INAS Sanctioned Event
Local Organising Committee Report
Congratulations on organising a successful event.
INAS relies very much on its Local Organising Committees (LOCs) at sanctioned events for reports to ensure transfer of knowledge to future events, gain feedback on INAS policies and procedures and gain a greater understanding of intellectually disabled sport globally.
Please return the form to within one month of your sanctioned event.
Many thanks for taking the time to complete the form.
Event Date
1 Key Statistics
Dates of competition
Number of athletes (Total/Male/Female)
Number of nations
List of nations
Number of regions
Average number of spectators per session
Number of training days prior to competition
Number of competition days
2 Sport Staffing
Staff Type
Paid Staff
National Technical Officials
International Technical Officials
3 Eligibility & Classification
Were some or all of the athletes taking part on the INAS primary or provisional eligibility masterlist?
Did classification take place at the event? Was classification a requirement of the event?
4 Results
Please forward the full results to INAS ( for publication on the INAS website.
5 Anti Doping
Did anti doping testing take place at the event? If so how many tests and by what Anti Doping Organisation?
6 media & Photos
Please forward any press releases and photos to INAS to include in our media library.
Please complete an incident report form if there were any issues with athletes, team staff or officials and return it to as soon as possible following the event.
9 Feedback
If you provided feedback forms to athletes,
team staff, officials or volunteers please do let us know a summary of your findings so we can learn from their feedback also.
10 Any Other Comments
Please include below any additional comments, feedback or recommendations for future local organising committees or INAS.