III.1 Commercial Income
Commercial income described as income emerging from any commercial and industrial activities are to be declared with annual income tax return without regarding their amount. The shareholders of collective companies even in liquidation and commandite shareholders of the commandite companies are under this scope.
Deriving commercial income depends on accrual basis; which means its becoming definite as of amount and nature. In other words, for an income to be taxed, it does not need to have been collected. Completion of the commercial transaction is deemed sufficient.
Pursuant to the Income Tax Code, commercial income is taxed through two different methods; simple method and actual income method. However, in the simple method which the taxpayers fulfilling the conditions specified in the Code may be subject to, books are not maintained, withholding return is not filed, withholding is not performed and temporary tax is not paid; which is unlike actual method. Furthermore, value added tax is not calculated for the deliveries and services of commercial income taxpayers taxed in simple method.
The taxpayers with commercial income taxed in actual method are also divided into two groups as first class and second class merchants in terms of the books they maintain.
During the calculation of the net amount of commercial income taxed in the actual method, which constitutes basis for the declaration, the expenses specified in Article 40 of Income Tax Code may be deducted from the income.
Lawmaker not only specifies the expenses to be deducted from the revenue during the calculation of the net commercial income amount, but also explains the non-deductible expenses by enumerating them one after the other in Article 41 of the Income Tax Code.
III.2 Agricultural Income
In the Income Tax Code, agricultural income refers to the income derived from the production of plants, forests, animals, fish, and their products, on land, sea, lakes, and rivers, by means either of their sowing, planting, cultivation, propagation, breeding, and improvement or else by means of deriving benefit of them directly from nature, as well as their hunting, their maintenance by hunters or breeders, their transport, their sale, or the derivation of benefit in other ways from such products.
Lawmaker adopts taxation through withholding for the taxation of agricultural income; however, it is stipulated that the income of the farmers whose operating size stated in the Article 54 of the Income Tax Code and the farmers who has a combine or a motor vehicle of similar nature or more than two tractors at most ten years old shall be determined on actual method and levied tax accordingly. The farmers whose income is not taxed on actual method do not file return for this income. However, the taxpayers who are not levied tax on actual method and do not file annual income tax return for this reason are taxed on actual method upon request.
In the calculation of the net amount of the income derived by taxpayers of agricultural income who are taxed on actual method and are to file annual income tax return in March 2008 for this reason, the following expenses are deductible from the income.
Expenses incurred for the procurement of seeds, fertilizers, seedlings, feeds, pesticides and similar materials for the business;
Costs of animals, agricultural products and other materials purchased to be sold;
Payments such as fee, premium and similar payments made to the employees against services;
Food supplies, medical costs and insurance premiums;
Expenses incurred for the operation, maintenance (fuel, lubricant, electricity, spare parts etc.) and repair of the agricultural facilities, machines, tools and vehicles;
Depreciation set aside pursuant to the Tax Procedures Code;
Payments made for production means used against rent and fee;
General expenses for deriving and maintaining agricultural income (interest on loans obtained and expended for the business; taxes, duties and charges in kind paid providing these are related to the business; travel and dwelling expenses relating to the business and proportional to the significance and size of the business, rental expenses and other general expenses incurred due to the business)
Losses and damages paid further to any contract, court decisions or law orders providing these are related to the business;
Losses calculated according to the Article 328 of the Tax Procedures Code in the event that financial assets subject to depreciation are sold;
Entire depreciation and half of the expenses pertaining to the vehicles belonging to the business and used for personal needs or needs pertaining to family.
III.3 Wages
The application of withholding is adopted for the taxation of the wages which are defined as money and goods given in compensation for services to those working subject to an employer and in association with a specific place of business, as well as benefits that are provided to them and are capable of representation in terms of money, in the Income Tax Code.
It is also stipulated that the wage earners who are taxed through withholding over their wages shall not file annual income tax return for this income and this income shall not be included in the return they file for other income.
However, an exception for this general rule is introduced in the Article 86 of the Income Tax Code and it is stipulated that the wage earners who receive wage from more than one within the same calendar year and whose wages total received from the employer other than the first amounts to TRY 19.000 (for the year 2007) shall declare their entire income through annual income tax return in March of the year following the year when the income is derived.
To summarize, employees receiving wage from one employer in 2006 and subject to income tax withholding over these wages shall not file annual income tax return without regarding their wage amounts. Employees receiving wages from more than one employer within the same year will firstly determine their first employer among these employers freely without depending on the order of work in the year and then will see if gross amount of these wages obtained from other employer(s) and over which income tax withholding is performed exceeds TRY 19.000. If exceeds, they shall declare the wages derived in 2007 entirely through annual income tax return between the dates of 1-25 March 2008. The income declared as such will be taxed according to the tax tariff determined for the wages and the tax paid through withholding during the year will be deducted from the income tax calculated over the return. If it does not exceed, the wage income is not required to be declared with annual return. If the wage income is declared with annual return since the conditions specified are satisfied, education and health expenses incurred relating to the taxpayer, his spouse and underage children may be deducted from the income shown on the return providing that these expenses don’t exceed 10% of the income, are performed in Turkey and substantiated with documents to be obtained from real or legal persons who are income or corporate taxpayers.
III.4 Independent professional service income
All income generating from independent professional service activities which are described as the conduct, without being subject to an employer, and under one's own personal responsibility and in one's own name and on one's own behalf, of work which is not of a commercial nature and which is not so much dependent on capital as on personal effort, on practical or professional knowledge, or on one's specialization are accepted as independent professional service income in the Income Tax Code. Independent professional service income is to be declared with annual income tax return without regarding the amount.
Independent professional service income is the difference remaining after expenses incurred owing to such activities have been deducted from money and goods which have been collected and from benefits capable of representation in terms of money which have otherwise been secured in compensation for independent professional service activities in a single fiscal period. As observed, the principle of collection instead of accrual principle is accepted in the taxation of independent professional service income. In other words, unless the service cost is collected, this income shall not be declared even though it has been performed.
