List of Publications

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List of Publications


(Dr. Kaptay György, 2000 - 2005. szeptember)

[impact factor / number of independent references obtained + number of references from co-authors]
1. Books or Books' Chapters


B.3. Kaptay Gy. Határfelületek energiaviszonyai és alapvető jelenségei – 2.2. fejezet in: Műszaki felülettudomány és orvosbiológiai alkalmazásai, szerk: Bertóti I., Marosi Gy., Tóth A., B+V Lap- és Könyvkiadó Kft, Budapest, 2003, 22-46 o.

B.4. Kaptay Gy. Fémmátrixú kerámia kompozitok – 3.1. fejezet in: Műszaki felülettudomány és orvosbiológiai alkalmazásai, szerk: Bertóti I., Marosi Gy., Tóth A., B+V Lap- és Könyvkiadó Kft, Budapest, 2003, 47-59 o.

1.a. Edited books/journal issues

Általam szerkesztett könyvek/folyóirat számok
BJE.1. G.Kaptay (guest editor): Materials’ World (e-journal with ISSN 1586-0140, accessible at:, July 2001, 110 pp.
BJE.2. Kaptay Gy. (editor) - Miskolci Egyetem, Doktoranduszok Fóruma 2000. október 30. - Anyag- és Kohómérnöki Kar szekciókiadványa, Miskolci Egyetem, 2001, 67 oldal.
BJE.3. Kaptay Gy. (editor) - Miskolci Egyetem, Doktoranduszok Fóruma 2001. november 6. - Anyag- és Kohómérnöki Kar szekciókiadványa, Miskolci Egyetem, 2003, 71 oldal.
BJE.4. G.Kaptay (guest editor): Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, 2003, vol.39B, No.1-2, special issue „Electrodeposition and Electrochemical Synthesis from Ionic Liquids and Molten Salts”, 405 pp, Editorial (pp.1-2), Available at (go to Section B: Metallurgy, and to 39(1)B(2003)1-405)
BJE5. Kaptay Gy. (editor) - Miskolci Egyetem, Doktoranduszok Fóruma 2002. november 6. - Anyag- és Kohómérnöki Kar szekciókiadványa, Miskolci Egyetem, 2003, 77 oldal.
2. Journal Papers

J.99. G.Kaptay: A method to calculate equilibrium surface phase transition lines in monotectic systems – CALPHAD, 2005, vol.29, pp.56-67 [1.045 – 0]
J.98. Kaptay Gy.: Vitacikk Réger M., Verő B., Csepeli Zs. és Szélig Á.: “Folyamatosan öntött bugák makrodúsulása” címmel megjelent cikkéhez – BKL Kohászat, 2005., 138. évf., 3. szám, 13-16 o. [0 – 0]
J.97. G.Kaptay, T.Bárczy: On the asymmetrical dependence of the threshold pressure of infiltration on the wettability of the porous solid by the infiltrating liquid – J.Mater.Sci, 2005, vol.40, pp.2531-2535 [0.826 / 0]
J.96. G.Kaptay: Classification and general derivation of interfacial forces, acting on phases, situated in the bulk, or at the interface of other phases – J.Mater.Sci, 2005, vol.40, pp.2125-2131 [0.826 / 0]
J.95. G.Kaptay: A unified equation for the viscosity of liquid metals – Z.Metallkd., 2005, vol.96, pp.24-31 [0.704 / 0]
J.94. G.Kaptay: Modelling Interfacial Energies in Metallic Systems – Materials Science Forum, 2005, vols. 473-474, pp.1-10. [0.981 / 0]
J.93. O.Verezub, G.Kaptay, T.Matsushita, K.Mukai: Penetration dynamics of solid particles into liquids. High-speed experimental results and modeling - Materials Science Forum, 2005, vols. 473-474, pp.429-434. [0.981 / 0]
J.92. M.S.Yaghmaee, G.Kaptay: Stability of SiC in Al-rich corner of liquid Al-Si-Mg system - Materials Science Forum, 2005, vols. 473-474, pp.415-420. [0.981 / 0]
J.91. I.Budai, M.Z.Benkő, G.Kaptay: Analysis of literature models on viscosity of binary liquid metallic alloys on the example of the Cu-Ag system - Materials Science Forum, 2005, vols. 473-474, pp.309-314. [0.981 / 0]
J.90. T.Bárczy, G.Kaptay: Modelling the infiltration of liquid metals into porous ceramics - Materials Science Forum, 2005, vols. 473-474, pp.297-302. [0.981 / 0]
J.89. J.Sytchev, N.Borisenko, G.Kaptay: Intercalation of lithium into graphite as the first step to produce carbon nanotubes in an electrochemical way – Materials Science Forum, 2005, vols. 473-474, pp.147-152. [0.981 / 0]
