International organisation for standardisation organisation internationale de normalisationAnnex B to JCT-VC report: List of meeting participants
Source: Schuyler Quackenbush, Chair, Audio Subgroup Report of 94th meeting 8 1 Opening 8 2 Roll call of participants 8 3 Approval of agenda 8 4 Allocation of contributions 8 5 Communications from Convenor 8 6 Report of previous meeting 8 7 Processing of NB Position Papers 8 8 Work plan management 8 8.1 Media coding 8 8.2 Composition coding 11 8.3 Description coding 12 8.4 Transport and File formats 12 8.5 Multimedia architecture 13 8.6 Application formats 14 8.7 Reference implementation 14 8.8 Conformance 15 8.9 Maintenance 16 9 Organisation of this meeting 16 9.1 Tasks for subgroups 16 9.2 Joint meetings 18 10 WG management 18 10.1 Terms of reference 18 10.2 Liaisons 18 10.3 Ad hoc groups 19 10.4 Asset management 19 10.5 Facilities fees 20 10.6 IPR management 20 10.7 Work plan and time line 20 11 Administrative matters 20 11.1 Schedule of future MPEG meetings 20 11.2 Promotional activities 21 12 Resolutions of this meeting 21 13 A.O.B. 21 14 Closing 21 Annex A – Attendance list 22 Annex B – Agenda 32 Annex C – Input contributions 35 Annex D – Output documents 60 Annex E – Requirements report 64 1 Requirements documents approved at this meeting 64 2 Systems 64 2.1 MPEG Font Formats 64 3 Video 65 3.1 MPEG-7 AVDP 65 3.2 Miscellaneous 65 4 Explorations 65 4.1 Compact Descriptors for Visual Search (CDVS) 65 4.2 MPEG Frame-Compatible Stereo Enhancement for AVC (MFC) 66 4.3 Audio 66 4.4 Leightweight Video Coding 67 4.5 MMT 67 4.6 3D Video Coding 68 4.7 Option-1 Licensable Codecs 68 4.8 User Identification 69 Annex F – Systems report 70 1 Output of the Meeting 70 2 General Input Documents 73 2.1 AHG reports 73 2.2 General technical contributions 73 2.3 Demo 73 2.4 FAQ 73 2.5 AOB 73 3 MPEG-2 Systems (13818-1) 74 3.1 Topics 74 3.2 Contributions 74 3.3 Summary of discussions 74 3.4 Action Points 74 4 MPEG-4 Reference Software (14496-5) 75 4.1 Topics 75 4.2 Contributions 75 4.3 Summary of discussions 75 4.4 Action Points 75 5 MPEG-4 BIFS (14496-11) 75 5.1 Topics 75 5.2 Contributions 75 5.3 Summary of discussions 76 5.4 Action Points 77 6 MPEG-4 ISO Base File Format (14496-12) 77 6.1 Topics 77 6.2 Contributions 77 6.3 Summary of discussions 77 6.4 Action Points 77 7 LASeR & SAF (14496-20) 77 7.1 Topics 77 7.2 Contributions 78 7.3 Summary of discussions 78 7.4 Action Points 78 8 Open Font Format (14496-22) 78 8.1 Topics 78 8.2 Contributions 78 8.3 Summary of discussions 78 8.4 Action Points 78 9 Contract Expression Language (21000-20) 78 9.1 Topics 78 9.2 Contributions 79 9.3 Summary of discussions 79 9.4 Action Points 79 10 Stereoscopic Video AF (23000-11) 79 10.1 Topics 79 10.2 Contributions 79 10.3 Summary of discussions 80 10.4 Action Points 80 11 Interactive Music AF (23000-12) 80 11.1 Topics 80 11.2 Contributions 80 11.3 Summary of discussions 80 11.4 Action Points 81 12 Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (23001-6) 81 12.1 Topics 81 12.2 Contributions 81 12.3 Summary of discussions 86 12.4 Action Points 90 13 Multimedia Service Platform Architecture (23006-1) 90 13.1 Topics 90 13.2 Contributions 90 13.3 Summary of discussions 90 13.4 Action Points 91 14 MSP APIs (23006-2) 91 14.1 Topics 91 14.2 Contributions 91 14.3 Summary of discussions 91 14.4 Action Points 91 15 MSP Elementary Service Protocol (23006-4) 91 15.1 Topics 91 15.2 Contributions 91 15.3 Summary of discussions 92 15.4 Action Points 93 16 MSP Service Aggregation (23006-5) 93 16.1 Topics 93 16.2 