Open Distributed Processing Reference Model and component standards, editors, national delegate, Involvement in the standardisation; context-aware mobile systems
Research collaboration in European projects
Netherlands, the
Georgia Tech, and University of Padova: Professor Alberto Apostolico
Exchange of researchers.
Field: String algorithmics.
USA, Italy
Graz University of Technology, Professor Dieter Schmalstieg
EU IPCity project Joint development on mobile mixed reality, Research collaboration (software development, IPCity)
Hannover School of Music and Drama, Christoph Klimmt
Research collaboration in European projects
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Joint research, exchange of researchers.
Fields: Probabilistic modeling using inductive logic programming
United Kingdom
Renewable Resources Assessment Group (RRAG)
A joint EU project on statistical analysis of Baltic salmon population
Dr. Hyvärinen visited Institute of Statistical Mathematics for one month in 2006.
Fields: Non-Gaussian probabilistic modeling.
Jozef Stefan Institute
Joint EU project
Fields: statistical multilingual analysis for retrieval and translation
Exchange of researchers.
Fields: Inductive databases targeted to applications in bioinformatics
Marko Grobelnik
A joint EU project on next-generation search technologies
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden: Professor Juha Kere
Research collaboration, joint supervision of Ph.D. students, sharing of personnel, and funding of some researchers from sources of the application groups
Field: medical genetics
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven:
Professor Luc De Raedt
Collaboration in joint research projects (currently April II and IQ), exchange of personnel
Fields: Machine learning in relational data
The VISICS team
A joint EU project on video summarization
The ICRI-LIIR team
A joint EU project on text summarization
King’s College, London: Professor Costas Iliopoulos
Joint projects, exchange of researchers.
Fields: Algorithms and software for retrieval and analysis of music sequences.
University of Edinburgh, AHRC Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law, Dean Hector MacQueen
Research collaboration
United Kingdom
University of Florence, Florence
Joint research, exchange of researchers.
Fields: Probabilistic modeling using inductive logic programming.
University of Hamburg-Harburg (Murugarag Shanmugam, Aarthi Nagarajan)
Joint research on HIP registration protocol
University of Kassel
Joint project
Fields: Context-aware mobile systems
University of Konstanz: Professor Michael Berthold, Professor Dietmar Saupe
Cooperation in PhD programme
Fields: computer science
University of Maastricht: Professor Elia Formisano and Professor Rainer Goebel
Fields: Brain imaging data analysis methods. Specific topic: Stability analysis of ICA and application of ICA on data from different subjects.
Netherlands, The
University of Malmö, Professor Pelle Ehn
Book writing and research on design theory and studies
University of Milan – Bicocca, Professor Giorgio De Michelis
Book writing and research on design theory and studies
University of Naples: Dr. Fabrizio Esposito
Fields: Brain imaging data analysis methods. Specific topic: Stability analysis of ICA and application of ICA on data from different subjects.
University of Oxford, Department of Engineering Science, The Visual Geometry Group
Joint EU project on image & video analysis
United Kingdom
University of Paris 6
Joint EU projects in the area of
mobile computing and communications
University of Parma (UNIPR), Department of Information Engineering, Dr. Natalya Fedotova
Joint research on HIP for P2P
University of Sao Paulo, Laboratory of Computer Architecture and Networks, Prof. Tereza Cristina M. B. Carvalho
Joint research on HIP measurements, Hi3
University of Salford: Drew Hemment
Location Oriented Critical Arts (LOCA) project with two book chapters, a large installation at the 2006 International Symposium on Electronic Art and a joint journal article
United Kingdom
University of Southampton,
Professor John-Shaw-Taylor
Joint EU project
Fields: statistical multilingual analysis for retrieval and translation
Joint EU project on information retrieval methods, researcher visits
University of Texas at Arlington: Professor Gautam Das
Joint research.
Fields: Pattern discovery, high-dimensional data.
University of Tübingen and RWTH Aachen, Klaus Wehrle
Joint research, research visits, joint workshops,
University of Utah, Thomas Henderson
Standardization, research
University of Wales Aberysthwyth
Exchange of researchers.
