Interamerican network of academies of sciences

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México DF July 10-11, 2011

The VIIIth Meeting of Focal Points of the IANAS Science Education Program was hosted by the Mexican Academy of Sciences. The meeting took place at the Mexican Academy of Sciences headquarters.

Meeting Results

Report of Session 1

Monday June 27th, 2011


1.Opening Ceremony

A welcome was extended to the Focal Points and Visitors by Michael Clegg, Co-Chair IANAS (USA) and Juan Pedro Laclette, Co-Chair IANAS (Mexico). J. P. Laclette delivered then a presentation of the main activities carried out by IANAS EC in 2010 and an outline of the proposals for the 4 IANAS Programs (Education, Energy, Water, Women) and the new Program on Capacity Building

2. Report of IAP-GAC-IANS SEP international activities, Jun2010-May 2011

Norma Nudelman gave a report on IAP/GAC/IANAS activities made in the past year. These included the following: A proposal submitted to IAP in June 2010 for 2011 funding the following activities in 2011: a) the VII IANAS SEP Focal Points meeting to be held in Mexico D.F. (June 2011, USD 10,000)8 meetings plus an b) the Indagala meeting (Venezuela, October 2010 to be held in Mexico D.F., June 2011, USD 10,000). There were also planned 3 workshops on IANAS Strategic Planning to take place in Washington (USA); Venezuela and Argentina, respectively: USD 10,000 each Workshop. (to take place in Argentina in November, 2011), The Focal Point from USA announced in May 2011 that she was unable to organized the Workshop. A similar announcement was made by the FP from Venezuela in this meeting, therefore the VII Plenary of Focal Points decided to held only one Workshop on Strategic Planning, with the participation of all Focal Points, that will take place in Argentina in November, 2011, A proposal to UNDP for $100,000 (over 3 years) was submitted in December 2010, and was resubmitted in March 2011. There has been no response yet,. but Norma Nudelman recalled that support letters from various American Academies of Science are required for the UNDP to consider the proposal, and asked to the Focal Points their help for their Academies submit these letters to the UNDP headquarters . An IAP international conference was held in York, UK, in October 2010, entitled Taking Inquiry-Based Science Education into Secondary Schools, .An IAP-Global Activities Committee meeting that was held in Paris on April 01, 2011.LAMAP sponsored an international seminar in May 2011. Noted that a proposals for the next round of funding has been requested to all Focal Points prior to this meeting. Three detailed proposals were received: Science in School (Mexico); Molecular Biology (Chile); Green Chemistry (Argentina); and two brief suggestions of potential IBSE programs in Peru and Bolivia.

3. Interactions with other IANAS Programs

-Blanca Jiménez Co Chair of the IANAS Water Program presented a brief of their activities including the presentation of the book Policy Water IANAS and proudly announced the establishment of communication with the program Women for Science .

- Judith Zubieta , Co Chair of the program Women for Science , gave their brief about their activities, mentioning the intention they have in including in all the programs of IANAS the gender perspective. Forming links with other programs and associations with similar means for having a better consolidation. A WFS website has been developed, ( ,also a prize to be awarded to a Young Woman Academic

4. IANAS-SEP Website

Adriana de la Cruz Molina, IANAS Executive Secretary, introduced the new IANAS-SEP website, with a brief demonstration of its potential for sharing information/ articles/ videos.:

11.00-11:30 Coffee break

13:30-15:00 Lunch

5. Report of each country´s Focal Points

The Academies made oral and power point presentations to inform about the activities, all of them commented on their own programs progression and achievements, the same about the difficulties each program is presenting. All of the power points presentations are going to be posted on the IANAS´s Web page.



6.IBSP-UNESCO. Presented by Dr. Jorge Allende: Course on Molecular Biology for Secondary teachers.

They propose giving courses to secondary teachers. The objectives of the program are: 1. Update and make thorough the comprehension of the four basic concepts in Molecular Biology and the Genomic in Secondary level Biology teachers in Latin American Countries. 2. To adapt experimental demonstrations about this concepts to the inquiry methodology. 3. To give materials and ideas that the teachers con use when teaching important concepts in Molecular Biology.

