Lars engwall

Journal Articles and Contributions to Edited Volumes

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Journal Articles and Contributions to Edited Volumes

  1. “Styrelsekaraktäristika i Sverige och Norge – en jämförelse” (Characteristics of Board Members in Sweden and Norway – A Comparison), Statsøkonomisk tidsskrift, 81 (1967), No. 3-4, pp. 173-176.

  2. “En undersökning av vissa styrelsekaraktäristika” (A Study of Some Characteristics of Board Members), Affärsekonomi, 41 (1968), No. 2, pp. 74-76 and 89.

  3. “Problem i samband med näringslivets strukturomvandling” (Problems Associated with the Structural Change of Industry), Sosialøkonomen, 22 (1968), No. 7, pp. 1-8.

  4. “Size Distributions of Firms—A Stochastic Model”, Swedish Journal of Economics, 70 (1968), No. 3, pp. 138-159.

  5. “Företagens storleksförändringar” (The Size Changes of Business Firms), Markedsøkonomi, 3 (1969), December, pp. 274-279.

  6. “A Simulation Model of Changes in Concentration”, Canadian Journal of Economics, 3 (1970), February, pp. 39-61.

  7. “Size-Changes Among Business Firms”, Metroeconomica, 22 (1970), Maggio-Agosto, pp. 133-148.

  8. “A Simulation Model of Firm Growth”, in Goldberg, W. (ed.), Behavioral Approaches to Modern Management, Volume II, 1970, Göteborg: BAS, pp. 23-46.

  9. “Företagsekonomiska institutionen” (The Department of Business Administration), in Samhällsforskning vid Stockholms universitet (Social Science Research in Stockholm University), 1970, Stockholm, pp. 27-33.

  10. “Ett nytt amerikanskt doktorsprogram i ekonomi”, (A New American Ph. D. Programme in Industrial Administration), Ekonomisk revy, 28 (1971), April, pp. 179-182.

  11. “Strategivalet som portföljval” (Strategy Choice as a Portfolio Selection), in Anders Linde (ed.), Strategisk planering, (Strategic Planning), 1971, Stockholm: Bonniers, pp. 153-176 (with Björn Leonardz).

  12. “Strategisk planering i praktiken” (Strategic Planning in Practice), in Anders Linde (ed.), Strategisk planering, (Strategic Planning), 1971, Stockholm: Bonniers, pp. 177-179 (with Björn Leonardz and Jens Lindberg).

  13. “Inequality of Firm Sizes in Different Economic Systems”, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, 32 (1972), No. 4, pp. 449-460.

  14. “Business Behavior: The Cigarette Case”, Marquette Business Review, 17 (1973), Summer, pp. 59-72.

  15. “Industrial Structure in a Dual Economy”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 14 (1974), 2, pp. 76-80. []

  16. “Facilitating the Handling of References”, Program, 9 (1975), January, pp. 23-25.

  17. “Order Rates in Bidding”, European Journal of Marketing, 9 (1975), Winter, pp. 5-12.

  18. “To Bid or Not to Bid”, Omega, 2, August 1975, pp. 395-401.

  19. “The Structure of the Swedish Daily Press”, Swedish Journal of Economics, 77 (1975), 3, pp. 318-328.

  20. “On Company Expansion and Contraction”, Proceedings of the XXth International Meeting of the Institute of Management Sciences, 1975, Jerusalem: Jerusalem Academic Press, pp. 629-634.

  21. “Il Giornale come Organizzazione Produttiva” (The Newspaper as an Organizational System), Studi Organizzativi, 7 (1975), No. 3-4, pp. 35-49.

  22. “The Response Time of Organizations”, Journal of Management Studies, 13 (1976), February, pp. 1-15.

  23. “Disputationen—prov av värde?” (The Thesis Defence—A Test of Value?), Ekonomen, 52 (1976), May, pp. 26-27 (with Christer Olofsson).

  24. “Avhandlingen: Process och produkt” (The Dissertation: Process and Product), Ekonomen, 53 (1977), February, pp. 22-23 (with Christer Olofsson).

  25. “Resource Allocation in Newspapers”, Journal of Management Studies, 15 (1978), May, pp. 223-240.

  26. “The Pressure for Growth as an Organizational Problem”, Omega, 6 (1978), No. 6, pp. 485-492.

  27. “Newspapers from an Organizational Point of View”, Management Research News, 2 (1979), March, pp. 14-15.