J.88. P.Baumli, J.Sytchev, Zs.H.Göndör, G.Kaptay: Interaction between a titanium-containing molten salt and an alumina plate - Materials Science Forum, 2005, vols. 473-474, pp.39-44. [0.981/ 0]
J.87. G.Kaptay: A new equation for the temperature dependence of the excess Gibbs energy of solution phases – CALPHAD, 2004, vol.28, pp.115-124. [2.119 / 0]
J.86. G.Kaptay, T.Matsushita, K.Mukai, T.Ohuchi: On Different Modifications of the Capillary Model of Penetration of Inert Liquid Metals into Porous Refractories and their Connection to the Pore Size Distribution of the Refractories – Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2004, vol.35B, pp.471-486 [0.839 / 1]
J.85. G.Kaptay: Discussion of “Thermodynamics of Liquid Al-Na Alloys Determined by Using CaF2 Solid Electrolyte” published by S.G.Hansen, J.K.Tuset and G.M.Haarberg in Met.Mat.Trans.B, 2002, vol. 33B, 577-587 - Metall. Mater. Trans., 2004, vol.35B, pp.393-398 [0.839 / 0]
J.84. G.Kaptay: Interfacial criteria for stabilization of liquid foams by solid particles – Colloids and Surfaces, A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2004, vol.230, pp.67-80 [1.513 / 11]
J.83. G.Kaptay: Equilibrium electrochemical synthesis diagrams of systems, forming homogenoeous alloys and compounds – JMM, 2003, vol.39B, No.1-2, pp.383-405 [-/-] (for www availability see BJE4)
J.82. N.Borisenko, J.Sytchev, G.Kaptay: Electrochemical study of the electrodeposition and intercalation of sodium into graphite from sodium chloride, as first step of carrbon nanotube formation – JMM, 2003, vol.39B, No.1-2, pp.369-382 [-/1] (for www availability see BJE4)
J.81. M.S.Yaghmaee, Zs.Demeter, J.Sytchev, J.Lakatos, G.Kaptay: Some aspects of the elctrochemical formation of carbon microtubes from molten chlorides – JMM, 2003, vol.39B, No.1-2, pp.343-352 [-/-] (for www availability see BJE4)
J.80. I.Lukovits, A.Gaovac, E.Kálmán, G.Kaptay, P.Nagy, S.Nikolic, J.Sytchev, N.Trinajstic – Nanotubes: Number of Kekulé Structures and Aromacity – J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 2003, vol.43, pp.609-614 [3.078/6]
J.79. G.Kaptay, G.Csicsovszki, M.S.Yaghmaee: An Absolute Scale for the Cohesion Energy of Pure Metals – Materials Science Forum, 2003, Vols. 414-415, pp.235-240 [0.602 / -]
J.78. A.Roósz, J.Farkas, G.Kaptay: Thermodynamics-based semi-empirical description of the liquidus surface and partition coefficients in ternary Al-Mg-Si alloy - Materials Science Forum, 2003, Vols. 414-415., pp.323-328 [0.602 / 1 + 2]
J.77. Á.Borsik, K.K.Kelemen, G.Kaptay: A dynamic model of ceramic particle – solidification front interaction - Materials Science Forum, 2003, Vols. 414-415., pp.371-376 [0.602 / -]
J.76. Z.Benkő M., G.Kaptay: A Virtual LD-steel-converter - Materials Science Forum, 2003, Vols. 414-415., pp.365-370 [0.602 / -]
J.75. M.S.Yaghmaee, G.Kaptay: The Solubility of Nitrogen and Nitrides in Ternary Liquid Iron Alloys. The Limits of the ‘Solubility Product’ Concept - Materials Science Forum, 2003, Vols. 414-415., pp.491-496 [0.602 / -]
J.74. G.Kaptay: Interfacial Criteria to Produce Metal Matrix Composites and Ceramic Particle Stabilized Metallic Foams - Materials Science Forum, 2003, Vols. 414-415, pp.419-424 [0.602 / 3]
J.73. Kaptay Gy., Verezub O., Zoltai L., Boross P., Kálazi Z., Verő B.: Fémolvadékok felületére lőtt mikroszkópikus szilárd szemcsék elmerülésének feltételei (Condition of Penetration of Microscopic Solid Particles Blown on the Surface of Liquid Metals – Anyag- és Kohómérnöki Tudományok, Miskolc, 2002, vol. 30., pp.5-22. [- / 0 - 2]
J.72. H.B.Kushov, G.Kaptay, A.S.Uzdenova, M.K.Vinidzheva: Electrochemical Synthesis Diagrams of the Al-Gd, La-B, Gd-B and Al-La systems – Rasplavi, 2002, No.1, pp.44-48. . [- / - + 1]
