Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X

Why not decorate the house yourself? (or

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Why not decorate the house yourself? (or Why don’t you decorate?) (notWhy not to decorate?’) (not Why don’t you to decorate’)

  • Why not give her what she wants? (or Why don’t we give her?) (notWhy not to give her?’)

    Why didn’t isn’t used to make a suggestion, but can be used to criticise someone:

    • Why didn’t you tell me that in the first place?


    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    ... you ... him last week?

    A) Didn’t ... saw

    C) Haven’t ... seen

    B) Didn’t ... see

    D) Don’t ... see

    E) Didn’t ... seen

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    ... you ... chess?

    A) Can’t ... played

    C) Could ... play

    B) Can’t ... playing

    D) Couldn’t ... play

    E) Can’t ... play

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    ... you ... TV serial ‘Land of Love, Land of Hope’?

    A) Don’t ... see

    C) Do ... see

    B) Don’t ... seen

    D) Haven’t ... see

    E) Haven’t ... saw

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    ... he ... you up?

    A) Haven’t ... rung

    C) Didn’t ... rang

    B) Hasn’t ... rung

    D) Hasn’t ... ring

    E) Hasn’t ... rang

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    ... she a student?

    A) Doesn’t

    C) Isn’t

    B) Hasn’t

    D) Weren’t

    E) Didn’t

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    Why ... Bob ... to go to school yesterday

    A) did ... want

    C) don’t ... want

    B) didn’t ... want

    D) hasn’t ... wanted

    E) didn’t ... wanted

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    ... you ... this article?

    A) Must ... translate

    C) Must ... translating

    B) Mustn’t ... translated

    D) Mustn’t ... translating

    E) Mustn’t ... translate

    1. Choose the right English translation.

    Сиз унинг қаерда ўқишини билмайсизми?

    ... you ... where she ... ?

    A) Don’t ... know / study

    C) Do ... know / studies

    B) Do ... know / studys

    D) Don’t ... know / studies

    E) Do ... know / studyes

    1. Choose the right English translation.

    У ҳозир ким билан гаплашаётганини билмайсизми?

    ... you ... whom he ... to now?

    1. Do ... know / is talking

    2. Do ... know / is talking with

    3. Don’t ... know / is talked

    4. Don’t ... know / is talking

    5. Do ... know / is not talking

    1. Choose the right English translation.

    У нега қайтиб келганини биласизми?

    ... you ... what he ... for?

    1. Do ... know / returns

    2. Don’t ... know / has returned

    3. Don’t ... know / returned

    4. Do ... know / has returned

    5. Do ... know / have returned

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    ... usually have his dinner at home on week-days?

    A) Doesn’t she

    C) Doesn’t he

    B) Don’t we

    D) Haven’t he

    E) Don’t I

    1. Find the right English translation.

    Билмайсизми улардан қайси бири компанияда ишлайди?

    1. Do you know which of them works at the company?

    2. Don’t you know which of them works at the company?

    3. Do you know which of them is working at the company?

    4. Do you know which of their works at the company?

    5. Do you know which of them work at the company?

    1. Find the right English translation.

    Наҳотки сиз имтиҳондан йиқилдингиз (ўтолмадингиз)?

    1. Hasn’t he passed his exam?

    2. Haven’t you pass your exam?

    3. Haven’t your passed you exam?

    4. Didn’t you pass your exam yesterday?

    5. Haven’t you passed your exam?

    1. Find the right English translation.

    Билмайсизми, мажлис қачон тугайди?

    1. Do you know when the meeting will be over?

    2. Don’t you know when the meeting is over?

    3. Do you know when the meeting is over?

    4. Does she know when the meeting was over?

    5. Do you know when the meeting won’t be over?

    1. Find the right English translation.

    Нимага сен менинг хатимга жавоб бермадинг?

