International organisation for standardisation

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5.4.2Contributions CE4 Subtest1: the signalling of minCUDQPsize at LCU level [C. Pang, O. C. Au, X. Wen, J. Dai, F. Zou, X. Zhang (HKUST)] CE4 Subtest 1: Crosscheck of JCTVC-F221 HKUST signalling of minCUDQPsize at LCU level [D. Hoang (Zenverge)] [late upload 07-08] CE4 Subtest 2: Cross-check report of HKUST’s proposal JCTVC-F156 (test 2.1.a) [H. Aoki, K. Chono, Y. Senda (NEC)] CE4 Subtest 2: QP prediction based on intra/inter prediction (test 2.4.b) [H. Aoki, K. Chono, Y. Senda (NEC)] CE4 Subtest2: QP prediction with previous CU (subtest 2.1.a) [C. Pang, O. C. Au, X. Wen, F. Zou, J. Dai, X. Zhang (HKUST)] CE4 Subtest 2: QP prediction based on intra prediction (test 2.3.g) [H. Aoki, K. Chono (NEC), M. Kobayashi, M. Shima (Canon)] CE4 Subtest 2: Delta QP prediction results of test 2.2.b and 2.3.f [M. Kobayashi, M. Shima (Canon)] CE4 Subtest 2: QP prediction from spatially neighboring CUs (test 2.3.b, 2.3.c) [M. Coban, M. Karczewicz (Qualcomm)] CE4 Subtest 2.3: Cross-check of Qualcomm’s proposal (JCTVC-F332) on delta QP prediction [J. Jia, J. Park (LGE)] Crosscheck of JCTVC-F332 CE4 Subtest 2.3.c : QP prediction from spatially neighboring CUs [D. Hoang (Zenverge)] [late upload 07-09] CE4: X-check of 2.2.b and 2.3.f [K. Sato (Sony)] CE4: Result of 2.3.d and 2.3.e [K. Sato (Sony)] CE4 Subtest2: Cross-check report of Sony’s proposal JCTVC-F420 (tests 2.3.d and 2.3.e) by ETRI [S.-C. Lim, H. Y. Kim, J. Lee (ETRI)] CE4 Subtest 2: Delta QP prediction results [M. Kobayashi, M. Shima (Canon)] CE4 Subtest 2: Cross-check report for JCTVC-F400 (test 2.3.g and 2.3.f combined) [H. Aoki, K. Chono, Y. Senda (NEC)] [late reg. 07-05, upload 07-06] CE4 Subtest 2: Cross-check report for JCTVC-F648 (test 2.3.g and 2.3.e.r1 combined) [H. Aoki, K. Chono, Y. Senda (NEC)] [late reg. 07-05, upload 07-07] CE4 Subtest 2: combination of test 2.3.g, 2.3.f and 2.3.e [H. Aoki, K. Chono (NEC), M. Kobayashi, M. Shima (Canon), K. Sato (Sony)] [late reg. 07-06, upload 07-08]

For intra CU, the intra prediction direction is used to determine from which CU to predict the QP.

For inter CUs, a prediction mode based method (using QP from the left or top CU with same prediction mode) or a mode using average.

Gain is 0.4% for intra, 0.2-0.3% for inter.

Question: Is it a problem to introduce dependencies between prediction mode and de-quantization? Apparently not, it is stored anyway. CE4 Subtest 2: Cross check report of JCTVC-F661 for MinCUDQPSize = 32x32 [M. Coban] [late reg. 07-11, upload 07-12] Cross-check of CE4 Subtest 2, Combination of 2.3.g, 2.3.f and 2.3.e (JCTVC-F661) [Rickard Sjöberg (Ericsson)] [late reg. 07-08, upload 07-13] Cross-check of MV coding JCTVC-F661 [T. Yamamoto (Sharp)] [late upload 07-12] CE4 Subtest 2: Spatial QP prediction: combination of test 2.3.g with 2.3.b/2.3.c [M. Coban, M. Karczewicz] [late reg. 07-11, upload 07-11]