III.5 Income from immovable property (rental income)
The income derived from the rental of the properties and rights listed in Article 70 of the Income Tax Code by their owners, by their possessors, by their holders, by those possessing the right of their easement and usufruct, or by their tenants are defined as income from immovable property and are subject to declaration and tax on certain conditions. The collection principle is effective in the declaration of the income from immovable properties. Unless rental fee is not collected even though the properties and rights are rented out, the income shall not be subject to declaration. Net income in income from immovable property is the positive difference remaining after the expenses incurred in deriving and perpetuation of the income are deducted from gross proceeds.
In the event that the rents pertaining to the previous years are entirely collected in 2007, the collected amount shall be declared as income of 2007. However, if in 2007, the rent pertaining to the future years, let’s say the period of 2008-2009 is collected in advance, the portion of this income pertaining to 2007 shall be declared with annual income tax return in March 2008 (providing the conditions for declaration are satisfied), the income shall be declared with annual income tax return.
Lawmaker allows for the application of two different methods concerning non-deductible expenses for the taxpayers. In the lump-sum method, ¼ of the rent income can be deducted from the revenue as expense without requiring the presentation of any documents.
In the actual expense method, being the alternative method, the expenses enumerated in the Article 74 of the Law are deductible on condition that these are substantiated (it is not important whether or not the expense is paid in). However, the expense amount to be deducted shall be equal to the portion of total expenses corresponding to the income remaining after the exemption.
With the “Application of Equivalent Rental Value” inserted in the Income Tax Code concerning the taxation of income from immovable properties, Lawmaker stipulates that the rental income to be declared may not be less than 5% of the value of the rented property basis to the property tax, other than some exceptions (entrustment of immovable property which is unoccupied for another's residence without compensation and for the purpose of its protection; allocation of buildings for the residence of the property owner's forebears and descendants or his siblings; residence of relatives with the property owner in the same house or apartment; leasings concluded by offices which are covered by the General Budget and by Annex Budget offices, by special regional administrations and municipalities, and by other public institutions and organizations). The tax assessment concerning the income declared to be under this limit is performed over this limit.
Another important application regarding the taxation of income from immovable properties is the exemption application. Lawmaker exempts TRY 2.300 (for the income of the year 2007) of the income derived from the rental of the buildings as dwelling in a calendar year, from the income tax. (The exemption amount is determined as TRY 2.400 for the income to be derived in 2008.)
Furthermore, it is stipulated that 20% income tax withholding shall be performed by the party paying the rent over the income to generate from renting the buildings out as workplace.
As a summary of the explanations provided above, if the gross rental income of real persons (the amount before withholding) does not exceed,
TRY 19.000 obtained from the buildings rented as workplace in 2007,
TRY 2.300 obtained from the buildings rented as dwelling in 2007;
this income shall not be declared with annual income tax return. In the event that returns are filed for other income, the rental income shall not be included in the return.
III.6 Capital gains
III.6.1 Share certificate profit shares
In the declaration of the share certificate profit shares derived by real persons in 2007, the year which the corporate income constituting basis for the profit share belongs to is of significance. In other words, Lawmaker introduces two different methods for the taxation of corporate income derived until 31.12.2002 and corporate income after this date by real person shareholders without regarding the time of distribution.
a. In the event that the corporate income pertaining to 2003 and following years is distributed
If the basis of the profit share derived by persons in 2007 emerges from the corporate income pertaining to 2003 and following years; half of the profit share shall be exempted from the tax; then it will be taken into consideration whether or not the total of the remaining half and, if there is, other capital gains and income from immovables taxed through withholding exceeds TRY 19.000. If it exceeds, this amount shall be declared with annual income tax return in March 2008. 10% withholding performed by the corporation distributing the share profit shall be deducted from the income tax calculated on the return.
b. In the event the corporate income pertaining to 2002 and previous years is distributed
Pursuant to the Temporary Article 62 of the Income Tax Code,
a) In the event that the income pertaining to accounting periods terminating on 31.12.1998 or at a previous date, this income is exempted from the income tax for real persons deriving the income. In the event that this income is distributed, the real person deriving the profit share shall file a joint return.
b) In the event that the corporate income pertaining to the accounting periods terminating in the period covering the dates of 01.01.1999-31.12.2002 and the corporate income subjected to withholding under the scope of the Temporary Article 61 of the Income Tax Code are distributed, the net amount of profit share to be obtained by real persons will be added a 1/9 of the profit share obtained and half of the amount calculated will be taken into consideration as taxable income; if this amount exceeds TRY 19.000, annual return will be filed. 1/5 of the amount declared shall be deducted from the income tax calculated over the return.
III.6.2 Capital Gains from Share Certificates
In the declaration of the capital gains from share certificates derived by real persons in 2007, the date of acquisition of the share certificate and whether or not the share certificate transacts in Istanbul Stock Exchange are important. In more explicit words, gains generating from the sale of the share certificates which are acquired before 01.01.2006 and transacting in Istanbul Stock Exchange are not considered as capital gains and are not subject to declaration, without regarding their amount.
The three-month period shall be considered as one year for the share certificates not transacted in Istanbul Stock Exchange and yet possessed by resident corporations. In other words, the gains generating from the sale of the share certificates acquired before 01.01.2006 and possessed by resident corporations (not transacting in Istanbul Stock Exchange) after being kept at hand for more than a year and then sold in 2007 are not considered as capital gains and are not subject to declaration, without regarding their amount.
The gains derived from the sale of share certificates held at hand for less than the period specified are subject to declaration with only the portion exceeding TRY 15.000. In the event that the net gains do not exceed TRY 15.000, return shall not be filed.
In the calculation of the net income amount subject to declaration, an indexation may be performed by taking into account the Producer Price Index increase rate emerging during the period when the share certificate is held at hand. The commissions and other costs incurred for the sale may be taken into consideration during the calculation of the net income amount. On the other hand, the costs and commissions to be taken into account shall only be those related to the income which is to be declared. In other words, the costs and commissions incurred for a share certificate which is held at hand for more than the specified period and therefore whose income is not subject to declaration and tax cannot be taken into account in the determination of the net capital gains subject to declaration and tax.
