James mark mbilinyi a dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of masters in project management of the open univers

Recommendation for the Stakeholders

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5.5.2 Recommendation for the Stakeholders

The study observe some stakeholders are profit monger and do not take into consideration the issue of health and safety. For some contractors and their management, provision of health and safety clause in construction sites seems to be a burden because they tend to believe that provision of safety gears to workers considers such facilities a luxury. So they have to be trained also and given orders to follow for the existence of their company. They have to consider health and safety and allocate enough sound and relevant budget as well as provide fund so that budget can be attainable. Also strong punishment should be given to them in case they don't comply with the issue of health and safety in their working environment.

5.5.3 Recommendations for Policy Implication

The research has shown that health and safety issues in many ongoing projects in Tanzania have been paid little attention during construction period. Construction workers are suffering from occupational diseases caused by construction activities, yet there is no any policy which enforcing all contractors to take full control of health and safety issues to its workers as part and parcel of successful completion of the project. It is through this study that, it is high time now for the government authorities to make sure that health and safety policy should be in place so that it would help construction industry to be safe and if possible to decrease and eliminate all occupational hazards and risks. Through a clear policy, it would be believed that all construction activities are executed with zero lost hours or accidents.

5.6 Limitation of the Study

There are influences that the researcher cannot control and taken as limitation.  They are the shortcomings, conditions or influences that cannot be controlled by the researcher that place restrictions on your methodology and conclusions.

Bureaucracy is the first limitation especially in time of data collection where by there are some office and organization which do not allow researcher to inter and finding some data. There are some workers in organization or company even asks for money in order to give you some relevant information during data collection.

Uncooperative attitude of respondents: Some respondent’s acted reluctantly and or sometimes uncooperative to respond due to various reasons including being busy and ignoring. Due to this, the researcher had to design a specific timetable, which ensured effective follow-up of the respondents in order to increase the chance of completing all the interviews.

The study faces time constrains which hinder the study to reach a larger sample for the interview and answering questionnaires. By having enough time the study could be on the better position to have large number of population and select the best sample to present them.

Financial constrain especially in buying books online since the books concerning occupational health and safety are not found here in Tanzania. Even in Tanzania there are few people who wrote something concerning health and safety.

5.7 Suggested area for the Further Studies

As a result of this research, the following area or question calls for further studies:-

  1. Analysis for the causes of poor implementation of health and safety issues and its impact towards project delivery process in Tanzania

  2. Exploration measures to be taken by construction industry to ensure workplace health and safety are adhering in Dar es Salaam.

  3. Identification of the usefulness of workplace health and safety towards organization performance


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