J.71. G.Kaptay: Reduced Critical Solidification Front Velocity of Particle Engulfment due to an Interface Active Solute in the Liquid Metal – Metall. Mater. Trans., 2002, 33A, 1869-1873 [ 1.219 / -]
J.70. S.V.Devyatkin, G.Kaptay: Physical, Chemical and Electrochemical Behaviour of Boron Oxide in Cryolite-Alumina Melts – Zh. Prikladnoi Khimiii (Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry), 2002, vol.75., 579-582. [0.221 / - + 1]
J.69. A.Magyar, Z.Gácsi, L.Daróczi, G.Kaptay: Morphological investigation of the intermetallic phases in C/Al composite by image analysis – Image Anal. Stereol., 2001, vol.20, Suppl.1, pp.275-280 [ - / 1]
J.68. S.V.Devyatkin, O.I.Boiko, N.N.Uskova, G.Kaptay: Electrochemical Synthesis of Titanium Silicides from Molten Salts – Z. Naturforsch. A, 2001, vol. 56 a, pp.739-740. [0.746 / - + 2 ]
J.67. G.Kaptay: A Model for the Solid-Liquid Interfacial Energies of Pure Metals – Trans. JWRI (Joining and Welding Research Institute), 2001, vol. 30., Special Issue, pp. 245-250. [ - / 2 ]
J.66. G.Kaptay, E.Báder: Ion-dipole Adhesion Energy Model for Wettability of Oxide Ceramics by Non-reactive Liquid Metals – Trans. JWRI (Joining and Welding Research Institute), 2001, vol. 30., Special Issue, pp. 55-60. [ - / 1 + 1]
J.65. E. Báder, L.Zoltai, M.Hördler, P.Arató, R.F.Singer, G.Kaptay: Wettability of Silicon Nitride Based Ceramic by Liquid Metals – Trans. JWRI (Joining and Welding Research Institute), 2001, vol. 30., Special Issue, pp. 137-141. [ - / - ]
J.64. G.Kaptay, K.K.Kelemen: An Interfacial Force Acting on a Spherical Particle in the Interfacial Energy Gradient – Trans. JWRI (Joining and Welding Research Institute), 2001, vol. 30., Special Issue, pp. 305-310. [ - / - ]
J.63. G.Kaptay, G.Csicsovszki, M.S.Yaghmaee: Estimation of the absolute values of cohesion energies of pure metals – Materials’ World (e-journal with ISSN 1586-0140, accessible at:, July 2001 [ - / - ]
J.62. M.S.Yaghmaee, G.Kaptay: On the stability range of SiC in the liquid Al-Si-Mg system – Materials’ World (e-journal with ISSN 1586-0140, accessible at:, July, 2001. [ - / 1 ]
J.61. G.Kaptay: On the possibility to produce MgB2 superconductive layer by electrochemical synthesis from molten salts – Materials’ World (e-journal with ISSN 1586-0140, accessible at:, July, 2001. [ - / - ]
J.60. J.Miklósi, P.Póczik, I.Sytchev, K.Papp, G.Kaptay, P.Nagy, E.Kálmán: Atomic force microscopy investigation of electrochemically produced carbon nanotubes – Appl.Phys., 2001, vol. A72, pp. S189-S192. [ 2.310 / 4 ]
J.59. G.Kaptay: Discussion of a „Microscale Simulation of Settler Processes in Copper Matte Smelting by K.O.Fagerlund, H.Jalkanen, Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2000, vol.31B, pp.439-451” – Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2001, vol.32B, pp.555-557 [ 0.754 / - ]
J.58. Á.Borsik, K.K.Kelemen, G.Kaptay: Dynamic simulation of the movement of ceramic particles in front of growing solidification front – Archives of Mechanical Technology and Automatization, 2001, vol.21, pp.19-28. [ - / - ]
J.57. G.Kaptay: Interfacial Criterion of Spontaneous and Forced Engulfment of Reinforcing Particles by an Advancing Solid/Liquid Interface – Metall. Mater. Trans. A., vol.32A, 2001, 993-1006. [ 1.273 / 7]
J.56. G.Kaptay, K.K.Kelemen: On the force acting on a sphere moving towards a solidification front due to an interfacial energy gradient at the sphere/liquid interface – ISIJ International, 2001., vol.41., pp.305-307. [0.980 / 2 ]
J.55. Hutkainé Göndör Zs., Gál J, Zambóné Benkő M., Szontagh E., Kaptay Gy.: Alumínium hegesztőpálcák kémiai fényesítése – Anyag- és Kohómérnöki Tudományok, 2000, vol.28., pp.5-16. [ - / - ]
J.54. Báder E., Kaptay Gy.: Határfelületi energiák vizsgálata volfrám-karbid/réz-ón rendszerekben – BKL Kohászat, 2000, 133. évf., 11. szám, 431-435. [ - / - ]
