This judgement criterion concerns only generalist organisations and analyses to what extent these organisations have responded to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and have built up HIV/AIDS competence. The evaluators did see a number of interesting and sometimes innovative experiences with external mainstreaming. One has to acknowledge that the sample of organisations visited is biased due to the fact that the evaluators did not randomly select generalist organisations out of the CFA’s portfolio’s but organisations which had been coded by the CFAs as having included relevant HIV/AIDS activities.
19 generalist organisations were visited. All generalist counterparts visited acknowledged the importance of integrating HIV/AIDS into their strategies/programmes and activities, and have responded, in one way or another, to the changing context caused by HIV/AIDS. Several models of HI/AIDS mainstreaming could be identified. The way these counterparts modified their programmes is described in detail under evaluation question 4. The table below gives an overview of how counterparts have integrated HIV/AIDS into their work and to what extent the CFAs have been supportive.
Table 18: Overview of the HIV/AIDS mainstreaming in the programs and activities of the generalist counterparts visited in Zimbabwe, Malawi and South Africa (n=15)