1985-87: Researcher in "Clermont Research Center", NY City, the USA.
1987-91: Correspond to weekly magazine "Al-Ofok"-Nicosia (Cyprus).
1989-95: Consultant of team, educational researches and institutional work at the “l’Institut de Rééducation Médico-éducatif et Professionnel pour Adolescents” Médico-educational Institute of Rehabilitation for Teenagers having behavioral problems and asocial conduits. Château de l’essor, 2 route de Marolles 94440 SANTENY
1996: Doctorate in Sociology under the direction of Professor Alain Joxe at the EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), “De la genèse de l’Entité à l’État Palestinien : Essai d’analyse Psycho - Socio - stratégique”.
1991-97: Collaborator of the center of “Gestion d’Informations sur la stratégie”, (GIS), 5 Villa Stendhal, 75020 Paris.
1997-98: Collaborator of “Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur la Paix et d’Études Stratégiques” (CIRPES)-École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 71 Bd. Raspail, 75006 Paris.
Consultant for judges of children and family affairs. Trainer for educators, family mediators and therapists, AFCCC (Association Française des Centres de Consultation Conjugal), 44 rue Danton, 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre.
Trainer for Judges: Training courses organized by the institute of formation AFCC at the “École Nationale de la Magistrature”, 3 ter, Quai aux Fleurs 75004 Paris. Topic of interventions: "the family in the interval or how to think the cultural and legal differences: Conflict of cultures and of laws”.
Trainer for school doctors & nurses at Espace Enfance , 4 ter Passage de la main d’or , 75011 Paris.
Teacher for social specialized educators at L’INFA (Institut National de Formation et d’Application), 5/9, rue Anquetil 94736 Nogent-sur-Marne cedex. Theme: Sociology of the Education.
Lecturer in Social Sciences and social work at the University of An-Najah-Nablus (Palestine).
Lecturer in Social Sciences at the « Consortium des Universités Euro Méditerranéennes » OASI-IRCCS, Cittadella dell’Oasi, 94018, Troina, Sicily-Italie.
Dr El-Khatib latest experiences:
Dr El-Khatib is working as psycho-sociologist Consultant and Trainer (Formateur) in France since ten years in the field of continual training, among educators, family consultants, mediators, social workers, attorney and judges in the family and childhood affaires.
In parallel, he is involved since 2002, in a Training-Teaching-Research programme elaborated by the “Consortium of Euro-Mediterranean Universities”1 (CUEM), within a health and social Italian institution called OASI-IRCSS2 situated in Troina-Sicily. This “International and Interdisciplinary Qualifying Training”, results from the reflection work enterprise by the CUEM, is founded on the interrogation of the dominant categories of thought. It aims at providing to the trainees the theoretical and practical means which make possible the realization of a set of scientific and ethical values and thus allow a change of perceptions, attitudes and politics in Euro-Med. space. The training offers to the learn-actors the capacity to develop projects able to exceed individualism, in order to found, in the long term, equilibrium, peace and the harmony inside their communities. The CUEM as a think tank has a long experience of joint work, within an interdisciplinary, trans-cultural and international environment. Its goal is not to create unconditionally, in the universities of the south, western models and duplicates on the basis of a unilateral visions imposed by the Occident. It is a question to be most attentive with the needs and the aspirations of the south countries.
Dr. El-Khatib participation in the academic activities of the CUEM, axed on the themes of: the Sociology of the family and problems of the social stakes of health. The principal topics of his training-teaching are: In Sociology of the family:
Talcott Parsons and the functional sociology of the family.
Education, family and ethics according to Max Weber.
The Islamic conception of the family and gender questions.
The family :a place of cultural diversity and social cohesion
The female body: Rights, social conventions ,habits and traditions
The feminist revolution between freedom and maternity
In The Social Stakes of Health:
"Parceled, fragmented body" and symptom, from the subject to the person.
Relationships of the subjects with themselves and with the society:
Western medicine of the “parceled, divided body
The relationship between the medicine and the subject (the person) as a totality inserted in the social context.
Ethical Prospects and their consequences in clinical practices.
Since 2003, Dr. El-Khatib gave courses in sociology and in social work in the “An-Najah University-Nablus, Palestine, in the framework of the “Research-Training Unit (RTU) in Social Work” which is financed by The French ministries of Education and Foreign Affaires. This unit is conducted jointly by Professor Sonia Herzbrun and Dr. El-Khatib and it was established in 2003 thanks to the cooperation between the “Community Service Centre” (CSC) of An-Najah U. and MedFil Humanities Institute-Paris. The RTU working under the umbrella of An-Najah University and serves as a research and development centre aiming at upgrading the level of Social Sciences and social services through the offering of training programs targeting social workers, mental health staff and justice personnel.
The RTU was created to be a useful instrument in the development of the research-training programs of the university and community development bodies in the community at large. Dr. El-Khatib publications:
Books & Brochures
“Pluralism and interdisciplinary in social sciences”, An-Najah University, Nablus, sept.2006:360. (In Arabic)
“Social Work in School and Family Counseling: The French Model”, CSC-An-Najah University, Nablus, Sept. 2005:55. (in Arabic)
« L’Interdisciplinarité et la prolifération exponentielle des disciplines», Les Sciences Sociales et Humaines entre universalisme, pensées uniques, localisme et authenticité. MedFil Publication, Paris, Oct. 2004 : 260. (in French)
Articles :
“Entre la détente internationale et les tensions régionales: Quelle stratégie de paix pour le Moyen-Orient?”, Organon N°5, Novembre 1990, (Paris). (in French)
“Genèse du champ de bataille Israélo-palestinien: Culture et stratégie”, Organon N°6, Mars 1991, (Paris). (in French)
“Impérialisme du phallus et les droits des femmes en terre d’Islam: rencontre avec Antoinette Fouque”, Dialogue, Hiver 1992.(in French)
“L’intelligence féminine comme arme contre le pouvoir masculin à travers la littérature médiévale arabe : Rencontre avec René Khawam”, Dialogue, Été 1992. (in French)
« Abraham-le polygame et le problème de l’origine : Le Père à partager ou l’égalité impossible entre épouses-mères » Dafater Thaqafia N°8, février 1997, Ramallah (Palestine). ( ”,translated into Arabic)
Dozens of articles in Arabic published in Al-Ofoq Newspaper (Lebanon-Cyprus), Al-Wihda Review (Morocco), and Al-Nahj Review (Syria).
1 University of Casablanca (Morocco), University of Algiers (Algeria), University of Tunis (Tunisia), University of An-Najah, Naplouse (Palestine), University of Cagliari(Italy), University of Cairo (Egypt), University Paris III (France)..
22 Istituto di Ricerca Diagnosi e Cura a Carattere Scientifico
Decreto del Ministero Italiano della Salute del 24-6-1974 n° 92/88