Introduction 12 Follow up from the Social Justice Report 2010 14

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: “Close the Gap” was adopted as the name of the human rights based campaign for Indigenous health equality in 2006 led by the Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee. The term ‘closing the gap’ entered the policy lexicon as a result of the Close the Gap Campaign’s activities and has since been used to tag many different Indigenous policy initiatives from the COAG Closing the Gap Targets to the National Partnership Agreement to Closing the Gap on Indigenous Health Outcomes to the renaming of aspects of the Northern Territory Emergency Response (the intervention) as Closing the Gap in the Northern Territory. As a general rule, any initiative with “Closing the Gap” in the title is an Australian Government initiative. It is important to note that it does not necessarily reflect the human rights based approach of the Close the Gap Campaign as set out in this report, nor does the use of the term ‘closing the gap’ in relation to these initiatives necessarily reflect an endorsement of them by the Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee.

76 Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee, Shadow Report - On Australian governments’ progress towards closing the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians (2011). At (viewed 10 October 2011).

77 Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision,

Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators 2011 (2011) Productivity Commission, p 4.132. At (viewed 10 October 2011).

78 Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision,

Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators 2011 (2011) Productivity Commission, p 4.137. At (viewed 10 October 2011).

79 House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Doing Time, Time for Doing- Indigenous youth in the criminal justice system (2011). At (viewed 10 October 2011).

80 House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Doing Time, Time for Doing- Indigenous youth in the criminal justice system (2011), p 40. At (viewed 10 October 2011).

81 T Calma, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Social Justice Report 2009, Australian Human Rights Commission (2010), p 56. At (viewed 10 October 2011).

82 Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, Communiqué Standing Committee of Attorneys-General 21-22 July 2011. At (viewed 10 October 2011).

83 House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Doing Time, Time for Doing- Indigenous youth in the criminal justice system (2011), p 321. At (viewed 10 October 2011).

84 The Secretariat of the National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care, National Aboriginal & Islander Children’s Day, (viewed 10 October 2011).

85 E Stamatopoulou, ‘Taking Cultural Rights Seriously’ in S Allen and A Xanthaki (eds), Reflections on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2011) 387, p 392.

86 See J Gilbert and C Doyle ‘A New Dawn over the Land: Shedding Light on Collective Ownership and Consent’ in S Allen and A Xanthaki (eds) Reflections on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2011) 289.

87 See T Calma, Caring for Culture, Caring for Country (Speech at the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Week Celebrations, 7 July 2008, Canberra). At (viewed 10 October 2011).

88 Council of Australian Governments, National Indigenous Reform Agreement, (viewed 10 October 2011).

89 Australian Government, Indigenous Economic Development Strategy: Draft for Consultation (2010). At (viewed 10 October 2011).

90 Australian Government, Indigenous Economic Development Strategy: Draft for Consultation (2010), p1. At (viewed 10 October 2011).

91 Australian Government, Indigenous Economic Development Strategy: Draft for Consultation (2010), p1. At (viewed 10 October 2011).

92 Australian Human Rights Commission, Submission to the Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs: Draft Indigenous Economic Development Strategy (17 December 2010). At (viewed 10 October 2011).

93 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, GA Resolution 61/295 (Annex), UN Doc A/RES/61/295 (2007), article 3. At (viewed 9 December 2010).

94 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, GA Resolution 61/295 (Annex), UN Doc A/RES/61/295 (2007), article 23. At (viewed 9 December 2010). Also see arts 4, 20 and 31(1).

95 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, GA Resolution 61/295 (Annex), UN Doc A/RES/61/295 (2007), articles 18. At (viewed 9 December 2010).

96 See Australian Human Rights Commission, Submission to the Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs: Draft Indigenous Economic Development Strategy (17 December 2010), p 8 At (viewed 13 September 2011); T Calma, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Native Title Report 2009, Australian Human Rights Commission (2010), p 59. At (viewed 26 September 2011).

97 Department of Finance and Deregulation, Strategic Review of Indigenous Expenditure (2010), p 289. At (viewed 10 October 2011).

98 Native Title and Leadership Branch, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Email correspondence to Australian Human Rights Commission, 12 October 2011.

