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^Jmcyhave shared with you. The ability to be creative
■ and find a solution is a trait heavily admired by
; I customers. This trait also moves you up above the
Hpmmodity seller and to the ranks o f the problem
Bsolver. This is a much better level to be recognized by
■ the customer - it gets you more solid opportunities
■ to make sales.Being able to solve a big problem is
^■valued trait for anyone, especially sales people. I f
■you follow the steps you will solve any problem you
■ run into. In fact, the more often you use, the better
you will get at solving problems.
So, here are the seven steps to problem solving...
В 1. Define the Problem
This means write it down and study it. Sometimes
this first step is all you need to realize the solution
was there all the time. By writing it down, you
gain a clarity you did not have before.
2. Gather information
This is obvious. I f you are to solve a problem,
you need information and data points regarding
the level of the problem - and things like cause
and effect come in very handy to solving the
f l 31 Set a Goal or Time line for Solving the Problem
^feeadlines give a sense o f urgency to the
«problem solving process. Without a true time
line, other things get in the way o f moving the
process forward. Having a deadline gives you a
■project time line you will need to work under -
I improving your attention to details and looking
for alternatives.
I I 4.|Search for Solutions
■Never stop with the first alternative or solution.
■ The rule of thumb is to challenge yourself to find
B at a minimum three ways to solve the problem.
This insures you will use all your creative powers
Щ to find all the possible choices to pick from for
■solving the problem.
5. Choose a Solution
After securing as many choices as possible,
it is now time to pick what you feel is the best
solution for the situation or problem. You have
analyzed all the possible solutions, trust yourself
to pick the right one to implement.
6. Implement the Solution
Begin the process o f solving the problem with a
selection o f alternatives you feel will be the best
solution. Have a game to implement a solution.
In some cases, your solution will be in the form
o f a presentation to a customer or someone inside
your company. Be sure to show the benefits of
your solution including things like safety and
seamless integration so they will be inclined to
7. Evaluate the Results
In order to be certain you have selected a good
to great solution, test the results. Did it deliver
within the time frame necessary. Did you
generate a payback period that was expected by
others. And, most important - did it meet your
standards o f performance. I f it did all the above,
then record the details as a success story. Will
there be similar situations with other customers? I
Can you easily adapt the majority o f the solution
process for other closely related situations?
This is a simple seven step method, yet, it works
more often than not. One o f the important keys to
your success with this model is your believe that
you can solve any problem. I f you don’t believe you
have the problem solving ability - well, you will
not be able to solve any problem - it is called a self
fulfilling prophecy.
Work on yourself first and then work on the problems, I
it will be much easier to find the solutions.
(Adapted from I