    1. Why didn’t you not answer my letter?

    2. Why did you not answer my letter?

    3. Why did you answer no my letter?

    4. Why didn’t you not answer his letter?

    5. Why didn’t you answer his letter?

    1. Find the right English translation.

    Ахир сизлар тиришқоқлик билан ишлашингиз шарт эмасми?

    1. Mustn’t you work hard?

    2. Must you not to work hard?

    3. Mustn’t you hard work?

    4. Must you not work hardly?

    5. Mustn’t your work hard?

    1. Find the right English translation.

    Наҳотки у (ўғил) спортга қатнашмайди?

    1. Does he not goes in for sport?

    2. Don’t he go in for sport?

    3. Doesn’t he go in for sport?

    4. Didn’t he go in for sport?

    5. Doesn’t he to go in for sport?

    1. Find the right English translation.

    Ахир сиз унга (қиз) қўнғироқ қилмадингизми?

    1. Haven’t you rung her up?

    2. Haven’t you ring her up?

    3. Haven’t you rang her up?

    4. Have you not rung hers up?

    5. Didn’t you ring her up yesterday?

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    ... play the violin?

    A) Can’t he not

    C) Can he not

    B) Can he no

    D) Can not he

    E) He can not

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    Do you know whom ... ?

    A) he is for waiting

    C) for he is waiting

    B) is he waiting for

    D) he isn’t waiting for

    E) he is waiting for

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    A: Can you show me where her office is?

    B: Why?  ?

    1. Have not you been there before

    2. Haven’t you not been there before

    3. Haven’t your been there before

    4. Haven’t you been there before

    5. Have you not being there before

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    A: I’m afraid I won’t be able to give you a lift home.

    B: Why not?  ?

    1. Did you drive not here

    2. Didn’t you drive here

    3. Didn’t you not drive here

    4. Did not you drive here

    5. Didn’t your drive here

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    A: I have left my job at firm.

    B: Why?  ?

    1. Weren’t your happy there

    2. Were not you happy there

    3. Were you not happy there

    4. Weren’t you happy not there

    5. Were you happy not there

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    A: Will you help me look for my purse?

    B: Why?  ?

    1. Can’t you remember where you put it?

    2. Can you not remember where your put it?

    3. Can’t you remember where put you it?

    4. Can’t your remember where you put it?

    5. Can not you remember where you put it?

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    A: Maybe it would be better not to give that vase to Jane for Christmas.

    B: Why not?  ?

    1. Don’t you think she won’t like it

    2. Do not you think she will like it

    3. Don’t you think she will like it

    4. Don’t you think she will not it like

    5. Do your not think she will like it

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    • Don’t you want to help her?

    •  .

    1. No. (=No, I do want it)

    2. Yes. (=Yes, I don’t want it)

    3. Not. (=No, I do want it)

    4. Yes. (=Yes, I do wanting it)

    5. Yes. (=Yes, I do want it)

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    • Don’t you want to help her?

    •  .

    1. Yes. (=Yes, I don’t want it)

    2. No. (=No, I do want it)

    3. No. (=Not, I don’t want it)

    4. No. (=No, I don’t want it)

    5. Yes. (=Yes, I do wanting it)

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

     that she had lost the chance?

    1. Did not she understand

    2. Did she not understand

    3. Didn’t she not understand

    4. Didn’t she to understand

    5. Did she understand not

    1. Find a pair of right synonym.

    1. Why don’t you never support me? or

    Why don’t you ever support me?

    1. Why do you never support me? or

    Why do you ever support me?

    1. Why do never you support me? or

    Why don’t ever you support me?

    1. Why do you never support me? or

    Why don’t you ever support me?

    1. Why do your never support me? or

    Why you don’t ever support me?

    1. Find a pair of right answers.

    You are not working here, are you?

