Languages: Arabic, French, English

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Dr. El Khatib, Naji , Ph.D.

Fax : +33 9 56 40 02 51

Languages: Arabic, French, English.

I. Studies & Diplomas

1974: Baccalaureate-Mathematics, Beirut-Lebanon

1980-1882: Two years studies in Social Sciences, Lebanese University, Beirut-Lebanon.

1984 : Diplôma (License) in Social Sciences, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, EHESS-Paris.

1985 : D.E.A. (Master) in Social Sciences, ‎, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, EHESS-Paris. ‎

1996: Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Sociology under the direction of Professor Alain Joxe at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, EHESS-Paris and the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

II. Membership:

• Founding member of "MedFil Humanities Institute”, Paris, France;

• Member of the “Groupe d’information et de recherche sur les questions stratégiques”, GIS, Paris, France;

• Member of "« Groupe International et Interdisciplinaire des Socio-anthropologues de l’Aire Méditerranéenne ", the GIISAM. The Sorbonne, University Paris-V. Paris-France;

• Member of the " Cercle de réflexion ethnopsychanalyse : psyché et culture ", Paris, France;

• Member of "I l’Association Internationale des sociologues de langue française " AISLF, University of Toulouse-Le Mirail, Toulouse, France;

III. Career

1985-87: researcher at « Clermont research » on issues relating to the Middle East in the American Press, new York city, USA.

1987-91: Correspondent for the weekly "Al-Ofok", Nicosia (Cyprus).

1992-95: Scholarship from UNESCO to prepare the PH.D thesis.

1996-97: Associates researcher in the « Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur la Paix et d’Études Stratégiques », CIRPES –Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, EHESS, 71, Bd Raspail, 75006 , Paris.

1997-98: Supervisor of educators’ team on issues relating to youth ages 13-18 with behavioral disorders and antisocial conducts. The « l’Institut de Rééducation Médico-éducatif et Professionnel pour Adolescents ». Château de l’essor, 2 routes de Marolles, 94440 Santeny

  • 1998-2003: Trainer and instructor for family judges within the training sessions organized by the institute of “Association Française des Centres de Consultation Conjugale”, AFCC ,44 rue Danton, 94270, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, In partnership with the “École Nationale de la Magistrature”, 3 ter, Quai aux Fleurs 75004 Paris.

My topics of training: The migrant family in-between or how to think about cultural and legal differences: Conflict of cultures and conflict of incompatible laws.

  • 1998-2003 : ‎Teacher for couple mediators and Family Therapists in the institute “Espace Enfance”, 4 ter Passage de la main d’Or , 75011Paris.

Topics of my teaching:

  • Analysis of practice among mediators and therapists;

  • The malaise of the child. Its modes of expression and «symptoms”;

  • A reflection and exchange on family functioning ;

  • Representations of health and prevention in different cultures.

2003-2005: Assistant professor in Sociology of Education "in the Institute INFA (Institut National de Formation et d’Application), 5/9, rue Anquetil, 94736 Nogent-sur-Marne cedex

Theme course:

  • "The French school of sociology of Education: P. Bourdieu and JC Passeron and R. Boudon;

  • "Ethnomethodology and Education;

  • "The symbolic violence of the school of the “inequality of opportunities "

  • 2005-2006 : Lecturer at An-Najah University-Nablus, as part of the cooperation program between “Medfil Humanities Institute” and An-Najah University (CSC).

  • 2006: Researcher and curriculum adviser for the creation of doctoral school funding by the “Agence universitaire de la francophonie”; Universitet Aleksander Moïsiu, Durres, Albania.

  • 2007: Lecturer at the “Fondazione Giuseppe Dessi "-Villacidro-Sardinia-Italy on North-South relations in the Mediterranean basin. Foundation Giuseppe Dessi, Università degli di Cagliari, Facoltà di straniere ling and literature.


  • Missions mandated by the European training Foundation, Turin, Italy, in the framework of European cooperation program “Tempus” with the Palestinian universities.

  • Missions mandated by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels – Belgium) within the framework of the European program “Erasmus Mundus”.

  • Missions mandated by the Università degli di Cagliari, Italy in the framework of European cooperation ENPI (European Neighbourhood and Partnership-(European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument - ENPI).

2008: Presenting a paper study on "social ties, identity and globalization” within the International Congress of AISLF ,(International Association of French Speaking Sociologists), Istanbul from 0.7 to 11 July, 2008, Turkey.

2004-2009: Professor of “Family Sociology” for students of the Master “Ethics as agent of change: trans-cultural mediation”, Euro-Mediterranean Consortium of universities” CUEM, Citadella dell’Oasi, 94018, Troina, Sicily, Italy:

2004-2005: Teaching a module on "Issues of family and social ties; CUEM, Citadella dell’Oasi, 94018, Troina, Sicily, Italy‎

2005-2006: Teaching a module on " Enunciative categories of the sociological and anthropological analyses "; CUEM, Citadella dell’Oasi, 94018, Troina, Sicily, Italy‎

2006-2007: Teaching a module on "The Mediterranean: a shared legacy, CUEM, Citadella dell’Oasi, 94018, Troina, Sicily, Italy

2007-2008: Teaching a module on "Cultural heritage and identity issues in the Mediterranean"; CUEM, Citadella dell’Oasi, 94018, Troina, Sicily, Italy‎

2008-2009: teaching a module on "The Anthropology of Development: Economy and Culture". CUEM, Citadella dell’Oasi, 94018, Troina, Sicily, Italy‎

2009-2010: Professor of “Intercultural management” for students of the Master “Ethics and dynamics of the entrepreneurship”,CUEM-IHET, Sousse, Tunisia:

Teaching a module on "Intercultural Management and Globalization" in the Master of CUEM in collaboration with "Institut des Hautes Etudes de Tunis”.

Publications: Books:

• "The exponential proliferation of disciplines, Social Sciences and Humanities between universalism, localism and authenticity." MedFil Publishing, Paris, Oct. 2004: 260.

• "Pluralism and Interdisciplinary in Social Science ", An-Najah University publications-Medfil, Nablus (Nablus), Palestine, 2006:360.


• "Social Work in School and Family Counseling: The French Model", CSC publications, An-Najah University, Nablus (Nablus), Palestine, 2005.

Dozens of Articles, Scientific Reports, Research Papers:

•“Strategy of peace in the Middle East! Some interrogations”,Organon,N° 5 5 Nov., 1990, Paris.

•"Genesis of the battle field Israeli-Palestinian conflict : Culture and Strategy, Organon No. 6, March 1991, (Paris).

• "Imperialism of the phallus and women's rights in Islam: meeting with Antoinette Fouque" Dialogue, Winter 1992.

• "The feminine intelligence as a weapon against the male power through the medieval Arabic literature: Meeting with René Khawam" Dialogue, Summer 1992.

• "Abraham the polygamist and the problem of origin: Father to share or impossible equality between wives-mothers" booklet published by Medfil publications and a summary published in Dafater Thaqafia No. 8, February 1997, Ramallah (Palestine ).

• Dozens of articles in Arabic published by Ofoq Newspaper (Lebanon-Cyprus), Al-Wihda Review (Morocco), and Al-Nahj Review (Syria).
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