should + Infinitive 190
sign 11; 12; 14
signeme 14
significative meaning 15
simple sentence 268-288; identification 268-269; parts of s. s. 269-272: structural types of s. s. 274-277; semantic types of s. s. 278
singular: absolute, common s. 59-60
singularia tantum 59
situation-determinant 221
smaller syntax 15
specifiers of names 49
spective mood: see subjunctive mood
speech: see language and speech
split infinitive 107
statal verbs: see verb subclasses
stative 41; 207-212
stem 21; 87
stipulative mood: see subjunctive mood
structural meaning 44
subcategorisation 40-41
subclass migration of verbs 102
sub-conjunctives 355
subject 50; 98; 132-136; 232-233;
subject clause 311-313 subject sharing 342-343 subjunctive mood (verb-form): spective m. 187-190; modal spective (considerative, desiderative, imperative) m. 190-193; conditional (stipulative, consective) m. 193-200 subordinate clauses 303; 306-332; classification 306-311; cl. of primary nominal positions 312-316; cl. of secondary nominal positions 317-321; cl. of adverbial positions 321-328 subordination: s. of sentence constituents 269-271; s. of clauses 296-298; obligatory, optional s. 328-331; parallel, consecutive s. 331-332
subordination perspective 332 subordination ranks 269-270 subordinates 309-311 substantivisation 49; 212-213 substitute 49; 73 substitution in transformations: see transformational procedures substitution testing 43-44; 76 substitutional correlation 367 substitutional function 47-48 suffix 21
superposition 256; 259; 260 supplement 98 suppletivity 26; 33; 46-47; 60; 61;
74; 85; 90; 127; 153 supra-cumulation 372-373 supra-proposemic level 16 supra-segmental units 14; 25 supra-sentential construction 16; 363
surface structure 281; 340 syllable 14 synchronic system 11 synchrony and diachrony 11 syndetic connection 231; 298-300;
336-337; 354-359 synoriymy 11
synsemantic elements: see autosemantic and synsemantic elements
syntactic classes of words 42-45 syntactic derivation 279-281 syntactic paradigm of predicative functions 286
syntagma 12-13
syntagmatic connection 229-236
syntagmatic relations 12-13
syntax 17
synthetical form 32-34
system in language 11-14
systemic approach 11
temporality 137
tense 137-155; 158; 166; 168; 185
tense-retrospect shift 194-195
text 361-373
theme 79; 244
time: absolutive, relative t. 137-140; 144; 154-155
time coordination (category of) 156
time correlation (category of) 170
topical elements of text 365
transform 279-280
transformation 279-284
transformational procedures 281-283
transformational relations 179; 279 transition in the actual division 244 transitive and intransitive verbs: see verb subclasses transitivity 99
transposition 32; 62; 67; 83; 84; 85; 142; 163; 318
two-axis sentence 274-277
two-base transformation 284
unexpanded sentence: see expanded and unexpanded sentence
unity of text 363
unmarked (weak, negative) member 28; 30
utterance: situation utterance, response utterance 253-254
valency: obligatory, optional v.
97-102; 273 274 valency partner 97-98 variable feature category 36; 59 verb 39; 40; 85-203
verb subclasses: actional, statal v. 92-94; complementive, supplementive v. 99-102; limitive, unlimitive v. 95-97; objective, subjective, transitive, intransitive v. 99-101; passivised, non-passivised v. 177; perfective, imperfective v. 96-97; personal, impersonal v. 100; v. of full nominative value 89; 92-102; v. of partial nominative value 89-92
verbids 88-89; 102-123
voice (category of) 108; 110; 176-185
voluntary and non-voluntary future 148-151
word 15; 17-22; definitions of
w. 18
word-morpheme 20; 107 word-sentence 236-237 written speech 293-294
zero article 77-80; 82 zeroing: see deletion; reduction zero morpheme 25; 34 zero-representation 133; see also elliptical sentence; reduction
Марк Яковлевич Блох
Редактор И. С. Маненок Младшие редакторы: И. Б. Мордасова, Е. Г. Назарова
Художник Ю. И. Тиков Художественный редактор В. И. Пономаренко
Технический редактор 3. В. Нуждина Корректоры 3. Ф. Юрескул, Г. А. Данилова
ИБ № 3821
Изд. № А-793. Сдано в набор 11.08.82. Подп. в печать 06.12.82 Формат 84Х1081/32. Бум. тип. № 1. Гарнитура литературная. Печать высокая Объем. 20,16 усл. печ. л. Усл. кр.-отт. 20,16. Уч-изд. л. 22,92. Тираж 29000 экз. Зак. № 1499. Цена 1 руб.
Издательство «Высшая школа», Москва, К-51, Неглинная ул., д. 29/14
Ордена Трудового Красного Знамени
Московская типография № 7 «Искра революции»
«Союзполиграфпрома» Государственного
Комитета СССР по делам издательств,
полиграфии и книжной торговли.
Москва, 121019, пер. Аксакова, 13.