J.53. S.V.Devyatkin, G.Kaptay: Chemical and Electrochemical Behaviour of Titanium Diboride in Cryolite-Alumina Melt and in Molten Aluminum – Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2000, vol.154, pp.107-109. [1.527 / 3 + 2]
J.52. Z.Benkő M., Kaptay Gy.: Az LD-konverter anyagmérlege – BKL Kohászat, vol.133 (2000) 6-7, pp. 241-248. [ - / 1 ]
J.51. G.Kaptay: Further Discussion of „Particle Engulfment and Pushing by Solidifying Interfaces: Part II. Microgravity Experiments and Theoretical Analysis” – Metall. Mater. Trans. A, vol.31A (2000), 1695 – 1700. [ 1.361 / 4]
J.50. M.S.Yaghmaee, G.Kaptay, G.Jánosfy: Equilibria in the liquid ternary Fe-B-N system – Materials’ World (e-journal with ISSN 1586-0140, accessible at:, April, 2000. [ - / 1 ]
J.49. M.S.Yaghmaee, G.Kaptay, G.Jánosfy: Equilibria in the Ternary Fe-Al-N System – Materials Science Forum, vols 329-330 (2000) 519-524. [ 0.597 / 0 + 2 ]
J.48. G.Kaptay, E.Báder, L.Bolyán: Interfacial Forces and Energies Relevant to Production of Metal Matrix Composites – Materials Science Forum, vols. 329-330 (2000) 151-156. [ 0.597 / 9 + 1]
J.47. G.Kaptay: Interfacial Criteria to Avoid Pushing of Particles during Solidification of Metal Matrix Composites – Materials Science Forum, vols 329-330 (2000) 121-126. [ 0.597 / 2]
2.a. Folyóiratban megjelent tudomány/oktatás politika, egyéb nem tudományos közlemény
JP.10. Átalakulások az Anyag és Kohómérnöki Karon – dr. Kaptay György dékánnak az OMBKE 93. Küldöttgyűlésén elhangzott tájékoztatója – Bányászati és Kohászati Lapok, 2004, 137. évfolyam, 4. szám, 37-38. o.
JP.9. Kaptay Gy., Z.Benkő M., Tóth L., Károly Gy.: Beszámoló az Anyag- és Kohómérnöki Karon történtekről a 2000. július 1. és 2003. október 15. közötti időszakban, avagy konszolidáció és újabb válságmenedzselés – BKL Kohászat, 2003., 136. évf., 3. szám, 113-120. oldal
JP.8. New Members of Editorial Board of the Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, 2002, vol.38 (1-2), i-iii, „György Kaptay”
JP.7. G.Kaptay: On the activity of the LIMOS R&D Group in the field of Materials Science – Materials’ World (e-journal with ISSN 1586-0140, accessible at:, July, 2001. [ - / - ]
JP.6. Kaptay G., Z.M.Benkő: The new educational structure of the branch of metallurgical engineering at the University of Miskolc – Materials’ World (e-journal with ISSN 1586-0140, accessible at:, October, 2000. [ - / - ]
JP.5. Kaptay Gy., Z.Benkő M., Tóth L., Roósz A.: Beszámoló a karon 1999. júliusa és 2000. júniusa között történtekről (A Kohómérnöki Kar utolsó félévének és az Anyag- és Kohómérnöki Kar első félévének fontosabb történéseiről) – BKL Kohászat, 2000., 133. évfolyam, 6-7. szám, 221-229. o. [ - / 1]
JP.4. Kaptay Gy.: Rövid tájékoztató a TMS (AIME) 129., éves konferenciájáról – BKL Kohászat, 2000., 133. évfolyam, 3. szám, 118.o. [ - / - ]
Manuscripts submitted for publishing

Publikációra leadott kéziratok

S.132. Book Review - V.L.Cherginets, Oxoacidity: Reactions of Oxo-Compounds in Ionic Solvents, vol.41 of the Series Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, edited by N.J.B.Green, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005 (submitted to Electrochimica Acta, 30 August, 2005, 1.5 pages).

S.131. J.Sytchev, N.Borisenko, H.B.Kushkhov, G.Kaptay: Ont he temperature dependence of lithium intercalation into graphite as the first step of carbon nanotubes electrolytic production – submitted on 1st June, 2005 to Proc. of Molten Salts Symposium, Tolouse.
S.127. G.Kaptay: On the temperature gradient induced interfacial gradient force, acting on precipitated liquid droplets in monotectic liquid alloys – submitted to Mater. Sci. Forum, 2005, 15 February, 6 pp.