  28. “Bilder av ett tidningsföretag” (Pictures of a Newspaper Company), in Ingolf Ståhl (ed.), Forskning, utbildning, praxis (Research, Education, Practice), 1979, Stockholm: EFI, pp. 544-553.

  29. “Who Controls International Business Activities?”, in Lars Engwall and Jan Johanson, (eds.), Some Aspects of Control in International Business, 1980, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Oeconomiae Negotiorum 12, Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, pp. 3-16 (with Jan Johanson).

  30. “Företagsekonomi—ett ämne i utveckling” (Business Administration—A Discipline in Development), in Lars Engwall (ed.)., Företagsekonomins rötter (The Roots of Business Administration), 1980, Lund: Studentlitteratur, pp. 7-14.

  31. “Mot företagsekonomisk doktrinhistoria” (Towards a History of Business Administration Doctrine), in Lars Engwall (ed.), Företagsekonomins rötter (The Roots of Business Administration), 1980, Lund: Studentlitteratur, pp. 88-96.

  32. “Newspaper Competition: A Case for Theories of Oligopoly”, Scandinavian Economic History Review, 29 (1981), No. 2, pp. 145-154.

  33. “Företagsekonomi: Då—nu—sedan” (Business Administration: Then—Now—Later), in Samhällsvetenskaplig forskning och forskarutbildning vid Uppsala universitet de närmaste 20 åren (Social Science Research of Uppsala the Next Twenty Years), 1982, Uppsala, pp. 35-59 (with Jan Johanson).

  34. “Organization Theory: Where Are You”, Omega, 10 (1982), No. 2, pp. 125-144.

  35. “Research Note: Linguistic Analysis of an Open-Ended Questionnaire in an Organizational Study”, Organization Studies, 4 (1983), No. 3, pp. 261-270.

  36. “Tidningar och teknik” (Newspapers and Technology), Svedan, (1983), No. 2, pp. 8-9.

  37. “Dagens uppfattningar och morgondagens företagsekonomi” (The Present Opinions and Business Administration of To-Morrow), Erhvervsøkonomisk tidsskrift, 47 (1983), No. 4, pp. 161-168.

  38. “Redovisningsutbildningens utformning—en återkommande stötesten” (The Design of Accounting Education—A Recurrent Stumbling Block), Balans, 10 (1984), No. 1, pp. 13-20 (with Elving Gunnarsson).

  39. “Mobility Barriers in Organizations”, in Ingemund Hägg & Finn Wiedersheim-Paul (eds.), Between Market and Hierarchy, 1984, Uppsala: Department of Business Administration, pp. 29-38 (with Jan Johanson).

  40. “Från temporära lösningar till tidningsfabrik eller en socialdemokratisk tidnings kamp för sin existens” (From Temporary Solutions to Newspaper Factory or the Struggle of a Social Democratic Newspaper for its Existence), Pressens årbog, 22 (1985), s. 11-27.

  41. “Ägar- och ledningsformers betydelse för dagstidningskoncentrationen” (The Importance of Ownership and Management for Newspaper Concentration), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 88 (1985), No. 3, s. 269-274 andUlla Carlsson (ed.), 1988, Ekonomiska perspektiv i forskning om massmedier, Göteborg: NORDICOM, pp. 45-57.

  42. “Newspaper Adaptation to a Changing Social Environment: A Case Study of Organizational Drift as a Response to Resource Dependence”, European Journal of Communication, 1 (1986), September, pp. 327-341.

  43. “Företagsekonomi” (Business Administration), I: Fakultetsprogram. Juridisk och samhällsvetenskaplig forskning, UHÄ-rapport 1986:25, pp. 103-114.

  44. “Mercury Meets Minerva”, Scandinavian Journal of Management Studies, 3 (1986), November, pp. 121-138.

  45. “An American Dream. Postgraduate Research Training in the Social Sciences in Sweden”, Postgraduate Research Training in the Social Sciences, 1987, Copenhagen: International Federation of Social Science Organizations, pp. 122-128.

  46. “Ledningskultur i framtidsföretag” (Management Culture in Firms of the Future), Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi, 52 (1988), January, pp. 37-40.

  47. “Gula Faran på Titanic. En vänster-äventyrares väg till Amerika” (The Yellow Danger. A Leftist Adventurer's Way to America), Arbetarhistoria, 12 (1988), No. 4, pp. 23-26 (see also

  48. “Tit for Tat in Small Steps. The Internationalization of Swedish Banks”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 4 (1988), No. 3/4, pp. 147-155 (with Maria Wallenstål).

