Most channels did comply with their obligations under Articles 4 and 5 of the Directive. Those free-to-air channels that failed to do so stated that they would try to comply as soon as possible. Some channels broadcasting on the ‘NOVA’ digital platform did not send any information.
C) Further comments:
ERT S.A.’s 3 channels (ET1, NET, ET3): public service broadcasting organisation
Multichoice Hellas S.A.: privately owned digital platform, broadcasting various channels via satellite under the name ‘NOVA’. The number of channels transmitting on NOVA varies each year, according to the private agreements signed between Multichoice Hellas S.A. and the channels.
Monitoring system based on verification and analysis of data obtained via two routes:
- Data obtained via a company specialising in the television sector with which the Spanish administration has a technical assistance contract;
- Data supplied by the broadcasters themselves (in the case of channels operating above regional level) or by the Autonomous Communities (in the case of channels operating at regional level).