Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X

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  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

  • ... you ... a car?

  • Yes, I ... .

A) Do ... have / have

C) Do ... have got / has

B) Have ... got / have

D) Have ... got / have got

E) Have ... got / had

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

My daughter ... skis.

A) haven’t got

C) don’t have

B) has no

D) have got

E) doesn’t has

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

  • Which book by Alisher Navoi ... you ... ?

  • "Farhad and Shirin."

A) have ... get

C) does ... have

B) has ... got

D) do ... have got

E) do ... have

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

  • ... he always ... lunch at this time?

  • Yes, he ... .

A) Has ... got / has

C) Does ... have / does

B) Does ... have / do

D) Does ... have / has

E) Have ... got / does

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

  • ... you ... dinner at your sister’s place yesterday?

  • Yes, I ... .

A) Had ... got / had

C) Have ... got / did

B) Did ... have / do

D) Did ... have / had

E) Did ... have / did

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

We ... much time. Please help us to do this work.

A) don’t has

C) have got

B) hadn’t got

D) don’t have

E) doesn’t have

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

Peter ... some interesting German magazines last week.

A) had got

C) doesn’t have

B) didn’t had

D) had

E) hadn’t got

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

The students ... English now.

A) are having

C) haven’t got

B) have got

D) don’t have

E) doesn’t have

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

We … a new radio set soon.

A) didn’t have

C) has no

B) shall have

D) have no

E) will have got

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

They … dinner at home yesterday.

A) had no

C) doesn’t have

B) have no

D) don’t have

E) didn’t have

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

We … a lovely house when I … a child.

A) had / was

C) didn’t have / am

B) have / am

D) have / was

E) had / were

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

  • Where is Jane?

  • She … a shower now.

A) was having

C) has

B) is having got

D) is having

E) were having

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

  • … you … a nice holiday?

  • Yes, I … .

A) Did … have / had

C) Will … have / have

B) Did … have / did

D) Have … had / had

E) Did … have / have

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

  • … you … any time to answer this letter?

  • I’m sorry, I … .

A) Have … got / have

C) Have … got / haven’t

B) Do … have / haven’t

D) Do … have / have

E) Do … have / do

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

  • When … you usually … your English?

  • In the mornings.

A) does … have

C) did … have

B) have … got

D) do … have

E) do … has

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

The boy … a red pencil but he … a black pencil.

A) has got / has got

C) hasn’t got / hasn’t got

B) hasn’t got / have got

D) didn’t have / had got

E) has got / hasn’t got

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

  • … your sister … a family? (Is she married?)

  • Yes, she … . She … two children.

  1. Do … have / does / has got

  2. Does … have / does / has

  3. Has … got / has / have

  4. Has … got / have / has

  5. Does … have / has / has

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to have".

  • Peter … much work to do yesterday.

  • Neither … I.

A) didn’t have / had

C) didn’t have / did

B) had no / had

D) doesn’t have / do

E) had no / have

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

  •  you ever  colds?

  • Yes, I nearly always  a cold at this time of year.

A) Do  have / have got

C) Do  have / have

B) Have  got / have got

D) Have  got / have

E) Do  have / do

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The opposite of He has a beard is  .

  1. He hasn’t got a beard.

He doesn’t have a beard.

He has no a beard.

  1. He hasn’t got a beard.

He doesn’t have a beard.

He has no beard.

  1. He hasn’t got a beard.

He don’t have a beard.

He has no beard.

  1. He haven’t got a beard.

He doesn’t have a beard.

He has no beard.

  1. He hasn’t got a beard.

He doesn’t have a beard.

He has no any beard.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 you  a car when you  a student?

A) Did  have / was

C) Did  have / were

B) Have  got / were

D) Have  got / are

E) Do  have / were

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I  when I … the size of the bill.

A) had a cold / see

C) had a baby / saw

B) had a chat / seen

D) had a swim / saw

E) had a shock / saw

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

He stayed at home yesterday because he  a bad headache.

A) didn’t have

C) had got

B) has

D) hadn’t

E) had

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

He  only one arm.