  49. “Förbundsrepublikens forskning” (The Research of the Federal Republic of Germany), in Ds 1989:43, Forskningens villkor i omvärlden (The Conditions of Research in the Surrounding World), 1989, Stockholm: Allmänna förlaget, pp. 69-79 (with Ingvar Lindqvist). Also printed in German in FUTURA, 5, No. 3, 1990, pp. 14-18 and No. 4, 1990, pp. 14-18 as “Forschung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland—aus schwedischer Sicht“.

  50. “Banks in Industrial Networks”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 6 (1990), No. 3, pp. 231-244 (with Jan Johanson).

  51. “Några tankar hos en utfrågare” (Some Thoughts from an Interrogator”, in Håkan Eriksson (ed.), Forskarutbildning, Forskarrekrytering och forskarkarriär (Research Education, Research Recruitment and Research Career), 1992, Stockholm: Utbildningsdepartementet, pp. 21-24.

  52. “Barriers in International Banking Networks”, in Mats Forsgren and Jan Johanson (eds.), Managing Networks in International Business, 1992, New York: Gordon & Breach, pp. 167-177.

  53. “Points of Departure”, in Lars Engwall (ed.), Economics in Sweden, 1992, London: Routledge, pp. 3-18.

  54. “The Economics of Swedish Economics in the 1980s”, in Lars Engwall (ed.), Economics in Sweden, 1992, London: Routledge, pp. 49-66 (with Peter Stenkula).

  55. “Merkurius möte med Minerva” (Mercury Meets Minerva), Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens Årsbok 1992, Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, pp. 85-97.

  56. “Svensk nationalekonomisk forskning granskad” (Swedish Economics Research Under Scrutiny), Ekonomisk debatt, 20 (1992), No. 5, pp. 349-360.

  57. “Organisatoriska aspekter på bankers riskhantering” (Organizational Aspects on the Risk Handling of Banks), Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift, 45 (1992), No. 4, pp. 231-242.

  58. “Bankkrisen—ett organisationsproblem” (The Banking Crisis—An Organisational Problem), Risk & Kapital, 1 (1993), January, pp. 32-33.

  59. “Nationalekonomins realism” (The Realism of Economics), Källa, 40 (1993), Stockholm: Forskningsrådsnämnden, pp. 4-15, 74-75.

  60. “Några problem att beakta då högskolan utvärderas” (Some Problems to Notice as Universities and Colleges are Evaluated), Forskning om utbildning, 20 (1993), No. 2, pp. 45-50.

  61. “Nu var det 1966” (Now it was 1966), in Stig Strömholm (ed.), De lärdas bibliotek (The Library of the Learned), 1993, Stockholm: Atlantis, pp. 55-68.

  62. “Säg mig vem Du umgås med . . .” (Tell me with whom you are together . . .), in Björn Rombach (ed.), Med hänvisning till andra (With Reference to Others), 1994, Stockholm: Nerenius & Santérus, pp. 77-96.

  63. “Organisational Foundations and Closures in a Regulated Environment: Swedish Commercial Banks 1831-1990”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 10 (1994), No. 1, pp. 29-48 (with Reinhold Bergström and Eva Wallerstedt).

  64. “Perspectives on Management Studies”, in Lars Engwall and Elving Gunnarsson (eds.), 1994, Management Studies in an Academic Context, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Oeconomiae Negotiorum, Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, pp. 13-32 (with Elving Gunnarsson).

  65. “Anders Berch's Followers. The Development of Modern Academic Business Studies in Sweden”, in Lars Engwall and Gunnarsson (eds.), 1994, Management Studies in an Academic Context, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Oeconomiae Negotiorum, Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, pp. 45-65.

  66. “Måste varje generation lära sig själv?” (Must Every Generation Learn by Itself?), in Tillbaka till samtiden (Back to Our Time), 1994, Rapport 94:1, Stockholm: Forskningsrådsnämnden, pp. 18-20.

  67. “På spaning efter den tid som gryr” (Looking for the Dawning Time), 1994, in Uppsala universitet. Karriär och kön (Uppsala University. Carrier and Gender), pp. 56-62.

  68. “Bridge, Poker and Banking”, 1994, in Donald E. Fair and Robert J. Raymond (eds.), The Competitiveness of Financial Institutions and Centres in Europe, Amsterdam: Kluwer, pp. 227-239.