Pursuant to the Temporary Article 67 of the Income Tax Code, 10% withholding (0% for non-residents) is performed over the capital gains from share certificates which are acquired before 01.01.2006 and disposed in 2007 through banks and intermediary institutions. Separate return is not filed for the capital gains taxed through withholding as such.
However, taxpayers who bear loss due to the share certificate purchases and sales transactions performed in 2007 and cannot record this loss as expense in the same year may file annual return in March, 2008 and deduct the tax they have paid through withholding during the year from the income tax calculated on the return over which profits and losses may be offset.
III.6.3 Interest Income from Treasury Bills, Government Bonds and Eurobonds
a) 37,7 % of the interest income derived in 2007 from the Treasury Bills and Government Bonds issued by the Treasury before 26.07.2001 in TL shall be deducted under the scope of the reduction rate application and the net amount of the income shall be calculated in order to see if the remaining amount exceeds TRY 19.000. If it does exceed, the amount remaining after the application of reduction rate shall be declared with annual income tax return in March 2008.
b) It shall be taken into account whether or not the interest income derived in 2007 from the Treasury Bills, Government Bonds and Eurobonds issued by the Treasury before 26.07.2001 in foreign currency or indexed to foreign exchange, gold or other values exceed TRY 19.000. If it exceeds, entire income shall be declared with annual income tax return in March 2008. Reduction rate application or exemption application are not effective for this income.
c) 37,7 % of the interest income derived in 2007 from the Treasury Bills and Government Bonds issued by the Treasury before 26.07.2001 in TL shall be deducted under the scope of the reduction rate application and then TRY 205.994,16 exemption amount shall be deducted from this amount. In the event that the amount remaining after the exemption exceeds TRY 19.000; the remaining amount after the exemption application shall be declared with annual income tax return in March 2008.
d) TRY 205.994,16 exemption amount shall be deducted from the interest income derived in 2007 from the Treasury Bills, Government Bonds and Eurobonds issued by the Treasury between the dates of 26.07.2001-31.12.2005 in foreign currency or indexed to foreign exchange, gold or other values. In the event that the remaining amount exceeds TRY 19.000; the portion of the income remaining after exemption shall be declared with annual income tax return in March 2008.
e) 10% withholding is performed over the interest income derived in 2007 from the Treasury Bills and Government Bonds issued by the Treasury in TRY and in foreign exchange as from 01.01.2006. This rate is 0% for those paid to non-resident real persons and corporations. Annual income tax return shall not be filed for the income taxed through withholding in such way and this income shall not be included in the returns filed for other income.
f) Withholding application is not performed over the interest income derived from Eurobonds issued before 01.01.2006. If their value in TRY exceeds TRY 19.000, the income shall be declared entirely with annual income tax return in March 2008. TRY 205.994,16 exemption is applied over the interest income derived in 2007 from the Eurobonds which were issued between the dates of 26.07.2001 and 31.12.2005. However, the reduction rate application is not valid for the income since the Eurobonds are issued in foreign exchange.
Exemption application cannot be performed over the interest income derived in 2007 from Eurobonds issued on and before 26.07.2001.
III.6.4 Capital Gains from Treasury Bills, Government Bonds and Eurobonds
a) In the event that net income amount (the amount calculated after indexation) derived by real persons in 2007 from the sales prior to maturity of Treasury Bills, Government Bonds and Eurobonds issued by the Treasury before 01.01.2006 exceeds TRY 15.000; the income is required to be declared with annual income tax return in March 2008.
b) Pursuant to Temporary Article 59 inserted in Income Tax Code with the Law No. 4710, interest income and capital gains from Treasury Bills, Government Bonds and Eurobonds issued between 26.07.2001-31.12.2005 are exempted from income tax until the end of 2007 under the limits specified. The total exemption amount to be applied over interest income and capital gains generating in 2007 is TRY 205.994,16.
In the event that Treasury Bills, Government Bonds and Eurobonds subject to purchase and sale are issued after 26.07.2001, TRY 205.994,16 shall be deducted from the net income derived. However, in such case, the exemption amount of TRY 15.000 specified in the previous paragraph cannot be deducted separately.
c) 10% withholding is performed over the capital gains derived in 2007 from the sale prior to maturity of the Treasury Bills and Government Bonds issued as of 01.01.2006. This rate is 0% for non-resident real persons and corporations. Annual income tax return shall not be filed for the income taxed through withholding as such and this income shall not be shown on the returns filed due to other income.
d) Withholding is not applied over the capital gains from Eurobonds issued as of 01.01.2006. If their value in TRY exceeds TRY 15.000 in 2007, these gains shall be entirely declared with annual income tax return in March 2008.
For the capital gains derived in 2007 from Eurobonds issued between the dates of 26.07.2001-31.12.2005, TRY 205.994,16 is exempted.
TRY 15.000 exemption application is performed over the capital gains derived in 2007 from the Eurobonds issued on and before 26.07.2001.
III.6.5 Deposit interests, repo gains, private finance institution profit shares
Pursuant to the provisions of the Temporary Article 67 of the Income Tax Code, 15% withholding is performed over the deposit interests (paid to TL and Foreign Exchange Deposit Accounts), repo gains and profit shares paid by private finance institutions and derived by resident real persons in 2007. The income taxed through withholding shall not be declared with annual return.
III.6.6 Profit Shares from Marketable Securities Investment Fund
The income derived from the return of the marketable securities investment fund participation shares to the fund are subject to 10% withholding for resident taxpayers and 0% for non-residents as from 01.10.2006. Withholding is not performed over the income derived from the disposal of the participation shares which are possessed by the investment funds %51 of whose portfolio transacts in Istanbul Stock Exchange on a continued basis and held at hand for more than a year. Annual return shall not be filed severally for the income taxed through withholding as such.
III.6.7 Interest from Receivables
If interest from receivables exceeds TRY 900, the amount calculated after the application of reduction amount shall be entirely declared with annual income tax return in March 2008.
