When a response to common stressor is maladaptive and occurs within 3 months of the stressor.
When a response to common stressor is maladaptive and occurs within 3 months of the stressor.
Unable to function as usual
Reaction to particular stressor is excessive
Dx is discontinued if stressor subsides or if individual learns to cope
If it persists beyond 6 mos, change diagnosis
Multiple types—depression, anxiety, disturbance of conduct, mixed
Difference between the two is timing—Acute Stress occurs right after the event, lasts from 2 days to 4 weeks. After 4 wks after the event, it is PTSD. Onset can also be delayed for PTSD beyond 6 months.
Difference between the two is timing—Acute Stress occurs right after the event, lasts from 2 days to 4 weeks. After 4 wks after the event, it is PTSD. Onset can also be delayed for PTSD beyond 6 months.
Frequent reexperiencing of the event through intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, and dreams
Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma and a general numbing or deadening of emotions
Increased physiological arousal with an exaggerated startle response
Lower rates in areas with less crime and few natural disasters
Lower rates in areas with less crime and few natural disasters
Those who perceive a lack of control are more vulnerable
Commonalities in treatment
Graduated exposure—single most effective treatment
Cognitive restructuring
Benzodiazepines and antidepressants
Taijin-kyofushu—Japan—similar to social phobia, fear that they will offend or embarrass, concerned with body odor
Taijin-kyofushu—Japan—similar to social phobia, fear that they will offend or embarrass, concerned with body odor
Nervios—Latino cultures—chronic worrying and negative thinking, expressions of anger, headaches, other somatic ailments. Tied to poverty and poor education.
Ataque de nervios—Latino cultures—panic-like attacks dominated by trembling, heart palpitations, numbness. Tied to stress and spiritual causes.
Shen-k-vei—China—pattern of severe anxiety or panic, accompanied by bodily complaints. Supposedly tied to excessive semen loss after frequent masturbation or intercourse, a loss believed to endanger the individual’s vital essence Similar to dhat a disorder found in India.
Disrupting fear, avoidance out of proportion to the danger posed by a particular object or situation; generally recognized as groundless by sufferer