  69. “Bankkris och bankorganisation” (Banking Crisis and Banking Organization), 1995, in Bankerna under krisen. Fyra Rapporter till Bankkriskommittén (The Banks During the Crisis. Four Reports to the Banking Crisis Committee), Stockholm: Fritzes, pp. 131-206.

  70. “Företagsekonomi som akademiskt ämne i Sverige—från Theatrum Oeconomicum till småländsk handelshögskola” (Business Administration as Academic Discipline in Sweden—from Theatrum Oeconomicum to a Business School in Småland), 1995, in Lars Engwall (ed.), Föregångare inom företagsekonomin (Pioneers in Business Administration), Stockholm: SNS, pp. 7-30.

  71. “Professorerna och omvärlden—observationer från ett porträttgalleri” (The Professors and their Environment—Observations from a Gallery of Portraits), 1995, in Lars Engwall (ed.), Föregångare inom företagsekonomin (Pioneers in Business Administration), Stockholm: SNS, pp. 395-406.

  72. “Att höra ett fallande äpple—Utvärdering och påverkan” (To Hear a Falling Apple. Evaluation and Effects), 1995, in Björn Rombach and Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson (eds.), Från sanningssökande till styrmedel. Moderna utvärderingar i offentlig sektor (From A Search of Truth to Means of Control. Modern Evaluations in the Public Sector), Stockholm: Nerenius & Santérus, pp. 109-126.

  73. “Management Research: A Fragmented Adhocracy?”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 11 (1995), No. 3, pp. 225-235.

  74. “Banks as Organizations”, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 65 (1995), No. 4, pp. 99-122.

  75. “Mercury’s Messengers. Swedish Business Graduates in Practice”, 1996, in Rolv Petter Amdam (ed.), Management Education and Competitiveness. Europe, Japan and the United States, London: Routledge, pp. 194-211 (with Elving Gunnarsson and Eva Wallerstedt).

  76. “Kontrakt och utvärdering vid franska universitet” (Contracts and Evaluation in French Universities), 1996, Högskoleverkets skriftserie 1996:2 S, Stockholm: Högskoleverket (with Gunnel Engwall).

  77. “Styrelsens ansvar i banker” (The Responsibility of Board Members in Banks), in Ingemund Hägg (ed.), God styrelsesed (Good Board Practice), 1996, Stockholm: SNS (with Gunnar Lundh), pp. 15-29.

  78. “The Vikings versus the World. An Examination of Nordic Business Research”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 12 (1996), No. 4, pp. 425-436.

  79. “The Swedish Banking Crisis: The Invisible Hand Shaking the Visible Hand”, in Glenn Morgan and David Knights (eds.), Regulation and Deregulation in European Financial Services, 1997, London: Macmillan, pp. 178-200.

  80. “A Swedish Approach to Quality in Education”, in John Brennan, Peter de Vries and Ruth Williams (eds.), Standards and Quality in Higher Education, 1997, London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 220-244.

  81. “The Importance of Flexible Hazard Functions in the Analysis of Organizational Survival Data—Experiences from a Cohort of Swedish Commercial Banks”, Quality & Quantity, 31 (1997), pp. 15-35 (with Reinhold Bergström and Eva Wallerstedt).

  82. “Företagare och forskare betraktar företagets ändrade karaktär” (Businessmen and Researchers Look Upon the Changing Nature of the Firm), in Politik och utvecklingskraft i samhället. Rapport från Närings- och handelsdepartementets enhet för struktur- och ägarfrågor, 2/97, pp. 19-25.

  83. “Kvalitetsarbete. Dagslända eller eternell?” (Quality Work. Mayfly or Eternell?), in Christer Öhman (ed.), Uppsala universitet inför 2000-talet (Uppsala University on the Eve of the Twenty-First Century), 1997, Uppsala: Uppsala University, pp. 125-135 (with Stefan Björklund).

  84. “Firms, Executives and Models of Action: Dominant Views vs. Empirical Business Research”, Industrial Competitiveness in the Knowledge-Based Economy. The New Role of Governments, 1997, Paris: OECD; pp. 91-100.

  85. “The First Mover and the Challenger: The Relationship between Two Journals in Organization Research”, Scientometrics, 40 (1997): 3, pp. 445-453 (with Rickard Danell and Olle Persson).