III.6.8 Deposit interest derived from banks abroad
Deposit interest income in TRY derived from banks abroad shall be subjected to reduction rate application and 37,7 % shall be deducted. If the remaining amount exceeds TRY 900, the amount calculated after the application of the reduction rate shall be declared with annual income tax return in March 2008.
In the event that the deposit interest income is in foreign exchange and its value in TRY exceeds TRY 900, this income shall be declared with annual income tax return in March 2008.
III.7 Other income and revenues
Lawmaker, subjects the different types of income to declaration and tax under the caption of “other income and revenues” within the scope of certain conditions. One of them is capital gains while the other is incidental income.
III.7.1 Capital Gains
The income derived from the disposal (purchase, transfer and conveyance in return for a consideration, exchange, expropriation, nationalization, insertion to trading companies as capital) of the goods and rights mentioned below are defined as capital gains in the Income Tax Code.
Lawmaker stipulates that net amount of the capital gains shall be determined by means of deducting the cost of the properties and rights being disposed of together with expenses incurred on account of the disposal and remaining with the seller plus any taxes and charges paid, from the amount of any and all benefits secured as money and goods or which are expressible in terms of money; in calculating income from differences in foreign exchange rates, the difference between the Turkish lira countervalue of the amount of foreign investment capital allotted for the acquisition of securities or shares calculated at the foreign exchange buying rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey on the date such instruments or shares are acquired, and the Turkish lira countervalue of the same amount of foreign investment capital calculated at the foreign exchange buying rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey on the date such instruments or shares are disposed of shall serve as the basis. Furthermore, in the event that the acquisition cost of disposal of goods and rights are at or above 10%, it shall be determined by being increased at the rate of increase in the wholesale price index determined by the State Institute of Statistics excluding the month of acquisition.
On the other hand, TRY 15.000 of the capital gains generating in 2007 has been excluded from the income tax. Therefore, in the event that the income derived from the disposal of the goods and rights aforementioned in 2007 does not exceed TRY 15.000; annual income tax return shall not be filed in March 2008 for this income; in case it does, the exceeding portion will be declared in the annual return.
III.7.2 Incidental income
Pursuant to the Income Tax Code the following income are defined as incidental income subject to tax:
Income acquired from the performance of incidental commercial transactions or from the interposition of transactions of this type,
Proceeds acquired in compensation for the stoppage or abandonment of a commercial or agricultural operation as well as of activities of self-employment, for never having embarked upon such an activity which has never started, or for non-participation in public tenders, bids, and sales,
Indemnities and goodwill payments received in compensation for the vacating of immovable property or the transfer of its tenancy rights,
Proceeds collected as a result of independent professional service activities carried out on an incidental basis,
Earnings subsequently acquired relevant to business which taxpayers subject to taxation on the basis of their actual earnings have abandoned (including the collection of bad debts written off as losses and debts whose recovery is doubtful and for which reserves have been set aside.)
Earnings acquired from the incidental conduct of the businesses by those non-residents between Turkey and other countries.
and it is stipulated that net amount of this income subject to tax shall be calculated by deducting the cost or expenses incurred due to sale from the sales cost or deducting the expenses from the revenue obtained on conditions that these expenses are substantiated.
Lawmaker exempts TRY 15.000 of the first four types of income subject to tax as incidental income from the tax for the year 2007. Therefore, annual income tax return shall be filed for the income which is not above TRY 15.000 and derived in 2007; in the event that return is filed for other income, this income shall not be included in the return. If the income exceeds TRY 15.000; the exceeding portion shall be declared with annual return.
Annual income tax return is required to be filed for the income of the year 2007 between the dates of March 1-25, 2008. The return may either be directly submitted to the relevant tax office against accrual slip or sent by mail. However, please be reminded that if the return is sent by mail, the date when the return is recorded in the registries of the tax office is accepted as the date of submission; in the event that it is sent by registered mail, the date when it is posted is accepted as the date of submission. It is advised that the return be sent by registered mail taking into consideration the delay which may occur in the post.
Personal insurance premiums, private pension contributions, education and health expenses, disablement allowance, grants and donations, sponsorship expenses and R&D expenses may be deducted from the income to be declared with annual return.
Furthermore, the taxes paid through withholding during the relevant year can be deducted from the income tax calculated over the return. Temporary taxes paid by taxpayers deriving commercial income and independent professional service providers in quarterly periods within the year may as well be deducted from the income tax calculated over the return.
The taxes which cannot be deducted as such may be returned to the taxpayer within the framework of the principles specified in the Income Tax Return.
The income tax to be assessed by the relevant tax office over the returns to be filed shall be paid in two equal installments; first installment until the end of March 2008 and the second until the end of July 2008. The taxes may be paid to the pay desk of the tax offices (not necessarily the tax office which the return is filed to) or to the banks authorized by the Ministry of Finance for collection.
Resmi Gazete’den ...
Mustafa ÖZEN
19.01.2008, Sigorta ve Reasürans ile Emeklilik Şirketlerinin Sermaye Yeterliliklerinin Ölçülmesine ve Değerlendirilmesine İlişkin Yönetmelik Resmi Gazete’de Yayımlandı.
Türkiye’de kurulu sigorta ve reasürans şirketleri, yabancı sigorta ve reasürans şirketlerinin Türkiye’deki şubeleri ile Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren emeklilik şirketlerinin mevcut yükümlülükleri ile potansiyel riskleri nedeniyle oluşabilecek zararlarına karşı yeterli miktarda özsermaye bulundurmalarının sağlanması amacıyla yayımlanan tebliğde, 31.12.2007 tarihinden ibaren geçerli olmak üzere; sermaye yeterliliği, söz konusu şirketlerin belirlenen özsermaye tutarlarının hesaplanan gerekli özsermaye tutarından düşük olması durumunda alınacak tedbirler ve sermaye yeterliliği tablosunun bildirimi konularında açıklamalarda bulunulmuştur.