A) have got

C) is having

B) doesn’t have

D) has

E) have

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

He was very hungry but he  money on him.

A) hadn’t got

C) hasn’t got

B) had no

D) didn’t has

E) wasn’t having

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

After buying the food, he  very much money left.

A) didn’t have

C) had no a

B) had not

D) wasn’t having

E) hadn’t got

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I  several friends who  children.

A) have got / doesn’t want

C) have / wants

B) have / doesn’t want

D) have got / don’t want

E) don’t have / want

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If you  nothing to do, why  you visit the history museum?

A) haven’t / do

C) have / do

B) have / don’t

D) have got / don’t

E) have / aren’t


  1. If we want to go to a theatre we must first look through the billboard to find out what is on. As it is sometimes rather difficult to get tickets we must book them at the box-office. Some people don’t like to have seats far from the stage. They try to get tickets for the stalls. If we have little money we take seats on the gallery. When we come to any theatre in our country we leave our coats in the cloak-room and take a check in order to get them back when the performance is over.

If we want to know the cast we buy a play-bill. We look through it to find out who plays the leading role in the performance we are going to see. After this we take our seats and wait for the lights to go down. Soon the lights go down, the curtain goes up and the play begins.

  1. Mr. Brown: Why don’t you come to see us?

Mr. Smith: I’m very busy. You see, I’m a member of an orchestra and we perform every night.

Mr. Brown: Then you’re free in the day-time, aren’t you?

Mr. Smith: Certainly not. We have rehearsals every morning.

Mr. Brown: And what about the time between the rehearsals and the performance?

Mr. Smith: I give music lessons in-between.

Mr. Brown: When do you manage to sleep then?

Mr. Smith: Why! That I do during the rehearsals.

  1. I’ll never forget my first visit to the Navoi Theatre. It was ages ago, but it stands out in my memory quite vividly. My mother bought beforehand two tickets for a matinee performance of the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” by Tchaikovsky.

We came to the theatre long before the performance began. A sign at the entrance of the theatre read “House full”. Many people were standing at the theatre asking if we had an extra ticket.

We left our coats in the cloak-room and bought a programme from the usher to see what the cast was. I remember we were glad to see that Bernara Karieva was dancing the main part.

At twelve sharp the lights went down and the performance began. I had never seen anything more wonderful. The scenery and the dancing were excellent. When the last curtain fell the house burst into applause. The dancers got many curtain calls and were presented with flowers. The performance was a great success with the public. This first visit to the Navoi Theatre is one of my brightest memories.

  1. A stage manager was present at a performance. He seemed to be highly pleased with it. When the performance was over, he was asked whether it was the leading lady or the leading man whom he most applauded. “Neither the one nor the other, but the prompter,” replied the stage manager, “for it was him that I heard most during the performance.”


This great scientist of hadis was born on July 20, 810. Al-Bukhoriy lost his father when he was very young and was brought up by his mother. From his childhood he was very clever, curious and had a quick memory. He had been learning hadises which he had heard since he was 10. In purpose of learning he had made many trips and had taken lessons from over 90 great scientists of those times. Although his hometown was Bukhara he had lived for some periods in Cairo, Damascus, and Baghdad. He had his own apprentices and he taught in ni.iiliasahs. According to some sources he had known about *iiiimi hadises by heart.

Imam al-Bukhoriy left us great scientific inheritance. The number of his works is over 20. For example "Al jome as-jlhlh", "Al adab al-mufrad", "Al-tarih", "Kitob al-kuna", V.omi us-sahoba" and etc. And the most important of iin m is "Al jome as-sahih" which comprises of 40,000 n liable collection of hadises and it is next in the importance |ftci Koran in Islam. Imam al-Bukhoriy died from serious illness on September 1, 870 in Samarkand. In 1998 we > 11 eh rated his 1225th birthday and his monument was rebuilt, today Tashkent State University of Islam is named after Imam al-Bukhoriy.

Comprehension Questions
1. What was al-Bukhoriy?