  86. “Mercury & Minerva: A Modern Multinational. Academic Business Studies on a Global Scale”, in José Luis Alvarez (ed.), The Diffusion and Consumption of Business Knowledge, 1998, London: Macmillan, pp. 81-109.

  87. “Farväl till den rationella osynliga handen! Företagsekonomi och organisationsteori” (Farewell to the Rational Invisible Hand. Business Administration and Organization Theory), in Barbara Czarniawska (ed.), Organisationsteori på svenska (Organization Theory in Swedish), 1998, Malmö: Liber, pp. 277-299.

  88. “Experiences from Evaluations”, in Dirk Tempelaar, Finn Wiedersheim-Paul and Elving Gunnarsson (eds. ), Educational Innovation in Economics and Business II: In Search of Quality, 1998, Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 5-24.

  89. “Att utvärdera för kvalitet” (To Evaluate for Quality), in Leif Åberg (ed.), Utvärdering—ett medel för att säkra eller utveckla kvalitet (Evaluation—A Means to Assure or Develop Quality), 1998, Stockholm: Forskningsrådsnämnden, pp. 61-66.

  90. “Introduction”, in Lars Engwall and Vera Zamagni (eds.), Management Education in Historical Perspective, 1998, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 1-18 (with Vera Zamagni).

  91. “The Making of the Viking Leaders. Perspectives on Nordic Management Education”, in Lars Engwall and Vera Zamagni (eds.), Management Education in Historical Perspective, 1998, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 66-82.

  92. “Prologue” and ”Epilogue”, in Lars Engwall (ed.), Four Decades of Uppsala Business Research, 1998, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Oeconomiae Negotiorum 44, Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, pp. 15-35 and 381-382.

  93. “Research Note: Asterix in Disneyland. Management Scholars from France on the World Stage”, Organization Studies, 19 (1998), No. 5, pp. 863-881.

  94. “Kvalitetskontroll och nytänkande” (Quality Control and Innovation), in Marianne Bauer (ed.), Kraften ligger i det okända (The Force Lies in the Unknown), 1998, Stockholm: Högskoleverket, pp. 115-135.

  95. “Spridningen av managementidéer i Europa” (The Diffusion of Management Ideas in Europe), Ledmotiv, 1 (1999), No. 1, pp. 88-93.

  96. “Rektorers roller” (The Role of Rectors), Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 1 (1999), No. 1, pp. 49-68 (with Charlotta Levay and Rufus Lidman).

  97. “Corporate Governance in Banking”, in Horst Albach, Egbert Eymann, Alfred Luhmer and Marion Steven (eds.), Die Theorie der Unternehmung in Forschung und Praxis, 1999, Berlin: Springer, pp. 676-694 (with Gunnar Lundh).

  98. “Regulation and Organizations: An Introduction”, in Glenn Morgan and Lars Engwall (eds.), Regulation and Organizations. International Perspectives, 1999, London: Routledge, pp. 1-14 (with Glenn Morgan).

  99. “Regulatory Regimes”, in Glenn Morgan and Lars Engwall (eds.), Regulation and Organizations. International Perspectives, 1999, London: Routledge, pp. 82-105 (with Glenn Morgan).

  100. “The Roles of University and College Rectors”, Higher Education Management, 11 (1999), No. 2 (with Charlotta Levay and Rufus Lidman), pp. 75-93.

  101. “L’influenza americana sulla formazione manageriale in Scandinavia”, Nuova Civiltà delle Macchine, 27 (1999), No. 3, pp. 87-99.

  102. “Foreign Role Models and Standardisation in Nordic Business Education”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 15 (2000), No. 1, pp. 1-24.

  103. “The Globalisation of Management”, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 70 (2000), Ergänzungs-heft 1, pp. 1-22.

  104. “Spridningen av moderna managementidéer”, Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 2(2000), No. 2, pp. 3-7 (med Guje Sevón).

  105. “The Creation of European Management Practice. Presentation of a European Research Programme”, FORUM, 00/3, pp. 41-46 (with Cecilia Pahlberg).

  1. “Foreign Bank Penetration of Newly Opened Markets in the Nordic Countries”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 11 (2001), No. 1, pp. 53-64 (with Rolf Marquardt, Torben Pedersen and Adrian E. Tschoegl).

  1. “Managerial Capitalism Revisited”, in Joachim Schwalbach (ed.), Corporate Governance. Essays in Honor of Horst Albach, 2001, Berlin: Springer, pp. 173-191.