22.01.2008, 380 Sıra No.lu Vergi Usul Kanunu Genel Tebliği Resmi Gazete’de Yayımlandı.
Tebliğ ile borsada rayici olmayan yabancı paraların ve bu paralarla olan senetli ve senetsiz alacak ve borçların 213 sayılı Vergi Usul Kanunu gereğince 2007 yılı için yapılacak değerlemelerinde uygulanacak kurlar belirlenmiştir. Maliye Bakanlığı tarafından kur ilan edilmediğinden, 130 Sıra No’lu Vergi Usul Kanunu Genel Tebliği ile 217 Seri No’lu Gelir Vergisi Genel Tebliğleri uyarınca, 31.12.2007 tarihi itibariyle yapılacak değerleme işlemlerinde T.C. Merkez Bankasınca ilan edilen kurlar esas alınacaktır. Buna göre, efektif cinsinden yabancı paralar için efektif alış kurunun (bulunmaması halinde döviz alış kurunun), döviz cinsinden yabancı paralar içinse döviz alış kurunun uygulanması gerekmektedir.
24.01.2008, 4760 Sayılı Özel Tüketim Vergisi Kanunu’na Ekli (III) Sayılı Listenin (B) Cetvelinde Yer Alan Mallarda Uygulanan Özel Tüketim Vergisi’ne İlişkin 2008/13061 Sayılı Bakanlar Kurulu Kararı Resmi Gazete’de Yayımlandı.
Karar ile 06.06.2002 tarihli ve 4760 sayılı Özel Tüketim Vergisi Kanunu’na ekli III sayılı listenin B cetvelinde yer alan mallara ilişkin asgari maktu vergi tutarları yeniden belirlenmiştir.
06.02.2008, 381 Sıra No.lu Vergi Usul Kanunu Genel Tebliği Resmi Gazete’de Yayımlandı.
Tebliğ ile, bilanço esasına göre defter tutan mükelleflerin belli bir haddi aşan mal ve hizmet alımları ile mal ve hizmet satışlarının 2008 yılı ve müteakip yıllarda bildirilmesinde uygulanacak usul ve esaslar, bildirim hadlerine ilişkin açıklamalar ile Ba ve Bs Bildirim Formlarının doldurulmasına ilişkin hususlara yer verilmiştir. Buna göre, mükellefler 2007 takvim yılına ilişkin olarak düzenleyecekleri Ba ve Bs bildirim formlarını 2008 yılı Şubat ayı içinde verecek olup, bu formlar için 362 Sıra No’lu Vergi Usul Kanunu Genel Tebliği’nde belirlenen ve 30.000 Yeni Türk Lirası olan hadler geçerli olacaktır. Ayrıca, bilanço esasına göre defter tutan mükelleflere, 2008 yılı ve müteakip yıllarda düzenlenecek Ba ve Bs bildirim formlarının aylık dönemler halinde verilmeleri hususunda zorunluluk getirilmiştir. Mükellefler bildirim formlarını aylık dönemler halinde düzenleyerek, takip eden ayın 5 inci gününden itibaren bir sonraki ayın 5 inci günü akşamına kadar vereceklerdir. 2008 yılı ve takip eden yıllara ilişkin mükelleflerin mal ve hizmet alımları ile satışlarına uygulanacak had ise 8.000 Yeni Türk Lirası olarak belirlenmiştir. Bilanço esasına göre defter tutan ve 376 Sıra No’lu Vergi Usul Kanunu Genel Tebliği’ne göre beyannamesini elektronik ortamda vermek zorunda olan mükellefler, Ba ve Bs bildirim formlarını da (2007 yılına ait olup 2008 yılı Şubat ayı bildirimini verecek olan mükellefler dahil olmak üzere) elektronik ortamda vermek zorundadırlar.
08.02.2008, “Mal ve Hizmetlere Uygulanacak Katma Değer Vergisi Oranlarının Tespitine İlişkin Kararda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair 2008/13234 Sayılı Bakanlar Kurulu Kararı” Resmi Gazete’de Yayımlandı.
Karar ile 24.12.2007 tarihli ve 2007/13033 sayılı Kararnamenin “B) Diğer mal ve hizmetler” bölümünün 25 inci sırasında değişiklik yapılmış ve bölüm sonuna 28 inci sıra ilave edilmiştir.
08.02.2008, “Türk Parası Kıymetini Koruma Hakkında 32 Sayılı Kararda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair 2008/13186 Sayılı Bakanlar Kurulu Kararı” Resmi Gazete’de Yayımlandı.
Karar ile, Türk Parası Kıymetini Koruma Hakkında 32 Sayılı Karar’ın çeşitli maddelerinde değişiklikler yapılmıştır. Buna göre, ihracat bedellerinin belirli süreler içinde yurda getirilmesi zorunluluğuna son verilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, Hazine Müsteşarlığı’nın bağlı olduğu Bakanlık, ihtiyaç duyulması halinde ihracat bedellerinin yurda getirilmesine ilişkin düzenlemeleri yapmaya yetkili kılınmıştır. Ayrıca, Türkiye'de yerleşik kişilerin yurt dışında döviz alım satımına yetkili kuruluşlardan döviz satın almaları ve bunlara döviz satmaları serbest bırakılırken, ithalat ve transit ticaret işlemlerine ilişkin yurt dışına döviz ve Türk Lirası transferinin bankalarca yapılması kararlaştırılmıştır.
13.02.2008, “İşverenlerin Çalıştırmaları Gereken Özürlü, Eski Hükümlü ve Terör Mağdurlarına İlişkin Çalıştırma Oranlarının Tespitine Dair 2008/13196 Sayılı Bakanlar Kurulu Kararı” Resmi Gazete’de Yayımlandı.