    1. Yes. (=Yes, I am working here) or

    No. (=No, I’m not working here)

    1. Yes. (=Yes, I am not working here) or

    No. (=No, I’m not working here)

    1. Yes. (=Yes, I am working here) or

    No. (=No, I’m working here)

    1. Yes. (=Yes, I amn’t working here) or

    No. (=Not, I’m not working here)

    1. No. (=No, I’m working not here) or

    Yes. (=Yes, I am working here)

    1. Find a pair of right answers.

    1. a) Have you not time left?

    b) Haven’t you got any time left?

    c) Don’t you have any time left?

    1. a) Have you no time left?

    b) Haven’t you got any time left?

    c) Don’t you have any time left?

    1. a) Have you no time left?

    b) Haven’t you got a time left?

    c) Don’t you have any time left?

    1. a) Haven’t you no time left?

    b) Haven’t you got any time left?

    c) Don’t you have time left?

    1. a) Have you no any time left?

    b) Haven’t you got any time left?

    c) Don’t you have any time left?

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    1. Why did not you give back the text-book?

    2. Why didn’t you not give back the text-book?

    3. Why did you not give back the text-book?

    4. Why did your not give back the text-book?

    5. Why did not your give back the text-book?

    1. Find a pair of right synonym.

    1. Have you nowhere to live? or

    Haven’t you got anywhere to live?

    1. Haven’t you nowhere to live? or

    Haven’t you got anywhere to live?

    1. Have you nowhere to live? or

    Have you got anywhere to live?

    1. Have you anywhere to live? or

    Haven’t you got nowhere to live?

    1. Have you anywhere to live? or

    Haven’t you got anywhere to live?

    1. Find a pair of right synonym.

    1. Why no paint the bedroom yourself? or

    Why don’t you paint the bedroom yourself?

    1. Why not paint the bedroom yourself? or

    Why don’t you not paint the bedroom yourself?

    1. Why do not paint the bedroom yourself? or

    Why don’t you paint the bedroom yourself?

    1. Why not to paint the bedroom yourself? or

    Why don’t you paint the bedroom yourself?

    1. Why not paint the bedroom yourself? or

    Why don’t you paint the bedroom yourself?

    1. Find a pair of right synonym.

    1. Why not fetch her what he want? or

    Why don’t we fetch her what he wants?

    1. Why not fetch her what he wants? or

    Why don’t we fetch her what he wants?

    1. Why do not fetch her what he wants? or

    Why don’t we fetch her what he wants?

    1. Why not fetch her what he wants? or

    Why not we fetch her what he wants?

    1. Why not to fetch her what he wants? or

    Why don’t we fetch her what he wants?

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    1. Why did not you say to me that in the first place?

    2. Why didn’t you to say to me that in the first place?

    3. Why didn’t you not say to me that in the first place?

    4. Why didn’t you say to me that in the first place?

    5. Why didn’t your say to me that in the first place?

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    1. Haven’t your finished your homework yet?

    2. Haven’t you finished you homework yet?

    3. Haven’t you finished your homework yet?

    4. Have not you finished your homework yet?

    5. Haven’t you not finished your homework yet?

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    • Didn’t you tell me that your uncle was an explorer?

    •  .

    1. No, he was an astronomer.

    2. Yes, he was an astronomer.

    3. No, he was not an astronomer.

    4. Yes, he was not an astronomer.

    5. Not, he was no an astronomer.

    1. Find a pair of right answers.

    1. Haven’t you got anybody to help you? or Haven’t you got nobody to help you?

    2. Have you got anybody to help you? or Have you got nobody to help you?

    3. Have not you got anybody to help you? or Have you got nobody to help you?

    4. Haven’t you got anybody to help you? or Have you got nobody to help you?

    5. Have you got anybody to help you? or Have you not got nobody to help you?

    1. Choose the appropriate answer.

    • Couldn’t you leave work early?

    •  .

    1. Yes, I have got too much to do.

    2. No, I have not got too much to do.

    3. Yes, I have not got too much to do.

    4. Not, I have got too much to do.

    5. No, I have got too much to do.

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