2. What did he learn in his childhood?

3, What kind of scientific works do you know written by him?

4. What university was named after him in Tashkent?

Discussion Questions
1. Where did he spend his most part of life?

2. Why did al-Bukhoriy become famous in the world?


1. Some bo‘lishli gaplarda, any bo‘lishsiz gaplarda, umumiy so‘roq gaplarda, o‘zlashtirma umumiy so‘roq gaplarda va shart gaplarda ishlatiladi. Ular olmosh-sifat va olmosh-ot tarzida ishlatiladi.
2. Some va any bir qancha, biroz, hech qanday ma’nosida ishlatiladi:

a) ko‘plikdagi otlar oldida olmosh-sifat bo‘lib keladi va ko‘pincha o‘zbek tiliga tarjima qilinmaydi: He asked me some questions. U mendan (bir nechta) savollar so‘radi.

Have you got any interesting books? Qiziq kitoblaringiz bormi?

He asked whether I had any books on radio. U mendan radio sohasida kitoblarim bor-yo‘qligini so‘radi.

He did not make any mistakes in his dictation. U diktantida (hech qanday) xato qilmadi.

If there any new magazines in the library, take some for me. Agar kutubxonada yangi jurnallar bo‘lsa, menga bir nechtasini olib keling.

Izoh: Some ba’zan donalab sanaladigan birlikdagi ot oldida noaniq artikl ma’nosida ham ishlatiladi:

I read it in some book (= a book). Men buni bir kitobda o‘qigan man.

b) olmosh-ot bo‘lib kelib, ko‘plikdagi ot o‘rnida ishlatiladi: The buyers wanted to get some samples of our manufactures, and we sent them some. Xaridorlar bizning mahsulotlarimizdan namunalar olishni istagan

edilar, va biz ularga bir qanchasini yubordik.

He asked me for some stamps, but I hadn’t any. U mendan marka so‘radi, lekin menda markalar yo‘q edi.

I want some matches. Have you got any? Menga gugurt kerak. Gugurtingiz bormi?

3. Some va any biroz, ozroq, hech qancha ma’nosida ishlatiladi:

a) donalab sanalmaydigan otlar oldida olmosh-sifat bo‘lib keladi va o‘zbek tiliga tarjima qilinmasligi ham mumkin:

Give me some water, please. Iltimos, menga (ozroq) suv bering. Have you bought any sugar? Shakar sotib oldingizmi?

b) olmosh-ot bo‘lib keladi va donalab sanalmaydigan otlar o‘rnida ishlatiladi:

I want some paper. Please give me some. Menga qog‘oz kerak. Iltimos, menga ozroq (qog‘oz) berib turing.

There is no ink in my ink-pot. Have you got any?Mening siyohdonimda siyoh yo‘q. Sizda siyoh bormi?

Give me some hot water, please. Iltimos, ozroq qaynoq suv bering.

— I’m sorry, there isn’t any in the kettle. — Kechirasiz, choynakda qaynoq suv yo‘q.

4. Some taklif va iltimosni ifodalagan umumiy va maxsus so‘roq gaplarda ishlatiladi:

Why didn’t you buy some cheese? Nima uchun pishloq sotib olmadingiz?

Won’t you have some tea? Choy ichmaysizmi?

Can I have some cold water? Ozroq sovuq suv olsam bo‘ladimi?

5. Some ba’zi ma’nosida olmosh-sifat bo‘lib, ko‘plikdagi ot oldida va olmosh-ot bo‘lib, ko‘plikdagi ot o‘rnida ishlatiladi:

Some trees remain green all the year round. Ba’zi daraxtlar butun yil davomida yashil bo‘lib turadi.

Some people like strong tea, and some don’t. Ba’zi odamlar achchiq choyni yoqtiradilar, ba’zilar esa yoqtirmaydilar.

Some ba’zi ma’nosida shaxs yoki buyumlarning ma’lum guruhidan oldin kelsa otdan oldin the artikli, egalik yoki ko‘rsatish olmoshi keladi:

Some of the first-year students are taking examination tomorrow. Birinchi kurs talabalarining ba’zilari ertaga imtihon topshirishadi.