Karar ile 2003 yılında yürürlüğe giren 4857 sayılı İş Kanunu’nun “Özürlü, eski hükümlü ve terör mağduru çalıştırma zorunluluğu” başlığını taşıyan 30 uncu maddesi uyarınca, işverenlerin elli veya daha fazla işçi çalıştırdıkları işyerlerinde çalıştırmaları gereken özürlü, eski hükümlü ve 3713 sayılı Terörle Mücadele Kanunu’nun ek 1 inci maddesinin B fıkrası kapsamındaki terör mağduru çalıştırma oranlarında 2008 yılı için değişiklik yapılmayarak, 27.06.2005 tarihi ve 2005/9077 sayılı Kararnamenin eki Karar’ın, 01.01.2008 – 31.12.2008 tarihleri arasında da uygulanması kararlaştırılmıştır. Buna göre, 2008 yılında, işverenlerin elli ve daha fazla sayıda işçi çalıştırdıkları iş yerlerinde, İş Kanunu’nun 30 uncu maddesi hükümlerine göre istihdam etmek zorunda oldukları özürlülerin oranı % 3, eski hükümlülerin oranı % 1 ve terör mağdurlarının oranı da % 2 ‘den az olamayacaktır. 2008 yılının ilk yarısında, zorunlu oldukları halde, özürlü ve eski hükümlü çalıştırmayan işverenlere, her işçi ve her ay için 1.357 Yeni Türk Lirası, terör mağduru çalıştırmayan işverenlere de yine her işçi ve her ay için 6.084 Yeni Türk Lirası idari para cezası uygulanacaktır.
13.02.2008, “4760 Sayılı Özel Tüketim Vergisi Kanunu’na Ekli (III) Sayılı Listenin (A) Cetvelinde Yer Alan Bazı Mallarda Uygulanan Asgari Maktu Özel Tüketim Vergisi Tutarlarına İlişkin 2008/13210 Sayılı Bakanlar Kurulu Kararı” Resmi Gazete’de Yayımlandı.
Karar ile 06.06.2002 tarihli ve 4760 sayılı Özel Tüketim Vergisi Kanununa ekli III sayılı listenin A cetvelinde yer alan taze üzüm şarabı, üzüm şırası, fermente edilmiş diğer içkiler gibi bazı malların asgari maktu vergi tutarları yeniden belirlenmiştir.
Sirküler İndeks (*)
Reeskont işlemlerinde esas alınan iskonto oranı yeniden belirlendi
İşletmelerin aktifine kayıtlı tahvil ve bonolardan İMKB’de işlem görenlerin 31 Aralık 2007 tarihi itibarıyla değerlemesinde esas alınacak borsa rayiçleri
2007 yılına ilişkin bilançolar üzerinde enflasyon düzeltmesi yapılmayacak
2008 yılı başından itibaren geçerli olacak Gelir Vergisinden istisna kıdem tazminatı tutarı ile diğer bazı ödemelerin tutarları yeniden belirlendi
Gelir Vergisinden istisna edilen yurt içi gündelik tutarları ile yurt içive yurt dışı gündelik tutarlarına karşılık gelen gelir dilimleri, 01 Ocak 2008 tarihinden itibaren geçerli olmak üzere yeniden belirlendi
Maliye Bakanlığı, Katma Değer Vergisinde tevkifat uygulamasının kapsamını genişletti : Fason olarak yaptırılan tekstil ve konfeksiyon işlerinde tevkifat uygulamasına geri dönüldü
2008 yılında, indirimli katma değer vergisi oranına tabi işlemlerden doğan iade alacaklarında alt sınır 11.600 YTL olarak açıklandı
Bankaların çeklerle ilgili sorumlu oldukları miktar artırıldı
Menkul kıymetler ve diğer sermaye piyasası araçlarından sağlanan gelirlerinin 2008 yılında tabi olacağı beyan ve vergileme rejimi
İşletme hesabı esasına göre defter tutan mükelleflerin bazı vergi beyannamelerini elektronik ortamda gönderme yükümlülüğü başlıyor
Yabancı paraların ve bu paralarla olan alacak ve borçların 2007 yılı sonu itibarıyla değerlemesinde esas alınacak kurlar, Maliye Bakanlığı’nca açıklandı
Tütün ve tütün mamullerinden alınan asgari maktu Özel Tüketim Vergisi tutarları Bakanlar Kurulu’nca yeniden belirlendi
Maliye Bakanlığı, (B) formlarının düzenlenmesi ve verilmesi ile ilgili kuralları, 2008 yılından itibaren geçerli olmak üzere yeniden belirledi
Maliye Bakanlığı, elektronik ortamda gönderilen muhtasar beyanname ile katma değer vergisi beyannamesinin formatlarında bazı değişiklikler yaptı
Yatırımların ve istihdamın teşvikine ilişkin 5084 sayılı Kanun kapsamında bulunan illerde, çalışanların ücretleri üzerinde yapılacak asgari geçim indirimi uygulamasının usul ve esasları
2007 yılına ilişkin (B) formlarının verilme süresi uzatıldı
Türk Parası Kıymetini Koruma Hakkında 32 Sayılı Kararda yapılan değişiklik ile, ihracat bedellerinin belirli süreler içinde yurda getirilmesi zorunluluğuna son verildi
Şaraplar ve diğer bazı alkollü içkiler üzerinden alınan asgari maktu özel tüketim vergisi tutarları yeniden belirlendi
Geçici vergi beyannamelerinin verilme süresi uzatıldı
Vergi Usul Kanunu’nun ceza hükümlerinde, 5728 sayılı Kanunla bazı değişiklikler yapıldı : Vergi kaçakçılığı suçlarına verilen hapis cezaları yeniden düzenlendi
İşverenlerin, özürlü, eski hükümlü ve terör mağduru çalıştırma yükümlülükleri ile ilgili oranlarda, 2008 yılı için değişiklik yapılmadı
* Yukarıdaki tablo,02.01.2008-15.02.2008 tarihleri arasında yayımlanan Sirkülerleri içermekte olup, tarafınızca daha kolay takibi amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.
