastoral de Movilidad Humana, American Friends Service Committee, Asociación La Alianza; Honduras: Foro Nacional para las Migraciones en Honduras FONAMIH; México: Asylum Access, Sin Fronteras IAP; Nicaragua: Red Nicaragüense de la Sociedad Civil para las Migraciones; República Dominicana: Mesa Nacional para las Migraciones y Refugiados en República Dominicana (MENAMIRD); Panamá: Mesa Nacional de Migrantes y Refugiados; Belize: Help for Progress;
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