  2. "Från Taylor till Tetra. Ruben Rausings rötter i rationaliseringsrörelsen" (From Taylor to Tetra. Ruben Rausing's Roots in Scientific Management), in Olle Matsson et al. (eds.), Libens Merito. Acta Academiœ Regiœ Scientiarum Upsaliensis. Kungliga Vetenskapssamhällets i Uppsala Handlingar 21, 2001, pp. 121-133.

  3. “Farewell to Economic Man! Management Models in Scandinavia”, in: Haldor Byrkjeflot, Sisel Myklebust, Christine Myrvang and Francis Sejerstedt (eds.), Scandinavian Management Revisited. Nordic Industrial Elites Facing the Democratic Challenge, 2001, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, pp. 219-236.

  4. “On the Shoulders of Giants: The Intellectual Base of Organization Theory and Behaviour”, in: Rickard Danell, Internationalization and Homogenization. A Bibliometric Study of International Management Research, 2001, Umeå: Umeå universitet (with Rickard Danell and Olle Persson).

  5. “Hello Dolly! The European Cloning of U.S. Management Research”, in: Rickard Danell, Internationalization and Homogenization. A Bibliometric Study of International Management Research, 2001, Umeå: Umeå universitet (with Rickard Danell).

  1. “Introduction: Management Consulting as a Knowledge Industry”, in: Matthias Kipping and Lars Engwall, Management Consulting: The Emergence and Dynamics of A Knowledge Industry, 2002, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-16 (with Matthias Kipping).

  2. “The Changing Relationship between Management Consulting and Academia: Evidence from Sweden”, in: Matthias Kipping and Lars Engwall, Management Consulting: The Emergence and Dynamics of A Knowledge Industry, 2002, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 36-51 (with Staffan Furusten and Eva Wallerstedt).

  3. “The Behavioral Theory of the Firm in Action”, in Mie Auger and James G. March (eds.), The Economics of Choice, Change and Organization: Essays in Memory of Richard M. Cyert, 2002, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 27-47 (with Rickard Danell).

  4. “Carriers, Flows and Sources of Management Knowledge”, in: Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson and Lars Engwall (eds.), The Expansion of Management Knowledge: Carriers Flows and Sources, 2002, Stanford, CA, Stanford Business Books, pp. 3-32 (with Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson).

  5. “The Dynamics of Management Knowledge Expansion”, in: Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson and Lars Engwall (eds.), The Expansion of Management Knowledge: Carriers Flows and Sources, 2002, Stanford, CA, Stanford Business Books, pp. 299-296 (with Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson).

  6. “On the Origin of the Northern Lights”, in Barbara Czarniawska and Guje Sevón (eds.), The Northern Lights. Organization Theory in Scandinavia, 2003, Liber and Abstrakt, pp. 395-411.

  7. “Doktorerande, disputation och därefter” (Doctoral Studies, Thesis Defence and After), in Lars Strannegård (ed.), Avhandlingen – om att formas till forskare (The Dissertation. On the Creation of Researchers), 2003, Lund: Studentlitteratur, Chapter 13, pp. 235-255.

  8. “Exellence in Management Education”, in Erik De Corte (ed.), Excellence in Higher Education, 2003, London: Portland Press, pp. 159-173.

  9. “The Americanization of Nordic Management Education”, Journal of Management Inquiry, 13 (2004), June, pp. 109-117.

  10. “Introduction: The Dissemination of Management Knowledge”, Management Learning, 35 (2004), August, pp. 243-253 (with Matthias Kipping).

  11. “Ekonomiskan på det akademiska fältet” (The Economic Language in the Academic Field), in Björn Rombach (ed.), Den framgångsrika ekonomiskan (The Successful Economic Language), 2005, Stockholm: Santérus förlag, pp. 86-109 (with Sven Jungerhem).

  12. “Hur har vi det med beredskapen idag? Utbildning och forskning som modern försvarspolitik” (What’s the Preparedness today? Higher Education and Research as Modern Defence Policy), in Anders Björnsson, Martin Kylhammar and Åsa Linderborg (eds.), Ord i rättan tid (Words at the Right Time), 2005, Stockholm: Atlantis, pp. 281-300.

  13. “Doing Deals Despite Distrust”, in Staffan Furusten and Andreas Werr (eds.), Dealing with Confidence, 2005, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, pp. 149-168 (with Carin B. Eriksson).

  14. “Management Education, Media and Consulting vs. Management Practice”, Innovation – The European Journal of Social Science Research, 19(2006) No. 1, pp. 93-104 (with Matthias Kipping).