Vergi Takvimi / Mart 2008
07 Mart 2008 Cuma
* Şubat 2008 Dönemi Çeklere Ait Değerli Kağıtlar Vergisi Bildirimi ve Ödemesi
10 Mart 2008 Pazartesi
* 16–29 Şubat Dönemine Ait Petrol ve Doğalgaz Ürünlerine İlişkin Özel Tüketim Vergisi Beyannamesinin Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi ve Verginin Ödenmesi
17 Mart 2008 Pazartesi
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait Özel İletişim Vergisi Beyannamesinin Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi ve Verginin Ödenmesi
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait KKDF Kesintilerinin Bildirimi ve Ödenmesi
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait Dayanıklı Tüketim Malları ve Diğer Mallara İlişkin Özel Tüketim Vergisi Beyannamesinin Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi ve Verginin Ödenmesi
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait Motorlu Taşıt Araçlarına İlişkin Özel Tüketim Vergisi Beyannamesinin Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi ve Verginin Ödenmesi
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait Kolalı Gazoz, Alkollü İçecekler ve Tütün Mamullerine İlişkin Özel Tüketim Vergisi Beyannamesinin Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi ve Verginin Ödenmesi
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait BSMV Beyannamesinin Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi ve Verginin Ödenmesi
20 Mart 2008 Perşembe
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait Belediyeye Ödenecek Vergilerin (Haberleşme Vergisi Hariç) Beyanı ve Ödenmesi
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait Yarışma ve Çekilişlerle Futbol Müsabakalarına ve At Yarışlarına Ait Müşterek Bahislerle İlgili İntikal Vergisinin Beyannamesinin Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi ve Verginin Ödenmesi
*Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait Şans Oyunları Vergisi Beyannamesinin Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi ve Verginin Ödenmesi
24 Mart 2008 Pazartesi
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine ait Gelir Vergisi Stopajının ve Damga Vergisinin Muhtasar Beyanname ile Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait İstihkaktan Kesinti Suretiyle Tahsil Edilen Damga Vergisi ile Sürekli Mükellefiyeti Bulunanlar İçin Makbuz Karşılığı Ödenmesi Gereken Damga Vergisinin Beyanı
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait Gelir Vergisi Stopajının ve Damga Vergisinin Muhtasar Beyanname İle Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait Kurumlar Vergisi Stopajının Muhtasar Beyanname ile Elektronik Ortamda Beyanı
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait KDV Beyannamesinin Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi
25 Mart 2008 Salı
* 2007 Yılına İlişkin Yıllık Gelir Vergisi Beyannamesinin Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi ( Tam Otomasyona Geçirilmiş Vergi Dairelerine Kayıtlı Mükelleflerce)
* 1–15 Mart Dönemine Ait Petrol ve Doğalgaz Ürünlerine İlişkin Özel Tüketim Vergisi Beyannamesinin Elektronik Ortamda Gönderilmesi ve Verginin Ödenmesi
26 Mart 2008 Çarşamba
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait Kurumlar Vergisi Stopajının Ödenmesi
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait KDV’nin Ödenmesi
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait İstihkaktan Kesinti Suretiyle Tahsil Edilen Damga Vergisi ile Sürekli Mükellefiyeti Bulunanlar İçin Makbuz Karşılığı Ödenmesi Gereken Damga Vergisinin Ödenmesi
*Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait Gelir Vergisi Stopajının ve Damga Vergisinin Ödenmesi
31 Mart 2008 Pazartesi
* 2007 Yılına İlişkin Yıllık Gelir Vergisinin 1 nci Taksidinin Ödenmesi
* Şubat 2008 ayına ait Sosyal Sigorta Primlerinin Elektronik Ortamda Beyan Edilmesi ve Ödenmesi (*)
* Şubat 2008 Dönemine Ait Haberleşme Vergisinin Beyanı ve Ödenmesi
* 2007 Yılına Ait Envanter Defterinin Kapanış Tasdiki
Vergi Hakkında … Mart /2008
Pratik Bilgiler
Perakende satış fişi veya ödeme kaydedici cihaz fişi düzenleme üst sınırı (01.01.2008’den itibaren)
600 YTL
Yıllara sari inşaat ve onarma işlerini yapanlara ödenen istihkak bedelleri üzerinden yapılan Gelir Vergisi stopajı
İşyeri kira ödemelerinden yapılan Gelir Vergisi Stopajı
Finansal Kiralama Kanunu kapsamındaki kiralama işlemlerinden yapılan Gelir Vergisi stopajı
Serbest meslek kazançları üzerinden yapılan Gelir Vergisi Stopajı
% 20
Mevduat ve döviz tevdiat hesaplarına ödenen faizler üzerinden yapılan Gelir Vergisi stopajı (her vadede)
% 15
Hazine Bonosu ve Devlet Tahvili faiz gelirleri üzerinden yapılan Gelir Vergisi stopajı ( TL veya yabancı para cinsinden ihraç edilmiş)
% 10 ( dar mükellef kişi ve kurumlar için % 0)
Repo kazançları üzerinden yapılan Gelir Vergisi stopajı
% 15
IMKB’de işlem gören hisse senetlerinin alım satım kazançları üzerinden yapılan gelir vergisi stopajı
% 10 ( dar mükellef kişi ve kurumlar için % 0)
Doğrudan gider yazılabilecek demirbaşlar için aranacak üst sınır (01.01.2008’den den itibaren)
600 YTL
Konut kira gelirlerinde gelir vergisinden istisna edilen tutar(2008)
2.400 YTL
Temerrüt Faizi
% 64
Sakatlık indirimi (2008 yılı, 1.derece sakatlar)
600 YTL
Sakatlık indirimi (2008 yılı, 2.derece sakatlar)
300 YTL
Sakatlık indirimi (2008 yılı, 3.derece sakatlar)
150 YTL
2007 yılı için
% 7,2
2006 yılı için
% 7,8
2005 yılı için
% 9,8
Not: Özel hesap dönemine tabi olan mükellefler, değerleme işlemlerinde, özel hesap döneminin başladığı takvim yılına ait oranı esas alacaklardır.
Vadelerine En Çok (92) Gün Kalan Senetler Karşılığında Yapılacak ;
(28.12.2007 tarihli Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanmıştır.)