They have already organized courses in Molecular Biology for teachers of Chile, Argentina and Costa Rica. This course has been divided in 15 hours of theory and 25 hours of experimentation. It has been planned to do three of these courses in Mexico, Costa Rica and Chile with 20 secondary level teachers. Previous to the launching of this program there will be a pilot program in Chile. The four basic concepts on which the program is going to work with are: Genetic Identity in Species and individuals, Genetic Code, Selective Cells, and Evolution.

It was mention that they are looking for funds with the Welcome Trust, the Unión ˝Interamericana de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular“ and IANAS.

7-IANAS-RELAQ- Presented by Norma Nudelman: Green Chemistry for secondary level teachers.

They proposal is an itinerary theoretical-practical course based in the inquiry methodology to be delivered with the collaboration of professors from Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile and Argentina. It is for addressed to teachers in secondary schools working with ECBI giving them theory and laboratory practices. The pilot program will be taking place in Brazil Argentine on 2012, followed in Brazil, Peru and Mexico in the subsequent years. Another thing that they are planning is to develop evaluation instruments for the Green Chemistry course. The course will include: Atmosphere Chemistry, Volatile Organic Solvents, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Organic Synthesis, Biodegradable Polymers, Green Industrial Processes. The laboratory practices include, Biotransformations with yeast, Microwave use, and Green production of decaffeinated tea.

Contacts have been done with Dr. E. Juaristi (Mexico) the president of the RELAQ (Red Latinoamericana de Química) and some other RELAQ’s members.
8-Distance Science Education and E-learning. Presented by Dr. Carlos Bosch: “Educación de Ciencias a Distancia˝

There has been presented the necessity of capacitating a larger number of teachers, that because of different reasons they cannot receive the classes in situ. This form of education needs a lot of commitment and the wish of learning, losing the scary feeling that comes with the technology. The objective of the program is the joined venture of scientists and teachers, changing attitudes towards science and math.

The curricular design includes 33 weeks plus an optional module. A prior course of 10 hours, 40 hours of math, Communication abilities for 37 hours plus the modules of science 1 and 2 of 40 hours each. The platform used is thru Moodle, each teacher has between 20 and 25 students. The course has homework’s and evaluations. The pilot program was launched in October 2009 with 350 primary teaches of all of Mexico, chosen by the Secretary of Education. Nowadays our Sysmail works with 300 mail per minute, is updated every minute. There is a videoconference given every month, with the use of a power point presentation. They work an evidence portfolio where you can find the different commentaries made by the teachers of the teachers. Actually they have 800 teachers following the program not only in Mexico but other countries of Latin America.

Tuesday June 28th, 2011


Proposal of activities for 2012 submitted by the IANAS Focal Points-


Amount USD$ requested from IAP

Amount USD$ from other sources


1-IX IANAS Science Education Program Focal Points Meeting 2012,


15,000.00. The host academies and external donors will cover the rest of the expenses.


2-Workshop in Science Education


5,000.00.The host academies and external donors will cover the rest of the expenses.


3-Practical and theoretical course on Molecular Biology and Genomics.


4,000.00.The host academies and external donors will cover the rest of the expenses.


4-IANAS-RELAQ course on Green Chemistry ,


4,000.00. The host academies and external donors will cover the rest of the expenses.


5-Science Education Program,


2,000.00.The host academies and external donors will cover the rest of the expenses.


6- Update Workshop on IBSE in


2,000.00. The host academies and external donors will cover the rest of the expenses.

Dominican Republic

7- Workshops to implement of the Inquiry Based Science Education ( IBSE) Primary Schools in selected islands Jamaica


1,000.00.The host academies and external donors will cover the rest of the expenses.





