Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics

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Research Publications in Seminars/ Symposia/ Conferences


Title, Symposium, Conference , Organizer, venue, dates

Internationl Conference COMPUTERS & DEVICES FOR COMMUNICATION (CODEC 06), Organized by CAS in RPE, Hyatt Regency Kolkata, December 18-20, 2006

Moumita Basak, Abhijit Biswas and

P. K. Basu

Analysis and design optimization of a transimpedance amplifuier based on delta-doped AlInAs-GaInAs HEMTs in the microwave frequency: paper no. 121

Bratati Mukhopadhyasy and P.K . Basu

Dependence of free carruier absorption in n-Si on carrier density at telecommunication wavelengths : no. 128

Tapas Das, Dipankar Biswas and Subindu Kumar

Effects of inter diffusion on band offset ratios of ternry and quaternary semiconductor nanostructurs: no. 135

Subindu Kumar, Dipankar Biswas and Tapas Das

Effects of size distribution on the absorption spectra of III-V semiconductor quantum dots : No. 136

Swagata Bhattacherjee and Abhijit Biswas

Influence of structural dimensions, channel doping and gate materials o the threshold voltage of double-gate MOSFETs in the nanometer regime : no. 146.

A. Ghoshal

Phonon band structure in GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice: no. 152

S. Bhattacharyya, Susmita Sen and . N.R. Das

Quantize electron states in a semiconductor quantum ring in external electric and magnetic fields : no. 155

Santu Sarkar and

N. R. Das

A comparative study of different cross-talk noises in a WDM system: no 182.

N. R. Das and Alakananda Mitra

A new approach for modeling p-i-n photodetectors using fuzzy logi: no. 184.


Abhirup Das Barman and P. K. Basu

Coherent in-band crosstalk induced power penalty in mplified WDM networks: a comparative study using Gaussian and chi-squared probability distribution functions: no. 192.


Abhijit Biswas and P. K. Basu

Development of equivalent circuits of a quantum cascade laser and SPICE simulation of steady state and dynamic response : no. 199.


Himadri Sekhar Dutta and N. R. Das

On the frequency response of a resonant cavity encapsulated germanium Schottky photodiode: No. 208


Mukul K. Das and N. R. Das

On the responsivity of a Si(1-x)Ge(x)/Si RCE p-i-n photodetector for different Ge compositions: no. 209


N. R. Das and Shyamali Dasgupta

On the two-dimnsonal modeling of a CMOS p-i-n photodetector: no. 210


Aditi Das, Debrup Hui and

Asish Dasgupta

Ionospheric precursors of some recent strong earthquakes from GAGAN observations: no. 250.


S. S. De, A. Guha, S. N. Paul and G. Pakira

Solitons in a dusty plasma having drift ions and twotemperature electrons: no. 262


S. S. De, S. K. Adhikari, M. De, S. N. Paul, and A. Guha

Studies on nonlinear heating in the polar ionosphere: no. 264


S. S. De, B. K. De,

S. K. Adhikari,

B. Bandyopadhyay and A. Guha

Studies on Sferics over Kolkata in relation to rainy and winter seasons: no. 266


B. K. De, A. Bhowmik, S. S. De, A. Guha, S. K. Adhikari and B. Bandyopadhyay

The VLF atmospherics as a precursor to earthquakes: no. 269


Arpita Das, Mahuya Bhattacharyya

FPGA based medical system for medical image enhancement technique used in mask mode radiography: no. 282


A. K. Kundu,

B. Bandyopadhyay

Reconstruction algorithmfor microwave tomography usng iterative regularized Gauss-Newton method : no. 294


Sumitra Mukhopadhyay and Ajit K. Mondal

The effect of membership functions and accommodation boundary on the optimal rule extraction in system modeling: no. 303

Papers presented at INCURSI 2007 (Golden Jubilee of Radio Science in India) , February 21-24, 2007, at NPL, New Delhi


M. Engineer, P K Saha, P K Basu and

Susanta Sen

A brief history of initial phase of development of electronic science in India (Invited)


Debatosh Guha and

P K Saha

Rent trends and advances in antenna research at University of Calcutta (Invited)


Animesh Maitra

International Conference CODEC: Objectives and Achievements (Invited)


Asish Dasgupta

Equatorial ionosphere/GPS (Invited)


D. Hui, S. Ray and

A. Dasgupta

Prompted and delayed response of nighttime equatorial scintillations in geomagnetic disturbances near the crest of the equatorial anomaly in the Indian longitudinal sector (SW-8)


A. Bhowmick, B K De, S S De, and

B. Bandyopadhyay

Efects of earthquake on the propagation of VLF Sferics (DM-1)