Some of my friends speak two foreign languages. Mening do‘stlarimning ba’zilari ikkita xorijiy tilda gapirishadi.
6. Some donalab sanalmaydigan otlar oldida bir qismi ma’nosida ishlatiladi: Some of the wheat was damaged by sea-water. Bu‘g‘doyning bir qismini dengiz suvi yaroqsizga aylantirdi.

Some of the sugar was packed in bags. Shakarning bir qismi qoplangan edi.
7. Some sonlarning oldida qariyb, taxminan ma’nosida ishlatiladi: There were some fifty people there. U yerda qariyb ellik kishi bor edi.

We waited some twenty minutes. Biz taxminan yigirma minutlar kutdik.

8. Any istagan ma’nosida bo‘lishli va so‘roq gaplarda birlikdagi donalab sanaladigan va donalab sanalmaydigan otlar oldida ishlatiladi:

You may come at any time that is convenient to you. Siz o‘zingiz uchun qulay bo‘lgan istagan paytda kelishingiz mumkin.

1. Some va anyga one, body va thing so‘zlari qo‘shilib someone, somebody allakim, kimdir, biror kishi, anyone, anybody biror kishi, hech kim, something allanarsa, biror narsa, anything biror narsa, hech narsa gumon olmoshlari yasaladi. Bu olmoshlar har doim olmosh-ot bo‘lib keladi va gapda ega yoki to‘ldiruvchi vazifasini bajaradi.
2. Someone, somebody, something bo‘lishli gaplarda anyone, anybody, anything esa bo‘lishsiz gaplarda, umumiy so‘roq gaplarda, o‘zlashtirma umumiy so‘roq gaplarda va shart gaplarda ishlatiladi:

Somebody (someone) is knocking at the door. Allakim eshikni taqillatyapti.

Give me something to read. Menga o‘qishga biror narsa bering.

There isn’t anybody (anyone) there. U yerda hech kim yo‘q.

There isn’t anything in the box. Qutida hech narsa yo‘q.

Did you see anybody (anyone) there? Siz u yerda biror kishini ko‘rdingizmi?

He asked the secretary whether there was anybody (anyone) waiting for him.U kotibadan o‘zini biror kishi

kutib turgan-turmaganligini so‘ radi.

If anything happens, ring me up immediately. Agar biror narsa sodir bo‘lsa, zudlik bilan menga qong‘iroq qiling.

3. Bu olmoshlar ega bo‘lib kelganda ulardan keyin keladigan fe’l birlikda bo‘ladi:

Somebody has taken my book. Mening kitobimni kimdir olibdi.

Is th ere anybody there? U yerda biror kishi bormi?
4. Someone, somebody va something ham somega o‘xshab maxsus so‘ roq gaplarda, taklif va iltimosni ifodalagan umumiy so‘roq gaplarda ishlatiladi:

Why didn’t you ask somebody to help you? Nima uchun biror kishidan yordam berishini so‘ramadingiz?

Will you have something to eat? Biror narsa yeysizmi?

Will someone help me? Biror kishi menga yordam beradi mi?

5. Anyone, anybody, anything ham any olmoshiga o‘xshab istagan kishi, istagan narsa ma’nosida bo‘lishli gaplarda va so‘roq gaplarda ishlatiladi:

Anybody can do that. Buni istagan kishi qila oladi.

You may play anything you like. Siz o‘zingiz yoqtirgan, istagan o‘yin ni o‘ynashingiz mumkin.

May I play anything I like? Men o‘zim yoqtirgan, istagan o‘yinni o‘ynasam mumkinmi?
Izoh: Some va any so‘zlari where bilan birikib somewhere, anywhere ravishlarini yasaydi:

— Did you go anywhere yesterday? — Kecha biror joyga bordingizmi?

— No, I didn’t, but I shall go somehere tomorrow.

— Yo‘q, lekin ertaga biror joyga boraman.

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