  15. “EIS som akademiskt ämne” (Economic Information Systems as Academic Discipline), in Fredrik Nilsson and Nils-Göran Olve (eds.), Ekonomiska informationssystem (Economic Information Systems), 2006, Lund: Studentlitteratur, pp. 29-47.

  16. “Företagsledare under granskning” (Corporate Leaders under Examination), in Christer Jönsson and Magnus Jerneck (eds.), I ledande ställning (In A Leading Position), 2006, Lund: Studentlitteratur, pp. 65-80.

  17. “Global Enterprises in Fields of Governance” in Marie-Laure Djelic & Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson (eds.), Transnational Governance: Institutional Dynamics of Regulation, 2006, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 161-179.

  18. “Le università in transizione” (Universities in Transition), in Carmelo Mazza, Paolo Quattrone and Angelo Riccaboni (eds.), L’università in cambiamento fra mercato e tradizione (The Transformation of the University between Market and Traditions), 2006, Bologna: il Mulino, pp. 51-73.

  19. “Leistung und Wettbewerb. Die Entwicklung des schwedischen Hochschul- und Forschungssystems seit 1945”, NORDEUROPAforum Neue Folge, 9 (2006), No. 1, pp. 49-73 (with Thorsten Nybom).

  20. “The Anatomy of Management Education”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 23 (2007), March, pp. 4-35.

  21. “Corporate Governance and the Media. From Agency Theory to Edited Corporations”, in Peter Kjaer and Tore Slaatta (eds.), Mediating Business. The Expansion of Business Journalism, 2007, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, pp. 265-284 (with Kerstin Sahlin).

  22. “The Universities, the State and the Market. Changing Patterns of University Governance”, Higher Education and Policy, 19 (2007), No. 3, pp. 87-104.

  23. “The Visible Hand Versus the Invisible Hand. The Allocation of Research Resources in Swedish Universities”, in Richard Whitley and Jochen Gläser (eds.), The Changing Governance of the Sciences. The Advent of Research Evaluation Systems, 2007, Berlin: Springer, pp. 31-49 (with Thorsten Nybom).

  24. “Minerva and the Media. Universities Protecting and Promoting Themselves”, in Carmelo Mazza, Paolo Quattrone and Angelo Riccaboni (eds.), European Universities in Transition: Issues, Models, and Cases, 2008, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 31-48.

  25. “The University: A Multinational Corporation?”, in Lars Engwall and Denis Weaire (eds.), The University in the Market, 2008, London: Portland Press, pp. 9-21.

  26. “Belöna kompetensen! Resursfördelning till framtidens universitet” (Reward the Competence! Resources Allocation in the Future Universities”, in Mats Benner and Sverker Sörlin (eds.), Forska lagom och vara världsbäst. Sverige inför forskningens globala strukturomvandling, 2008, Stockholm: SNS, pp. 198-212.

  27. “The Transfer of Management Knowledge to Peripheral Countries”, International Studies of Management and Organization, 38 (2008): Winter (with Matthias Kipping and Behlül Üsdiken), pp. 3-16.

  28. “Företagsledning i en globaliserad värld” (Top Management in a Globalized World), Chefstidningen, 5 (2009), No. 1, pp. 47-49.

  29. “Department bibliography 1958-2008”, in Lars-Gunnar Mattsson, Uppsala in the World – The World in Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Oeconomiae Negotiorum 50, 2009, Uppsala: Uppsala University, pp. 129-244 (with Jimmie Röndell and Merawi Tezera).

  30. “Management-Speak in the Academic Field”, in Björn Rombach and Patrik Zapata (eds.), Management-Speak. The Successful Language, 2010, Stockholm: Santérus förlag, pp. 85-107 (with Sven Jungerhem).

  31. “Perspektiv på mediafältet” (Perspectives on the Media Field), in: Josef Pallas and Lars Strannegård (eds.), Företag och medier. Om näringslivets medialisering (Companies and Media. On the Medialization of Business), 2010, Malmö: Liber, pp. 284-297.

  32. “Public Science Systems, Higher Education, and the Trajectory of Academic Disciplines: Business Studies in the United States and Europe”, in: Richard Whitley, Jochen Gläser and Lars Engwall (eds.), Reconfiguring Knowledge Production: Changing Authority Relationships in the Sciences and their Consequences for Intellectual Innovation, 2010, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 11, pp. 325-353 (with Matthias Kipping and Behlül Üsdiken).

