Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X

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  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

I  for them even if they  a million dollars.

  1. would haven’t worked / paid

  2. wouldn’t work / paid

  3. wouldn’t work / didn’t pay

  4. won’t work / will pay

  5. wouldn’t have worked / paid

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

If the police  , I ... what I  then.

  1. had arrived / don’t know / wouldn’t have done

  2. hadn’t arrived / don’t know / would do

  3. doesn’t arrive / don’t know / will do

  4. hadn’t arrived / didn’t know / wouldn’t have done

  5. hadn’t arrived / don’t know / would have done

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

Kate has lost her purse. She thinks it may be at Barbara’s house.

Kate: I think I left my purse at your house. Have you seen it?

Barbara: No, but I’ll have a look when I get home. If I ... it, I ... you.

  1. find / will phone

  2. found / will phone

  3. had found / would phone

  4. found / would have phoned

  5. find / would phone

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

Ted says: If I ... a wallet in the street, I ... it to the police.

A) find / would take

C) found / would take

B) found / would have taken

D) had found / would take

E) will find / will take

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

He ... you the book if you ... it next week.

  1. would give / had returned

  2. will give / return

  3. will give / will return

  4. would have given / had returned

  5. would give / return

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

If I ... you, I ... his apology, because it’s pointless to carry on being angry.

A) were / would have accept

C) wasn’t / will accept

B) were / wouldn’t accept

D) had been / will accept

E) were / would accept

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

If I ... rich, I ... a private jet.

A) had been / would buy

C) will be / will buy

B) were / would buy

D) were / will buy

E) had been / would have bought

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

Last month Ted was in hospital for an operation. Julia didn’t know this, so she didn’t go to visit him. They met a few days ago. Julia said:

If I ... you were in hospital, I ... to visit you.

  1. had known / would have gone

  2. know / will go

  3. knew / would go

  4. had known / would go

  5. know / would have gone

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

I decided not to go to the party last night. I ... there, if I ... so exhausted. (but I was exhausted)

  1. wouldn’t have gone / hadn’t been

  2. would go / was not

  3. would have gone / hadn’t been

  4. will go / am not

  5. would have gone / had been

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

The scenery was wonderful. If I ... a Polaroid, I ... some photographs (but I didn’t have it)

  1. have had / would have taken

  2. had / would not have taken

  3. have / will take

  4. had / would take

  5. had had / would have taken

  1. Find the right English translation.

Агар ҳозир ёмғир ёғмаётганда эди, биз шаҳар чеккасига борардик.

  1. If it didn’t rain now we would go to the country.

  2. If it weren’t rain now we would go to the country.

  3. If it hadn’t rained now we would have gone to the country.

  4. If it didn’t rain now we will go to the country.

  5. If it isn’t raining now we should go to the country.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Агар биз чипталарга олдиндан буюртма берганимизда эди, ҳозир уларга навбатда турмаган бўлардик.

  1. If we book tickets beforehand we won’t stand in queue now to get them

  2. If we booked tickets beforehand we should stand in queue now to get them

  3. If we had booked tickets beforehand we wouldn’t stand in queue now to get them

  4. If we booked tickets beforehand we wouldn’t have stood in queue now to get them

  5. If we had booked tickets beforehand we shan’t stand in queue now to get them

  1. Find the right English translation.

Агар у машинани эҳтиёткорлик билан бошқарганда эди, бахтсиз ҳодиса рўй бермаган бўларди.

  1. If he had driven the car more carefully, we would not meet with an accident.

  2. If he drives the car more carefully, we would not meet with an accident.

  3. If he drives the car more carefully, we will not meet with an accident.

  4. If he drove the car more carefully, we would not meet with an accident.

  5. If he had driven the car more carefully, we would not have met with an accident.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Агар сен менга мақолани эртага берганингда эди, мен сенга уни шанба куни қайтиб берган бўлардим.

  1. If you give me the article tomorrow, I will give it back to you on Saturday.

  2. If you gave me the article tomorrow, I would give it back to you on Saturday.

  3. If you had given me the article tomorrow, I would have given it back to you on Saturday.

  4. If you gave me the article tomorrow, I would have given it back to you on Saturday.

  5. If you give me the article tomorrow, I would give it back to you on Saturday.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Мен сизга кеча қарзга пул беришим мумкун эди, агар сиз сўраганингизда эди.