S.126. O.Kolotenko and G.Kaptay: Analysis of thermodynamic properties and phase diagram of the Mg-Si system – submitted to Proc. of the University of Miskolc, Materials Science, on 25th October, 2004, 14 pages.
S.125. Kaptay György, Z. Benkő Mária: A történelmi Kohómérnöki Kar szervezeti átalakítása és új képzési struktúrája – Dunaferr közlemények, 2004. október 20.
3. Publications in Conference Proceedings

P.111. Budai I., Babcsán N., Kaptay Gy.: Alumíniumalapú kompozit-olvadék viszkozitásmérésének problematikája és fejlesztése a Stokes módszer alapján – Tavaszi Szél konferencia kiadványa, 2005, pp.48-51
P.110. P.Baumli, J.Sytchev, Zs.H.Göndör, G.Kaptay: Interaction of a titanium-containing melt with SiO2 and Al2O3 – Proceedings of EUCHEM 2004 Molten Salts Conference, ed. by J.Kazmierczak and G.Zabinska-Olszak, Wroclw, 2004, pp.122-127
P.109. G.Kaptay: Role of Interfacial Phenomena in Processing Metal-Matrix Composite Materials – Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Light Metals and Composite Materials, published by the Association of Metallurgical Engineers SCG, 2004, pp.81-84
P.108. I.Budai, M.Z.Benkő, G.Kaptay: Comparison of theoretical models, describing the concentration dependence of viscosity of liquid alloys on the example of the Ag-Sb system - MICROCAD 2004 Int. Conf., Section: Materials Science, 2004, University of Miskolc, Hungary, pp.27-32.
P.107. T.Bárczy, G.Kaptay: Modelling the infitlration of liquid metals into porous ceramics - MICROCAD 2004 Int. Conf., Section: Materials Science, 2004, University of Miskolc, Hungary, pp.13-17.
P.106. P.Baumli, J.Sytchev, Zs.H.Göndör, G.Kaptay: Study of chemical reactions between an alumina plate and titanium-containing molten salt – MICROCAD 2004 Int. Conf., Section: Chemistry, 2004, University of Miskolc, Hungary, pp.15-21.
P.105. G.Kaptay: An improved interfacial model of stabilzation of metallic foams by solid particles - in: “Cellular Metals: Manufacture, Properties, Application”, ed. by J.Banhart, N.A.Fleck, A.Mortensen, MIT Verlag, 2003, pp.107-112. [ -- / 3]
P.104. R.Krendelsberger, A.Pascual, M.F.Souto, J.Sytchev, G.E.Nauer, G.Kaptay: Textures of TiB2 coatings from molten salts – Proc. of Int. Symp. On Ionic Liquids in Honour of Marcelle Gaune-Escard, France, 26-28 June 2003, pp.95-103
P.103. G.Kaptay: Classification of interfacial forces, acting on solid particles in technologies of advanced metallic materials – in: Proc. of Int. Conf. „Advanced Metallic Materials”, ed. by J.Jerz, P.Sebo, M.Zemankova, IMMM, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2003, pp. 135-140. [-/1]
P.102. O. N. Verezub, Z. Kálazi, G. Buza, P. Boross, B. Verő, G. Kaptay: Surface Metal Matrix Composite Fe-Ti-C/TiC Layers Produced by Laser Melt Injection Technology in: Proc. of Int. Conf. „Advanced Metallic Materials”, ed. by J.Jerz, P.Sebo, M.Zemankova, IMMM, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2003, pp. 297-300. [- / 0 + 1]
P.101. D.Zivkovic, G.Kaptay: A new approach to estimate viscosity of ternary liquid metallic alloys – Proceedings of the 35th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, ed. by R.V.Pantivic, University of Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro, 2003, pp. 276-282
P.100. O.N.Verezub, A.I.Grabchenko, P.Boross, Z.Kálazi, B.Verő, G,Kaptay: Ulushshenie poverhnostnogo sloia nizkolegirovannich instrrumentalnich materialov s pomoshiu lazernoi tviordotelnoi implantacii – Vestnik Nacionalnogo technicheskogo Universiteta HPI, 2003, tom 1., No.8, pp.7-16. [ -- / 0 – 1]
