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The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 351-370, January 2013, Fransa.

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KÖKTÜRK, Şahin (2003). “Bayburtlu Zihnî’nin Bir Koşmasının Ontolojik Analiz Metodu İle İncelenmesi, Millî Folklor, Volume 8/60, s. 170-178 / AYKANAT, Timuçin (2013), Ontolojik Çözümlemeyle Şeyh Gâlib’in Bir Gazeline Yapısalcı Yaklaşım / A Structural Vıew On Sheık Gâlib’s A Gazel Wıth Ontologıcal Analysıs, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 351-370, January 2013, Fransa.

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