Aditi Das, Debrup Hui and Asish Dasgupta

Ionospheric precursors of earthquakes observed from global positioning system (GPS) total electron content (TEC) data (DM-4)


D K Chakrabarty, N N Purkait, Sanghamitra De and S Sen

Could Tsunami affect total ozone column? (DM-7)


S S De,

B Bandyopadhyay,

S K Adhikari,

S N Paul and B K De

Studies on plasma irregularities in the ionosphere due to precursors of earthquake



Abhijit Biswas and

P K Basu

Steady state and dynamic equivalent circuit models of quantum cascade laser

and SPICE simulation of threshold current, intensity modulation response and

optical bandwidth (ODA – 1)


Abhirup Das Barman, Ipsita Sengupta and

P K Basu

Modeling of trvalling wave semiconductor laser amplifier (ODA -2)


A Das Barman and

P K Basu

Calculation of bit error rates and power penalties due to incoherent

crosstalk in WDM optical networks by saddle point approximation and Gaussian statistics (ODA -5)


Debatosh Guha and Yahia M M Antar

Novel design of dielectric resonator antennas for wireless

Communication (ODA – 9)


Debatosh Guha, Manatosh Biswas and Jawad Y Siddiqui

Investigations of compact printed antennas backed by metallic cavities (ODA –



Himadri Sekhar Dutta and N R Das

On the performance of Ge-on-Si RCE Schottky photodetector (ODA – 14)


Mukul K Das and

N R Das

On the Ge content dependent quantum efficiency of Si (1-x) Ge(x)/ Si

RCE p-i-n photodetector (ODA – 20)


Moumita Basak, Abhijit Biswas and

P K Basu

Design optimization of transimpedance amplifier based on a delta –doped

AlInAs-GaInAs HEMT taking into account the radio frequency modeling

of HEMTs in a SPICE framework (ODA-24)


Swagata Bhattacherjee and Abhijit Biswas

Modeling of the threshold voltage and subthreshold slope of

nanoscale double-gate MOSFETs (ODA -31)


S S De, S K Adhikari, Suman Paul, M De, B. Bandyopadhyay and

B K De

On the electromagnetic fields radiated by lightning strokes (EM-11)


Animesh Maitra, Kaustav Chakravarty and Sheershendu Bhattacharya

Studies on rain parameters using ground-based disdrometer measurements and

TRMM data at a tropical location (RS-1)


Animesh Maitra and Kaustav Chakraverty

Earth-space propagation studies at Ku band : a tool for atmospheric sensing (RS-2)

Papers presented in other Conferences


Mukul K Das and

N. R. Das

On the Ge-content Dependence of the Bandwidth of Si1-xGex/Si p-i-n Photodetector, P roceedings of the International Conference on Fiber-Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2006), Dec.14-16, 2006 at Hyderabad, India.


N. R. Das and

Sriparna Bhattacharya

On the Electro-absorption from an Ensemble of Semiconductor Quantum Dots, Proceedings of the International Conference on Fiber-Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2006), Dec.14-16, 2006 at Hyderabad, India.


S. S. De,

B. K. Sarkar,

B. Bandyopadhyay,

A. Guha

and B. K. De.

On Non-linear Plasma Irregularities in the Ionosphere due to

Electromagnetic Precursory Signals from Earthquake – Proceedings of the

International Research Symposium, “PIERS 2006 – TOKYO (Progress in

Electromagnetic Research Symposium), Chuo University, Tokyo,

Japan, August 2-5, 2006, p.135.


S. S. De,

S. K. Adhikari,

M. De, A. Guha

and B. K. De.

Effects of the Non-Linear Heating of the Ionosphere due to Lightning

Discharges – Proceedings of the International Research Symposium,

PIERS 2006 – TOKYO (Progress in Electromagnetic Research

Symposium), Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, during August 2-5, 2006,



A. Maitra,

K. Chakravarty, and

S. Bhattacharya

Studies on rain parameters using propagation measurements and TRMM data at a tropical location”, Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing Conference, SPIE, November 13 – 17, 2006 , Goa, India.


A. Maitra and

K. Chakravarty

Studies on Ku-band propagation over earth-space paths and related rain parameters at a tropical location”, Proc. International Symposium on Study of Rainfall Rate and Radiowave Propagation, January 29-30, 2007, Salem, Tamilnadu, India, pp. 17-21.


A. Maitra,

K. Chakravarty,

and S. Bhattacharya

Some features of rainfall observed with vertical structure obtained from TRMM data and ground based measurements at Kolkata , MST-11, December 11 – 15, 2006, NARL, Gadanki, Tirupati, India, Abstract No. 1.4 – 40 (Pg. 218-219).