  1. I could have lent you some money yesterday if you had asked me for it.

  2. I could lend you some money yesterday if you asked me for it.

  3. I could have lend you some money yesterday if you asked me for it.

  4. I could lend you some money yesterday if you had asked me for it.

  5. I could lent you some money yesterday if you ask me for it.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Агар ёмғир бўлмаганида болалар кеча очиқ ҳавода ухлашган бўларди.

  1. But for the rain the children would sleep in the open air yesterday.

  2. But for the rain the children would have slept in the open air yesterday.

  3. If it didn’t rain the children would sleep in the open air yesterday.

  4. If it hadn’t rained the children would have sleeped in the open air yesterday.

  5. But for the rain the children should have slept in the open air yesterday.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Агар сизнинг ўрнингизда бўлганимда эди мен буни анча олдин қилишга уриниб кўрардим.

  1. In your place, I would make an attempt to do it long ago.

  2. If I were you I would make an attempt to do it long ago.

  3. If I were you I would have made an attempt to do it long ago.

  4. In your place, I will make an attempt to do it long ago.

  5. If I were your, I would have made an attempt to do it long ago.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Агар бу китоб қизиқарли бўлмаса, биз уни ўқимаймиз.

  1. If this book is not interesting we won’t read it.

  2. If this book was not interesting we wouldn’t read it.

  3. If this book is interesting we won’t read it.

  4. If this book had been interesting we would have read it.

  5. If this book won’t be interesting we won’t read it.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Агар сен менга ҳозир ёлғон гапирганингда эди, мен сенга бошқа ҳеч қачон ишонмаган бўлардим.

  1. If you lied to me now I will never believe you in future.

  2. If you lied to me now I wouldn’t never believe you in future.

  3. If you lie to me now I will never believe you in future.

  4. If you lied to me now I would never believe you in future.

  5. If you had lied to me now I would never believe you in future.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Агар сизнинг ўрнингизда бўлганимда эди, мен ўзим унга қўнғироқ қилардим.

  1. If I were you I will ring him up myself.

  2. If I were you I would ring him up myself.

  3. If I were you I would have rung him up myself.

  4. If I were you I would rung him up myself.

  5. If I had been you I would have rung him up myself.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If anyone  , tell them I  at 11.00.

  1. phone / shall be back

  2. will phone / will be back

  3. phones / will be back

  4. phoned / would be back

  5. had phoned / would have been back

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If you really  to learn Italian, you  to spend some time in Italy.

A) wanted / would have needed

C) will want / need

B) want / shall need

D) want / would need

E) want / need

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If I  how difficult the job was, I  it.

  1. had known / would have taken

  2. know / will not take

  3. knew / would have taken

  4. had known / wouldn’t have taken

  5. knew / won’t take

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I  you a lift if it  .

  1. would give / had rained

  2. will give / rains

  3. should have given / had rain

  4. shall give / will rain

  5. will give / rained

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If Bob  so lazy, he  the exam easily.

  1. were / would have passed

  2. were / wouldn’t have passed

  3. weren’t / will have passed

  4. was / would pass

  5. wasn’t / would have passed

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

They  a better hotel if they  a few more kilometres.

  1. could have found / had drove

  2. would have found / would drive

  3. might have found / had driven

  4. could have found / drive

  5. would have find / had driven

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If you  me for a book yesterday, I  it today.

  1. ask / will bring

  2. had asked / would bring

  3. asked / would have brought

  4. asked / would had brought

  5. had asked / would brought

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If I  the wrong decision then I  .

  1. made / apologise

  2. will make / will apologise

  3. had made / shall apologise

  4. make / would apologise

  5. make / would have apologised

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If I  my car here, I  to give you a lift.

  1. had / will offer

  2. have / would offer

  3. had had / would have offered

  4. had / shall offer

  5. had / would offer

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If she  ill, she  to the concert that day.

  1. had / would have gone

  2. is / won’t go

  3. weren’t / would go

  4. wasn’t / wouldn’t go

  5. hadn’t been / would have gone

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

What  you  if you  a fifty million jack-pot?