P.99. Bárczy T., Kaptay Gy.: Az infiltráció elméleti alapjai – Fiatal Műszakiak Tudományos Ülésszaka VIII., Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület kiadványa, Kolozsvár, Románia, 2003., pp. 205-210 [ - / - ]
P.98. O.Verezub, P.Boross, Z.Kálazi, B.Verő, A.Grabchenko, G.Kaptay: Possibilities to Obtain W-alloyed, TiC-reinforced Composite Surface Layers on Carbon Steels by Laser Melt Injection. A theoretical Analysis. Proc. of microCAD 2003 Conference, Section Metallurgy, University of Miskolc, 2003, pp. 59-64. [ - / 0 - 1]
P.97. A.Borsik, Cs.Varga, G.Kaptay: A Software for Determining Surface Tension of Liquid Metals from the Shape of a Sessile Drop - Proc. of microCAD 2003 Conference, Section Metallurgy, University of Miskolc, 2003, pp. 53-58. [ - / - ]
P.96. G.Kaptay: A New Equation to Estimate the Concentration Dependence of the Viscosity of Liquid Metallic Alloys from the Heat of Mixing Data - Proc. of microCAD 2003 Conference, Section Metallurgy, University of Miskolc, 2003, pp. 23-28. [ - / - ]
P.95. T.Bárczy, G.Kaptay: Theory of Penetration/Infiltration of Liquids into a Closely Packed, Equal Spheres (CPES) Structure - Proc. of microCAD 2003 Conference, Section Materials Technology, University of Miskolc, 2003, pp. 1-6. [ - / - ]
P.94. N.Borisenko, J.Sytchev, G.Kaptay: Deposition of Sodium from Molten Sodium Chloride on Different Cathode Materials - Proc. of microCAD 2003 Conference, Section Chemistry, University of Miskolc, 2003, pp. 15-20. [ - / - ]
P.93. Baumli P., H.Göndör Zs., Sytchev J., Kaptay Gy.: Kerámiaszemcsék fémmel való bevonása sóolvadékból – Proc. of microCAD 2003 Conference, Section Chemistry, University of Miskolc, 2003, pp. 1-4. [ - / - ]
P.92. M.F.Souto, I.Sytchev, A.Koepf, G.E.Nauer, G.Kaptay: Study of the Morphology of TiB2 Coatings on Molybdenium Substrate Electrodeposited from a NaCl-KCl-K2TiF6-NaBF4 Melt at 700 oC – Proc. of the Electrochemical Society, PV 2002-19, ed. by H.C.Delong, R.W.Bradshaw, M.Matsunaga, G.R.Stafford, P.S.Trulove, 2002, pp.857-862.
P.91. I.Sytchev, Z.H.Göndör, G.Kaptay: Electroless Coating of Non-Conducting Surfaces and Particles with Metallic Titanium from Molten Salts – Proc. of the Electrochemical Society, PV 2002-19, ed. by H.C.Delong, R.W.Bradshaw, M.Matsunaga, G.R.Stafford, P.S.Trulove, 2002, pp.803-809.
P90. G.Kaptay: Construction principle of complex electrochemcal synthesis (ES) diagrams on the example of the Ti-B system – Proc. of the Electrochemical Society, PV 2002-19, ed. by H.C.Delong, R.W.Bradshaw, M.Matsunaga, G.R.Stafford, P.S.Trulove, 2002, pp.700-712.
P.89. G.Kaptay: Modeling Penetration of Liquid Metals into Porous Ceramics – in: Annual Report of SVBL at KIT, Japan, No. 6, August 2002, pp.152-157.
P.88. Cs.Varga, A.Borsik, G.Kaptay: A method to determine density of liquid metals from photographs taken by a sessile drop method. Proc. of the microCAD 2002 Int. Sci. Conf., University of Miskolc, 2002, pp. 87-92. [ - / - ]
P.87. G.Kaptay: On the excess entropy of liquid binary metallic alloys. Proceedings of 34th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, ed. by Z.S.Markovic and D.T.Zivkovic, University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty of Bor, Yugoslavia, 2002, pp. 552-557. [ - / - ]
P.86. G.Kaptay: On the concentration dependence of the surface tension of liquid metallic alloys. Theoretical basis - Proc. of Microcad 2002, Section: Materials Science, University of Miskolc, 2002, 45-50. [ - / -]
P.85. J.Sytchev, Zs.H.Göndör, P.Baumli, Z.Gácsi, Á.Kovács, J.Sólyom, G.Kaptay: Coating Non-conducting particles with metallic titanium in molten salts - Proc. of Microcad 2002, Section: Chemistry, University of Miskolc, 2002, 131-136. [ - / -]