Contributions 93 16.3 Summary of discussions 93 16.4 Action Points 93 17 Richmedia UI Widgets (23007-1) 93 17.1 Topics 93 17.2 Contributions 93 17.3 Summary of discussions 94 17.4 Action Points 94 18 Advanced User Interaction Interface (23007-2) 94 18.1 Topics 94 18.2 Contributions 94 18.3 Summary of discussions 94 18.4 Action Points 95 19 MPEG-U Conformance and Ref. SW (23007-3) 95 19.1 Topics 95 19.2 Contributions 95 19.3 Summary of discussions 95 19.4 Action Points 95 20 MPEG-V Architecture (23005-1) 95 20.1 Topics 95 20.2 Contributions 96 20.3 Summary of discussions 96 20.4 Action Points 96 21 Control Information (23005-2) 96 21.1 Topics 96 21.2 Contributions 96 21.3 Summary of discussions 96 21.4 Action Points 96 22 Sensory Information (23005-3) 97 22.1 Topics 97 22.2 Contributions 97 22.3 Summary of discussions 97 22.4 Action Points 97 23 Virtual World Object Characteristics (23005-4) 98 23.1 Topics 98 23.2 Contributions 98 23.3 Summary of discussions 98 23.4 Action Points 98 24 Data formats for interaction devices (23005-5) 98 24.1 Topics 98 24.2 Contributions 98 24.3 Summary of discussions 99 24.4 Action Points 99 25 Conformance and reference software (23005-7) 99 25.1 Topics 99 25.2 Contributions 99 25.3 Summary of discussions 99 25.4 Action Points 99 25.5 Summary of discussions 99 25.6 Action Points 100 26 Exploration – MMT 100 26.1 Topics 100 26.2 Contributions 100 26.3 Summary of discussions 100 26.4 Action Points 100 27 Liaison 100 27.1 List of input liaison letters 100 28 References 102 28.1 Timeline of standards under development 102 28.2 Standing Documents 104 28.3 Mailing Lists Reminder 106 28.4 Latest References and Publication Status 107 Annex G – Video report 117 1 MPEG-2 video 117 2 MPEG-4 part 2 Software 117 3 Development of AVC 118 4 MPEG-7 Visual 119 5 Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC) 119 5.1 RVC-related activity scheduling at the meeting 120 5.2 Review of Input contributions 120 6 Explorations – 3D Video 122 7 Explorations – Scalable resolution enhancement of frame-compatible stereo video 123 Annex H – JCT report 126 1 Administrative topics 126 1.1 Organization 126 1.2 Meeting logistics 127 1.3 Primary goals 127 1.4 Documents 127 1.5 Attendance 128 1.6 Agenda 128 1.7 IPR policy reminder 129 1.8 Communication practices 130 1.9 Terminology 130 1.10 Liaison activity 132 1.11 Contribution topic overview 132 1.12 Video sequence viewing during the meeting 133 2 AHG reports 133 3 TE1: Decoder-side motion vector derivation 141 4 TE2: IBDI and memory compression 144 4.1 Summary 144 4.2 1-D DPCM-based memory compression 145 4.3 Reference frame compression using image coder 145 4.4 TI reference frame compression proposal 146 4.5 Adaptive scaling for bit depth compression on IBDI 146 4.6 Summary conclusions on TE2 147 5 TE3: Inter prediction 147 6 TE4: Variable length coding 151 7 TE5: Simplified TMuC intra prediction 152 8 TE6: Intra prediction 153 8.2 TE6.a.1 Weighted Bidirectional Prediction (WBP) and Adaptive Sub-block Coding Order (ASCO) 154 8.3 TE6.a.2 Short distance intra prediction 155 8.4 TE6.a.3 Overlapped block intra prediction 156 8.5 TE6.a.4 Line-based intra prediction 156 8.6 TE6.b.1 Differential coding of intra modes (DCIM) 157 9 TE7: MDDT Simplification 158 9.2 I2R proposed simplification of MDDT 161 9.3 Huawei proposed simplification of MDDT 162 9.4 Toshiba proposed simplification of MDDT 163 9.5 Beijing Univ. Tech. proposed simplification of MDDT 164 9.6 Peking Univ. proposed simplification of MDDT 164 10 TE8: Parallel entropy coding 165 10.2 Coefficient Sign PCP, Coeff