  33. “Historical Perspectives on Organizational Stability and Change: Introduction to the Special Issue”, Management & Organizational History, 6 (2011): 1, pp. 3-12 (with Matthias Kipping and Behlül Üsdiken).

  34. “Britannia and Her Business Schools”, British Journal of Management, 22(2011), No. 3, pp. 432-442 (with Rickard Danell).

  35. “Stiftelsernas fördelning av forskningsmedel” (The Allocation of Research Grants by the Foundations”, in: Bo Damberg, Lars Engwall and Hans Tson Söderström (eds.), Femtio år av forskningsfinansiering (Fifty Years of Financing Research), 2011, Stockholm: Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse och Tore Browaldhs Stiftelse, pp. 46-51.

  36. “Aktiebolag och universitet” (Joint-Stock Companies and Universities), in: Pernilla Björk, Mattias Bolkéus Blom, and Per Ström (eds.), Det goda universitetet. Festskrift till Anders Hallberg (The Good University. Festschrift to Anders Hallberg), Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Skrifter rörande Uppsala universitet, C. Organisation och historia 93, 2011, pp. 267-279 [].

  37. “Foreword”, in Peter Dahlin and Peter Ekman (eds.), Management and Information Technology: Challenges for the Modern Organization, 2012, London: Routledge, pp. xv-xix.

  38. “Leaders of Modern Universities: Primi Inter Pares or Chief Executive Officers?”, in: Stefan Tengblad (ed.), The Work of Managers, 2012, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 206-225 (with Carin Lindvall Eriksson).

  39. “Bridging the Gap through the Consideration of Executive Context”, in: Stefan Tengblad (ed.), The Work of Managers, 2012, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 321-323.

  40. “Business Schools and Consultancies: The Blurring of Boundaries, in: Matthias Kipping and Timothy Clark (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Management Consulting, 2012, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 18, pp. 365-385.

  41. “Från Collegium Curiosorum till kunglig akademi” (From Collegium Curisorum to a Royal Academy), Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala Årsbok 2011, 2012, pp. 9-20.

  42. ”Societetens dag den 30 augusti 2011. Hälsninganförande av Preses Hr Lars Engwall” (The Day of the Society of Sciences, August 30th 2011. Greeting Speech by the President Mr. Lars Engwall), Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala Årsbok 2011, 2012, pp. 49-50.

  43. “From Collegium Curisorum to Royal Society”, in Lars Engwall (ed.), Scholars in Action: Past-Present-Future, 2012, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Nova Acta Regiæ Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis, Ser. V, Uppsala: Uppsala University, pp. 17-27. [ urn=urn: nbn:se:uu:diva-175431].

  44. “Concluding Perspectives”, in: Lars Engwall (ed.), Scholars in Action: Past-Present-Future, 2012, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Nova Acta Regiæ Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis, Ser. V, Uppsala: Uppsala University, pp. 177-195 [].

  45. “A Decade of Exploration”, Mercury, 1(2012): 1, pp. 9-11 [].

  46. “Perspectives on EDAMBA”, in: Eduard Bonet and Karoly Balaton and (eds.), Histories of Doctoral Programmes in Management and Business Administration, Brussels: EDAMBA, pp. 21-35.

  47. “The Glocalization of Academic Business Studies”, in: Gili S. Drori, Marcus A. Höllerer, and Peter Walgenbach (eds.), 2013, Organizations and Managerial Ideas: Global Themes and Local Variations, London: Routledge, Chapter 17 (forthcoming).

  48. “Academia, Trust and the Media”, in: Göran Hermerén, Kerstin Sahlin, and Nils-Eric Sahlin (eds.), Aspects of Trust and Confidence in Scientific Research, Stockholm: The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (forthcoming).

  49. “Introduction”, in: Lars Engwall and Peter Scott (eds.), Trust in Higher Education Institutions, London: Portland Press (forthcoming with Peter Scott).

  50. “The Trust in HEIs, Auditors, the Media and Markets”, in: Lars Engwall and Peter Scott (eds.), Trust in Higher Education Institutions, London: Portland Press (forthcoming with Peter Scott).

  51. “The Internationalization of International Management Education and Its Limitations”, in Denise Tsang, Hamid Kazeroony, and Guy Ellis (eds.), The Routledge Companion to International Management Education, London: Routledge, Chapter 24 (forthcoming with Matthias Kipping).

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