S. Mukhopadhyay and A.K. Mandal

    Error-driven Robust Particle Swarm Optimization for fuzzy rule extraction and structure estimation, Proc. Sixth Int. Conf. in advances in pattern recognition. ,” pp369-373, 2007.


S. Mukhopadhyay and A.K. Mandal

Extraction of Optimal Number of Fuzzy Rules by Evolution, IEEE- FUZZ-2006 . (2006 (accepted )


S. Mukhopadhyay and A.K. Mandal

    Optimal Rule Extraction of RBFN Based System Using Hierarchical Self Organised Evolution, Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing -ICISIP – 2006,2006.


ParthaSarathi Gupta, Sourabh Ghatak and Sumitra Mukhopadhyay

Analysis on Different Types of Evolutionary Learning Techniques for RBFN Based System Modeling National Conference on Information and Communication Technology, March 2007 (accepted for publication)


D. Guha and

Y. M. M. Antar

Novel Designs of Dielectric Resonator Antennas for Wireless Communication“ Invited Paper in International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Torino, Italy, September 17-21, 2007.


Y. M. M. Antar and

D. Guha

Invited Paper in "Wireless Communication Antennas: Special Requirements and New Designs of Dielectric Resonator Antenna" The 23rd Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics March 19-23, 2007 Verona, Italy.


D. Guha, K. Datta,

J.Y. Siddiqui,

Y.M.M. Antar

New Two-Layer Split Ring Resonator for Metamaterial Design”, submitted in North American Radio Science Meeting URSI- CNC/USNC (URSI-2007), Ottawa, Canada, July 22 - 26, 2007.


D. Guha, C. Saha,

J.Y. Siddiqui,

Y.M.M. Antar

Magnetic Polarizability of Square Split Ring Resonator – Evaluation and Characterization” submitted in North American Radio Science Meeting URSI- CNC/USNC (URSI-2007), Ottawa, Canada, July 22 - 26, 2007


M. Biswas,

J.Y. Siddiqui and

D. Guha

Improved Formulations to Determine Input Impedance of a Triangular Microstrip Antenna Loaded with Dielectric Radomes” Proc. National Conference on Recent Advancements in Microwave Technique and Applications (Microwave 2006), Jaipur, Oct. 6-8, 2006


D. Guha and

Y. M. M. Antar

Physical Insight Into the Ultra Wideband Performance of the Monopole-Dielectric Resonator Antenna” in European Conference on Antennas and Propagations, Nice, France, Nov. 2006


D. Guha and

Y. M. M. Antar

New Single-Feed Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna with Wide Axial Ratio Bandwidth” in European conference on Antennas and Propagations, Nice, France, Nov. 2006.


Y. M. M. Antar and

D. Guha

Composite and Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antennas: Recent Advances and Challenges” Invited Paper in Nat. Radio Science Meeting, Cairo, March, 2006


L. C. Y. Chu,

D. Guha

and Y. M. M. Antar

Air gap loaded ultra wideband dielectric resonator antenna for commercial wireless bands” in Int. Sym. Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics & Canadian Radio Sciences (URSI/CNC) Montreal, July, 2006.


S. Kar

Lightwave Technique of mm-wave Generation for broadband mobile

Communications, Accepted for presentation in PIERS’07, Beijing,

China, March 26 -30, 2007.


S. Kar

Electromagnetic Fundamentals Revisited: An Overview”{Invited Paper), National conference on recent advancements in Microwave Techniques and Applications, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, 6-8 October 2006.


S. Kar

A Modified Resonant-cap Microwave IMPATT Oscillators and Amplifiers, 3rd Workshop on Inventors of India: Knowledge Network for Incubating Innovations into Enterprises, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India, October 26-28, 2006.

Reports / Technical Notes




Sankar Pal and P.K. Basu

Mrinal Kumar Dasgupta

Biog. Mem. Fell. INSA, New Delhi, 30 209-220 (2006)

S. Ananthakrishan

and Prasanta Kumar Basu

Mrinal Kumar Dasgupta

Current Science, 90(9),1288-89, 10 May 2006

P. K. Basu

Silicon Raman Lasers: A Breakthrough in Si Photonics

Physics Teacher (to be published)

P. K. Basu

Recent Trends in Semiconductor Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics

Proc. Nanotechnology to be held at Haldia Inst. Technology, March 10, 2007

P. K. Basu

LEOS Chapter- IEEE Calcutta Section: Activities in the year 2005-06

IEEE LEOS News, vol. 20, No. 6, p. 27 (December 2006).

A. Maitra

Guest Editorial

Indian Journal Radio & Space Physics on “Wave propagation and remote sensing”

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