99 S J Anaya, Report by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, James Anaya, Addendum: Situation of indigenous peoples in Australia, Report to the Human Rights Council, 15th session, UN Doc A/HRC/15/37/Add.4 (2010), para 74.

100 Soft copies of the Commission’s Declaration materials can be downloaded from and hard copies can be ordered

101 M Dodson in Australian Human Rights Commission, The Community Guide to the Un Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2010).p 65 At (viewed 10 October 2011).

102 Attorney-General’s Department, In our hands: A guide to human rights for Australian public servants (2011), p 10. At (viewed 10 October 2011).

103 Attorney-General’s Department, In our hands: A guide to human rights for Australian public servants (2011), p 10. At (viewed 10 October 2011).

104 The Attorney-General’s Department, Human Rights Guidance Sheets, (viewed 10 October 2011).

105 Human Rights Council, Human rights and indigenous peoples, 15th session, UN Doc: A/HRC/RES/15/7 (2010), para 12; United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Report on the ninth session, UN Doc E/2010/43-E/C.19/2010/15 (2010), paras 53, 93; Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Report of the 2nd Session, UN Doc A/HRC/12/32 (2009), p 5; S J Anaya, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples, James Anaya, Report to the General Assembly, 64th session, UN Doc A/64/338 (2009), para 71.

106 S J Anaya, Report by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, James Anaya, Addendum: Situation of indigenous peoples in Australia, Report to the Human Rights Council, 15th session, UN Doc A/HRC/15/37/Add.4 (2010), para 74.

107 Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions, The APF’s role in promoting and protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples: Background paper, United Nations Workshop on National Human Rights Institutions and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Bangkok, Thailand (16-17 December 2009).

108 Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, Note on the outcome of the International Meeting on the Role of National Human Rights Institutions in Promoting the Implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, United Nations Workshop on National Human Rights Institutions and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Bangkok, Thailand (16-17 December 2009).

109 See Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Working with the United Nations Human Rights Programme: A Handbook for Civil Society (2008), chapter IV. At (viewed 11 October 2011).

110 M Gooda, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Social Justice Report 2010, Australian Human Rights Commission (2011), pp 19-26. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

111 R Frankland and P Lewis, Presentation to Social Justice Unit staff, Australian Human Rights Commission, 14 March 2011.

112 R Frankland and P Lewis, Presentation to Social Justice Unit staff, Australian Human Rights Commission, 14 March 2011.

113 J Liddle in M Langton, ‘The end of “big men” politics’ (2008) 22 Griffith Review 11, pp 15-16. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

114 R Frankland and P Lewis, Presentation to Social Justice Unit staff, Australian Human Rights Commission, 14 March 2011.

115 World Health Organization, World report on violence and health (2002), p 5. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

116 World Health Organization, World report on violence and health (2002), p 5. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

117 T Calma, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Social Justice Report 2008, Australian Human Rights Commission (2009), pp 147-197. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

118 T Calma, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Social Justice Report 2008, Australian Human Rights Commission (2009), p 177. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

119 L Archibald, Final Report of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, Volume III: Promising Healing Practices in Aboriginal Communities, Aboriginal Healing Foundation (2006), p 16. (viewed 21 September 2011).

120 S Roberts, ‘Oppressed group behaviour: implications for nursing’ (1983) 5(4) Advances in Nursing Science 21.

121 F Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth (1963).

122 P Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970).

123 S Carmichael and C Hamilton, Black Power (1967).

124 K Lewin, Resolving Social Conflicts (1948).

125 J Miller, Toward a New Psychology for Women (1976).

126 P Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970).

127 F Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth (1963).

128 R Frankland in Creative Spirits, Bullying and Lateral Violence, (viewed 21 September 2011).

129 G Phillips, Healing Identity in contemporary Australia: what is a real/traditional/grassroots Aborigine (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Seminar Series, Canberra, 18 May 2009). At (viewed 21 September 2011).

130 S Gordon, K Hallahan and D Henry, Putting the Picture Together: Inquiry into Response by Government Agencies to Complaints of Family Violence and Child Abuse in Aboriginal Communities (2002), p 70. At (viewed 21 September 2011). Emphasis in original. In text referencing omitted.