P.84. O.N.Verezub, L.Zoltai, G.Kaptay: Wettability of WC/Co/TiC ceramic substrates by liquid copper – Proc. of Microcad 2002, Section: Materials Science, University of Miskolc, 2002, 107-112. [ - / -]
P.83. M.S.Yaghmaee, G.Kaptay: On the Validity of the „Solubility Product” Concept - Proc. of MICROCAD 2001, Section: Chemistry, 2001, pp. 63-68 [ - / -]
P.82. Hutkainé Göndör Zs., Zambóné Benkő M., Kaptay Gy., Gál J., Szontagh E.: Új kémiai polírozó technológiai és minősítő rendszer kifejlesztése ötvözött és ötvözetlen alumínium hegesztőpálcák felületkezelésére - Proc. of MICROCAD 2001, Section: Chemistry, 2001, pp. 23-28. [ - / -]
P.81. J.Miklósi, P.Nagy, E.Kálmán, I.Sytchev, M.S.Yaghmaee, G.Kaptay: Examination of Carbon Nanotubes Developed by the Electrochemical Synthesis - Proc. of MICROCAD 2001, Section: Chemistry, 2001, pp. 81-86 [- / - ]
P.80. G.Kaptay, L.Zoltai, E.Báder: A Model to Predict Adhesion Energy and Contact Angle in Si3N4 / Nonreactive Liquid Metal Systems – Proc. of MICROCAD 2001, Section: Metallurgical Science, 2001, pp. 17-22 [ - / - ]

P.79. G.Kaptay: A Generalized Stability Diagram of Production of Metallic Foams by the Melt Route – in: „Cellular Metals and Metal Foaming Technology”, ed. by J.Banhart, M.F.Ashby, N.A.Fleck, MIT, Bremen, 2001, pp. 117-122. [ - / 10]

P.78. Á.Borsik, K.K.Kelemen, G.Kaptay: Dynamic Simulation of the Movement of a Ceramic Particle in Front of a Solidifying Interface - in: „Affordable Metal-Matrix Composites for High Performance Applications”, ed. by A.B.Pandey, K.L.Kendig and T.J.Watson – TMS, Warrendale, PA, 2001, pp.101-111. [ - / - ]
P.77. G.Kaptay: Interfacial Aspects to Produce Particulate Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites – in: „Affordable Metal-Matrix Composites for High Performance Applications”, ed. by A.B.Pandey, K.L.Kendig and T.J.Watson – TMS, Warrendale, PA, 2001, pp.71-99. [ - / 7]
P.76. Borsik Á., K.Kelemen K., Kaptay Gy.: Fémolvadékban a kristályfront előtt levő kerámiaszemcse mozgásának számítógépes szimulációja – ME Doktoranduszok Fóruma 2000, Anyag- és Kohómérnöki Kar szekciókiadványa, ME, 2001, 32-37. [ - / -]
P.75. G.Kaptay: On the Surface Tension of Pure Molten Alkali Halides – Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology, ed. by Chen Nianyi and Qiao Zhiyu, Shanghai University Press, 2001, 182-185. [ - / -]
P.74. G.Kaptay, I.Sytchev, Zs.H.Göndör: Coating Quartz Samples by Metallic Titanium in Molten Salts – Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology, ed. by Chen Nianyi and Qiao Zhiyu, Shanghai University Press, 2001, 178-181. [ - / -]
P.73. G.Kaptay: Estimation of Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Liquid Titanium Dichloride – Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology, ed. by Chen Nianyi and Qiao Zhiyu, Shanghai University Press, 2001, 174-177. [ - / -]
P.72. G.Kaptay, I.Sytchev, M.S.Yaghmaee, A.Kovács, E.Cserta, M.Árk: Electrochemical Synthesis of Refractory Borides and Carbon Nano-Micro Tubes from Molten Salts – Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology, ed. by Chen Nianyi and Qiao Zhiyu, Shanghai University Press, 2001, 168-173. [ - / 1 + 1]
P.71. Kaptay Gy.: Határfelületi jelenségek szerepe a fémes anyag-gyártásban – EMT Bányászat, Kohászat, Földtan konferencia kiadványa, Csíksomlyó, EMT, 2001., 51-56 o. [ - / 1]
P.70b. S.Yaghmaee Maziar, Csicsovszki G., Kaptay Gy.: Fémek kohéziós energiájának lehetséges definíciói – Pro Scientia Aranyérmesek Társasága, Budapest, 2000, 227-231.
P.70a. S.Yaghmaee Maziar, Kaptay Gy., Jánosfy Gy.: A Fe-Al-N, Fe-B-N és Fe-Al-N-B olvadék rendszerek termodinamikai modellezése – Pro Scientia Aranyérmesek Társasága, Budapest, 2000, 95-100.