Level BinIdx 0 PCP, and significance map PCP 165 10.3 Coding order for significance map on bin decoding throughput (JCTVC B036 Section 2) and V2V coding tree (JCTVC-B034) 166 11 TE9: Large block structures 168 12 TE10: In-loop filtering 169 13 TE11: Motion vector coding 176 14 TE12 178 14.1 TE12: Overall TE12 summary 178 14.2 TE12 TMuC coding unit definitions 180 14.3 TE12 TMuC prediction units 181 14.4 TE12 TMuC transform units 182 14.5 TE12 Interpolation filters 183 14.6 TE12 TMuC motion representation 187 14.7 TE12 TMuC partition-based illumination compensation 188 14.8 TE12 TMuC filtering 189 14.9 TE12 TMuC intra-frame prediction 190 14.10 TE12 TMuC transforms and coefficient coding 195 14.11 TE12 TMuC entropy coding 199 14.12 TE12 TMuC IBDI and transform precision extension 200 14.13 TE12 TMuC encoder-only aspects 202 15 Project planning and Test Model establishment 203 15.1 Project timeline 203 15.2 Test model design: normative aspects 206 15.3 Test model design: non-normative aspects and test methodology 212 16 TMuC settings and common test conditions 213 17 Application-specific topics 214 18 Non-TE Technical Contributions 215 18.1 Loop filtering 215 18.2 Block structures and partitioning 217 18.3 Motion compensation and interpolation filters 222 18.4 Motion vector coding 225 18.5 B picture reference list redundancy 226 18.6 Quantization control 227 18.7 Entropy coding 227 18.8 Intra prediction 232 18.9 Transforms and residual coding 234 18.10 IBDI and memory compression 238 18.11 Complexity analysis 239 19 Establishment of ad hoc groups 240 20 Core Experiment planning and Common Conditions 244 20.1 General issues for CEs 244 20.2 Common Conditions 245 21 Output documents 245 22 Future meeting plans and closing of the meeting 246 Annex A to JCT-VC report:
Annex B to JCT-VC report: List of meeting participants 270 Annex I – Audio report 276 1 Opening Audio Plenary 283 2 Administrative matters 283 2.1 Communications from the Chair 283 2.2 Approval of agenda and allocation of contributions 283 2.3 Creation of Task Groups 283 2.4 Approval of previous meeting report 283 2.5 Review of AHG reports 283 2.6 Joint meetings 283 2.7 Received National Body Comments and Liaison matters 283 2.8 Plenary Discussion 283 3 Record of AhG meetings 283 3.1 AhG Meeting on USAC -- Sunday 1000-1800 283 4 Task group activities 291 4.1 Joint Meeting 291 4.2 Task Group discussions 291 5 Closing Audio Plenary and meeting deliverables 305 5.1 Plenary discussions 305 5.2 Responses to Liaison and NB comments 305 5.3 Recommendations for final plenary 305 5.4 Establishment of Ad-hoc Groups 306 5.5 Approval of output documents 306 5.6 Press statement 306 5.7 Agenda for next meeting 306 5.8 All other business 306 5.9 Closing of the meeting 306 1. Participants 307 2. Audio Contributions and Schedule 308 Task Groups 314 3. Output Documents 315 4. Agenda for the 95th MPEG Audio Meeting 315 Annex J – 3DG report 317 1 Opening of the meeting 317 1.1 Approval of the agenda 317 1.2 Goals for the week 317 1.3 Standards from 3DGC 317 1.4 Room allocation 318 1.5 Allocation of contributions 319 2 General issues 328 2.1 General discussion 328 3 Current Voting 328 4 General 3DG related activities 328 4.1 AhG on 3DG activities 328 4.2 Promotions 329 4.3 Joint activities 329 4.4 Explorations 333 5 Liaison 333 6 Output documents and Resolutions of 3DGC 333 1 Part 4 Conformance 333 2 Part 16 Animation Framework eXtension (AFX) 333 3 Part 25 3DGCM 333 7 Establishment of 3DG Ad-Hoc Groups 334 8 Closing of the Meeting 334 Yüklə 5,72 Mb. Dostları ilə paylaş: |