Reeskont İşlemlerinde Uygulanacak İskonto Oranı (Yıllık)
% 25
Avans İşlemlerinde Uygulanacak Faiz Oranı (Yıllık)
% 27
Not: 238 Seri No’lu VUK Genel Tebliği uyarınca alacak ve borç senetlerinin iç iskonto yöntemiyle reeskontu işleminde, 28.12.2007 tarihinden itibaren % 27 oranı esas alınacaktır.
Brüt Aylık Tutarı
Gelir Vergisinden İstisna Gündelik Tutarı (YTL)
1.122,95 ve fazlası
865,88 – 1.005,16
698,11 - 865,87
698,10 ve daha aşağısı
Oran (%)
28.04.2006 tarihinden itibaren
Oran (%)
02.03.2005-20.04.2006 3
21.04.2006 tarihinden itibaren 2,5
Gelir Vergisi Mükelleflerinde
% 15
Kurumlar Vergisi Mükelleflerinde
% 20
0-6 yaş grubunda her bir çocuk için
24,74 YTL
12,37 YTL
01.01.2008 tarihinden itibaren (KDV hariç)
9,00 YTL
Binde 6
Kira Mukavelenamelerinde
(mukavele süresine göre belirlenecek kira üzerinden)
Binde 1,5
İhale kararları
Binde 4,5
17,50 YTL
Kar-zarar cetvelleri
8,60 YTL
Yıllık gelir vergisi beyannameleri
Kurumlar vergisi beyannameleri
Muhtasar beyannameler
22,70 YTL
30,30 YTL
15,10 YTL
Gelir Dilimi
Vergi Oranı (%)
7.800 YTL’ye kadar
19.800 YTL'nin 7.800 YTL'si için 1.170 YTL, fazlası
44.700 YTL'nin 19.800 YTL'si için 3.570 YTL, fazlası
44.700 YTL'den fazlasının 44.700 YTL'si için 10.293 YTL, fazlası
Özel Usulsüzlük Fiilleri
Ceza tutarı (YTL)
Fatura, gider pusulası, serbest meslek makbuzu, müstahsil makbuzu verilmemesi ve alınmaması
faturada belirtilmesi gereken bedelin % 10’u ( asgari 149 YTL)
Fatura, gider pusulası, serbest meslek makbuzu, müstahsil makbuzu verilmemesi ve alınmaması (vergi mükellefi olmayanlar için)
Vergi levhası bulundurulmaması veya asılmaması
Vergi kimlik numarası ile ilgili mecburiyetlere uyulmaması (her bir işlem için)
Vergi kimlik numarası ile ilgili bildirim mecburiyetine uyulmaması
Yetkililerce istenilen bilgilerin verilmemesi (1.sınıf tüccarlar)
Tek düzen hesap planına ve mali tablolara ilişkin usul ve esaslara uyulmaması
ASGARİ ÜCRET (01.01.2008-30.06.2008 tarihleri arasında)
Ödemeler / Kesintiler
(16) yaşını tamamlamış işçiler (YTL)
Brüt Tutar
SSK Primi (%14)
İşsizlik Sigortası Primi (%1)
Gelir Vergisi Matrahı
Gelir Vergisi (%15)
Damga Vergisi (binde 6)
Kesintiler Toplamı
Net Ödenecek Tutar
Tavan (01.01.2008-30.06.2008 tarihleri arasında )
3.954,60 YTL
Taban (01.01.2008-30.06.2008 tarihleri arasında )
608,40 YTL
İŞSİZLİK SİGORTASI PRİMİ ORANLARI ( 01.01.2008 –31.12.2008 tarihleri arasında ) |
Devlet Katkısı
01.07.2006 tarihinden itibaren 1815,29 YTL
01.01.2007 tarihinden itibaren 1960,69 YTL
01.07.2007 tarihinden itibaren 2030,19 YTL
01.01.2008 tarihinden itibaren 2087,92 YTL
Concerning Tax March 2008
Practical Information
The upper limit for drawing up of retail sales slips or payment recording device voucher
(as of 01.01.2008)
600 YTL
Income Tax Withholding Applied on the progress payments paid to those performing multi-year construction and repair work
Income Tax levied on rental fees paid for places of business
Income tax withholding levied on leasing transactions within the framework of the Financial Leasing Act
Income tax withholding levied on independent professional payments
% 20
Income tax withholding levied on interests paid over deposit accounts
% 15
Income tax withholding levied on interests paid over foreign exchange deposit accounts
% 15
Income tax withholding levied on interest income from government bonds and treasury bills (in TL or issued over foreign exchange)
% 10
Income tax withholding levied on repo gains
% 15
The upper limit to be sought for the furniture, fittings and fixtures to be directly expense-recorded (as of 01.01.2008)
600 YTL
The amount exempted from income tax in rental fees paid for housing (2008)
2.400 YTL
Default interest
% 64
Disability allowance (year 2008, for 1st degree disabled)
600 YTL
Disability allowance (year 2008, for 2nd degree disabled)
300 YTL
Disability allowance (year 2008, for 3rd degree disabled)
150 YTL
2007 % 7,2
2006 % 7,8
2005 % 9,8
% 59
Note: Taxpayers who apply special fiscal years, shall take as basis the rate corresponding to the calendar year on which the special fiscal year has begun.
Applicable Against Notes With Maturity of not more than (92) days
(Published in the Official Gazette dated 28.12.2007)
Rate of Discount Applicable on Rediscount Transactions (Annual)
25 %
Rate of Discount Applicable on Advance Transactions
27 %
Note: Pursuant to Tax Procedures Code Series No. 238, 27 % rate will be taken as basis during the rediscount of the notes payable and notes receivable through imputed discount method.
Gross Salary Total to be Paid as of 01.01.2008 (YTL)
Daily Allowance Exempted from Income Tax (YTL)
1.122,95 and higher
865,88 – 1.005,16
698,11 - 865,87
698,10 and lower
Rate (%)
| |
Dostları ilə paylaş: |