P.70. M.Z.Benko, G.Kaptay: Thermal Balance of LD converters – Proc. of Microcad ‘2000, Section C.: High Temperature Devices, University of Miskolc, pp.13-18. [ - / -]
P.69. Magyar Anita, Gácsi Zoltán, Kaptay György, Szalai Ibolya: Hibridszerkezetek fejlesztése - Proc. of Microcad ’2000, Section B: Materials Technology, University of Miskolc, pp. 121-126. [ - / 1 ]
P.68. L.Zoltai, E.Bader, G.Kaptay, P.Arato: Wettability of Si3N4 ceramics by liquid metals – Proc. of Microcad ’2000, Section B: Materials Technology, University of Miskolc, pp. 121-126. [ - / -]
P.67. J.Sytchev, G.Kaptay, H.Kushov: Investigation of the reduction process of tetrafloroborate ions at different electrodes in chloro-fluoride melts – Progress in Molten Salt Chemistry, vol.1. (Proc. of EUCHEM 2000), 2000, Elsevier, Paris, pp. 523-528. [ - / -]
P.66. R. Román, G. Kaptay, J. Lakatos, H. Verelst, F. Rivet, A. Buekens: Development of a chemical treatment method by molten salts for removing zinc from fly ash - Progress in Molten Salt Chemistry, vol.1. (Proc. of EUCHEM 2000), 2000, Elsevier, Paris, pp. 455-460. [- / - ]
P.65. G.Kaptay, I.Sytchev, J.Miklósi, P.Póczik, K.Papp, P.Nagy, E.Kálmán: Electrochemical synthesis of carbon nanotubes and microtubes from molten salts – Progress in Molten Salt Chemistry, vol.1. (Proc. of EUCHEM 2000), 2000, Elsevier, Paris, pp. 257-262. [ - / 7 ]
P.64. G.Jánosfy, G.Károly, G.Kaptay, M.S.Yaghmaee, V.Beszterczey: Quality Assurance Problems in the Production of Boron Microalloyed Case-hardening Steel Grades – EOSC ’00, 3rd European Oxygen Steelmaking Conference, 30 October – 1 November 2000, ICC, Birmingham, UK. pp. 493-503. [ - / -]
P.63. G.Kaptay, K.K.Kelemen: Corrections to the Stokes Equation - Proc. of Microcad 2000, Section D: Applied Chemistry, pp. 23-28. [ - / -]
P.62. A.Borsik, K.K.Kelemen, G.Kaptay: Simulation of the movement of ceramic particles in liquid metals in front of solidification fronts – Proc. of Microcad, 2000 Section D: Applied Chemistry, pp. 9-14. [ - / -]
P.61. J.Sytchev, G.Kaptay, H.Kushkov: Voltammetric investigation of the reduction processes of nickel and iron divalent ions in chloro-fluoride melts – Proc. of Microcad 2000, Section D: Applied Chemistry, pp. 69-68. [ - / -]
P.60. R.Roman, G.Kaptay, A.Mihalik, H.Verelst, F.Rivet, A.Buekens: Removal of Heavy Metals from fly ash with molten chlorides. Part II.: Experimental verification – Proc. of Microcad 2000, Section D: Applied Chemistry, pp. 63-68. [ - / -]
P.59. R.Roman, G.Kaptay, A.Mihalik, H.Verelst, F.Rivet, A.Buekens: Removal of Heavy Metals from fly ash with molten chlorides. Part I.: Theoretical Analysis and Thermogravimetry experiments – Proc. of Microcad 2000., Section D: Applied Chemistry, pp. 57-62. [ - / -]
P.58. G.Kaptay, K.K.Kelemen: On the Drag Force Acting on Ceramic Particles during Processing of Cast MMCs – in: „State of the Art in Cast MMCs”, ed. by P.K.Rohatgi, TMS, 2000, pp.45-60. [ - / 1 ]
P.57. E.Báder, G.Kaptay, L.Zoltai: Wettability studies for the production of Cu-Sn/WC composites. – Proc. of International Scientific Conference ‘Competitive Materials, Technologies and Products’ (CMTP), Miskolc, 2000, pp. 39-45. [ - / 1 ]
P.56. B.Tury, G.Kaptay, G.M.Kale: Electrochemical Intercalation of Na from Al to LiMn2O4 – Proc. of International Scientific Conference ‘Competitive Materials, Technologies and Products’ (CMTP), Miskolc, 2000., pp. 147-152 (paper to be disregarded due to falsification of Fig1. by B.Tury) [ - / 1 ]
P.55. J.Sytchev, G.Kaptay, H.Kushov: Study of the electroreduction process of tetrafluoroborate ions at different electrodes in chloro-fluoride melts – Miskolci Egyetem Doktoranduszok Fóruma, Miskolc, 1999. november 4-5. Kohómérnöki Kar szekciókiadványa, Miskolc-Egyetemváros, 2000., pp.106-112. [ - / -]
P.54. Román R., Kaptay Gy., H.Verelst, F.Rivet, A.Buekens: Szállóhamu nehézfém-tartalmának eltávolítása sóolvadékos kezeléssel - Miskolci Egyetem Doktoranduszok Fóruma, Miskolc, 1999. /november 4-5. Kohómérnöki Kar szekciókiadványa, Miskolc-Egyetemváros, 2000., pp. 75-81. [ - / -]
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