11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11;30-13:30 Financing Report from the financial committee

Sally Shuler representing the United States National Science Resource Center presented the proposal that the Smithsonian is giving for a five year investigation that has an random model with validation that can be scale up. With the funds that they acquire they are planning to analyze the necessities, follow up the implementation and outcome of the students with what they are doing in their classes.

Bill Cassidy- B. Cassidy. Chair of the International Alliance of the Smithsonian mentioned that they will have a catalog of good teaching practice and they are searching for funds for its sustainability.

Jorge Allende suggests to look for funding in OEA, UNESCO and BID

13:30-15:00 Lunch

15:00-17:00 Structure of Science Education Program

After discussing the different solutions for reaching the sustainability of the program ,different committees were integrated as follows. The plans will be presented on November in Argentina.

Committee for the Strategic Planning:

Chairs:Argentina/Norma Nudellman,

US/ Sally Goetz Shuller.

Cuba/Oscar CAlvarez Pomares

CAS/ Winston Mellowes

Nicaragua/Rafael Lucio

Brasil/ Marcos Cortesao

US/ Sally Goetz Shuler

Committee in charge of creating the links with IANAS other programs, Regional and other countries networks.

Chair:Carlos Bosch

Colombia/José Lozano IANAS

Chile/ Jorge Allende (Redes)

Dominican Republic /Nelson Moreno

CAS/ Winston Mellowes

Bolivia/Elsa Quiroga

Argentina/ Norma Nudelman

Financial funding committee

Chair: US/ Sally Shuler SRC

Chile /Jorge Allende

US/ Michael Clegg

Panamá/ Gladys Bernett

Political Influence contact committee

US/ Michael Clegg

Colombia/ José Lozano

México/ Juan Pedro Laclette

Academic Committee: Result Assessment.

Chair: Costa Rica/Gabriel Macaya

Canadá/ Patricia Rowell

Perú/ Gustavo González

Bolivia/ Elsa Quiroga

Venezuela/Claudio Bifano

Guatemala/ María del Carmen Samayoa


IANAS/ Verónica Barroso


Wednesday 29-30 , 2011

Mexico City


The Indagala Meeting of Focal Points of the IANAS Science Education Program was hosted by the Mexican Academy of Sciences. The meetings took place at the Mexican Academy of Science headquarters.

A welcome was extended to the Focal Points and Visitors by Dr. Carlos Bosh

9:15-11.00 History presented by Dr. Jose Lozano

The following academies; Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, , Chile, Colombia , México, Costa Rica, Perú and Venezuela, signed an agreement with the French Science Academy on march 2007, to launch a web page for LatinAmerica called INDAGALa ( , been Colombia the country in charge of the following up of the project. The presentation included the meetings and an agreement made with Andrés Bello who offered the facilities of using his server, sadly there were a lot of difficulties that had made the program not work as required. In 2009, in a coordination meeting it was decided that the Mexican Science Academy will follow up the administration of INDAGALA, keeping the web master in Colombia. Rosa del Carmen Villavicencio presented what Mexico has done since that meeting. In the web page teachers can solve doubts, share experiences and knowledge. It has multimedia resources, didactic units that help with the inquiry teaching and planning’s already made. There are spaces for each country, where each one can upload documents, forums, news,

Dr. Claudio Bifano, in his intervention he briefed about the meeting held in Venezuela, in which it was notified the Mexican Science Academy of their upcoming necessity for having an exclusive server for the platform of IndagaLA, which would require a monthly payment and to redesign the page for changing the version of the operating system. La Main a la Pate offer to continue developing educational material in France and the interest of the OEI in translating the contents for reinforcing the page, but with no finantial aid from the French Academy of Science.

11:00-11;30 Coffee Break

Costs of the new website by Humberto Keymore

He explains the requirements of the technical infrastructure and human resources including the use of the optimized version V2RC1 with a multisite, multi language. This will cost $ 9,000.00, hosting the web $1500,00 annually for the administration of the service. He explains that the distance Science Learning Program that the Mexican Science Academy has an infrastructure capable for a good management of the platform. He suggests that the countries that are participating could help in giving information.


