Finnish Prime minister’s honourable mention for most innovative web application (MuseoSuomi), in the Laatua verkkoon competition (Quality on the web), 2004.
Hyvönen, Eero
Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums (Nodem 2004), nominee for the prize, 2004.
Hyvönen, Eero and the Seco research group
Semantic Web Challenge Award 2004 to MuseoSuomi, 11 November 2004
Kemppinen Jukka
TeliaSonera prize of Information Technology, especially education -10 000 eur 2006
Kontkanen, Petri
CoIL Challenge 2000, 2nd prize
Lepola, Tuomas
Pascal Challenge on Inferring Relevance From Eye Movements, 1st prize, 2005
Mannila, Heikki
ACM Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD) Innovations Award 2003
Mannila, Heikki
Steering Committee Member, European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD) 2001-2005
Mannila, Heikki
Steering Committee Member, European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML) 2003-2005
Mannila, Heikki
Member of ACM SIGKDD Curriculum Committee, 2003-2005
Mannila, Heikki
Chairman of the ESFRI Expert Group on Computing and Data Treatment, 2005-2006
Mannila, Heikki
Member of ESFRI Steering group for Physical Sciences and Engineering, 2005-2006
Mannila, Heikki
Senior Scientific Advisor of the Finnish IT Center for Science (CSC), 2006-2007
Vice member of the board of the Finnish Institute for Molecular Medicine, 2007-
Mäntylä, Martti
Information Technology Distinction Award 2005, The Finnish Information Processing Association (FIPA)
Mielikäinen, Taneli
The doctoral dissertation award of the Finnish Society for Computer Science, 2006
Miettinen, Miikka, Nokelainen, Pekka, Kurhila, Jaakko Silander, Tomi Tirri, Henry
Outstanding Paper Award: Adaptive Profiling Tool for Teacher Education. Pp. 1153-1157 in Proceedings of the SITE 2002 Conference (Nashville, USA, March 2002).
Miettinen, Pauli, Mielikäinen, Taneli, Gionis, Aristides, Das, Gautam, Mannila, Heikki
Best paper, The Discrete Basis Problem, 10th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD 2006)
Myllymäki, Petri
Pascal EU Network of Excellence, member of the Pascal steering committee, 2003-2007, and manager of the special interest group on Information-Theoretic Modelling, 2005-2007
Myllymäki, Petri
The 24th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2008), programme chair
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK), 2005
Bingham, Ella
ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2006
Buntine, Wray
ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2003-2005
Buntine, Wray
Conference on AI and Statistics (AISTATS), 2003, 2005
Buntine, Wray
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2002-2005
Buntine, Wray
European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2007
Buntine, Wray
European Conference on Machine Learning & European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD), 2003-2006
Buntine, Wray
International Conference on Discovery Science (DS), 2004-2005
Buntine, Wray
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2004-2006
Buntine, Wray
International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2007
Buntine, Wray
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2005
Buntine, Wray
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2003, 2005
Floréen, Patrik
European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context (EuroSSC), 2007
Floréen, Patrik
International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computers Science (SOFSEM), 2006
Gurtov, Andrei
7th International Conference on Next generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Netowrking (NEW2AN), 2006
Gurtov, Andrei
ACM SIGCOMM shadow 2005
Gurtov, Andrei
Wired/Wireless Internet Communications (WWIC), 2005
Hollmén, Jaakko
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2004
Hollmén, Jaakko
International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK), 2005
Hollmén, Jaakko
Symposium on Knowledge Representation in Bioinformatics (KRBIO), 2005
Hollmén, Jaakko
Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM), 2003
Hyvärinen, Aapo
International Workshop on Generative-Model-Based Vision (GMBV), 2002, 2004
Hyvärinen, Aapo
International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation (ICA), 2001, 2003-2004, 2006
Mannila, Heikki
ACM SIGACT-SIGART-SIGMOD Symposium on Principles of Database and Knowledgebase Systems (PODS), 2001
Mannila, Heikki
ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), 2005
Mannila, Heikki
ACM Symposium on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 2003, 2006
Mannila, Heikki
Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM), 2007
Mannila, Heikki
Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), 2005
Mannila, Heikki
European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML), 2002, co-chair
Mannila, Heikki
European Symposium on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD), 2001-2002; co-chair 2002
Mannila, Heikki
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2002-2003, 2005
Mannila, Heikki
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming – (ICALP), 2002
Mannila, Heikki
International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT), 2003
Mannila, Heikki
International Conference on Discovery Science (DS), 2002
Mannila, Heikki
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2001, 2003; Area Chair 2001
Mannila, Heikki
International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), 2003
Mannila, Heikki
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2001
Mannila, Heikki
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2002, program co-chair
Mannila, Heikki
SIGKDD Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (KDD), 2001-2002, 2004-2007; best paper chair 2005
Mielikäinen, Taneli
Fifth International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2005), Atlanta, USA, May 22–25, 2005
Mielikäinen, Taneli
