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The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS-Volume 6 Issue 2, p. 543-564, February 2013, Fransa.

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YAZIR, Muhammed Hamdi, Hak Dini Kur’ân Dili, Eser Neşriyat, İstanbul, Tarihsiz / GÜNAY, İlhami (2013), Kur’ân-I Kerim’de Gençlerin Aklî-Zihnî Gelişimi Ve Eğitimi / Mental Educatıon And Development Of The Youth In The Holy Qur'an, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS-Volume 6 Issue 2, p. 543-564, February 2013, Fransa.

YEŞİLYURT, Temel, Kur’an’da Bilgi, Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2004, cilt: IX, sayı: 1 / GÜNAY, İlhami (2013), Kur’ân-I Kerim’de Gençlerin Aklî-Zihnî Gelişimi Ve Eğitimi / Mental Educatıon And Development Of The Youth In The Holy Qur'an, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS-Volume 6 Issue 2, p. 543-564, February 2013, Fransa.

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DERRIDA, Jacques, (1978), Writing and Difference, Translated by Alain Bass, London: University of Chicago Press, Chicago / GÜR, İmran (2013), Tuğrul Tanyol’un Şiirinde Boşluk Problemi: Öznenin Tanrısı Ses-Varlık: Kendinde Şey, Tanrı Parçacığı / The Space Problem In The Poem Of Tuğrul Tanyol: The God Of The Subject, Sound- Exıstence: Thıng It Itself, God Partıcle, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS-Volume 6 Issue 2, p. 565-592, February 2013, Fransa.

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HUTCHEON, Linda, (1980), Narsistıc Narrative: The Metafictional Paradox, Waterloo, Ont., Wilfred Laurier University Press / GÜR, İmran (2013), Tuğrul Tanyol’un Şiirinde Boşluk Problemi: Öznenin Tanrısı Ses-Varlık: Kendinde Şey, Tanrı Parçacığı / The Space Problem In The Poem Of Tuğrul Tanyol: The God Of The Subject, Sound- Exıstence: Thıng It Itself, God Partıcle, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS-Volume 6 Issue 2, p. 565-592, February 2013, Fransa.

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