Presentation of the new website by Rosa del Carmen Villavicencio with a brief demonstration of its potential.

13:30-15:00 Lunch


Conditions for the continuance of the Agreement. Presented by MsS. Silvia Romero

It is presented to the assistants a draft of a new agreement of continuance. This was discussed and modified prior of been signed by the representatives. The agreement includes the compromise of each country in finding a person in charge of the actualization and management of the site. Also each representative is in charged of making a letter signed by the president of each Academy with the name of the academic and the technician in charge of the site. Dr. Carlos Bosch offered in the Name of Mexico and the Science Academy of the same country, to keep without any extra charge for two years the page of IndagaLA; after this time each country participating should pay. The committee following this process is formed by the following members: Dr.Claudio Bifano, Dr José Lozano and Marcos Cortesao. .



Mexico DF June 27- July 1, 2011


Monday June 27th, 2011

9:00 – 11:00

  1. Welcome by Arturo Menchaca from AMC and the co-chairs of IANAS. (30min.)

  2. Report of IAP/GAC/IANAS SEP international activities June2010- May2011 (20 min)

  3. Interactions with the other IANAS Programs (30min.)

  4. IANAS-SEP Website(30min.)

Chair:Norma Nudelman

Reporter 1:Elsa Quiroga

Reporter 2: Patricia Rowell

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:30

Report by each country’s FP of international activities supported by IANAS and/or other new activities. 10 minutes per country. (Only the countries that want to report).

Chair: Jorge Allende

Reporter 1:Winston Mellowes

Reporter 2:Gabriel Macaya

13:30 – 15:00


15:00 – 16:30

Proposals starting 2012

IBSP UNESCO course on molecular biology. (J. Allende)

IANAS-RELAQ course on Green Chemistry (N. Nudelman)

Distance Science education and e-learning (C. Bosch)

Chair: Claudio Bifano

Reporter 1:Gustavo Gonzalez

Reporter 2:Gladys Bernett

Dinner at Bistrol Mosaico

Tuesday June 28th, 2011

9:00 – 11:00

Proposal of activities for 2012 submitted by the IANAS FPs (title, main objectives, date and site, global budget, local available budget, etc)

Chair: José Lozano

Reporter 1:Sally Goetz Shuler

Reporter 2:Augusto Oscar Alvarez

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:30

Financing Report from the financial committee (J. Allende, M. Clegg, S. Shulers).

Proposals for new applications to international funding agencies for 2012

Chair: Carmen Samayoa

Reporter 1:Rafael Lucio

Reporter 2:Gladys Bernett

13:30 – 15:00


15:00 – 17:00

Structure of IANAS-SEP

(comm., by-laws, regulations, etc)

IANAS SEP general brochure and country’s brochures.

Language/s in the IANAS SEP meetings and in the reports.


Chair: Carlos Bosch

Reporter 1: J. Allende

Reporter 2: C. Bifano

Indagala Meeting

June 29-30, 2011

Mexico City

Wednesday june 29 l 2011

9:00 a 9:15


Carlos Bosch

9:15 a 11:00


· The initial agreement.

· Force of the agreement.

· The Colombian epoch.

Two years ago

· Period October, 2009 to June, 2010.

Summarize IndagaLA meeting in Venezuela

José Lozano

Carlos Bosch

Claudio Bifano

11:00 a 11:30

Coffee Braek

11:30 a 13:30

Introducing the new web-site

Cost of hosting the web-site

Carmen Villavicencio

Humberto Keymore

13:30 a 15:00


15:00 a 17:00

1) Conditions of renovation of the agreement.

2) Incorporation of all the countries of the American continent (Hispanic and Portuguese speech?)

3) French participation in the page

4) What country does acquire the responsibility of the page?

5) Will responsibility have to be rotating?

6) Aim of the page.

7) Place where the page will stay

8) Managing of the page

Silvia Romero

Thuesday june 30 2011

9:00 a 11:00

On Wednesdays agreements

· Designation of two persons in charge for country, the academic one and another technician.