The 17th European Conference on Machine Learning and the 10th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD 2006), Berlin, Germany, September 18–22, 2006
Mielikäinen, Taneli
2007 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2007), Special Track on Data Mining (DM), Seoul, Korea, March 11–15, 2007
Mielikäinen, Taneli
The Tenth International Conference on Discovery Science (DS-2007), Sendai, Japan, October 1–4, 2007
Mielikäinen, Taneli
The 18th European Conference on Machine Learning and the 11th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD 2007), Warsaw, Poland, September 17–21, 2007
Myllymäki, Petri
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2003-2004, 2006-2007
Myllymäki, Petri
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2005, 2007
Myllymäki, Petri
International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Adaptive Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (AKRR), 2005
Myllymäki, Petri
International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (ICAAI), 2003)
Myllymäki, Petri
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2001
Myllymäki, Petri
International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR), 2001
Mäntylä, Martti
International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), 2005, 2007
Mäntylä, Martti
International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007
Mäntylä, Martti
Int. Workshop on Context Awareness for Proactive Systems (CAPS), 2005-2007
Raatikainen, Kimmo
Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2002, 2005-2006
Raatikainen, Kimmo
Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) 2004
Raatikainen, Kimmo
EC/ACTS Integrated Networks and Services 2000
Raatikainen, Kimmo
Eurescom 3G Summit 2001
Raatikainen, Kimmo
Eurescom Summit 2005 on Ubiquitous Services and Applications - Exploiting the Potential, International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), 2005
Raatikainen, Kimmo
Global Internet and Next Generation Networks Symposium (Globecom), 2004
Raatikainen, Kimmo
IEE International Networking Conference 2000, 2002, 2004
Raatikainen, Kimmo
IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT) 2001
Raatikainen, Kimmo
IEEE International Conference on Wireless Internet (WICON), 2006
Raatikainen, Kimmo
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2002
Raatikainen, Kimmo
IFIP IEEE International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks (MWCN), 2004
Raatikainen, Kimmo
IFIP TC6 WG6.7 International Conference on Intelligence in Networks (SmartNet) 2002, chair of program committee
Raatikainen, Kimmo
International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems (Mobility), 2005-2006
Raatikainen, Kimmo
International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference 2004-2006
Raatikainen, Kimmo
International Service Availability Symposium (ISAS) 2006, Co-chair of the organization committee
Raatikainen, Kimmo
SCS International Conference On Web-Based Modelling & Simulation (WebSim) 2000
Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWak), 2006-2007)
Terzi, Evimaria
Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data mining (KDD), 2007
Terzi, Evimaria
European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD), 2005
Terzi, Evimaria
International Conference on Extending DataBase Technology (EDBT), 2004
Toivonen, Hannu
ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2006-2007
Toivonen, Hannu
ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2000-2007; senior program committee member (2006)
Toivonen, Hannu
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC), 2007
Toivonen, Hannu
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and Technology, 2000-2002
Toivonen, Hannu
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2004
Toivonen, Hannu
European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML), 2002, 2006, 2007; tutorial co-chair (2001), program co-chair (2002), area chair (2006, 2007)
Toivonen, Hannu
European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD), 2002-2004, 2006, 2007; tutorial co-chair (2001), program co-chair (2002), area chair (2006, 2007)
Toivonen, Hannu
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2001-2004, 2006; program vice-chair (2002)
Toivonen, Hannu
IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM), 2007
Toivonen, Hannu
International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2000, 2007; best paper award committee (2007)
Toivonen, Hannu
International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK), 2000-2003
Toivonen, Hannu
International Conference on Discovery Science (DS), 2004
Toivonen, Hannu
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2001-2002, 2005-2006; senior program committee member (2006), local chair (2008)
Toivonen, Hannu
International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), 2003
Toivonen, Hannu
International Symposium on Computational Life Science (CompLife), 2006
Toivonen, Hannu
International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA), 2007
Toivonen, Hannu
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2000
Toivonen, Hannu
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), 2002-2004, 2007
Toivonen, Hannu
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2002-2007; best paper award committee (2005)
Toivonen, Hannu
SPIE Data Mining 2000, 2001, 2002;
Ukkonen, Esko
Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM), 2006
Ukkonen, Esko
International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference (ICGI), 2002, 2004
Ukkonen, Esko
International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT), 2005
Ukkonen, Esko
International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB), 2006
Ukkonen, Esko
International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), 2005
Ukkonen, Esko
Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI), 2004-2005