131 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Bringing them home: Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families (1997), Part 2. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

132 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Bringing them home: Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families (1997). At (viewed 21 September 2011).

133 A ‘quadroon’ was defined as ‘a person who is descended from the full blood original inhabitants of Australia or their full blood descendants but who is only one-fourth of the original full blood’: Native Title Administration Act 1936 (WA), s 2.

134 Native Title Administration Act 1936 (WA), s 2.

135 See R Broome, Aboriginal Australians: A history since 1788 (4th ed, 2010), p 197.

136 Museum of Australian, Documenting a Democracy - Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act 1897 (Qld), (viewed 21 September 2011).

137 Museum of Australian, Documenting a Democracy - Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act 1897 (Qld), (viewed 21 September 2011).

138 D Tedmanson, ‘Isle of exception: sovereign power and Palm Island’ (2008) 4(2) Emerald: critical perspectives on international business 142, p 148.

139 H McRae, G Nettheim, T Anthony, L Beacroft, S Brennan, M Davis and T Janke, Indigenous Legal Materials: Commentary and Materials (4th ed, 2009), p 26.

140 The Protection Acts can be found at AIATSIS, To Remove and Protect, (viewed 21 September 2011).

141 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, As a Matter of Fact (1998), p 60. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

142 N Pearson, ‘Individualism versus communalism’, The Australian, 6 August 2011. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

143 N Pearson, ‘Individualism versus communalism’, The Australian, 6 August 2011. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

144 M Langton, ‘The end of “big men” politics’ (2008) 22 Griffith Review 11, p 15. At (viewed 4 August 2011).

145 H Kok, ‘Reducing Violence: Applying the Human Needs Theory to the Conflict in Chechnya’ (2007) 3(11) Review of International Law and Politics 89, p 90.

146 J Burton in H Kok, ‘Reducing Violence: Applying the Human Needs Theory to the Conflict in Chechnya’ (2007) 3(11) Review of International Law and Politics 89, p 90.

147 A Maslow, ‘A Theory of Human Motivation (1943) 50(4) Psychological Review 370.

148 A Odendaal, The Role of Identity in the Formation of Conflict Cycles: A Perspective from Human Needs Theory (Presentation to the UNITAR 2011 Training Programme to Enhance the Conflict Prevention and Peacemaking Capacities of Indigenous Peoples’ Representatives, Versoix, Switzerland, 19 July 2011).

149 J Burton in H Kok, ‘Reducing Violence: Applying the Human Needs Theory to the Conflict in Chechnya’ (2007) 3(11) Review of International Law and Politics 89, p 90.

150 S Maddison, ‘Voice and Diversity in Indigenous Politics’ (2009) 7 (11) Indigenous Law Bulletin 19, p 20.

151 S Gorringe, J Ross and C Fforde, ‘Will the Real Aborigine Please Stand Up’: Strategies for breaking the stereotypes and changing the conversation, AIATSIS Research Discussion Paper 28 (2011), p 8. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

152 S Gorringe, J Ross and C Fforde, ‘Will the Real Aborigine Please Stand Up’: Strategies for breaking the stereotypes and changing the conversation, AIATSIS Research Discussion Paper 28 (2011), p 5. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

153 G Phillips, Healing Identity in contemporary Australia: what is a real/traditional/grassroots Aborigine (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Seminar Series, Canberra, 18 May 2009). At (viewed 21 September 2011).

154 N Pearson, ‘Individualism versus communalism’, The Australian, 6 August 2011. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

155 N Pearson, ‘Individualism versus communalism’, The Australian, 6 August 2011. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

156 N Pearson, ‘Individualism versus communalism’, The Australian, 6 August 2011. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

157 N Pearson, ‘Individualism versus communalism’, The Australian, 6 August 2011. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

158 Y Paradies, R Harris and I Anderson, The Impact of Racism on Indigenous Health in Australia and Aoeteoroa: Towards a Research Agenda, Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health, Discussion Paper 4 (2008), p 4. At (viewed 21 September 2011).

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