Summary: which quantization depth to be used for encoding the geometric transformation. Use different quantisation for rotations and translation. Different quantisation for each instance of the pattern.
QP bits values for translation and rotation can be obtained from QP bits values for geometry.
Resolutions: use a QP set as default that can be overwrite per instance the QP set if an update flag is set.
Summary: the pattern and the instance cannot share the same texture. Encode the difference instead of real texture and select this mode by chosing two levels of the threshold: below the threshold, the instance will use the same texture as the pattern, above the threshold a new texture is used, between the two thresholds the difference (XOR, pixel by pixel is used).
Resolution: to add the "texture mode flag" in the bitstream.
Summary: change the structure of the bitstream: put the unique part (not serving at patterns) at the beginning of the bitstream.
AP: design the bitsream to include the update mask per transform (Translation, Orientation, Scale, Flip, Reflection at the first level. If translation is 1 then it should be followed by three flags: TX, TY, TZ). Check BBA syntax as an example. Reflection to be encoded as (-1, -1, -1) *scale.
Resolution: modifications accepted.
Overall resolution: issue a WD on a new AMD called PaternBased3DMeshCompression. Update the CE description.