Both combinations give approx. 0.4% for intra, 0.2/0.1% for inter. CE4 Subtest2: Verification result of Qualcomm's Spatial QP prediction (JCTVC-F705) [M. Shima (Canon)] [late reg. 07-13, upload 07-16] CE4 Subtest3: Adaptive De-Quantization Offset [X. Li, X. Guo, S. Lei (MediaTek)] CE4 Subtest 3.3.1.a: Cross-check MediaTek proposal JCTVC-E091 [X. Shen, X. Zhu, B. Yu (Zhejiang Univ.)] CE4.3.a Cross-check of Adaptive De-Quantization Offset [B. Li (USTC), G. J. Sullivan, J. Xu (Microsoft)] CE4 Subtest3: Cross-check report of RIM’s proposal JCTVC-E276 (Subtest 3.3.2.a) [X. Li, X. Guo (MediaTek)] CE4-subtest3.3.2: Quantization with Adaptive Reconstruction Levels [Xiang Yu, Jing Wang, Dake He (RIM)] CE4-subtest3.3.2: Cross-check of Adaptive Reconstruction Levels (JCTVC-F276) [J. Xu (Microsoft)] [late reg. 07-11, upload 07-14] CE4 Subset 3: Cross checking of MediaTek proposal JCTVC-E091 on adaptive quantization offset with SAO off. [C. Auyeung (Sony)] CE4: Crosscheck of RIM ARL proposal (Subtest 3.3.2.b, RDOQ off) (JCTVC-F276) [M. Budagavi (TI)] CE4: Crosscheck of Sony proposal on dQP prediction (2.3e mod) (JCTVC-F420) [M. Budagavi (TI)] CE4: Cross-check MediaTek's proposal (Subtest 3.3.1.b) [X. Yu, J. Wang, D. He (RIM)] CE4: Cross check of MediaTek proposal by Samsung [E. Alshina (Samsung)] CE4: Cross check from RIM proposal by Samsung [E. Alshina (Samsung)] CE4: Cross-check of NEC and Canon’s proposal JCTVC-F159 by Huawei [H. Yang, H. Yu (Huawei)] CE4: Cross-check of NEC proposal JCTVC-F103 by Huawei [H. Yang, H. Yu (Huawei)] CE4: Result of Combination 2.3.g + 2.3.e [K. Sato (Sony)] [late reg. 07-05, upload 07-11] Request to revisit CE4 Subtest2 results M. Shima (Canon), K. Sugimoto (Mitsubishi Electric), K. Panusopone (Motorola Mobility), H. Aoki, K. Chono (NEC), M. Coban (Qualcomm), K. Sato, K. Kondo (Sony) [late reg. 07-18, upload 07-18]

This joint contribution asserts that TM5-based subjective quality adaptive quantization is a reasonable method for evaluating QP prediction and delta-QP entropy coding technologies. Commercial video encoders reportedly use similar subjective quality adaptive quantization schemes. The TM5-based subjective quality adaptive quantization was used not only for CE4 Subtest2 but also for new QP prediction and delta-QP entropy coding technologies such as JCTVC-F046, JCTVC-F174, JCTVC-F422, JCTVC-F499, and JCTVC-F577. In CE4 discussions, it had been agreed to adopt the TM5-based subjective quality adaptive quantization into HM software. It was suggested that this implies that the TM5-based subjective quality adaptive quantization is endorsed for evaluating QP prediction and delta-QP entropy coding technologies and that CE4 Subset2 results obtained by using the software were successfully evaluated. In addition, as described in JCTVC-F756, the QP coding BoG participants reportedly agreed that use of TM5-based subjective quality adaptive quantization is realistic enough and should be sufficient for the text condition of the next CE on QP coding. QP prediction schemes were asserted to be orthogonal to other technologies such as intra prediction, in-loop filtering, etc., and it was reportedly expected that a QP prediction scheme (2.3.g+2.3.f+2.3.e) that is suggested by CE4 summary for HM adoption will perform the best among spatial QP prediction proposals of CE4 Subtest2 also in the next version of HM. It was proposed that the 2.3.g+2.3.f+2.3.e proposal (JCTVC-F661 and JCTVC-F705) be adopted into HM4.0.

A concern was raised looking at the fact that the current dQP implementation in software is not in the best state (see plenary discussion of Tuesday), and introducing new elements with even more dependencies might cause even more problems (with relatively small gain). The CE should target a consistent bundle of dQP prediction and entropy coding, which is cleaner. It was suggested that the “Most recent QP dependency” should be removed.

No action was taken on this.

General note: To assess the benefit of more compressive coding of dQP, other more realistic application cases of dQP adaptation (see e.g. JCTVC-F492) would be helpful.

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