M inistry o f Higher and Secondary Specialized Education
o f the Republic o f Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan State University o f World Languages
Student’s Book
Course 2
jFSж зш г1
Publishing house named after Gafur Gulyam
Tashkent - 2015
UO‘K 372.881.111.1 (075)
К В К 81.2Ingl
Scale Up: student’s book Course 2: darslik / Boqiyeva Gulandom, Rashidova Feruza [va boshq.]. -
Toshkent: G‘afur G‘ulom nomidagi nashriyot-matbaa ijodiiy uyi, 2015. - 80 b.
UO‘K 372.881.111.1 (075)
KBK 81.2Ingl-923
Mualliflar:Boqiyeva Gulandom, Rashidova Feruza, Xodjiyeva Ra’noxon, Samatova Barnoxon, Qosimova
Zulfiya, Shamsimatova Barno, Shaxakimova Mavjuda, Tursunov Mirzo, Karimova Durdona,
Jaloliddinova Malohat
Scale Up
Student’s Book
Course 2
Muharrirlar: Qambarov Nosir, Muratova Elmira
Dizayner va rassom: Rashidov Jamshid, Aliboyev Abdurashid
Nashriyot litsenziyasi A I № 154. 14.08.09. 2015-yil 27-mayda bosishga ruxsat etildi. Bichimi 60x90 Vg.
Times New Roman garniturasi. Ofset bosma. 10 shartli bosma toboq. 8,5 nashr tobog‘i. Adadi 1700 nusxa.
raqamli buyurtma. Bahosi shartnoma asosida.
0 ‘zbekiston Matbuot va axborot agentligining G‘afur G‘ulom nomidagi nashriyot-matbaa ijodiiy uyida
chop etildi. 100128. Toshkent. Labzak ko‘chasi, 86.
Telefon: (371) 241-25-24, 241-48-62, 241-83-29
Faks: (371) 241-82-69
www.gglit.uz e-mail: info@gglit.uz
ISBN 978-9943-03-627-7
© G. Boqiyeva va boshqalar
© G ‘afur G ‘ ulom nomidagi
nashriyot-matbaa ijodiiy uyi, 2015
The Decree o f the President o f the Republic o f Uzbekistan PD-1875 as o f 10 December
2012, “ On Measures on Further Improvement o f Teaching o f Foreign Languages”, was the
essence o f the country’s reforms in the field o f foreign language learning. Since the adoption of
the system-generating decree all the work in this area has been intensified and major reforms
in modernization o f teaching foreign languages at all levels o f continuous education have
started. According to the targets set by the Government o f the Republic, new State Educational
Standards, based on international experience - CEFR were adopted.
In 2013, on the initiative o f the Ministry o f Higher and Secondary Specialized Education
o f the Republic o f Uzbekistan the work on developing a set o f learning materials for foreign
languages meeting international requirements has been launched. A group o f English language
teachers from all over the Republic developed truly innovative language learning manual that
meets newly established requirements.
“ Scale Up” is B2 level academic language course designed to meet the communication
needs o f Undergraduate, English for Specific Purposes students as well as independent
academic learners in Uzbekistan. B2 level Course book consists o f three courses to encourage
undergraduate students for continuous learning and involve in academic life.
Rich selection o f motivating and informative, authentic and semi-authentic texts to improve
both reading and listening skills with variety topics are presented in themed topics. Interactive
activities focus on learners’ «can do» statements and follow the principles o f the Common
European Framework o f Reference requirements. Meaningful topics and materials are designed
so that they enhance students’ horizons and provide a thought-provoking, purposeful approach
to learn English, including autonomous learning.
“ Scale Up” Course 1, Student’s Book consists o f four themed units, with four topical lessons
and a unit review in each. Coursel is assumed for approximately 100-110 hours. Each lesson
starts with colorful lead-in activity shifting students focus on new topic. Lead-in activity is
followed by listening and speaking and then grammar, reading, writing activitie respectively.
Reading and listening have pre-, while-, post-activities which allow students practice their
receptive skills.
In addition to language practice, users are provided with interesting facts in ‘Did you know...’
section, which carries both informative and sobering effects.
A complete package consists o f ‘Student’s Book’ and ‘Workbook’ for students, with
‘Teacher’s Book’ designed for teachers. Audio materials are offered in CDs, separately for
Student’s Book and Workbook.
Student’s Book
For classroom use
Topic based lessons with communicative exercises
CD with tracks
Lesson by lesson revision and practice
CD with tracks
Teacher’s Book
Full teaching notes and ideas for each lesson
Additional materials
Instructions for grouping
Answer keys
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