A) would  do / win

C) will  do / won

B) will do / will win

D) would  have done / won

E) would  do / won

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If I  to Berlin, I  by train (=real conditional; the speaker is thinking of going to Berlin)

  1. went / would travel

  2. had gone / would have travelled

  3. go / will travel

  4. will go / will travel

  5. will go / travel

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If I  to Berlin, I  by train (unreal conditional, the speaker is not thinking of doing so. It might be giving someone advice)

  1. had gone / would have travelled

  2. go / will travel

  3. will go / travel

  4. went / would travel

  5. went / will travel

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If my grandfather  still alive, he  a hundred today.

A) was / will be

C) had been / would have been

B) were / would be

D) is / will be

E) were / will be

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If the doctor  called earlier, she  still  alive today.

  1. were / would  be

  2. were / wouldn’t  be

  3. was / would have  been

  4. weren’t / would  be

  5. had been / would  be

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If I  a more reliable car, I  to Spain rather than fly.

  1. had / will drive

  2. had had / would drive

  3. had / would drive

  4. would have / would drive

  5. have / will have driven

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If you  out earlier, you  so late.

  1. started / would have been

  2. had started / wouldn’t have been

  3. start / won’t have been

  4. started / won’t be

  5. hadn’t started / would have being

  1. Find a pair of right synonyms.

  1. But for Jim’s support, I wouldn’t have got the job. or If it had been for Jim, I wouldn’t have got the job.

  2. But for Jim’s support, I wouldn’t have got the job. or If it hadn’t been for Jim, I wouldn’t have got the job.

  3. But for Jim’s support, I would have got the job. or If it hadn’t been for Jim, I wouldn’t have got the job.

  4. But for Jim’s support, I wouldn’t have got the job. or If it hadn’t been for Jim, I would have got the job.

  5. But for Jim’s support, I wouldn’t have got the job. or If it had been for Jim, I would have got the job.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

We  to Manchester if the weather  better yesterday.

  1. wouldn’t have flown / had been

  2. will fly / is

  3. would have flown / were not

  4. wouldn’t have flown / hadn’t been

  5. would fly / weren’t

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If boss  us to go to Spain on business, we  to Italy for holiday.

  1. hadn’t told / would have gone

  2. told / wouldn’t have gone

  3. hadn’t told / wouldn’t have gone

  4. had told / would have gone

  5. didn’t told / wouldn’t go

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I’m sorry I can’t help you. I  you if I  (but I can’t)

A) would help / couldn’t

C) would help / could

B) help / can

D) will help / will be able to

E) wouldn’t help / could

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If we  a car, we  more. (but we haven’t got a car, so we can’t travel much)

A) have / could have travelled

B) had / can travel

C) have / could travel

D) had had / could have travelled

E) had / could travel

  1. A pair of right answers.

, I will send you a copy.

  1. If you are interested or If you should be interested or You should be interested

  2. If you are interested or If you should be interested or Should you be interested

  3. If you are interested or If you should interested or Should you be interested

  4. If you will be interested or If you should be interested or Should you be interested

  5. If you are interested or If you be should interested or Should you be interested

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If you  your car there,  it and  the key here.

  1. park / lock / leave

  2. will park / lock / leave

  3. park / lock / left

  4. park / will lock / will leave

  5. park / lock / leaved

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If you  your car there now, we  an eye on it.

A) would park / could keep

C) park / could keep

B) parked / could have kept

D) parked / could keep

E) had parked / could keep

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If you  your car there then, the police  it away.

  1. parked / would have towed

  2. had parked / would tow

  3. had parked / would have towed

  4. park / will tow

  5. parked / would tow

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If you  us earlier, we  the necessary steps.

  1. informed / would take

  2. informed / would have taken

  3. inform / would have taken

  4. would inform / would have taken

  5. informed / will take

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

You  the train,  .

  1. will catch / if you don’t hurry or unless you hurry

  2. won’t catch / if you hurry or unless you hurry

  3. won’t catch / if you don’t hurry or unless you don’t hurry

  4. will catch / if you hurry or unless you hurry

  5. won’t catch / if you don’t hurry or unless you hurry

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If I  that wire, I  instantly.

  1. touched / would be killed

  2. touch / would be killed

  3. touched / would have been killed

  4. touched / will be killed

  5. had touched / would have been killed

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

If he  time yesterday, he  the experiment.

  1. had / would complete

  2. had had / would have been completed

  3. had / would have completed

  4. had had / would have completed

  5. had had / would be completed

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