· Definition of the functions they will have the persons in charge so much in the national as international area.

Silvia Romero

Carmen Villavicencio

11:00 a 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 a 13:30

On the materials:

.What materials are going to be raised?

·How are they going to be raised?

. Points of discussing in the meeting :Copyright of the materials , his managing.

. Use of materials without cost.

Carlos Bosch

13:30 a 15:00


IANAS Science Education Focal Points Meeting

June 27–29 list of participants

  • Argentina

Norma Sbarbati Nudelman
National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural of Argentina (ANCEFN)

Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales

University of Buenos Aires
Depto. Quimica Orgánica
Pab. II. P. 3, Ciudad Universitaria
1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: 5411 45763346

  • Bolivia

Elsa Ruth Quiroga Onostre

Organización Boliviana de Mujeres de Ciencias

NationalAcademy of Sciences of Bolivia
Casilla de correo N°13794

La Paz, Bolivia

Daytime Phone: +591- 2- 2731595
Email: elsa-quiroga

  • Brazil

Marcos Cortesao Barnsley Scheuenstuhl

Office of International Affairs

Brazilian Academy of Sciences

Rua Anfilófio de Carvalho 29/3

20030-060 - Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil

Phone : +55 21 3907-8127

Fax : +55 21 3907-8101

Email :

  • Canada

Patricia M. Rowell

University of Alberta/Royal Society of Canada

P.O. Box 2014

Ladysmith, British Columbia V9G 1B5


Daytime Phone: +1 250 245 4370


  • Caribbean

Winston Mellowes

Caribbean Academy of Sciences

C/o Department of Chemical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

St. Augustine,

Trinidad & Tobago

Daytime Phone: + 868-662-2002 Ext.2169


  • Chile

Jorge E. Allende

Chilean Academy of Science

Universidad de Chile

Independencia 1027

3er, Piso Sector E Independencia, 8380453

Santiago de Chile

Daytime Phone: +56-2-978- 6255


  • Colombia

José A. Lozano

Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences

Carrera 28 A No. 39 A-63

Bogotá .D.C, Colombia

DaytimePhone: 57- 1- 2443-186


  • Costa Rica

Gabriel Macaya Tejos


National Academy of Sciences of Costa Rica

San José, Costa Rica

San Pedro, Montes de Oca

1367-2050, Costa Rica


  • Cuba

Augusto Oscar Álvarez Pomares

Cuban Academy of Sciences

Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, Capitolio Nacional

Prado y San José, Habana Vieja

La Habana, 10200, Cuba
DaytimePhone: 53 (7) 8626545

  • Dominican Republic

Nelson Moreno Ceballos

Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic

Calle Las Damas, 112
Esq.  E l Conde , Zona Colonial
Santo Domingo , Dominican Republic
Daytime Phone: (1.809) 689 2561 direct
 (1.809) 687 6315 central
 (1.809.534.1420) Residencia 

  • Guatemala

María del Carmen Samayoa

Foreign Secretary

Academy of Medical Physical and Natural Sciences of Guatemala

St. 13 1-25 Zone 1, Postal Code. 01001

Daytime Phone: 502- 552-64633

Fax 502- 2230-0776


  • Mexico

Carlos Bosch-Giral

Coordinador del Programa La Ciencia en tu Escuela

Academia Mexicana de Ciencias

Departamento de Matemáticas - ITAM

Rio Hondo #1, col. Tizapan San Angel

C.P. 01000 Mexico D.F.

