printed text 291 privative opposition 28-31 processual representation (category of) 117; 118 pronominal case 73-74 pronoun 39; 47-48; 72-74 proposeme 15 proposemic level 15 prospective connection 365-366 purpose of grammar 7-10
qualifying connection:
see completive
qualitative adverbs 226-227
quantifiers 59; 60
quantitative adverbs 226-227
question: pronominal q. 259-260; alternative q. 260-261
reciprocal voice meaning 181 reduction: thematic r. 250 reflective category 36; 126 reflexive voice meaning 180-182 re-formulation of oppositions 29 relative generalisation:
see absolute and relative generalisation repetition plural:
see plural replacive morpheme:
see morpheme types
representative correlation 367 representative role of pronouns 48 retrospective connection 365-366 retrospective coordination (category of) 108; 110; 156; 166-176; 192; 194-195
reverse comparison 218-219 rheme 79; 244
rhetorical question 264-265
rules of grammar 7-10
scripted speech 293-294
secondary (potential) predication 87; 104
segmental morpheme:
see morpheme types
segmental units 14
segregative complex sentences:
see monolythic and segregative
complex sentences
selectional combinability 52
seme (semantic feature) 30; 59
semi-bound morpheme 25
semi-clause 342
semi-complex sentence 340-351; identification 340-341
semi-composite sentence 268; 301-302; 340-361
semi-compound sentence 351-361; identification 351-353
semi-compounding: marked, unmarked s.-c. 354; homosyndetic, heterosyndetic s.-c. 358-359;
vs pleni-compounding 360-361
semi-predication 104; 106; 109-110; 112; 114; 233
sentence (definition) 236
sentence length 290-293
sentence sequence 362-363
sequence of tenses 154-155
sequential clause 335
sequential sentence 367
set plural:
see plural
sex indicators 55-56