Fields: Inductive databases targeted to applications in bioinformatics.
United Kingdom
Valencia Technical University, Mariano Alcaniz
Research collaboration in European projects
Vienna University of Technology, Professor Ina Wagner, Thomas Psik
EU IPCity project Mixed reality in urban environments and joint analysis of field material
Waseda University, Tatsuo Nakajima
Research visits
Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), The Netherlands: Peter Grünwald, Vitanyi
A joint EU project on compression-based modeling, a joint EU project on MDL theory, several short- and long-term research visits;
Joint project
Fields: context-aware mobile systems
Netherlands, the
A joint EU project on visual recognition
European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI): Dr. Alvis Brazma
Type: research collaboration on analysis of gene expression and gene regulation, exchange of researchers, joint project
Field: gene expression data analysis
United Kingdom
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
Joint EU projects in the area of
mobile computing and communications
Fraunhofer Institute (GMD), Dr Wolfgang Broll
Jan Ohlenburg
Joint EU projects in the area of
mobile computing and communications, context-aware mobile systems
Research collaboration (software infrastructure, IPCity)
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Joint research to develop methods for finding regulatory motifs and cascades. Fields: Regulatory patterns in genomes, effect of SNPs on gene regulation.
German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Anthony Jameson
Joint research
INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique:
Claire Nédellec
A joint EU project on next-generation search technologies
Joint EU and ESA projects in the area of mobile computing and communications
INRIA Rocquencourt
Joint research, exchange of researchers.
Fields: Probabilistic modeling using inductive logic programming.
INRIA Lyon, the LEAR team
A joint EU project on visual recognition
Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen:
Field: Web mining, text mining, information retrieval
Yahoo! Research Berkeley: Marc Davis, Mor Naaman
Joint research on social media
Networks of Excellence, European projects, other networks
Biosapiens – European Network of Excellence for Integrated Genome Annotation, Dr. Janet Thornton, European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK
Joint research, exchange of researchers, researcher education.
Fields: Analysis and annotation of biological sequences.
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research network Neural Computation and Adaptive Perception, organized by Geoffrey Hinton, Toronto.
Joint research
MINEMA, Middleware for Network Eccentric and Mobile Applications (ESF programme)
Exchange of researchers, researcher education
Fields: mobile computing and communications
PASCAL – European Network of Excellence on Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning.
Exchange of researchers, researcher education, research seminars.
Fields: Europe-wide Distributed Institute which will pioneer principled methods of pattern analysis, statistical modelling and computational learning.
13th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML'02) and 6th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD'02), 19-23 August, 2002, Helsinki
International scientific conference with about 200 participants
Program chairs: Tapio Elomaa, Heikki Mannila, Hannu Toivonen; organizing chair: Helena Ahonen-Myka
1st International Mobile IPR Workshop: Rights Management of Information Products on the Mobile Internet
International workshop, organiser: Olli Pitkänen
Proactive Computing Workshop (PROW 2004), 25-26 November, 2004, Helsinki
International PhD student workshop conference with 54 participants
Organiser: Greger Lindén
Seminar on Challenge of Creative Economy, 1 June 2005, Helsinki,. Finland
The Finnish Parliament's Committee and HIIT co-organisers. Speakers at the event included the Minister of Treasury Antti Kalliomäki, Professor Manuel Castells, PhD Pekka Himanen and CEO Matti Alahuhta. The seminar was chaired by the chairman of the Committee for the Future, Member
of Parliament Jyrki Katainen.
Workshop on Context-Awareness for Proactive Systems (CAPS 2005), 16-17 June, 2005, Helsinki
International scientific workshop conference with 33 participants
Program Chairs: Patrik Floréen, Kimmo Raatikainen, organisers: Greger Lindén, Tiina Niklander
International Workshop on Intelligent Information Access (IIIA 2006), 6-8 July, 2006, Helsinki
International scientific workshop conference with 45 participants
Co-chairs: Wray Buntine, Henry Tirri
Organising chair: Petri Myllymäki,
Dagstuhl Seminar 06441: Naming and Addressing for Next-Generation Internetworks