Daytime Phone: +525 628 4000 ext 3825

Fax: +525 628 4086

Juan Pedro Laclette
Co- Chair IANAS
Mexican Academy of Sciences
Km 23.5 Carretera Federal México-Cuernavaca
Av. Cipreses s/n, Col. San Andrés Totoltepec
Tlalpan, 14400 México, D.F., México
Phone: +52 55 58 49 49 05/ 55 22
Fax: +52 55 58 4 9 51 12
Renata Villalba-Cohen


Mexican Academy of Sciences

Km 23.5 Carretera Federal México-Cuernavaca

Av. Cipreses s/n, Col. San Andrés Totoltepec, 14400 Tlalpan Distrito Federal México

Daytime Phone +52 (55) 5849 4905

Fax +52 55 5849 5112


  • Nicaragua

Rafael Lucio Gil

Coordinador Académico del Ideuca

Instituto de Educación de la UCA


Tl. 22788152 Edificio O
Parte posterior


  • Panama

Gladys N. Bernett

National Secretariat of Science Technology and Innovation (SENACYT)

City of Knowledge

Panama, Panama

Daytime Phone: +011-507-6780-1072


  • Peru

Gustavo Francisco González Rengifo

National Academy of Sciences of Peru

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

Av. Honorio Delgado 430, Lima 31

Lima, Perú

Daytime Phone: +511-319-0000 Ext. 2535

  • USA

Michael T. Clegg

Co- Chair IANAS

Foreign Secretary

US National Academy of Sciences

Office of the Foreign Secretaries

500th Street, NW

Washington DC 20001 - USA

Daytime Phone: +1 202 334 2800

Fax: +1 202 334 2139


Sally Goetz Shuler

Executive Director

National Science Resources Center

901 D Street, SW Suite 704B

Washington DC, 2004

United States

Daytime Phone: +1-202-633-2972


  • Venezuela

Claudio Bifano

Academy of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of Venezuela

Palacio de las Academias Avenida Universidad, Apdo. de Correos 1421 Caracas 1010-A – Venezuela

Daytime Phone +58 212 482 2954 / 58 212 482 7513

Fax +58 212 482 2954



Michael Clegg

Juan Pedro Laclette

Adriana de la Cruz Molina

Executive Secretary

Academia Mexicana de Cinecias

Calle Cipreses s/n, Km 23.5 de la carretera Federal México-Cuernavaca 14400

Tlalpan, Distrito Federal, Mexico


Phone: (+52-55) 58 49 49 05, (+52-55) 58 49 55 22 Fax: +52 55 5849 5112

Beckman Center

Phone US, California: (949)-721-2260

Kyle DeMars-Johnson

National Science Resources Center
William Cassidy

Institute for Global Leadership

Peter Gerber

National Science Resources Center

Silvia Romero

La Ciencia en tu Escuela – AMC
Carmen Villavicencio

La Ciencia en tu Escuela – AMC
Humberto Keymur

La Ciencia en tu Escuela – AMC
Dra. Ana Victoria Lizano Umaña

Red Latinoamericana de biología – RELAB

Wednesday Jun2 29, 2011

9:00 a 9:15


Carlos Bosch

9:15 a 11:00


  • El convenio inicial.

  • Vigencia del convenio.

  • La época colombiana.

Hace dos años

  • Periodo octubre de 2009 a junio de 2010.

Resumen reunión en Venezuela

José Lozano

Carlos Bosch

Claudio Bifano

11:00 a 11:30


11:30 a 13:30

Presentation of the new web - site.

Cost of sheltering the web - site

Carmen Villavicencio

Humberto Keymore

13:30 a 15:00


15:00 a 17:00

1) Conditions of renovation of the agreement.

2) Incorporation of all the countries of the American continent (Hispanic and Portuguese speech?)

3) French participation in the page

4) What country does acquire the responsibility of the page?

5) Will responsibility have to be rotating?

6) Aim of the page.

7) Place where the page will stay

8) Managing of the page1)

Silvia Romero

Jueves 30 de junio de 2011

9:00 a 11:00

On Wednesdays agreements

· Designation of two persons in charge for country, the academic one and another technician.

· Definition of the functions they will have the persons in charge so much in the national as international area.

Silvia Romero

Carmen Villavicencio

11:00 a 11:30


11:30 a 13:30

" On the materials ".

· what materials are going to be raised?

· how are they going to be raised?

Points of discussing in her reunión:Derechos author of the materials.

· Use of materials without cost.

Carlos Bosch

13:30 a 15:00


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