Lesson 14: The Story of Creation and Adam

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Lesson 15: The Story of Nuh
Objectives: Explain the story of Noah without omitting these events:

Noah’s message was that his people should get in the Ark to escape a flood.

Noah made the ark and loaded two of every kind of animal in it.

The people did not listen to the message and drowned in the flood.

It rained for 40 days.

When Noah and his family got out of the ark, they lived in peace.

Materials: 2 paper plates per child, (One plate should be pre cut to look with ocean waves.)

paper fasteners,

navy blue spray paint,

light blue water color paint,


Pre-cut paper arks from brown construction paper

black magic marker

The Ark of Nuh and the Animals by Saniyasnain Khan

Copies of pages 10 and 13 from The Ark of Nuh and the Animals by Saniyasnain Khan

Procedure: 1. Open circle time with a sura. Then sing a couple of songs that he kids suggest. Sing the Adam Song.

2. Read the story from the coloring book, The Ark of Nuh and the Animals and discuss answers to these questions:

What is an Ark? What is a flood?
Why did Noah build the ark?

What did Allah put in the ark?

Why didn’t everyone get in the boat?

How long was everyone in the boak?

How did they find out it was ok to get of the boat?

3. Introduce art project:


  1. On one paper plate, draw a line across the center of a paper plate. Draw scalloped edges for water just above the line that is the center of the paper plate (discard smaller piece of paper plate). Cut the scalloped edges across this paper plate. Spray paint this plate dark blue before class. Make arks on brown construction paper and outline them with black magic markers and color in windows. Cut arks out of before class for students.

  2. On another paper plate have students write their name on the back. On the front of this plate, draw a line across the center. Have students color one half of the paper plate a storm scene. Students must only color the lightening bolt and raindrops white and nothing else. (Only have white crayons out during this time).

  3. On the other half of the paper plate have students color a rainbow. Color rainbow starting with purple on the outside of the groove in the center of the plate. Then continue to color on the outside of the purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red for a rainbow. (Only have these color crayons out during this time).

  4. Students paint the entire paper plate with light blue water color paint.

  5. When dry, teacher will use a paper fastener to attach the water to the center of the back plate.

  6. Students then glue the ark to water being extra careful to not put glue near paper fastener or glue ark to back plate.

  7. To change the scene from the forty days and nights of rain to the promise of not flooding the world again, turn the back plate around. (See Crafts Picture Page for pictures of finished craft).

4. While students are working on their craft activities, ask these questions and record the answers:

Who built the ark?

Who got in the ark?

Why did Noah build the ark?

How long was Noah in the ark?

What happened when the flood was over?
Evaluation: Record students’ answers to the questions listed above.

Assign a grade for the students’ ark craft project.

Grade homework.
Homework: Color pages 10 and 13 from The Ark of Nuh and the Animals coloring book.

Refer to this website for more information:

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